Biological Weapons Act 1974

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Biological Weapons Act 1974
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (Variant 1, 2022).svg
Long title An Act to prohibit the development, production, acquisition and possession of certain biological agents and toxins and of biological weapons.
Citation 1974 c. 6
Introduced by Robert Carr
Territorial extent United Kingdom
Royal assent 8 February 1974
Status: Current legislation
Text of statute as originally enacted
Text of the Biological Weapons Act 1974 as in force today (including any amendments) within the United Kingdom, from

The Biological Weapons Act 1974 (citation 1974 c.6) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, passed during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II on 8 February 1974, with the long title "An Act to prohibit the development, production, acquisition and possession of certain biological agents and toxins and of biological weapons."

The Act makes illegal the development, production, acquisition or retainment of biological weapons, as well as any weapon delivery systems for the deployment of biological weapons. It also forbade the exchange between people of biological weapons and established the prison sentence for committing the crimes mentioned in the Act; a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

The Act extends to anyone within the United Kingdom, or British citizens abroad, however the citizen must be within the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man or any of the British colonies to be arrested for the offense.

It also gives Customs and Excise officers the power to seize biological weapons coming in or out of the United Kingdom, or British citizens in other countries transporting biological weaponry for deportation to the UK.

A fourth section says that anyone may be charged (as with other crimes) with aiding and abetting or conspiring to transport biological weapons.

The Act extends to the entire United Kingdom.

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