calixarenes: Originally macrocyclic compounds capable of assuming a basket (or 'calix') shaped conformation. They are formed from p-hydrocarbyl phenols and formaldehyde. The term now applies to a variety of derivatives by substitution of the hydrocarbon cyclo{oligo(1,3-phenylene)methylene}. [1]
A calixarene is a macrocycle or cyclic oligomer based on a methylene-linked phenols. With hydrophobic cavities that can hold smaller molecules or ions, calixarenes belong to the class of cavitands known in host–guest chemistry. [2]
Calixarene nomenclature is straightforward and involves counting the number of repeating units in the ring and including it in the name. A calix[4]arene has 4 units in the ring and a calix[6]arene has 6. A substituent in the meso position Rb is added to the name with a prefix C- as in C-methylcalix[6]arene [3] The word calixarene is derived from the Greek calix or chalice because this type of molecule resembles a vase (or cup) and from the word arene that refers to the aromatic building block.
Calixarenes are generally produced by condensation of two components: an electron-rich aromatic compound, classically a 4-substituted phenol, and an aldehyde, classically formaldehyde. [4] [5]
Calixarenes can be challenging to synthesize, producing instead complex mixtures of linear and cyclic oligomers. With finely tuned starting materials and reaction conditions, synthesis can also be surprisingly efficient. Calixarenes are sparingly soluble as parent compounds and have high melting points. [8]
Calixarenes are characterised by a three-dimensional basket, cup or bucket shape. In calix[4]arenes the internal volume is around 10 cubic angstroms. Calixarenes are characterised by a wide upper rim and a narrow lower rim and a central annulus. With phenol as a starting material the 4 hydroxyl groups are intrannular on the lower rim. In a resorcin[4]arene 8 hydroxyl groups are placed extraannular on the upper ring. Calixarenes exist in different chemical conformations because rotation around the methylene bridge is not difficult. In calix[4]arene 4 up–down conformations exist: cone (point group C2v,C4v), partial cone Cs, 1,2 alternate C2h and 1,3 alternate D2d. The 4 hydroxyl groups interact by hydrogen bonding and stabilize the cone conformation. This conformation is in dynamic equilibrium with the other conformations. Conformations can be locked in place with proper substituents replacing the hydroxyl groups which increase the rotational barrier. Alternatively placing a bulky substituent on the upper rim also locks a conformation. The calixarene based on p-tert-butyl phenol is also a cone. [9] Calixarenes are structurally related to the pillararenes.
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Calix[4]arene with para-tert-butyl substituents | 3D representation of a cone conformation |
In 1872 Adolf von Baeyer mixed various aldehydes, including formaldehyde, with phenols in a strongly acidic solution. The resultant tars defied characterization; but represented the typical products of a phenol/formaldehyde polymerization. Leo Baekeland discovered that these tars could be cured into a brittle substance which he marketed as "Bakelite". This polymer was the first commercial synthetic plastic.
The success of Bakelite spurred scientific investigations into the chemistry of the phenol/formaldehyde reaction. One result was the discovery made in 1942 by Alois Zinke, that p-alkyl phenols and formaldehyde in a strongly basic solution yield mixtures containing cyclic tetramers. Concomitantly, Joseph Niederl and H. J. Vogel obtained similar cyclic tetramers from the acid-catalyzed reaction of resorcinol and aldehydes such as benzaldehyde. A number of years later, John Cornforth showed that the product from p-tert-butylphenol and formaldehyde is a mixture of the cyclic tetramer and another ambiguous cyclomer. His interest in these compounds was in the tuberculostatic properties of their oxyethylated derivatives.
In the early 1970s C. David Gutsche recognized the calix shape of the cyclic tetramer and thought that it might furnish the structure for building an enzyme xenologue. He initiated a study that lasted for three decades. His attention to these compounds came from acquaintance with the Petrolite company's commercial demulsifiers, made by ethoxylation of the still ambiguous products from p-alkylphenols and formaldehyde. He introduced the name "calixarene": from "calix", the Greek name for a chalice, and "arene" for the presence of aryl groups in the cyclic array. He also determined the structures for the cyclic tetramer, hexamer, and octamer, along with procedures for obtaining these materials in good to excellent yields. He then established procedures for attaching functional groups to both the upper and lower rims and mapped the conformational states of these flexible molecules. Additionally, he proved that the cyclic tetramer can be frozen into a cone conformation, by the addition of measurably large substituents to the lower "rim" of the calix shape.
Concomitant with Gutsche's work was that of the Hermann Kämmerer and Volker Böhmer. They developed methods for the stepwise synthesis of calixarenes. Chemists of University of Parma, Giovanni Andreetti, Rocco Ungaro and Andrea Pochini were the first to resolve X-ray crystallographic images of calixarenes. In the mid 1980s, other investigators joined the field of calixarene chemistry. It has become an important aspect of supramolecular chemistry and attracts the attention of hundreds of scientists around the world. The Niederl cyclic tetramers from resorcinol and aldehydes were studied in detail by Donald J. Cram, who called the derived compounds "cavitands" and "carcerands". An accurate and detailed history of the calixarenes along with extensive discussion of calixarene chemistry can be found in Gutsche's monograph.
Water soluble calixarenes, such as para-sulfontocalix[4]arene, have not only been examined for drug delivery., [10] but also for their potential as pharmaceutical drugs themselves, directly combating disease. [11] Calix[6]arene, for instance, has been shown to inhibit extracellular vesicle biogenesis of extracellular vesicles in pancreatic cancer. In turn, this impairs release of matrix metalloprotease enzymes in the tumor microenvironment, in turn slowing down metastasis of disease. [12] Thus in conjunction with their low toxicity they are considered promising agents for combating oncological disease disease. [13]
Calixarenes are used in commercial applications as sodium selective electrodes for the measurement of sodium levels in blood. Calixarenes also form complexes with cadmium, lead, lanthanides and actinides. Calix[5]arene and the C70 fullerene in p-xylene form a ball-and-socket supramolecular complex. [14] Calixarenes also form exo-calix ammonium salts with aliphatic amines such as piperidine. [15] Derivatives or homologues of calix[4]arene exhibit highly selective binding behavior towards anions (especially halogen anions) with changes in optical properties such as fluorescence. [16]
Calixarenes in general, and more specifically calix[4]arenes have been extensively investigated as platforms for catalysts. Some complexes compounds are active for hydrolytic reactions. [17] [18]
Calixarenes are of interest as enzyme mimetics, components of ion sensitive electrodes or sensors, selective membranes, non-linear optics [19] and in HPLC stationary phases. In addition, in nanotechnology calixarenes are used as negative resist for high-resolution electron beam lithography. [20]
A tetrathia[4]arene is found to mimic some properties of the aquaporin proteins. [21] This calixarene adopts a 1,3-alternate conformation (methoxy groups populate the lower ring) and water is not contained in the basket but grabbed by two opposing tert-butyl groups on the outer rim in a pincer. The nonporous and hydrophobic crystals are soaked in water for 8 hours in which time the calixarene:water ratio nevertheless acquires the value of one.
Calixarenes accelerate reactions taking place inside the concavity by a combination of local concentration effect and polar stabilization of the transition state. An extended resorcin[4]arene cavitand is found to accelerate the reaction rate of a Menshutkin reaction between quinuclidine and butylbromide by a factor of 1600. [22]
In heterocalixarenes the phenolic units are replaced by heterocycles, [23] for instance by furans in calix[n]furanes and by pyridines in calix[n]pyridines. Calixarenes have been used as the macrocycle portion of a rotaxane and two calixarene molecules covalently joined together by the lower rims form carcerands.
In chemistry, an alcohol is a type of organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl functional group bound to a saturated carbon atom. Alcohols range from the simple, like methanol and ethanol, to complex, like sugar alcohols and cholesterol. The presence of an OH group strongly modifies the properties of hydrocarbons, conferring hydrophilic (water-loving) properties. The OH group provides a site at which many reactions can occur.
Aromatic compounds or arenes usually refers to organic compounds "with a chemistry typified by benzene" and "cyclically conjugated." The word "aromatic" originates from the past grouping of molecules based on odor, before their general chemical properties were understood. The current definition of aromatic compounds does not have any relation to their odor. Aromatic compounds are now defined as cyclic compounds satisfying Hückel's Rule. Aromatic compounds have the following general properties:
In organic chemistry, ethers are a class of compounds that contain an ether group—an oxygen atom connected to two organyl groups. They have the general formula R−O−R′, where R and R′ represent organyl groups. Ethers can again be classified into two varieties: if the organyl groups are the same on both sides of the oxygen atom, then it is a simple or symmetrical ether, whereas if they are different, the ethers are called mixed or unsymmetrical ethers. A typical example of the first group is the solvent and anaesthetic diethyl ether, commonly referred to simply as "ether". Ethers are common in organic chemistry and even more prevalent in biochemistry, as they are common linkages in carbohydrates and lignin.
Resorcinol (or resorcin) is a phenolic compound. It is an organic compound with the formula C6H4(OH)2. It is one of three isomeric benzenediols, the 1,3-isomer (or meta-isomer). Resorcinol crystallizes from benzene as colorless needles that are readily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, but insoluble in chloroform and carbon disulfide.
Steric effects arise from the spatial arrangement of atoms. When atoms come close together there is generally a rise in the energy of the molecule. Steric effects are nonbonding interactions that influence the shape (conformation) and reactivity of ions and molecules. Steric effects complement electronic effects, which dictate the shape and reactivity of molecules. Steric repulsive forces between overlapping electron clouds result in structured groupings of molecules stabilized by the way that opposites attract and like charges repel.
In host-guest chemistry, cucurbiturils are macrocyclic molecules made of glycoluril monomers linked by methylene bridges. The oxygen atoms are located along the edges of the band and are tilted inwards, forming a partly enclosed cavity (cavitand). The name is derived from the resemblance of this molecule with a pumpkin of the family of Cucurbitaceae.
Arene substitution patterns are part of organic chemistry IUPAC nomenclature and pinpoint the position of substituents other than hydrogen in relation to each other on an aromatic hydrocarbon.
In chemistry, a cavitand is a container-shaped molecule. The cavity of the cavitand allows it to engage in host–guest chemistry with guest molecules of a complementary shape and size. The original definition proposed by Cram includes many classes of molecules: cyclodextrins, calixarenes, pillararenes and cucurbiturils. However, modern usage in the field of supramolecular chemistry specifically refers to cavitands formed on a resorcinarene scaffold by bridging adjacent phenolic units. The simplest bridging unit is methylene, although dimethylene, trimethylene, benzal, xylyl, pyridyl, 2,3-disubstituted-quinoxaline, o-dinitrobenzyl, dialkylsilylene, and phosphonates are known. Cavitands that have an extended aromatic bridging unit, or an extended cavity containing 3 rows of aromatic rings are referred to as deep-cavity cavitands and have broad applications in host-guest chemistry. These types of cavitands were extensively investigated by Rebek, and Gibb, among others.
The Dakin oxidation (or Dakin reaction) is an organic redox reaction in which an ortho- or para-hydroxylated phenyl aldehyde (2-hydroxybenzaldehyde or 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde) or ketone reacts with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in base to form a benzenediol and a carboxylate. Overall, the carbonyl group is oxidised, whereas the H2O2 is reduced.
In organic chemistry, pyranose is a collective term for saccharides that have a chemical structure that includes a six-membered ring consisting of five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. There may be other carbons external to the ring. The name derives from its similarity to the oxygen heterocycle pyran, but the pyranose ring does not have double bonds. A pyranose in which the anomeric −OH at C(l) has been converted into an OR group is called a pyranoside.
In host–guest chemistry, a carcerand is a host molecule that completely entraps its guest so that it will not escape even at high temperatures. This type of molecule was first described in 1985 by Donald J. Cram and coworkers. The complexes formed by a carcerand with permanently imprisoned guests are called carceplexes.
In chemistry, a resorcinarene is a macrocycle, or a cyclic oligomer, based on the condensation of resorcinol (1,3-dihydroxybenzene) and an aldehyde. Resorcinarenes are a type of calixarene. Other types of resorcinarenes include the related pyrogallolarenes and octahydroxypyridines, derived from pyrogallol and 2,6-dihydroxypyridine, respectively.
A-values are numerical values used in the determination of the most stable orientation of atoms in a molecule, as well as a general representation of steric bulk. A-values are derived from energy measurements of the different cyclohexane conformations of a monosubstituted cyclohexane chemical. Substituents on a cyclohexane ring prefer to reside in the equatorial position to the axial. The difference in Gibbs free energy (ΔG) between the higher energy conformation and the lower energy conformation is the A-value for that particular substituent.
In chemistry, inherent chirality is a property of asymmetry in molecules arising, not from a stereogenic or chiral center, but from a twisting of the molecule in 3-D space. The term was first coined by Volker Boehmer in a 1994 review, to describe the chirality of calixarenes arising from their non-planar structure in 3-D space.
Cyclodiphosphazanes are saturated four membered P2N2 ring systems and one of the major classes of cyclic phosphazene compounds. Bis(chloro)cyclodiphosphazanes, (cis-[ClP(μ-NR)]2) are important starting compounds for synthesizing a variety of cyclodiphosphazane derivatives by nucleophilic substitution reactions; are prepared by reaction of phosphorus trichloride (PCl3) with a primary amine (RNH2) or amine hydrochlorides (RNH3Cl).
Cyclotriveratrylene (CTV) is an organic compound with the formula [C6H2(OCH3)2CH2]3. It is a white solid that is soluble in organic solvents. The compound is a macrocycle and used in host–guest chemistry as a molecular host.
Colin Llewellyn Raston is a Professor of Chemistry of Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia and the Premier's Professorial Fellow in Clean Technology. In 2015, he was awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in "for inventing a chemical recipe to partially un-boil an egg". In 2016, Raston was made an Officer of the Order of Australia for his services to science.
A pyrogallolarene is a macrocycle, or a cyclic oligomer, based on the condensation of pyrogallol (1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene) and an aldehyde. Pyrogallolarenes are a type of calixarene, and a subset of resorcinarenes that are substituted with a hydroxyl at the 2-position.
4-tert-Butylphenol is an organic compound with the formula (CH3)3CC6H4OH. It is one of three isomeric tert-butyl phenols. It is a white solid with a distinct phenolic odor. It dissolves in basic water.
Tetrakis(trimethylphosphine)tungsten(II) trimethylphospinate hydride (W(PMe3)4(η2-CH2PMe2)H) is an air-sensitive organotungsten complex with tungsten in the oxidation state of +2. It is an electron-rich tungsten center is and, thus, prone to oxidation. This bright-yellow complex has been used as a starting retron for some challenging chemistry, such as C-C bond activation, tungsten-chalcogenide multiple bonding, tungsten-tetrel multiple bonding, and desulfurization.