Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame

Last updated
Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame
Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame
EstablishedNovember 1965;59 years ago (1965-11)
Location777 Columbia Street
New Westminster, British Columbia
Coordinates 49°12′05″N122°54′41″W / 49.2015°N 122.9114°W / 49.2015; -122.9114

The Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame is a Canadian lacrosse hall of fame, located in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. The Hall was chartered in 1965 by the Canadian Lacrosse Association, and inducted its first class of hall of famers in the following year.



Induction of new members is made on an annual basis. In 1965, three categories were inaugurated: Field Players, Box Players and Builders. A Veteran category was added in 1997 to preserve the memory of stars of yesteryear, and in 1988, an outstanding Team category was also added. Starting in 2016, the box player and field player categories were merged into the Player category with no distinction made between box and field versions of the sport. [1] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic cancelling the induction dinner that year, the 2020 inductees were inducted into the hall in 2021 along with the 2021 inductees. An Officials category, covering on-floor game officials such as referees, was added for the 2022 induction year. Also added for the 2022 induction process was a National selection committee - to better represent aspects of the sport not previously represented well by the existing Eastern and Western selection committees.

List of Hall of Fame inductees

William George Beers, inducted in 1965. WilliamGeorgeBeers.JPG
William George Beers, inducted in 1965.
Newsy Lalonde, inducted in 1965. E Lalonde.jpg
Newsy Lalonde, inducted in 1965.
Dave Gibbons, inducted in 1965. Dave Gibbons lacrosse.jpg
Dave Gibbons, inducted in 1965.
Henry Hoobin, inducted in 1965. Henry Hoobin.jpg
Henry Hoobin, inducted in 1965.
Alex Turnbull, inducted in 1965. Alex Turnbull.jpg
Alex Turnbull, inducted in 1965.
Angus "Bones" Allen, inducted in 1966. Bones Allen, Vancouver Lacrosse Club.jpg
Angus "Bones" Allen, inducted in 1966.
Fred Wooster, inducted in 1987. Fred Wooster.jpg
Fred Wooster, inducted in 1987.
Harry George Woolley, inducted in 2004. HarryWoolley3.jpg
Harry George Woolley, inducted in 2004.
Stan Cockerton, inducted in 2003. Stan cockerton.jpg
Stan Cockerton, inducted in 2003.
Gary Gait, inducted in 2014. Gary gait crop.jpg
Gary Gait, inducted in 2014.
Induction yearPlayerInducted as
1965 Fred C. Waghorne, Snr. (1866–1956)Builder
1965 Lionel "Big Train" Conacher (1900–1954)Field Player
1965 Édouard "Newsy" Lalonde (1887–1970)Field Player
1965Bill Anthony (1913–1978)Box Player
1965Henry "Hawkeye" BakerBox Player
1965Dr. William George Beers (1843–1900)Builder
1965Alban "Bun" Clark (1883–????)Field Player
1965John "Dot" Crookall (1889–1965)Field Player
1965Dr. W.A DafoeBuilder
1965Alfred "Alfie" DavyBox Player
1965Bill DickinsonBox Player
1965E.J. "Gene" DoppBuilder
1965Jim DouglasBox Player
1965William J. "Billy" Fitzgerald (1888–1926)Field Player
1965David Gibbons (1884–1966)Field Player
1965James "Jimmy" Gifford (1886–1976)Field Player
1965Rudolph Martin "Rudy" Grauer (1890–1972)Builder
1965Norman HarshawField Player
1965 Henry Hoobin (1879–1921)Field Player
1965 Frederick (Fred) J. Hume (1892–1967)Builder
1965Bill Isaacs (1914–1985)Box Player
1965 Con Jones (1869–1929)Builder
1965George Kalls (1884–1958)Field Player
1965M.E.F. "Mike" KelleyBuilder
1965Joe Lally (1863–1956)Builder
1965Edward LongfellowField Player
1965Carl "Gus" Madsen (1915–1961)Box Player
1965Pat MaitlandBuilder
1965George Matheson (1879–1961)Field Player
1965William "Bill" McArthurField Player
1965J.A. "Jim" McConaghyBuilder
1965Jack McDonaldBuilder
1965Dan McKenzieBuilder
1965Bill MorphettBox player
1965Jim MurphyBuilder
1965Ernie MurrayField Player
1965Clarence "Biscuits" Peele (1874–1933)Field Player
1965Harry Pickering (1881–1936)Field Player
1965 Charles Querrie (1877–1950)Field Player
1965 Edward "Ted" Reeve (1902–1983)Field Player
1965George Rennie (1883–1966)Field Player
1965Clifford (Cliff) "Doughy" Spring (1888–1974)Field Player
1965George SprouleField Player
1965 Alex "Dad" Turnbull (1863–1956)Field Player
1965Eric "Rusty" WhiteBox Player
1965Bill WilkesBox Player
1965Bill WilsonBox Player
1965 Lloyd "Moon" Wootton (1927–1989)Box Player
1966Doug Favell (1924–1999)Box Player
1966 Angus Joseph "Bones" Allen (1881–1941)Field Player
1966Ed BayleyBuilder
1966 Patty "Paddy" Brennan (1877–1961)Field Player
1966John Cavallin (1915–2002)Box Player
1966Archie DixonBox Player
1966Ed DowneyBox Player
1966James "Pat" Feeney (1886–1948)Field Player
1966Norm GairBuilder
1966Tom "Sharkey" Gifford (1880–1966)Field Player
1966Bob LeeBox player
1966Ed McDermottBuilder
1966Merv McKenzieBuilder
1966John "Wandy" McMahonBox Player
1966Harry S. "Sport" MurtonField Player
1966Andy Paull (1892–1959)Builder
1966Charles "Chuck" RowanBuilder
1966Gordon "Grumpy" Spring (1889–1949)Builder
1966Gord ThomField Player
1967Ambrose "Ray" Baker (1898–1983)Box player
1967Erwin E. BarnesBuilder
1967Pete Barnett (1886–1965)Field player
1967Stewart "Stew" BeattyField player
1967Albert "Ab" BrownBuilder
1967Joe CheeversBox player
1967Bill CoulterField player
1967John DaleBox player
1967Charles "Chuck" DavidsonBox player
1967Fred JacobBuilder
1967Russell T. KellyBuilder
1967Bert LargeField player
1967Walter "Walt" LeeBox player
1967David "Buck" Marshall (1887–1975)Field player
1967Lionel Edward 'Leo' Nicholson (1894–1947)Builder
1967Edward Powers Snr.Field player
1967Leonard "Len" SmithBuilder
1967Harold "Haddie" Stoddart (1900–1974)Field player
1967Bill WhittakerBox player
1967Jack Wood (d.1997)Field player
1968Frank "Piper" BainField player
1968Clayton "Blackie" BlackBox player
1968Brother Damien [Almer Cooney]Builder
1968Ivan "Turk" DavisBuilder
1968Kelly DeGrayField player
1968Doug FletcherBuilder
1968Don Matheson (1920–1999)Box player
1968Angus "Angie" McDonald (1897–1998)Field player
1968Roy "Pung" MortonBox player
1968Oscar SwansonBuilder
1969 Gordon Gair (1916–2009)Box player
1969 Ross Powless (1926–2003)Box player
1969Jim BishopBuilder
1969Edward Stephen "Ed" BlairBuilder
1969George William Feeney (1895–1975)Field player
1969Arnold "Fergie" FergusonBox player
1969Hugh Wilson Gifford (1892–1966)Field player
1969Leslie "Les" GilmoreBuilder
1969Thomas F. "Tom" GordonBuilder
1969Gerald "Gerry" KendallField player
1970Roy "Fritzie" Cavallin (1919–2011)Box player
1970Albert Grenville "Dutch" DavisField player
1970Mervin E. "Merv" Ferguson (ca.1909–2000)Builder
1970William K. "Bill" FitzgeraldBox player
1970Harry Godfrey (1880–1941)Field player
1970Carl Leonard GrauerBuilder
1970Thomas Blain "Red" McDonaldBox player
1970James Cameron "Jim" MacLeodBuilder
1970Max "Porky" PeartBuilder
1970Fred Robert "Whitey" Severson (1928–2020)Box player
1971 Wilfred "Bucko" McDonald (1914–1991)Box player
1971Blythe O. BrownField player
1971Archie Browning (1927–1989)Box player
1971William George "Bill" CalderBuilder
1971Harry CarterBox player
1971Fred K. ConradiBuilder
1971Robert Lester "Les" DickinsonBuilder
1971Rex StimersBuilder
1971Thure Storme (1894–1975)Field player
1971Edward Douglas "Ed" SullivanField player
1971Walter George "Mush" ThompsonBox player
1971Leonard "Len" Turnbull (1889–1952)Field player
1971John D. "Johnny" VernonField player
1971Harry R. WipperBox player
1972Bradbury, Theodore "Ted"Box player
1972Chisholm, Colin JamesBuilder
1972Felker, NeilField player
1972Friend, GeorgeBuilder
1972James Alexander "Jim" Gunn (1898-1987)Field player
1972 Isaac "Ike" Hildebrand (1927–2006)Box player
1972Landon, Edwin RolandBuilder
1972Mulliss, William Roy "Bill"Box player
1972Northup, Jack EdwinBox player
1972Perrett, Dr. T.S. "Doc"Builder
1973Anderson, Charles "Chick"Builder
1973Bryant, BertBox player
1973Ewing, William "Buck"Field player
1973Fitzgerald, Jerry "Fitz"Box player
1973 Gatecliff, Jack "Gate" Builder
1973Gimple, GordonBox player
1973MacPhail, Don "Scotty"Box player
1973Miller, Douglas "Doug"Builder
1973Phillips, Reg "Pop"Builder
1973Sepka, CliffBox player
1974 Jack Bionda (1933–1999)Box player
1974Allan, BobBox player
1974Ashbee, DonBox player
1974Blanchard, Bernard "Coco"Builder
1974Chisholm, BillBox player
1974Delmonico, Henry Norman "Del"Builder
1974Gore, RoyField player
1974Hope, BillBuilder
1974Pittendrigh, GeorgeBuilder
1974Worthy, JackField player
1975Armstrong, E. Herbert "Herb"Builder
1975Bradford, Bernard "Bo"Box player
1975Jack Byford (d.1996)Box player
1975Campbell, Charles Donald "Donny"Box player
1975Connell, CharlesField player
1975John Douglas (ca.1912-2000)Box player
1975 Moro, Lou Builder
1975Murphy, Walter Joseph "Jumping Joe"Box player
1975Roche, ValBuilder
1975Waghorne Jr., Fred "Wag"Builder
1976Buchanan, HarryBox player
1976Daoust, Arthur "Art"Builder
1976Dixon, KenBox player
1976Johnson, Alexander "Buck"Field player
1976 Stan "Bunny" Joseph (1928–2001)Box player
1976Madgett, CarlBuilder
1976Oliver, Robert "Bob"Builder
1976Wilson Douglass "Willis" Patchell (1893–1973)Field player
1976Jake Proctor (d.1997)Box player
1976Rowland, DouglasBuilder
1976Scott, TommyBox player
1976Fred 'Cliss' StarlingField player
1977Buckingham, DickField player
1977Davis, Jake "Mr. Zero"Field player
1977Dugan, Arnold "Arnie"Box player
1977Ella, GordonField player
1977Mike Gates (d.1999)Box player
1977Hammond, Gord "Pud"Builder
1977Holzberg, NormanBox player
1977Lubbock, JackBuilder
1977Meehan, PeteBox player
1977 Shillington, Stan Builder
1977Smith, Arnold "Onions"Box player
1977Teather, Thomas "Tank"Box player
1978 Kells, Morley Builder
1978Anthony, PeteBox player
1978Barclay, Jack (1934-2013)Box player
1978Davis, William "Bill"Field player
1978Gibson, Harold "Mooney"Field player
1978Harris, BillBox player
1978Johnston, GeordieBox player
1978McKinnon, JackBuilder
1978Smart, WalterBuilder
1978Urquhart, GeorgeBox player
1979Anderson, James D. "Jim"Box player
1979Bartlett, Dr. Wilbert W. "Bert"Builder
1979Coutie, Alexander Edmund "Al"Field player
1979Delmonico, Frederick Irwin "Herby"Box player
1979Evans, E. William "Bill"Builder
1979Gair, JackBox player
1979Henderson, WallyBuilder
1979Kowalyk, NormBuilder
1979Mulliss, Charles James "Jim"Box player
1979Usselman, FredBox player
1980 Baker, Pat Box player
1980Crema, MarioBox player
1980Jack Crosby (1941–2008)Builder
1980Masters, George "Sailor"Box player
1980Naylor, W.A. "Bert"Builder
1980Parnell, PaulBox player
1981Black, Peter JamesBox player
1981Fulton Sr., JackBuilder
1981Hatton, Frederick "Fred"Box player
1981Jones, MelBox player
1981Lomore, Vincent James "Jim"Builder
1981McPherson, AlexanderField player
1982Cervi, John RaphaelBox player
1982Ellison, William "Bill"Builder
1982Fulla, Fred AndrewBox player
1982Mason, John Elliot "Curly"Box player
1982Millar, Daniel William "Dan"Builder
1982Smith, Doug "Smitty"Box player
1983 Joe Comeau (1940–1999)Box player
1983Douglas, RalphBuilder
1983Gillespie, DougBox player
1983Gordon, ClydeField player
1983Hamson, Wilfred "Wilf"Box player
1983Sinclair, Robert J. "Bob"Builder
1984Barron, CharlesField player
1984Budden, Douglas Ashby "Doug"Builder
1984Bullen, GlenField player
1984Davis, JohnBox player
1984Dillon, RanjitBox player
1984Dobbie, Robert "Bob"Box player
1984Fraser, Bill "Red"Field player
1984Frederickson, GordBox player
1984Hawkins, FrankField player
1984Mackie, Charles "Charlie"Builder
1985Armstrong, BillBuilder
1985Barbour, BillBox player
1985Cy Coombes (1938-1999)Box player
1985Goudie, HankField player
1985Gregory, LeoField player
1985Coridon Ashton "Cory" Hess (1880–1948)Field player
1985Kavanagh, "Big" JimField player
1985Lemon, CyBuilder
1985MacKay, SkipBox player
1985McNulty, JimBox player
1986DeMars, William George "Bill"Builder
1986Ferri, NickBox player
1986Goss, WayneBox player
1986McNeill, HectorBuilder
1986Thompson, IvanBox player
1986Thorpe, Robert "Bob"Box player
1987 Fred Wooster (1938–1993)Builder
1987Bradley, BillBox player
1987Caruso, Enrico "Ricco"Builder
1987Howe, TedBox player
1987Harry Kazarian (1925–1990)Box player
1987Salt, BobBox player
1988Allen, JohnBox player
1988Babcock, BobBox player
1988Baragar, BoydBuilder
1988Dorney, JackBox player
1988McGregor, JakeBuilder
1988Nelson, Robert William "Ham"Box player
1989Everett "Ev" Coates, Snr. (1919–2011)Builder
1989Cove, DougBox player
1989Donaldson, WallyBuilder
1989Ferguson, LarryBox player
1989 Leslie D. "Les" Norman (1939–2010)Box player
1989Warick, SidBox player
1990 Gaylord Powless (1946–2001)Box player
1990Hamilton, DonBox player
1990Higgs, JimBox player
1990McRory, DougBox player
1990Meslo, MickeyBuilder
1990Naish, James G.A. "Jim"Builder
1991Alexander, KevinBox player
1991Crawford, Ken "Red"Box player
1991d'Amico, TonyBox player
1991Floyd, BenBuilder
1991Lewthwaite, AlBox player
1991Dorothy Robertson (d.1995)Builder
1992Davis, TerryBox player
1992Engemann, Joe & RoseBuilders
1992MacNeil, RonBox player
1992Marsh, BobBox player
1992Reid, BobBuilder
1992Shuttleworth, WayneBox player
1993d'Easum, SteveBox player
1993Mason, MacBuilder
1993Parsons, KevinBox player
1993 Harry Preston (1931–2004) Builder
1993Smeltzer, LarryBox player
1993Suggate, PaulBox player
1994Doug Hayes (1950–2020)Box player
1994 Grant Heffernan Box player
1994Annie McDonaldBuilder
1994Lou NickleBox player
1994Bill RawsonBox player
1994Mason Sheldrick (d.1999)Builder
1995Don BarrieBuilder
1995Bill CoghillBox player
1995Jim CoxBuilder
1995Dave EvansBox player
1995Dave "Porky" RussellBox player
1995Ken WinzoskiBox player
1996Jim AitchisonBox player
1996Harry BenhamBuilder
1996Nirmal DillonBox player
1996Ken FetherstonBuilder
1996Glen "Shooter" LottonBox player
1996Harry McKnightBuilder
1996Brian ThompsonBox player
1997Derry DaviesBox player
1997Dave DuranteBox player
1997Brian EvansBox player
1997Bob HannaBuilder
1997 Bob "Buff" McCready Box player
1997Gary McIntoshBuilder
1997Harry "Tonto" Smith (Jay Silverheels) (1912–1980)Veteran player
1997William "Whoopee" ArthursVeteran player
1997Judy "Punch" GarlowVeteran player
1997George GrayVeteran player
1997R.G. "Bertie" HoustonVeteran player
1997Harry NewmanVeteran player
1997Douglas "Dougie" RossVeteran player
1997George "Duke" SavageVeteran player
1997William "Stu" ScottVeteran player
1997Donn SherryVeteran player
1998Fred AspinBuilder
1998Jim BradyBuilder
1998Donald "Nip" O'HearnBox player
1998Ron PinderBox player
1998Russ SlaterBox player
1998Earl Robert "Bob" Phelan (1918–1999)Veteran player
1998Arthur PrudenVeteran player
1998George SnowdenVeteran player
1998William "Duke" HarrisonVeteran player
1998Dave TaskerBox player
1998 Caughnawaga 1876–1883 Team
1999Skip ChapmanBox player
1999Bill "Whitey" FrickBuilder
1999Jim "J.J." JohnstonBox player
1999Ted "Ginger" HallVeteran player
1999Alfie WoodVeteran player
1999Bob ParryBuilder
1999Roger "Buck" SmithBox player
1999Brian TaskerBox player
1999Vancouver Carlings 1961–1967Team
2000Alex CareyBox player
2000William "Casey" CookBuilder
2000Kerry GallagherBox player
2000Robert "Bobby" JamiesonBox player
2000Brian "Butch" KeeganBox player
2000Walter "Scotty" MartinVeteran player
2000Irwin "Spud" MorelliVeteran player
2000Dean McLeodBuilder
2000 Oshawa Green Gaels (Junior) 1963–1969Team
2001 Mike French Field player
2001Rod BanisterBox player
2001Oliver "Cap" BomberryBuilder
2001Bob BurkeBox player
2001Eric "Eddie" CowiesonBox player
2001Jim McMahonBox player
2001Frank MadsenVeteran player
2001James BradshawVeteran player
2001John Van OsBuilder
2001Team Canada - Men's Field 1978Team
2002George GoodrichBuilder
2002Ben HieltjesBox player
2002Merv SchweitzerBox player
2002Tom SuccamoreBuilder
2002Wayne ThompsonBox player
2002Bruce WanlessBox player
2002Bill JobbVeteran player
2002Pat SmithVeteran player
2002Peterborough Timbermen/Trailermen 1951–1956Team
2003 Stan Cockerton Field player
2003Ken CroftBox player
2003Geordie DeanBox player
2003Alf BrennerVeteran player
2003Lance Isaacs (d.1937)Veteran player
2003William HuttonBuilder
2003Mike ReelieBox player
2003Gary StevensBox player
2003Bob WassonBox player
2003Jim WassonBox player
2003Les Wingrove (1944-2018)Builder
2003 Canada West (Coquitlam Adanacs) - Nations Cup 1980 Team
2004Tim BarrieBox player
2004Travis CookBox player
2004Bob TaskerBox player
2004Bruce TurrisBox player
2004Lew Landess (1927–2012)Veteran player
2004George "Scoop" HayesVeteran player
2004Bill "Whiz" WallaceBuilder
2004Herbert MartinBuilder
2004 Harry George Woolley (1942–2009)Builder
2004 New Westminster Salmonbellies 1968–1972Team
2005Sohen Gill (1941–2019)Builder
2005Ted HigginsBuilder
2005Ivan StewartBox player
2005James MeredithBox player
2005Elmer TranBox player
2005Don ArthursBox player
2005Ernie SmithVeteran player
2005Clinton "Mick" MageeVeteran player
2005 St. Catharines Athletics 1938Team
2006Rick Richards (1933–2020)Builder
2006Peter VipondBuilder
2006Charn DhillonBox player
2006Wayne ColleyBox player
2006Greg ThomasBox player
2006George KapaskyBox player
2006Mac Tyler (1943–2016)Veteran player
2006George Hector "Hec" MackenzieVeteran player
2006Brooklin Redmen 1985–1991Team
2007Lee "Leeroy" VitarelliBuilder
2007Jim "J.B." BurkeBuilder
2007Paul "Evy" EvansBox player
2007Ernie "Kaheranoron" MitchellBox player
2007Mike SmithBox player
2007Art WebsterBox player
2007Elmer "Milkshake" LeeVeteran player
2007Alex "Bucket" MacKayVeteran player
2007Kerri HardillField player
2007Team Canada - Men's Field 2006Team
2008Bill McBainBuilder
2008Robert Stuart "Ves" VeseyBuilder
2008Todd LorenzBox player
2008Larry BellBox player
2008John Grant, Snr.Box player
2008Gary MooreBox player
2008Ross N. McDonaldVeteran player
2008Alan "Al" FrickVeteran player
2008Gail Cummings-DansonField player
2008 Six Nations Chiefs 1994-1996Team
2009Edwin George "Ted" Fridge (1940–2005)Builder
2009Jack WilsonBuilder
2009Rick BrownBox player
2009Dan PerraultBox player
2009Ken RuttanBox player
2009Darris KilgourBox player
2009Ken OddyVeteran player
2009John T. HewittVeteran player
2009Johnny "Gypsy" MouradianField player
2009Chris Sanderson (1974–2012)Field player
2009Burnaby Cablevision (Junior) 1977–1979Team
2010Robert "Bob" Stewart (1935-2015)Builder
2010Terry LloydBuilder
2010Tyson LeiesBox player
2010Ken ThomasBox player
2010Barry "Paco" MarukBox player
2010John FuscoBox player
2010Ken WebbVeteran player
2010John "Gus" McCauleyVeteran player
2010Ted SawickiField player
2010Peterborough PCOs (Junior) 1972–1975Team
2011Bill "Cass" CastatorVeteran player
2011Dr. Donald HedgesBuilder
2011John HerdBuilder
2011David Huntley (1957–2017)Field player
2011Steve MastineBox player
2011Kenneth Albert MathesonVeteran player
2011Chris PratBox player
2011Victoria Royal Waxmen/SeaSprays 1980–1998Team
2011Bram WilfongBox player
2011Dan WilsonBox player
2012Brampton ABC Excelsiors (Junior) 1956–1959Team
2012Canadian Olympic Gold Medal Team 1928Team
2012R.G. "Bob" CurtisVeteran player
2012Mike GrayBuilder
2012Ron JayVeteran player
2012Derek "Jammer" KeenanBox player
2012Murray LehmanBuilder
2012 Tom Marechek Box player
2012Craig StevensonBox player
2012Tom "Slick" WreggitBox player
2013Bill ArmourVeteran player
2013Ron CrosatoOfficials
2013Doug DeschnerField player
2013 Dallas Eliuk Box player
2013Bill GerrieBox player
2013Larry HenryVeteran player
2013Dwight MaetcheBox player
2013Keith "Mac" McLennanField player
2013 Randy Mearns Box player
2013John "Joey" ToddVeteran player
2013Ron Winterbottom, Snr.Builder
2013 New Westminster Salmonbellies 1958–1959 & 1962Team
2014 Gary Gait Box player
2014 Paul Gait Box player
2014Gil NieuwendykBox player
2014 Andy Ogilvie Box player
2014David GeneralBuilder
2014Harry NightingaleBuilder
2014Reo Jerome (1924–2014)Veteran player
2014Ron Roy (1936–2007)Veteran player
2014BC Women's Selects Field Lacrosse 1983–1993Team
2015Chris GillBox player
2015 Curt Malawsky Box player
2015Tom PatrickBox player
2015 Jim Veltman Box player
2015Jeff GombarField player
2015 Terry Sanderson (1952–2014)Builder
2015Lindsay SandersonBuilder
2015 Chris Hall (1950–2014)Builder
2015Ed GossVeteran player
2015Larry LloydVeteran player
2015Peterborough James Gang (Junior) 1981–1983Team
2016Cam DevinePlayer
2016Russ HeardPlayer
2016Tom Phair, Jnr.Player
2016Don Stinson (1948–2007)Player
2016 Dan Stroup Player
2016Ziggy MusialBuilder
2016Ernie TruantBuilder
2016Zenon LipinskiVeteran player
2016Jim McNeillVeteran player
2017Ken ColleyPlayer
2017 Pat Coyle Player
2017Clinton "Jan" Magee (1952–2017)Player
2017Jim CainBuilder
2017Bob ClevelyBuilder
2017Don Craggs (1933–2015)Veteran player
2017Peterborough Maulers (Junior) 1986–1987 & 1989Team
2018Brian HallPlayer
2018Jim LynchPlayer
2018William Augustus "Bill" SquirePlayer
2018Jason WulderPlayer
2018Ted Howe, Jnr.Builder
2018Dan MattinsonBuilder
2018Jim Squires (1939–1971)Veteran player
2018Burnaby Lakers (Junior) 1996-2007Team
2019Kevin BrunschPlayer
2019Duane JacobsPlayer
2019 Dan Teat Player
2019John WilsonPlayer
2019George “Potsy” BurrowsBuilder
2019Paul Dal MonteBuilder
2019Chuck MillerBuilder
2019Dave WilfongVeteran player
2019Whitby Warriors (Junior) 1984–1985Team
2020 Jamie Batley Player
2020Cam BomberryPlayer
2020Michelle BowyerPlayer
2020Ted DowlingPlayer
2020Paul DayBuilder
2020Joey HarrisBuilder
2020Peter BergeVeteran Player
2020St. Catharines Athletics (Junior) 1990–1991Team
2021 Derek Malawsky Player
2021Eric PerroniPlayer
2021Lyle RobinsonPlayer
2021 Bob Watson Player
2021Pierre FilionBuilder
2021Steve GovettBuilder
2021Chuck LiVeteran Player
2021New Westminster Salmonbellies 1980–1989Team
2022 Rich Catton Player
2022Blane HarrisonPlayer
2022Trish NicholsonPlayer
2022 Josh Sanderson Player
2022Troyhann SantosPlayer
2022 Kaleb Toth Player
2022Rey ComeaultBuilder
2022Douglas LueyBuilder
2022Joanne StangaBuilder
2022Bill FoxOfficials
2023Len PowersVeteran
2023Scott BrowningBuilder
2023Paul GilkinsonBuilder
2023Robert "Bob" MatteBuilder
2023Jim PriceOfficials
2023Frank LawrenceOfficials
2023Rick LumOfficials
2023 Troy Cordingly Player
2023Jennifer "JJ" JohnsonPlayer
2023 Gavin Prout Player
2023 Darren Reisig Player
2023 Team Canada Women U19 (2015) Team

See also

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The Pro Football Hall of Fame is the hall of fame for professional American football, located in Canton, Ohio. Opened on September 7, 1963, the Hall of Fame enshrines exceptional figures in the sport of professional football, including players, coaches, officials, franchise owners, and front-office personnel, almost all of whom made their primary contributions to the game in the National Football League (NFL).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">USA Lacrosse</span>

USA Lacrosse is the national governing body of men and women's lacrosse in the United States. It provides a leadership role in virtually every aspect of the game and has more than 450,000 members throughout the United States, and offers programs and services to inspire participation while protecting the integrity of the sport. The USA Lacrosse national headquarters is located in Sparks, Maryland along with the Lacrosse Museum and National Hall of Fame. In addition, the headquarters campus features the IWLCA Building, Tierney Field and a memorial to the members of the lacrosse community that died in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. USA Lacrosse also oversees the U.S. National Teams, which have won a combined 30 world championships.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Canada's Sports Hall of Fame</span> Sports hall of fame in Alberta, Canada

Canada's Sports Hall of Fame is a Canadian sports hall of fame and museum in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dedicated to the history of sports in Canada, it serves as a hall of fame and museum for accomplished Canadian athletes, and sports builders and officials.

For a professional in the bluegrass music field, election to the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame is the highest honor the genre can bestow. An invitation can be extended to performers, songwriters, promoters, broadcasters, musicians, and executives in recognition of their contributions to the development of bluegrass music worldwide. The hall of fame honor was created in 1991 by the International Bluegrass Music Association and the inductees are honored annually at the International Bluegrass Music Awards ceremony. The Hall's first inductees were Bill Monroe, widely considered as the founder of the genre, and Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, two of bluegrass music's most pioneering and influential artists. The most recent inductees are Katy Daley, Jerry Douglas, and Alan Munde. The Hall itself is maintained at the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum in Owensboro, Kentucky. The institution received its current name in 2007, and was known prior to this as the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Honor.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Australian Football Hall of Fame</span> Professional sports hall of fame

The Australian Football Hall of Fame was established in 1996, the centenary year of the Australian Football League, to help recognise the contributions made to the sport of Australian rules football by players, umpires, media personalities, coaches and administrators. It was initially established with 136 inductees. As of 2024, this figure has grown to more than 300, including 32 "Legends". Jason Dunstall became the most recent inductee to achieve Legend status in 2024. There had previously been 32 official Legends prior to Dunstall's elevation, but disgraced player Barry Cable had his football honours rescinded after being found guilty of historical child sex abuse.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">IIHF Hall of Fame</span> International ice hockey hall of fame

The IIHF Hall of Fame is a hall of fame operated by the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF). It was founded in 1997, and has resided at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto since 1998. Prior to 1997, the IIHF housed exhibits at the International Hockey Hall of Fame in Kingston, Ontario. Inductions are made annually at the medal presentation day of the Ice Hockey World Championships. As of 2025, the IIHF has inducted 261 members.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National College Baseball Hall of Fame</span> Hall of fame for the game of college baseball in the US

The National College Baseball Hall of Fame is an institution operated by the College Baseball Foundation serving as the central point for the study of the history of college baseball in the United States. In partnership with the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library located on the campus of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, the Hall of Fame inducts former collegiate players and coaches who have met selection criteria of distinction. On January 23, 2024, the College Baseball Foundation announced it would open a physical hall of fame in Overland Park, Kansas, in the Museum at Prairiefire.

Millard T. Lang was an American soccer forward and lacrosse player who is a member of both the National Soccer Hall of Fame and the National Lacrosse Hall of Fame.

Joseph H. Deckman was an American businessman and lacrosse player and coach. He was elected to the National Lacrosse Hall of Fame in 1965.

Bill Isaacs was a Mohawk Canadian lacrosse player born near Brantford, Ontario on the Six Nations of the Grand River, the largest reserve of the First Nations. Box lacrosse was big in the 1930s and 1940s and Isaacs was identified as being perhaps its first superstar. He won the O.A.L.A. Senior A scoring title seven years between 1935 and 1942, and was on two Mann Cup winning teams in 1942 and 1948. He ended up prestigious as a standout amongst the most exceptional lacrosse contenders amid the 1930s and 1940s and a hotshot of box lacrosse, the indoor adaptation of the amusement. He won the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Association Senior "A" scoring trophy 7 times in 8 years in the vicinity of 1935 and 1942 and in addition winning the 1938 MVP grant. His career statistics rank him 11th in senior Canadian and professional lacrosse. Former Canadian Football League commissioner Jake Gaudaur described Bill Isaacs as "one of the most outstanding players that ever played the game in the thirties and forties, when lacrosse was a very big sport in Canada." He has been inducted into various Canadian sports hall of fames.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Rugby League Hall of Fame</span> Professional sports hall of fame in New South Wales, Australia

The National Rugby League Hall of Fame was first established as the Australian Rugby League Hall of Fame in 2002, before being reestablished in 2018 in its current form. The hall of fame honours the contributions made to the National Rugby League, Australian Rugby League, Super League and New South Wales Rugby League since 1908 by players, referees, media personalities, coaches and administrators.

Stan Shillington is a Canadian former lacrosse historian, sportswriter and statistician. Throughout his career, Shillington was the scorekeeper for a total of 971 games, including regular season, playoffs, and Mann Cup games. He was inducted into the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame as a builder in 1977.


  1. "Guidelines for nominating a candidate to the Selection Committee of the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame". Retrieved 2008-06-24.