Candidates of the 1921 Western Australian state election

Last updated

The 1921 Western Australian state election was held on 12 March 1921.


Retiring Members



Legislative Assembly

Sitting members are shown in bold text. Successful candidates are highlighted in the relevant colour. Where there is possible confusion, an asterisk (*) is also used.

ElectorateHeld by Labor candidate Nationalist candidate Country candidate National Labor candidateOther candidates
Albany Country Arthur Wansbrough John Scaddan
Avon Country Steven Donovan Tom Harrison Alma McCorry (Ind. Country)
Beverley Country Frank Broun
Boulder Labor Philip Collier James Rogers
Brown Hill-Ivanhoe Labor John Lutey James Reed
Bunbury Nationalist Frederick Withers Griffin Money
Canning Nationalist Alexander Clydesdale Robert Robinson Ada Butler (Independent)
Duncan Munro (Independent)
Claremont Nationalist George Dennis John Thomson*
Karl Drake-Brockman
William Montgomery
William Rolfe
Ada Bromham (Independent)
Collie Labor Arthur Wilson
Coolgardie Labor George Lambert Peter WeddWilliam Faahan (Independent)
Cue Labor Thomas Chesson George Ellemor
East Perth Nationalist Jack Simons Charles Heppingstone
John Hardwick
William Henderson
Thomas Ferguson
Forrest Labor Peter O'Loghlen
Fremantle Labor Walter Jones Frank Gibson*
Joseph Allen
Gascoyne Country George Jones Edward Angelo Edmund Holden (Independent)
Geraldton Labor John Willcock Ebenezer Bartlett
Greenough Country Patrick Moy Henry Maley
Guildford National Labor William Johnson Joseph Davies *
Henry Berry
Hannans Labor Selby Munsie Walter Openshaw
Irwin Country Charles Maley*
William Mitchell
Henry Carson
Frederick Gill
Edward Lang
Henry Carr
William Clarke (Independent)
Kalgoorlie Labor Albert Green Charles CutbushWalter Close John Boyland (Ind. Nationalist)
Kanowna Labor Thomas Walker Frederick Campbell
Katanning Country Washington Mather Alec Thomson
Kimberley Country Charles Cornish Michael Durack William Willesee (Independent)
Leederville Nationalist Harry Millington Lionel Carter*
Fred Gulley
John Selby
John SlocombeHerman Lehmann (Ind. Labor)

See also
