Capitoline Venus

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The Capitoline Venus (Capitoline Museums). Capitoline Venus - Palazzo Nuovo - Musei Capitolini - Rome 2016.jpg
The Capitoline Venus (Capitoline Museums).

The Capitoline Venus is a type of statue of Venus, specifically one of several Venus Pudica (modest Venus) types (others include the Venus de' Medici type), of which several examples exist. The type ultimately derives from the Aphrodite of Cnidus. The Capitoline Venus and her variants are recognisable from the position of the armsstanding after a bath, Venus begins to cover her breasts with her right hand, and her groin with her left hand.


This original of this type (from which the following copies derive) is thought to be a lost 3rd- or 2nd-century BCE variation on Praxiteles' work from Asia Minor, which modifies the Praxitelean tradition by a carnal and voluptuous treatment of the subject and the goddess's modest gesture with both handsrather than only one over the groin, in Praxiteles's original.

Principal example

The Capitoline Venus is a slightly over lifesize [1] marble statue of Venus. It is an Antonine copy of a late Hellenistic sculpture that ultimately derives from Praxiteles (Helbig 1972:128–30).

It was found on the Viminal Hill during the pontificate of Clement X (1670–76) in the gardens belonging to the Stazi near San Vitale. [2] Pope Benedict XIV purchased it from the Stazi family in 1752 and gave it to the Capitoline Museums, [3] where it is housed in a niche of its owncalled "the cabinet of Venus"on the first floor of the Palazzo Nuovo on the Campidoglio.

The statue was on loan to the United States and was shown in the rotunda of the West Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. from June 8 to September 18, 2011. [4]

Its reputation vis-a-vis the Venus de' Medici in Florence grew only slowly, according to Haskell and Penny, fueled in part as a negative sensitivity to extensive restorations began to undermine the Florentine Venus. It was later seized, and relocated to Paris by Napoleon under the terms of the Treaty of Tolentino; the Emperor commissioned a marble replica from Joseph Chinard, now at the Château de Compiègne. When the original was returned to the Capitoline Museums in 1816, [5] the plaster cast that had replaced it during the Napoleonic era was shipped to Britain, where John Flaxman praised it to his students (Haskell and Penny 1981:319).

Other copies

External videos
Capitoline Venus in in Washington, D.C. - 4.jpg
Nuvola apps kaboodle.svg Capitoline Venus, Smarthistory [6]
A 2nd-century copy of a 4th-century BCE original by Praxiteles, at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. NAMA Aphrodite Syracuse.jpg
A 2nd-century copy of a 4th-century BCE original by Praxiteles, at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens.

About 50 copies of Venus Pudica are extant, with most of them displayed in Europe. [6]


  1. 1.93 m (6 ft. 3 ¾ in.).
  2. According to the memoirs of the antiquarian Pietro Santi Bartoli noted in Haskell and Penny 1981:318).
  3. Accession number MC 0409
  4. "National Gallery of Art. "A Masterpiece from the Capitoline Museum, Rome: The Capitoline Venus"". Archived from the original on 2011-06-11. Retrieved 2011-06-22.
  5. Nancy Thomson de Grummond (11 May 2015). Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology. Routledge. pp. 240–241. ISBN   978-1-134-26854-2.
  6. 1 2 "Capitoline Venus". Smarthistory at Khan Academy . Retrieved April 9, 2016.
  7. Illustration, National Archaeological Museum, Athens, gift of M. Embeirikos, 1924, acc. no. 3524; it is sometimes confused with a version of Antonio Canova's Venere Italica completed by Canova on behalf of the British connoisseur Thomas Hope (1769–1831), whose heirs sold it in 1917; Hope's Venus is conserved at the Leeds Art Gallery (Hugh Honour, "Canova's Statues of Venus", The Burlington Magazine, 114 No. 835 (October 1972), pp. 658-671, esp. p. 667).
  8. "Apo tis en troadi afroditis minofantos epoiei"
  9. Christian Hülsen, Le Chiese di Roma nel Medio Evo: S. Gregorii in Clivo Scauri
  10. William Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology [usurped] , (1870) vol. II.1044.
  11. Atsma, Aaron.Of Type Capitoline Venus Theoi Project. Retrieved on May 13, 2008.
  12. Atsma, Aaron. "Tauride Venus". Theoi Project. Retrieved on May 13, 2008.
  13. "Aphrodite: Tauride Venus". State Hermitage Museum. Retrieved on July 5, 2022.
