Chancellorsville Union order of battle

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The following Union Army units and commanders fought in the Battle of Chancellorsville of the American Civil War. The Confederate order of battle is listed separately. Order of battle compiled from the army organization [lower-roman 1] during the battle, [1] [2] the casualty returns, [3] and the reports. [4]


Abbreviations used

Military rank


Army of the Potomac

MG Joseph Hooker

General Staff and Headquarters

General Staff:

General Headquarters:

Command of the Provost-Marshal-General: BG Marsena R. Patrick

Patrick's Brigade: Col William F. Rogers

Engineer Brigade: BG Henry W. Benham

Signal Corps: Cpt Samuel T. Cushing

Ordnance Detachment: Lt John R. Edie, Jr.

Guards and Orderlies:

I Corps

MG John F. Reynolds

Chief of Artillery: Col Charles S. Wainwright


DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
     BG James S. Wadsworth

1st Brigade

   Col Walter Phelps, Jr.

2nd Brigade

   BG Lysander Cutler

3rd Brigade

   BG Gabriel R. Paul

  • 22nd New Jersey: Col Abraham G. Demarest
  • 29th New Jersey: Col William R. Taylor
  • 30th New Jersey: Col John J. Cladek
  • 31st New Jersey: Ltc Robert R. Honeyman
  • 137th Pennsylvania: Col Joseph B. Kiddoo
4th Brigade

   BG Solomon Meredith


   Cpt John A. Reynolds

Second Division
     BG John C. Robinson

1st Brigade

   Col Adrian R. Root

2nd Brigade

   BG Henry Baxter

3rd Brigade

   Col Samuel H. Leonard


   Cpt Dunbar R. Ransom

Third Division
     MG Abner Doubleday

1st Brigade

   BG Thomas A. Rowley

2nd Brigade

   Col Roy Stone


   Maj Ezra W. Matthews

II Corps

MG Darius N. Couch

Chief of Artillery and Assistant Inspector-General: Ltc Charles H. Morgan [lower-roman 3] [5]


DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
IIcorpsbadge1.png [lower-roman 4]
     MG Winfield S. Hancock

1st Brigade

   BG John C. Caldwell

2nd Brigade

   BG Thomas F. Meagher

3rd Brigade

   BG Samuel K. Zook

4th Brigade

   Col John R. Brooke


   Cpt Rufus D. Pettit

Second Division
     BG John Gibbon

1st Brigade

   BG Alfred Sully [lower-roman 5] [6]
   Col Henry W. Hudson [lower-roman 6] [6]
   Col Byron Laflin

2nd Brigade

   BG Joshua T. Owen

3rd Brigade

   Col Norman J. Hall


Third Division
     MG William H. French

1st Brigade

   Col Samuel S. Carroll

2nd Brigade

   BG William Hays (w&c)
   Col Charles J. Powers

3rd Brigade

   Col John D. MacGregor [lower-roman 8] [8]
   Col Charles Albright

Provost Guard
Reserve Artillery

Lt George A. Woodruff [lower-roman 11] [5]

III Corps

MG Daniel Sickles

Chief of Artillery: Cpt George E. Randolph

DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
     BG David B. Birney

1st Brigade

   BG Charles K. Graham [lower-roman 12]
   Col Thomas W. Egan

2nd Brigade

   BG J. H. Hobart Ward

3rd Brigade

   Col Samuel B. Hayman


   Cpt A. Judson Clark

Second Division
     MG Hiram Berry (k)
     BG Joseph B. Carr

1st Brigade

   BG Joseph B. Carr
   Col William E. Blaisdell

2nd Brigade

   BG Joseph W. Revere [lower-roman 15]
   Col J. Egbert Farnum

3rd Brigade

   BG Gershom Mott (w)
   Col William J. Sewell


   Cpt Thomas W. Osborn

  • 1st New York Light, Battery D: Lt George B. Winslow
  • New York Light, 4th Battery: [lower-roman 17] Lt William T. McLean
  • 1st United States, Battery H: Lt Justin E. Dimick (mw), Lt James A. Sanderson
  • 4th United States, Battery K: Lt Francis W. Seeley

Third Division
   BG Amiel W. Whipple (mw)
   BG Charles K. Graham [lower-roman 18]

1st Brigade

   Col Emlen Franklin

2nd Brigade

   Col Samuel M. Bowman

3rd Brigade

   Col Hiram Berdan

Artillery [lower-roman 19]

   Cpt James F. Huntington

V Corps

MG George Meade

Chief of Artillery: Cpt Stephen H. Weed


DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
     BG Charles Griffin

1st Brigade

   BG James Barnes

2nd Brigade

   Col James McQuade [lower-roman 21]
   Col Jacob B. Sweitzer

3rd Brigade

   Col T.B.W. Stockton


   Cpt Augustus P. Martin

Second Division
     MG George Sykes

1st Brigade

   BG Romeyn B. Ayres

2nd Brigade

   Col Sidney Burbank

3rd Brigade

   Col Patrick O'Rorke


   Cpt Stephen H. Weed

Third Division
     BG Andrew A. Humphreys

1st Brigade

   BG Erastus B. Tyler

2nd Brigade

   Col Peter H. Allabach


   Cpt Alanson M. Randol

VI Corps

MG John Sedgwick

Chief of Artillery: Col Charles H. Tompkins

Escort: Maj Hugh H. Janeway

DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
     BG William T. H. Brooks

1st Brigade

   Col Henry W. Brown (w)
   Col William H. Penrose
   Col Samuel L. Buck [lower-roman 25] (w)
   Col William H. Penrose

2nd Brigade

   BG Joseph J. Bartlett

3rd Brigade

   BG David A. Russell


   Maj John A. Tompkins

Provost Guard

Second Division
     BG Albion P. Howe

2nd Brigade

   Col Lewis A. Grant

3rd Brigade

   BG Thomas H. Neill


   Maj J. Watts de Peyster, Jr.

  • New York Light, 1st Battery: Cpt Andrew Cowan
  • 5th United States, Battery F: Lt Leonard Martin

Third Division
     MG John Newton

1st Brigade

   Col Alexander Shaler

2nd Brigade

   Col William H. Browne (w)
   Col Henry L. Eustis

3rd Brigade

   BG Frank Wheaton


   Cpt Jeremiah McCarthy

Light Division
     BG Calvin E. Pratt
     Col Hiram Burnham [9] [10] [lower-roman 28]


XI Corps

MG Oliver O. Howard

Chief of Artillery: Ltc Louis Schirmer


DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
     BG Charles Devens, Jr. (w)
     BG Nathaniel C. McLean

1st Brigade

   Col Leopold von Gilsa

2nd Brigade

   BG Nathaniel C. McLean
   Col John C. Lee

  • New York Light, 13th Battery: Cpt Julius Dieckmann
Provost Guard

Second Division

     BG Adolph Von Steinwehr

1st Brigade

   Col Adolphus Buschbeck

2nd Brigade

   BG Francis C. Barlow

  • 1st New York Light, Battery I: Cpt Michael Wiedrich

Third Division

     MG Carl Schurz

1st Brigade

   BG Alexander Schimmelfennig

2nd Brigade

   Col Wlodzimierz Krzyzanowski

Reserve Artillery

   Ltc Louis Schirmer

XII Corps

MG Henry W. Slocum

Chief of Artillery: Cpt Clermont L. Best

Provost Guard:

DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
     BG Alpheus S. Williams

1st Brigade

   BG Joseph F. Knipe [lower-roman 29]

2nd Brigade

   Col Samuel Ross (w)
   BG Joseph F. Knipe [lower-roman 31]

3rd Brigade

   BG Thomas H. Ruger


   Cpt Robert H. Fitzhugh

  • 1st New York Light, Battery K: Lt Edward L. Bailey
  • 1st New York Light, Battery M: Lt Charles E. Winegar (c), Lt John D Woodbury
  • 4th United States, Battery F: Lt Franklin B. Crosby (k), Lt Edward D. Muhlenberg

Second Division
     BG John W. Geary

1st Brigade

   Col Charles Candy

2nd Brigade

   BG Thomas L. Kane

3rd Brigade

   BG George S. Greene


   Cpt Joseph M. Knap

Cavalry Corps

BG George Stoneman [13] [lower-roman 35] [14]

DivisionBrigadeRegiments and Others

First Division
     BG Alfred Pleasonton [lower-roman 36]

1st Brigade

   Col Benjamin F. Davis

2nd Brigade

   Col Thomas Devin

  • New York Light, 6th Battery: Lt Joseph W. Martin

Second Division
     BG William W. Averell [lower-roman 37] [15]

1st Brigade

   Col Horace B. Sargent

2nd Brigade

   Col John B. McIntosh


Third Division [lower-roman 38] [15]
     BG David McM. Gregg

1st Brigade

   Col H. Judson Kilpatrick [16]

2nd Brigade

   Col Percy Wyndham

Reporting directlyReserve Brigade

   BG John Buford

Horse Artillery

   Cpt James M. Robertson


BG Henry J. Hunt [lower-roman 39]

BrigadeRegiments and Batteries
Artillery Reserve

   Cpt William M. Graham
   BG Robert O. Tyler [17] [lower-roman 40]

Train Guard


  1. Multiple commander names indicate command succession of command during the battle or the campaign.
  2. Assigned to the 5th Battery, Maine Light on May 3, 1863 by Major General Couch (see: Couch's and Morgan's report)
  3. For Assistant Inspector-General see Couch's and Morgan's report.
  4. During the principal operations south of the Rappahannock, Colonel Edward E. Cross had temporary command of a force consisting of the 5th New Hampshire, 88th New York, and 81st Pennsylvania. The Sixty-sixth New York, of the 3rd Brigade, served temporarily with the 1st Brigade.
  5. Relieved May 1, 1863
  6. Relieved May 3, 1863
  7. Turned over command to Lieutenant Colonel Lockwood on account of sickness on May 4, 1863.
  8. Turned over command to Colonel Albright on account of sickness on May 2, 1863.
  9. Not engaged, assigned to special duty as guard to the corps hospital.
  10. Assigned to the 5th Battery, Maine Light on May 3, 1863 by Major General Couch
  11. Mentioned in Morgan's report, but omitted in the order of battle by Sears and the Official Records.
  12. Assigned to command of Third Division May 4, 1863
  13. Left regiment on May 3, 1863 on account of exhaustion (see: Birney's and Collis' report)
  14. assumed command on May 5, 1863 (see: Merrill's report)
  15. Relieved of command May 3, 1863 (see: Sickles', Revere's and Farnum's report)
  16. Turned over command to Lieutenant Colonel Price on account of sickness on May 3, 1863 (see: Francine's and Price's report)
  17. Sears and the Official Records lists Lieutenant George F. Barstow in command, but he is not mentioned in the reports. Barstow appears in Cushing's report with the rank of Major and as Assistant Adjutant General (see: Cushing's and Osborn's report)
  18. Assigned to command of Third Division May 4, 1863
  19. Captain Albert A. Von Puttkammer was absent (see: Huntington's report)
  20. Attached to the 22nd Massachusetts
  21. Injured on May 4, 1863 and turned over the command to Colonel Sweitzer (see: McQuade's report)
  22. Attached to the 16th Michigan
  23. Assumed command May 3, 1863 (see: Hager's report)
  24. Slightly wounded, but remained in command (see: Tyler's report)
  25. Assumed command May 3, 1863. After Colonel Buck was accidentally injured on May 4, 1863 the command devolved again on Colonel Penrose (see: Penrose's report)
  26. Arrested for intoxication
  27. Commanded the regiment while Colonel Seaver acted as General officer of the day during the retreat over the Rappahannock (see: Grant's and Seaver's report)
  28. Assumed command April 30, 1863 after the resignation of Brigadier General Pratt; according to Eicher and Eicher the date of resignation was April 25, 1863)
  29. Assumed also command of the Second Brigade on May 3, 1863 after Colonel Ross was wounded (see: Williams' and Knipe's report)
  30. Turned over command to Major Lane on account of sickness on May 2, 1863 (see: Lane's report)
  31. Assumed also command of the Second Brigade on May 3, 1863 after Colonel Ross was wounded (see: Williams' and Knipe's report)
  32. Injured on May 1, 1863 (see: Beardsley's report)
  33. Assigned to command on May 1, 1863 (see: Randall's report)
  34. Lieutenant Colonel 137th New York; assigned after Major Cook was wounded (see also: Voorhis' report)
  35. The Second and Third Divisions, First Brigade, First Division and the Reserve Brigade, with Battery A, 2nd United States and Batteries B and L, 2nd United States on the Stoneman Raid, April 29-May 7, 1863. Hooker had hoped that the raid would "enable Stoneman to do a land-office business in the interior."
  36. Assumed command of First and Second Divisions, May 4, 1863.
  37. Relieved of command May 4, 1863.
  38. Relieved of command May 4, 1863.
  39. Chief of Artillery to the whole Army.
  40. Assigned May 2, 1863.


  1. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 156–170.
  2. Sears (1996), pp. 453–467, Appendix I.
  3. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 475–492.
  4. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 1161–1169, 1332.
  5. 1 2 3 U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 306–310 - Reports of MGEN Couch, II Corps coomander, 9 & 20 May 1863, pp. 306-308; LTC Morgan,Assistant Inspector General and Chief of Artillery, 14 May 1863, pp. 309-310
  6. 1 2 U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 350–351 - Report of BGEN Gibbon, 2nd Division commander, 7 May 1863, pp. 350-351
  7. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 373–374 - Report of LTC Jonathan H. Lockwood, 7th West Virginia Infantry commander, 10 May 1863, pp. 373-374
  8. 1 2 U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 381–383 - Report of LTC Charles Albright, 132ndth Pennsylvania Infantry commander,commanding Third Brigade, 10 May 1863, pp. 381-383
  9. Eicher, Eicher & Simon (2001), p. 438.
  10. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 166 - Organization of the Army of the Potomac, commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph; Hooker;, May 1–6, 1863, pp. 156-170
  11. 1 2 Cleutz (2010), p. 113.
  12. Cleutz (2010), pp. 113–114.
  13. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/2, pp. 330- Dispatch of MGEN Joseph Hooker to MGEN Butterfield, May 1, 1863
  14. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 1080–1083 - BGEN Gregg, commanding 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, 15 May 1863, pp. 1080-1083
  15. 1 2 U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 1076–1083 - Reports of BGEN Averell, commanding 2nd Division, 7 May 1863 and BGEN Gregg, commanding 3rd Division,, 15 May 1863, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, pp. 076-1083
  16. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 1083–1084 - Report of COL Kilpatrick, commanding 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 13 May 1863, pp. 1083-1084
  17. U.S. War Dept., Official Records, Vol. 25/1, pp. 157 - Organization of the Army of the Potomac, commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph; Hooker, May 1–6, 1863, pp. 156-170

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