Chelishchev family

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Chelishchevy 2-33.png
Volume 2, Sheet 33 of the General Stamp
Part 6 of the Genealogy Book
Excerpt from the General Stamp
The shield is divided perpendicularly into two parts, of which in the right in the black field is the Banner having the Golden shaft, placed on the silver Crescent; the left part is cut horizontally by a line. In the upper part in the blue field is depicted the Cardinal Golden Hat and three golden Lilies near it. In the lower part in the red box are two golden Trumpets and between them on the silver strip are three ostrich Feathers of red color. The shield is crowned with an ordinary noble helmet with a noble crown on it, on the surface of which a lion with a sword is visible. The mantling on the shield is gold, blue and red.
Country Russia
Place of origin Kaluga Governorate, Pskov Governorate

The Chelishchev family is a family of Russian nobility, known from the end of the 15th century.



The surname may come from the Turkic (Kazan–Tatar) nickname Chalysh, which means "oblique". [1] In the 16th and 17th centuries, many of the Chelishchev nobles clearly had Turkic nicknames (such as, for example, Alai, Bulysh, Enaklych, Kulush, Sarmak, etc.), which may indicate an eastern origin. The knowledge of the Turkic languages is also indicated by the fact that in the years 1533–1542 the Chelishchev brothers were constantly sent to the Crimean Khanate for negotiations.

In the eighteenth century, when compiling the Herbovnik, the families of the Chelishchevs, Pantsyrevs and Glazatovs invented a common origin from the Welfs through the fictional "William of Luneburg from the generation of King Otto IV" who allegedly went "to the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich to the Battle of the Neva" and adopted Orthodoxy with the name of Leon. [2] At the same time, Mikhail Brenko, a favorite of Dmitry Donskoy, who laid down his head during the Battle of Kulikovo, was included in the number of ancestors of the Chelishchevs.

Coat of arms description

In the Herbovnik of Anisim Titovich Knyazev of 1785 there is an image of two seals with the arms of representatives of the Chelishchev family:

  1. Coat of arms of the court adviser Efim Petrovich Chelishchev: in the golden field of the shield from the upper edge are two yellow pipes, between them a blue flower on a green stem. Under the shield are two palm branches. The shield is covered with a princely mantle with a noble crown on it.
  2. Coat of arms of the Privy Councilor (1798), Senator (1801), Alexei Bogdanovich Chelishchev: two yellow pipes are depicted in the golden field of the shield. The shield is crowned with a noble helmet with a kleinod on the neck, three ostrich feathers come out of the helmet. On the middle feather, between the two extremes, at a distance from the helmet is a noble crown. The color scheme of basting is not defined. [3]

Service people of the 16th–17th centuries

Boris Fedorovich Chelishchev, in 1498–99, the ambassador of Ivan III to the Crimean Khan Meñli Giray; in 1492, the Lithuanians burned his estate Alexino near Novgorod.

Toropetsk landowners

Descendants of the Chelishchevs evaluate the family tree Chelishch ikedr smotr rodoslovnuiu.JPG
Descendants of the Chelishchevs evaluate the family tree

Osip Ivanovich Postnikov Kulush, landowner of Toropets, governor in Dankov in 1620–21.

Kaluga landowners

Pyotr Semenovich Chelishchev, in 1600–02, the bypass head in Moscow, the grand-nephew of Ilya Mikulych.

Nikita Dmitrievich, second cousin of Pyotr Semyonovich and grand-nephew of Ilya Mikulych.

Metropolitan aristocracy

Portrait of Alexandra Chelishcheva (nee Verigina) from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery Chelisheva by I.Makarov (1850-1860s, GTG).jpg
Portrait of Alexandra Chelishcheva (née Verigina) from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery

Alexander Ivanovich (d. 1821), son of the court adviser Ivan Petrovich, lieutenant general; under Paul I, the chief chief of the Artillery Department of the Military College; Married to Maria Nikolaevna Ogaryova.


  1. Leo Uspensky. You and Your Name. Lower Volga Book Publishing House, 1994
  2. Nikolay Chelishchev. Collection of Materials for the History of the Chelishchevs. Saint Petersburg, 1893
  3. Compiled by Anisim Knyazev. Tombstone of Anisim Titovich Knyazev of 1785. Edition by Sergey Troinitsky, 1912. Editing, Preparation of the Text, Afterword by Oleg Naumov – Moscow. Edition "Old Basmannaya". 2008. Chelishchevs. Page 198. ISBN   978-5-904043-02-5
  4. Born out of wedlock, legalized by decree of 1821
  5. Borovsk: Pages of History (No. 1, 1999) – Maya Dobychina. Mikhail Alexandrovich Chelishchev: Some Pages of Life
  6. Publishing House of Hunting Literature Era – Chelishchevs in the History of Russian Hunting
  7. Publishing House of Hunting Literature Era – Chelishchev Victor Nikolaevich (1870–1952)
  8. "Temple in Honor of the Prophet of God Elijah in the Village of Ilyinsky – Kozelsk and Lyudinovsk Diocese". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2019-10-19.
  9. Optina. The Second Cycle. Optina Graves. Peace of God
  10. Fundamental Electronic Library: Elizaveta Arsenyeva – Sofya Karamzina, April 18, 1841 – 1948 (text)
  11. Borovsk City Site: Krasnoe Village
  12. Larissa Breutman. Petersburg Plots: About the Life of Famous and Not Very Famous People. Centerpolygraph, 2009. Page 385
  13. Andrei Bely writes about him: "a mathematics student, a conservatory student, a composer, tall, slender, thin, able to ridicule on occasion; calling to himself, he knew how to raise the mask of a merry fellow and in conversation touch upon extreme questions: about the meaning of life; and then, sitting down at the piano, play Chopin's ballad; it was a captivator of hearts"
  14. Rybinsk Drama Theater
  15. "Children's Music School No. 1, Rybinsk – Chapter Two. The Role of Sergei Rachmaninov in the Life of Maria Chelishcheva". Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. Retrieved 2019-10-19.
  16. Roses and Thorns for Maria Abuladze
  17. Tula Landowner Made Fedyashevo the Race Capital
  18. We Do Not Lose Heart. Sergey Golitsyn – Notes of the Survivor. Memories of the Gulag
  19. Family Genealogy of their son, Nicholas
