House of Welf

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House of Welf (Guelf, Guelph)
Coat of Arms of Brunswick-Luneburg.svg
Parent house House of Este (agnatic)
Elder House of Welf (cognatic)
Country Germany, Italy, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Founded8th century
Founder Welf I, Duke of Bavaria
Final ruler Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick
Estate(s)Brunswick & Hanover
Deposition1918 (in Germany)
Cadet branches House of Hanover
The possessions of the Welfs in the days of Henry the Lion Guelf c12.jpg
The possessions of the Welfs in the days of Henry the Lion

The House of Welf (also Guelf or Guelph [1] ) is a European dynasty that has included many German and British monarchs from the 11th to 20th century and Emperor Ivan VI of Russia in the 18th century. The originally Franconian family from the Meuse-Moselle area was closely related to the imperial family of the Carolingians.



The (Younger) House of Welf is the older branch of the House of Este, a dynasty whose earliest known members lived in Veneto and Lombardy in the late 9th/early 10th century, sometimes called Welf-Este. The first member was Welf I, Duke of Bavaria, also known as Welf IV. He inherited the property of the Elder House of Welf when his maternal uncle Welf III, Duke of Carinthia and Verona, the last male Welf of the Elder House, died in 1055.

Welf IV was the son of Welf III's sister Kunigunde of Altdorf and her husband Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan. In 1070, Welf IV became Duke of Bavaria.

Welf II, Duke of Bavaria married Countess Matilda of Tuscany, who died childless and left him her possessions, including Tuscany, Ferrara, Modena, Mantua, and Reggio, which played a role in the Investiture Controversy. Since the Welf dynasty sided with the Pope in this controversy, partisans of the Pope came to be known in Italy as Guelphs (Guelfi).

The first genealogy of the Welfs is the Genealogia Welforum , composed shortly before 1126. A much more detailed history of the dynasty, the Historia Welforum , was composed around 1170. It is the earliest history of a noble house in Germany.

Bavaria and Saxony

Henry IX, Duke of Bavaria, from 1120 to 1126, was the first of the three dukes of the Welf dynasty called Henry. His wife Wulfhild was the heiress of the house of Billung, possessing the territory around Lüneburg in Lower Saxony. Their son, Henry the Proud, was the son-in-law and heir of Lothair II, Holy Roman Emperor and became also Duke of Saxony on Lothair's death.

Lothair left his territory around Brunswick, inherited from his mother of the Brunonids, to his daughter Gertrud. Her husband Henry the Proud became then the favoured candidate in the imperial election against Conrad III of the Hohenstaufen. Henry lost the election, as the other princes feared his power and temperament, and was dispossessed of his duchies by Conrad III.

Henry's brother Welf VI (1115–1191), Margrave of Tuscany, later left his Swabian territories around Ravensburg, the original possessions of the Elder House of Welf, to his nephew Emperor Frederick I, and thus to the House of Hohenstaufen.

The next duke of the Welf dynasty Henry the Lion (1129/1131–1195) recovered his father's two duchies, Saxony in 1142, Bavaria in 1156 and thus ruled vast parts of Germany. In 1168 he married Matilda (1156–1189), the daughter of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine, and sister of Richard I of England, gaining ever more influence. His first cousin, Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, tried to get along with him, but when Henry refused to assist him once more in an Italian war campaign, conflict became inevitable.

Dispossessed of his duchies after the Battle of Legnano in 1176 by Emperor Frederick I and the other princes of the German Empire eager to claim parts of his vast territories, he was exiled to the court of his father-in-law Henry II in Normandy in 1180. He returned to Germany three years later.

Henry made his peace with the Hohenstaufen Emperor in 1185 and returned to his much diminished lands around Brunswick without recovering his two duchies. Bavaria had been given to Otto I, Duke of Bavaria, and the Duchy of Saxony was divided between the Archbishop of Cologne, the House of Ascania and others. Diminished lands did not prevent him from imprisoning Richard I on his return from the Third Crusade, and demanding a huge ransom in 1193. Henry died at Brunswick in 1195.

Brunswick and Hanover

Henry the Lion's son, Otto of Brunswick, was elected King of the Romans and crowned Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV after years of further conflicts with the Hohenstaufen emperors. He incurred the wrath of Pope Innocent III and was excommunicated in 1215. Otto was forced to abdicate the imperial throne by the Hohenstaufen Frederick II. [2] He was the only Welf to become Holy Roman Emperor.

Coat-of-arms of the Duchy of Brunswick-Luneburg Brunswijk wapen.svg
Coat-of-arms of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg

Henry the Lion's grandson Otto the Child became duke of a part of Saxony in 1235, the new Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg, and died there in 1252. The duchy was divided several times during the High Middle Ages amongst various lines of the House of Welf. The subordinate states had the legal status of principalities within the duchy, which remained as an undivided imperial fief. Each state was generally named after the ruler's residence, e.g., the rulers of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel originally lived in Wolfenbüttel.

Whenever a branch of the family died out in the male line, the territory was given to another line, as the duchy remained enfeoffed to the family as a whole rather than its individual members. All members of the House of Welf, male or female, bore the title Duke/Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg in addition to the style of the subordinate principality. [3] By 1705, the subordinate principalities had taken their final form as the Electorate of Hanover and the Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, and these would become the Kingdom of Hanover and the Duchy of Brunswick after the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel

In 1269 the Principality of Brunswick was formed following the first division of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg. In 1432, as a result of increasing tensions with the townsfolk of Brunswick, the Brunswick Line moved their residence to Wolfenbüttel Castle, thus the name Wolfenbüttel became the unofficial name of this principality. With Ivan VI of Russia the Brunswick line even had a short intermezzo on the Russian imperial throne in 1740. Not until 1754 was the residence moved back to Brunswick, into the new Brunswick Palace. In 1814 the principality became the Duchy of Brunswick, ruled by the senior branch of the House of Welf.

Principality of Calenberg – later Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg

Coat of Arms of the Electorate of Brunswick-Luneburg (1708) Coat of Arms of George I Louis, Elector of Hanover (1708-1714).svg
Coat of Arms of the Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1708)

In 1432 the estates gained by the Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel between the Deister and Leine split away as the Principality of Calenberg. In 1495 it was expanded around Göttingen and in 1584 went back to the Wolfenbüttel Line. In 1634, as a result of inheritance distributions, it went to the House of Luneburg residing at Celle Castle. In 1635 it was given to George, younger brother of Prince Ernest II of Lüneburg, who chose Hanover as his residence.

New territory was added in 1665, and in 1705 the Principality of Luneburg was taken over by the Hanoverians. In 1692 Duke Ernest Augustus from the Calenberg-Hanover Line acquired the right to be a prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire as the Prince-Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg. Colloquially the Electorate was known as the Electorate of Hanover. In 1814 it was succeeded by the Kingdom of Hanover.

British succession

Religion-driven politics placed Ernest Augustus's wife Sophia of the Palatinate in the line of succession to the British crown by the Act of Settlement 1701, written to ensure a Protestant succession to the thrones of Scotland and England at a time when anti-Catholic sentiment ran high in much of Northern Europe and Great Britain. Sophia died shortly before her first cousin once removed, Anne, Queen of Great Britain, the last sovereign of the House of Stuart.

Sophia's son George I succeeded Queen Anne and formed a personal union from 1714 between the British crown and the Electorate of Hanover, which lasted until well after the end of the Napoleonic Wars more than a century later, through the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and the rise of a new successor kingdom. The British royal family became known as the House of Hanover.

Kingdom of Hanover

The "Electorate of Hanover" (the core duchy) was enlarged with the addition of other lands and became the Kingdom of Hanover in 1814 at the Congress of Vienna. During the first half of the nineteenth century, the Kingdom was ruled as personal union by the British crown from its creation under George III of the United Kingdom, the last elector of Hanover until the death of William IV in 1837.

At that point, the crown of Hanover went to William's younger brother, Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale under the Salic law requiring the next male heir to inherit, whereas the British throne was inherited by an elder brother's only daughter, Queen Victoria. Her offspring belong to the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: in 1917 the name was changed to the House of Windsor.

The Kingdom of Hanover was lost in 1866 by Ernest Augustus's son George V of Hanover, Austria's ally during the Austro-Prussian War, when it was annexed by Prussia after Austria's defeat and became the Prussian province of Hanover. The Welfs went into exile at Gmunden, Austria, where they built Cumberland Castle .

Brunswick succession

Coat-of-arms of the Duchy of Brunswick Coat of Arms of the Duchy of Brunswick.svg
Coat-of-arms of the Duchy of Brunswick

The senior line of the dynasty had ruled the much smaller principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, created the sovereign Duchy of Brunswick in 1814. This line became extinct in 1884. Although the Duchy should have been inherited by the Duke of Cumberland, son of the last king of Hanover, Prussian suspicions of his loyalty led the duchy's throne to remain vacant until 1913, when the Duke of Cumberland's son, Ernst August, married the daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II and was allowed to inherit it. His rule there was short-lived, as the monarchy came to an end following the First World War in 1918.

The Welf dynasty continues to exist. The last member sitting on a European throne was Frederica of Hanover, Queen of Greece († 1981), mother of Queen Sofia of Spain and King Constantine II of Greece. Frederica's brother Prince George William of Hanover married Princess Sophie of Greece and Denmark, sister of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The House's head is Queen Frederica's nephew Ernst August, the third and present husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco.

Rulers of the House of Welf

House of Welf

Partitions under Welf rule

County of Altdorf
County of Auxerre
Raised to:
Kingdom of
Upper Burgundy

Annexed to the
Holy Roman
of the Rhine

Lordship of Lüneburg
Raised to:
Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Annexed to
House of
(1st creation)
(1st creation)
(2nd creation)
Lüneburg under
Ascanian rule

(2nd creation)
(1st creation)
(3rd creation)
(4th creation)
      (annexed Grubenhagen 1617)
(2nd creation)
Hanover in 1692
Electorate of Hanover
Annexed by
Annexed by Prussia

Table of rulers

RulerBornReignDeathRuling partConsortNotes
Elder House of Welf
Welf (I) Wgt Stifterbuchlein 10r.jpg 760c.800-825825County of Altdorf Hedwig of Bavaria
four children
Eponymous founder of the family
Conrad I the Elder ?825-864864County of Altdorf Adelaide of Tours
three children
Welf I ?864-876876County of Altdorf Unknown
at least one child
Conrad II the Younger ?864-876876 County of Auxerre Waldrada of Worms
one child
Eticho Wgt Stifterbuchlein 13r.jpg c.850876-911c.911County of Altdorf Egila
three children
Rudolf I 859876-91125 October 911 County of Auxerre
(until 888)

Kingdom of Upper Burgundy
(from 888)
Guilla of Provence
four children
First King of Burgundy, from 888.
Henry (I) of the
Golden Chariot
Wgt Stifterbuchlein 14v.jpg c.880911-935c.935County of Altdorf Atha of Hohenwart
three children
Rudolf II 11 July 880911-93711 July 937Kingdom of Upper Burgundy Bertha of Swabia
two children
Also King of Italy (922-926).
Rudolf I c.910935-950c.950County of Altdorf Siburgis
at least one child
Conrad III the Peaceful 925937-99319 October 993Kingdom of Upper Burgundy Adelaide of Bellay
one child

Matilda of France
four children
Rudolf II Wgt Stifterbuchlein 18v.jpg c.940950-990c.990County of Altdorf Ita of Öhningen
three children
Henry (II) Wgt Stifterbuchlein 20r.jpg c.960990-100015 November 1000County of Altdorf UnmarriedLeft no descendants. He was succeeded by his brother.
Rudolf III the Pious 970993-10326 September 1032Kingdom of Upper Burgundy Agiltrude
no children

Ermengarde of Burgundy
28 June 1011
no children
After his childless death, the Kingdom was annexed by the Holy Roman Empire.
Welf II Wgt Stifterbuchlein 21v.jpg c.9601000-103010 March 1030County of Altdorf Imiza of Luxembourg
two children
Welf III Wgt Stifterbuchlein 23r.jpg 10071030-105513 November 1055County of Altdorf UnmarriedAlso Duke of Carinthia. Left no descendants, and the lands passed to his nephews, sons of his sister Kunigunde.
Younger House of Welf
Welf IV Wgt Stifterbuchlein 25v.jpg c.1035/401055-11016 November 1101County of Altdorf Ethelinde of Northeim
no children

Judith of Flanders
three children
Son of Kunigunde of Altdorf and Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan, inherited his maternal family's possessions. Also Duke of Bavaria (1070-1077 and 1096-1101).
Welf V the Fat Wgt Stifterbuchlein 27r.jpg 10721101-112024 September 1120County of Altdorf Matilda of Tuscany
no children
Left no children, and the county went to his brother. Also Duke of Bavaria.
Henry (III) the Black Wgt Stifterbuchlein 28v.jpg 10751120-112613 December 1126County of Altdorf Wulfhilde of Saxony
eight children
Inherited by marriage possessions in the Luneburg, to the north.
Welf VI Wgt Stifterbuchlein 38r.jpg 11151126-119115 December 1191County of Altdorf Uta of Schauenburg
two children
Children of Henry the Black, Welf VI and Henry the Proud divided their inheritance: Welf VI kept the original possessions to the south, and Henry the northern ones, besides inheriting his father's title of Duke of Bavaria (1136-38), and conquering also the title of Duke of Saxony (1137-1139) inherited from their mother. Welf VI would also go on to become Margrave of Tuscany and Duke of Spoleto (1152-1160 and 1167-1173).

In 1129, after Henry the Proud's defeat against Lothair III, Holy Roman Emperor, his sister Sophia was given a seat at Regensburg. [4]

From c.1150 until his death in 1167, Welf VI's son, Welf VII, was associated to his father, but predeceased him. After Welf VI's death, Altdorf was annexed to the Holy Roman Empire.

Henry (I) the Proud Wgt Stifterbuchlein 33v.jpg 11081126-113920 October 1139Lordship of Lüneburg Gertrude of Süpplingenburg
one child
Sophia Wgt Stifterbuchlein 31r.jpg 11051129-11451145County of Altdorf
(at Regensburg)
Berthold III, Duke of Zähringen
no children

Leopold, Margrave of Styria
four children
Welf VII Wgt Stifterbuchlein 41r.jpg 1135c.1150-116712 September 1167County of Altdorf Unmarried
Regency of Gertrude of Süpplingenburg (1139-1142)Inherited Brunswick from his mother after her death in 1143. Also Duke of Saxony (1142-1180) and Duke of Bavaria (1156-1180). When Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, became king of Germany, he restored Bavaria to the Welf line.
Henry (II) the Lion Henry the Lion (cropped).jpg 1129/311139-11956 August 1195Lordship of Lüneburg Clementia of Zähringen
three children

Matilda of England
five children
Henry (III) the Elder Wgt Stifterbuchlein 36r.jpg 11731195-1213

28 April 1227Lordship of Lüneburg

County Palatine of the Rhine
Agnes of Hohenstaufen
three children

Agnes of Landsberg
no children
Inherited the land jointly until 1213, when after William's death, they resigned this possessions in favor that William's son, the inheritor of the Luneburg property. Henry was Count Palatine of the Rhine (1195-1213), and Otto was Holy Roman Emperor (1212-1218).
Otto Otto IV 1836.jpg 11751195-121319 May 1218Lordship of Lüneburg

Beatrice of Swabia
no children

Maria of Brabant
19 May 1214
no children

William Longsword William of Winchester.jpg 11 April 11841195-121312 December 1213Lordship of Lüneburg Helena of Denmark
one child
Henry (IV) the Younger 11961212-121426 April 1214 County Palatine of the Rhine UnmarriedAfter his death the Palatinate was inherited by the House of Wittelsbach, to which his sister Agnes had married.
Regency of Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor (1213-1218)He was raised to Duke and recognised as such in 1235, by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Otto I the Child
12041213–12529 June 1252Brunswick-Lüneburg Matilda of Brandenburg
ten children
Albert I the Tall Herzog Albrecht I.jpg 12361252-127915 August 1279 Brunswick
(in Brunswick-Lüneburg until 1269)
Elisabeth of Brabant
no children

Alexia of Montferrat
seven children
Children of Otto I, they shared rule of the land until 1269. Albert became Prince of Brunswick and John a Prince of Luneburg.
John 12421252-127713 December 1277 Lüneburg
(in Brunswick-Lüneburg until 1269)
Liutgard of Holstein-Itzehoe
five children
All Welf lines continued to bear the title "Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg" between the division of 1269 and the end of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806. This was an additional title to the representation of their actual territorial lordship. However, as this is a list of rulers, the list goes beyond the use of the title, going through all generations until the end of the noble family representation in the land, in 1918.
Regencies of Albert I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1277-1279) and Conrad of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Prince-Bishop of Verden (1277-1282)His rule was marked by several feuds, financed by pledges (Verpfändungen), involving border and property disputes with his neighbours. Otto restricted the rights of the knights and safeguarded public order.
Otto II the Strict
Bomann-Museum Skulptur Otto II. der Strenge, Herzog zu Braunschweig und Luneburg, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg 1277-1330, mit von der Schmalstieg-GmbH restauriertem Schloss Celle.jpg
12661277-133010 April 1330 Lüneburg Matilda of Bavaria
five children
Henry I the Admirable August 12671279–13227 September 1322 Grubenhagen
(until 1291 in Brunswick)
Agnes of Meissen
sixteen children
Children of Albert I, ruled jointly. In 1291 divided the land: Henry received Grubenhagen, William Wolfenbüttel and Albert Göttingen. William died without descendants, and Albert reunited his land with his brother's. Wolfenbüttel became part of Göttingen.
William I 12701279-129230 September 1292 Wolfenbüttel
(until 1291 in Brunswick)
Elisabeth of Hesse
no children
Albert II the Fat 12681279-131822 September 1318 Göttingen
(until 1291 in Brunswick)
Rixa of Werle
ten children
Otto (I) the Mild Otto der Milde.jpg 24 June 12921318–134430 August 1344 Göttingen Judith of Hesse
no children

Agnes of Brandenburg-Salzwedel
no children
Sons of Albert II, ruled jointly. After Otto's death Magnus and Ernest divided the land: Magnus received Wolfenbüttel and Ernest Göttingen.
Ernest I 13051318–136724 April 1367 Göttingen Elizabeth of Hesse
three children
Magnus I the Pious 13041318–13441369 Göttingen Sophia of Brandenburg-Stendal
eight children
1344-1369 Wolfenbüttel
Henry II Before 12961322–1351After 1351 Grubenhagen Jutta of Brandenburg-Stendal
four children

Helvis of Ibelin
six children
Sons of Henry I, ruled jointly.
Ernest I 12971322–13619 March 1361 Grubenhagen Adelheid of Everstein-Polle
June 1335
nine children
William 12981322–13601360 Grubenhagen Unmarried
John I Before 12961322–1325After 1367 Grubenhagen Unmarried
Otto III 12961330–135219 August 1352 Lüneburg Matilda of Mecklenburg
three children
Sons of Otto II, ruled jointly. After Otto's death in 1352, William ruled alone. His death without descendants precipitated the Lüneburg War of Succession in 1370.
William II the Elder Wilhelmvonbraunschweiglueneburg(gest.1369).jpg c.13001330–136923 November 1369 Lüneburg Hedwig of Ravensberg
7 April 1328
one child

After 1387
one child

Sophia of Anhalt-Bernburg
12 March 1346
no children

Agnes of Saxe-Lauenburg
no children
Albert I c.13391361–13831383 Grubenhagen Agnes of Brunswick-Lüneburg
one child
Sons of Ernest I, ruled jointly. John II abdicated 1364 to join the clergy and Albert became sole ruler.
John II c.13391361–136418 January 1401 Grubenhagen Adelheid of Everstein-Polle
June 1335
nine children
Frederick I 13501361–14211421 Grubenhagen
(at Osterode)
Adelaide of Anhalt-Zerbst
(d. before 1421)
one child
Otto (II) the Evil Otto der Quade 001.JPG 13301367–139413 November 1394 Göttingen Margarethe of Jülich-Berg
two children
Magnus II of the Necklace (Torquatus) Magnustorquatus gesamt.jpg 13041369–137325 July 1373 Wolfenbüttel
(with Lüneburg)
Katherine of Anhalt-Bernburg
eight children
Inherited Wolfenbüttel from his father. However, the Lüneburg War of Succession allowed his succession also in this duchy. However, the War of Succession brought, after his death, the dukes of Saxe-Wittenberg to the government.
After the death of Magnus II with the Necklace, a treaty (the Reconciliation of Hanover) was agreed between the widow of Magnus II and her sons and the claimers, Albert of Saxe-Wittenberg and his uncle Duke Wenceslaus I of Saxe-Wittenberg: the estates of the Principality were to pay homage both to the Welfs and to the Ascanians, and the two noble houses would govern the state alternately. Initially, the land would be given to the two Ascanians from Wittenberg, and after their death it would go to the sons of the fallen Duke Magnus II.

After their death, rule of the Principality was to revert to the Ascanians. In order to underpin the agreement, in 1374 Albert of Saxe-Lüneburg married Catharina, the widow of Magnus II. The treaty also envisaged the creation of a statutory body representing the estates, which was to supervise the treaty. However, 1373–1388 would be the only period in which a Brunswick-Luneburg land was not ruled by a Welf:

In the wake of his death, Elector Wenceslas appointed Bernard, his brother-in-law, as co-regent involved him in the government. But his younger brother Henry did not agree with this ruling, and after vain attempts to reach an agreement, the fight flared up again in the spring of 1388. Elector Wenceslas had to assemble an army without the help of Bernard, supported by the town of Lüneburg. From Winsen an der Aller, he wanted to attack Celle, which was held by Henry and his mother. During the preparations Elector Wenceslas fell seriously ill and died shortly thereafter. According to legend, he was poisoned.

Lüneburg continued the preparations, formed an alliance with the Bishop of Minden and Count of Schaumburg and set up his own army. On 28 May 1388, battle was joined at Winsen an der Aller; it ended in victory for Henry. According to the provisions of the Treaty of Hanover from the year 1373, after the death of Wensceslas, the Principality passed to the House of Welf. In 1389, an inheritance agreement between the Welfs and the Ascanians was concluded, the treaty of 1374 was abolished, and the Principality was secured for the Welfs.

Frederick I 13571373–14005 June 1400 Wolfenbüttel Anna of Saxe-Wittenberg
two children
Children of Magnus II. As the eldest, Frederick inherited Wolfenbuttel alone, while his younger brothers held Luneburg sinceits recovery in 1388. After Frederick I's childless death in 1400, the remaining brothers exchanged feuds until 1428.
Henry (I) the Mild Heinrichvonbraunschweiglueneburg(gest.1416).jpg 13551388–141614 October 1416 Lüneburg Sophia of Pomerania
11 November 1388
two children

Margaret of Hesse
30 January 1409
one child
1400-1409 Wolfenbüttel
Bernard I BernhardIvonbraunschweig-luneburg.jpg between 1358 and 13641388–1409

11 June 1434 Lüneburg Margaret of Saxe-Wittenberg
three children
1409-1428 Wolfenbüttel
Regency of Frederick I, Duke of Brunswick-Osterode (1383-1401)
Eric I the Winner c.13831383–142728 May 1427 Grubenhagen Elisabeth of Brunswick-Göttingen
six children
Otto (III) the One-Eyed 13801394–14636 February 1463 Göttingen Agnes of Hesse
one child
With no male heirs, after his death Göttingen is absorbed by Calenberg.
William (III & I) the Victorious Wilhelmdersiegreiche.jpg 13921416–142825 July 1482 Lüneburg Cecilia of Brandenburg
30 May/6 June 1423
two children

Matilda of Holstein-Pinneberg
one child
Sons of Henry the Mild, ruled jointly. In 1428 they exchanged, with their uncle Bernard I, Lüneburg for Wolfenbüttel. In 1432 founded the Principality of Calenberg, a split-off from Lüneburg, and left the remaining Wolfenbüttel to his brother Henry IV. After the latter's death William took his lands. In 1463, attached the Principality of Göttingen to Calenberg. In 1473, William also annexed Wolfenbüttel.
1428–1432 Wolfenbüttel
1432–1482 Calenberg
(with Göttingen from 1463,
and Wolfenbüttel from 1473)
Henry (II) the Peaceful 14111416–14287 December 1473 Lüneburg Helena of Clèves
one child
1428-1473 Wolfenbüttel
Otto II 13961421-14521452 Grubenhagen
(at Osterode)
Schonetta of Nassau-Weilburg
one child
After his death, Osterode returned to Grubenhagen.
Regency of Otto II, Duke of Brunswick-Osterode (1427-1440)Sons of Eric I, were under regency until 1440, when they divided Grubenhagen. Henry kept Heldenburg Castle, and Albert Herzberg Castle, but kept the joint rule at Osterode am Harz and Einbeck. Ernest didn't participate in the division, and abdicated in 1464, to become a canon in Halberstadt.
Henry III 14161427–146420 December 1464 Grubenhagen
(at Heldenburg from 1440)
Margaret of Żagań
before 27 June 1457
two children
Albert II 1 November 14191427–148515 August 1485 Grubenhagen
(at Herzberg)
Elisabeth of Waldeck
15 October 1471
two children
Ernest II 14181427–14661466 Grubenhagen Unmarried
Otto IV the Lame Otto the Lame.jpg ?1434–14461446 Lüneburg Elisabeth of Eberstein
one child
Ruled jointly. Their rule was marked by major building work to Celle Castle and also by numerous reforms which improved the legal situation of farmers vis-a-vis their local lords. Frederick abdicated to his sons and went to a monastery, but after the death of his son Otto, he left the monastery and resumed his rule.
Frederick II the Pious Friedrichderfromme.jpg 14181434–1457

19 March 1478 Lüneburg Magdalene of Brandenburg
3 July 1429
three children
Otto V the Magnanimous OttoIIBraunschwLuneburg.JPG 14391457–14719 January 1471 Lüneburg Anne of Nassau-Siegen
25 September 1467
two children
Children of Frederick II, ruled jointly. Bernard was also Prince-Bishop of Hildesheim.
Bernard II 41 Bernhard II.jpg 14371457–14641464 Lüneburg Matilda of Holstein-Pinneberg
no children
Regency of Albert II, Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (1464-1479)With his uncle Albert, officialized the division of Grubenhagen. However, his death without descendants allowed his cousins (sons of Albert) to reunite Grubenhagen.
Henry IV 14601464–15266 December 1526 Grubenhagen
(at Heldenburg)
Elisabeth of Saxe-Lauenburg
26 August 1494
no children
Regency of Anne of Nassau-Siegen (1478-1486)Son of Otto V. As he opposed to the newly elected Emperor Charles V, the latter deposed him from the duchy and gave it to his sons.
Henry (III) the Middle HeinrichBraunschweigLuneburg.JPG 15 September 14681478–152019 February 1532 Lüneburg Margaret of Saxony
27 February 1487
seven children

Anna von Camp
no children
Frederick III the Turbulent 14241482–14857 July 1503 Calenberg Anna of Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Einbeck
After 1460
no children

Margaret of Rietberg
10 May 1483
no children
Imprisoned by his brother William, who took his place.
William (IV & II) the Younger Vilhelm den Yngre og Elisabet til Stolberg.JPG 14251482–14857 July 1503 Wolfenbüttel Elizabeth of Stolberg-Wernigerode
three children
Inherited Wolfenbüttel from his father. Joined Calenberg to his domains in 1485, when he imprisoned his brother. Abdicated to his sons in 1491.
1485–1491 Calenberg
(with Wolfenbüttel)
Philip I PhilippvonBraunschweigGrubenhagen.JPG 14761485–15514 September 1551 Grubenhagen
(at Herzberg; from 1526 all Grubenhagen)
before 1509
one child

Catherine of Mansfeld-Vorderort
nine children
Son of Albert V, in 1526 reunited Grubenhagen under his hands.
Eric I the Elder Erik I, 1470-1549, hertig av Braunscweig-Calenberg - Nationalmuseum - 32848.tif 16 February 14701491-154030 July 1540 Calenberg Katharina of Saxony
no children

Elisabeth of Brandenburg
7 July 1525
four children
Sons of William V, ruled jointly. In 1494, they divided their lands. Henry retained Wolfenbüttel and Eric retained Calenberg.
Henry (IV) the Elder 14 June 14631491–149423 June 1514 Calenberg Catherine of Pomerania-Wolgast
nine children
1494–1514 Wolfenbüttel
Henry (V) the Younger Heinrich II. (der Jungere) 1489-1568 01.jpg 10 November 14891514–156811 June 1568 Wolfenbüttel Maria of Württemberg
eight children

Sophia of Poland
22/25 February 1556
no children
He was the last Catholic of his family. Under him the medieval fortress (Burg) was rebuilt into a castle (Schloss); he was a passionate opponent of the Lutherans, and driving force behind the Catholic alliance established against the Schmalkaldic League; the disinheritance of a third son could not be carried out.
Otto (VI & I) Ottovonharburg.jpg 24 August 14951520–154911 August 1549 Lüneburg
(from 1527 in Harburg)
Meta von Camp
no children
Sons of Henry VII, ruled jointly. Otto abdicated in 1527 and founded his own estate, the Lordship of Harburg, which passed to his own descendants. Ernest was a champion of the Protestant cause during the early years of the Protestant Reformation. Francis started his co-rulership in 1536, and abdicated three years later to rule in his own estate, the Principality of Gifhorn, which was reannexed to Lüneburg after his death as he left no descendants.
Ernest I the Confessor Lucas Cranach d.A. (Werkst.) - Ernst der Bekenner, Herzog von Braunschweig-Luneburg-Celle.jpg 27 June 14971520–154611 January 1546 Lüneburg Sophia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
2 June 1528
seven children
Francis Herzog Franz Gifhorn Zeichnung.jpg 23 November 15081536–153923 November 1549 Lüneburg Clara of Saxe-Lauenburg
29 September 1547
Amt Neuhaus
seven children
Regencies of Elisabeth of Brandenburg and Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse (1540-1545)During his regency, his mother implemented the Reformation in Calenberg. She also wrote a "government manual" for Eric, with important advice that should serve him as a guide. Left no descendants, and Calenberg was annexed to Wolfenbüttel.
Eric II Eric II of Brunswick-Luneburg (1528-1584), Duke of Calenberg-Gottingen.jpg 10 August 15281540–158417 November 1584 Calenberg Sidonie of Saxony
17 May 1545
Hann. Münden
no children

Dorothea of Lorraine
26 November 1575
no children
Council of Regency (1546–1555)Left no descendants. The land passed to his brothers.
Francis Otto Franzottobraunschweiglueneburg.jpg 20 June 15301546–155929 April 1559 Lüneburg Elizabeth Magdalene of Brandenburg
no children
Otto II 25 September 15281549-160326 October 1603 Lüneburg
(in Harburg)
Margaret of Schwarzburg-Leutenberg
8 September 1551
four children

Hedwig of East Frisia
8 October 1562
twelve children
Ernest III Ernest III de Brunswick-Grubenhagen 04110.JPG 17 December 15181551–15672 April 1567 Grubenhagen Margaret of Pomerania-Wolgast
9 October 1547
one child
Left no male descendants. The land passed to his brother Wolfgang.
Henry (VI) 15331559–159819 January 1598 Lüneburg
(from 1569 in Dannenberg)
Ursula of Saxe-Lauenburg
seven children
Brothers of Francis Otto, ruled jointly. In 1569 Henry founded the duchy of Dannenberg, which left to his own descendants. William ruled alone from 1569.
William V the Younger Wilhelmderjungere.jpg 4 July 15351559–159220 August 1592 Lüneburg Dorothea of Denmark
12 October 1561
fifteen children
Wolfgang 6 April 15311567–159514 May 1595 Grubenhagen Dorothea of Saxe-Lauenburg
10 December 1570
Osterode am Harz
no children
Like most of his predecessors, he had financial problems, so he was often forced to sell or pledge major parts of his possession and he had to demand high taxes. As he left no male descendants, the land passed to his brother Philip.
Julius Herzog Julius Wolfenbuttel.jpg 29 June 15281568–15893 May 1589 Wolfenbüttel Hedwig of Brandenburg
25 February 1560
eleven children
In 1584 absorbes the Principality of Calenberg. By embracing the Protestant Reformation, establishing the University of Helmstedt, and introducing a series of administrative reforms, Julius was one of the most important Brunswick dukes in the early modern era.
Ernest II Herzog Ernst II Braunschweig-Lueneburg.JPG 31 December 15641592–16112 March 1611 Lüneburg UnmarriedLeft no descendants. The land passed to his brother, Christian.
Henry Julius Heinrich Julius Braunschweig MATEO.jpg 15 October 15641589–161330 July 1613 Wolfenbüttel Dorothea of Saxony
26 September 1585
one child

Elizabeth of Denmark
19 April 1590
ten children
In 1596 occupied Grubenhagen.
Philip II 2 May 15331595–15964 April 1596 Grubenhagen Clara of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
1 July 1560
no children
As he left no male descendants, the land had no heir and was occupied by the Principality of Wolfenbüttel.
Grubenhagen annexed to Wolfenbüttel, and then definitely to Lüneburg
Julius Ernest 11 March 15711598-163626 October 1636 Lüneburg
(at Dannenberg)
Maria of East Frisia
1 September 1614
two children

Sybille of Brunswick-Lüneburg
two children
Left no descendants. The short-lived Dannenberg principality reverted to Lüneburg.
William Augustus WilhelmAugustBraunschweigHarburg.jpg 15 March 15641603-164230 March 1642 Lüneburg
(in Harburg)
UnmarriedSons of Otto II, ruled together in Harburg. After William Augustus' death, the lordship reunited with Lüneburg.
Otto III OttoIIIBraunschweigHarburg.JPG 20 March 15721603-16414 August 1641 Lüneburg
(in Harburg)
Hedwig of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
14 April 1621
no children
Christopher 21 August 15701603-16067 July 1606 Lüneburg
(in Harburg)
Elisabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
28 October 1604
no children
Regency of Elizabeth of Denmark (1616-1622)Children of Henry Julius. Frederick Ulirch inheriteed the major duchy, and Sophie Hedwig a seat at Spiegelberg. Because of his alcoholism, Frederick Ulrich was deposed by his own mother, with the help of her brother, Christian IV of Denmark. She took the regency in his name. During her regency, Elizabeth lost in 1617 the Principality of Grubenhagen and left the government business for Anton von Streithorst, who nearly ruined the state by minting coins from cheap metals and thus causing inflation. Because of the bad situation of the state, the king of Denmark had Frederick take control of the government again. Frederick didn't leave descendants, and his lands passed to collateral lines of the Lüneburg Welfs.
Frederick Ulrich Arolsen Klebeband 01 225 2.jpg 5 April 15911613–163411 August 1634 Wolfenbüttel Anna Sophia of Brandenburg
4 September 1614
no children
Sophia Hedwig Sophia Hedwig van Brunswijk-Wolfenbuttel, gravin van Nassau-Dietz.jpg 13 June 15921613–164213 January 1642 Wolfenbüttel
(at Spiegelberg)
Ernest Casimir I, Count of Nassau-Dietz
8 June 1607
two children
Christian the Elder Christianderalterevonbraunschweig-luneburg.jpg 9 November 15661611-16338 November 1633 Lüneburg
(with Grubenhagen from 1617)
UnmarriedAbsorbed Grubenhagen from Wolfenbüttel. As he left no descendants, the land passed to his brother, Augustus. Grubenhagen is definitively annexed to Lüneburg.
Augustus the Elder Augustderalterevonbraunschweigluneburger(gest.1636).jpg 18 November 15681633–16361 October 1636 Lüneburg (and Grubenhagen)UnmarriedNo legitimate issue. The land passed to his brother, Frederick IV.
George Georg (Braunschweig-Calenberg) Residenzmuseum Celle.JPG 17 February 15821634–16412 April 1641 Calenberg Anne Eleonore of Hesse-Darmstadt
14 December 1617
eight children
Younger son of William VI. Inherited Calenberg from his cousin Frederick Ulrich, who had left no descendants. Abdicated to his son in 1641.
Augustus the Younger August d.J..jpg 10 April 15791634–166617 September 1666 Wolfenbüttel Clara Maria of Pomerania-Barth
13 December 1607
two children

Dorothea of Anhalt-Zerbst
26 October 1623
five children

Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg
two children
Younger son of Henry (VI). Inherited Wolfenbüttel from his cousin Frederick Ulrich, who had left no descendants. In 1643 he moved into the Residence at Wolfenbüttel, was the founder of a barock theatre and the Bibliotheca Augusta.
Frederick IV Friedrich IV. Braunschweig-Luneburg (1574-1648).jpg 28 August 15741636–164810 December 1648 Lüneburg UnmarriedAs he left no descendants, the land passed to a nephew, Christian Louis, son of Frederick's brother George.
Christian Louis ChristianLudwig(1622-1665).jpg 25 February 16221641–164815 March 1665 Calenberg Sophia Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg
9 October 1653
no children
In 1648 inherited the Principality of Lüneburg from his uncle Frederick IV, he gave Calenberg to his younger brother George William, and instead ruled the larger territory of Lüneburg.
1648-1665 Lüneburg
George William Georg Wilhelm (Braunschweig-Luneburg)@Residenzmuseum Celle20160708 05.jpg 26 January 16241648–166528 August 1705 Calenberg Éléonore Desmier d'Olbreuse
one child
When his brother, Christian Louis died childless in 1665, George William inherited Luneburg. He then gave Calenberg to his next brother, John Frederick. At his death without male descendants, the land passed to his son-in-law, the Elector of Hanover. Lüneburg is annexed to Hanover.
1665-1705 Lüneburg
Lüneburg definitely annexed to Hanôver
Rudolf Augustus RudolphAugust by HansHinrichRundt.jpg 16 May 16271666–170426 January 1704 Wolfenbüttel Christiane Elizabeth of Barby-Mühlingen
three children

Rosine Elisabeth Menthe
no children
Sons of Augustus II, the eldest two ruled jointly from 1685 to 1702. The youngest, Ferdinand Albert, ruled from the town of Bevern. According to reports dating to 1677, Rudolf Augustus slashed a way through the Lechlum Forest, the Alten Weg ("Old Way"), later the "Barock Road" between the Lustschloss of Antoinettenruh via the little barock castle [later the Sternhaus] to the Großes Weghaus at Stöckheim; in 1671 captured the town and fortress of Brunswick. After the death of Rudolf Augustus, Anthony Ulrich returned to the throne and ruled alone. A politician, art lover and poet, he founded a museum named after him in Brunswick; he had also Salzdahlum Castle built.
Anthony Ulrich Christoph Bernhard Francke - Herzog Anton Ulrich von Braunschweig (1633-1714).jpg 4 October 16331685-1702

27 March 1714 Wolfenbüttel Elizabeth Juliana of Schleswig-Holstein-Sønderburg-Nordborg
17 August 1656
thirteen children
Ferdinand Albert I FerdinandAlbrechtIBraunschweig.jpg 22 May 16361666-168723 April 1687 Wolfenbüttel
(at Bevern)
Christine of Hesse-Eschwege
25 November 1667
six children
John Frederick Johann Hulsmann - Joh Friedrich Herzog von Braunschweig-Luneberg-Kalenburg - 1675.jpg 25 April 16251665–167918 December 1679 Calenberg Benedicta Henrietta of the Palatinate
30 November 1668
three children
Brother of Christian Louis and George William. As he left no male heirs, the land passed to his younger brother, Ernest Augustus.
Ernest Augustus I Celle Schloss Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover 01.JPG 20 November 16291679–169223 January 1698 Calenberg Sophia of the Palatinate
30 September 1658
seven children
Youngest son of George. Brother of Christian Louis, George William and John Frederick. In 1692, he was appointed Prince-elector by Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, thus raising the House of Welf to electoral dignity. The old Principality of Calenberg thus adopted the new name of Electorate of Hanover.
1692-1698 Electorate of Hanover
George I Louis King George I by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt (3).jpg 28 May 16601698–170511 June 1727 Electorate of Hanover Sophia Dorothea of Brunswick-Lüneburg
22 November 1682
(annulled 1694)
two children
The electorship became effective under his rule. In 1705 reunited his father-in-law's princedom of Lüneburg to the Electorate. In 1714 was chosen for King of Great Britain, starting a personal union between Hanover and this new country. Lüneburg was definitely annexed to the Electorate. Thus the Wolfenbüttel was the remaining old land of Brunswick-Lüneburg that remained separate.
Augustus William Augustus William, duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel.jpg 8 March 16621714–173123 March 1731 Wolfenbüttel Christine Sophie of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
no children

Sophie Amalie of Holstein-Gottorp
no children

Elisabeth Sophie Marie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderborg-Norburg
no children
Son of Anthony Ulrich. Ruler of the only land that was still not in Hanoverian lands, to which it would never belong.
George II Augustus George II by Thomas Hudson.jpg 30 October / 9 November 1683 O.S./N.S. 1727–176025 October 1760 Electorate of Hanover Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach
22 August / 2 September 1705 O.S./N.S.
ten children
In personal union with Great Britain.
Louis Rudolph Louis Rudolph duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel.jpg 22 July 16711731–17351 March 1735 Wolfenbüttel Christine Louise of Oettingen-Oettingen
22 April 1690
three children
Left no male heirs, and his land passed to a collateral line.
Ferdinand Albert II Ferdinand Albrecht II Braunschweig.jpg 29 May 16801687-1735

2 September 1735 Wolfenbüttel
(in Bevern)

Antoinette Amalie of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
15 October 1712
thirteen children
From the line of Brunswick-Bevern. Grandson of Augustus II.
Charles I Karl I. von Braunschweig.jpg 1 August 17131735–177326 March 1780 Wolfenbüttel Philippine Charlotte of Prussia
2 June 1733
thirteen children
Founder of the Collegium Carolinum in Brunswick, the porcelain makers of Fürstenberg, the fire office; in 1753 the Residence was moved to Brunswick.
George III William Frederick Allan Ramsay - King George III in coronation robes - Google Art Project.jpg 4 June 17381760-181129 January 1820 Electorate of Hanover Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
8 September 1761
fifteen children
In personal union with Great Britain.
Charles II William Ferdinand BraunschweigLKWF.jpg 9 October 17351773–180610 November 1806 Wolfenbüttel Augusta of Great Britain
16 January 1764
seven children
Due to financial problems, was obliged to replace his father. He was the head of the Prussian Army; died in the Battle of Jena; because his son and heir died young, and two other sons were not eligible, rule passed to his youngest son.
With the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, the title of Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg ceased to exist. However, its successor states continued.
Frederick William the Black Duke Herzog Friedrich Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Oels, der Schwarze Herzog.jpg 9 October 17711806–1807

16 June 1815 Wolfenbüttel

Marie Elisabeth Wilhelmine of Baden
1 November 1802
three children
Duke of Oels/Silesia, the "Black Duke"; recruited a Freikorps (volunteer corps), the Black Brunswickers, at the outbreak of the War of the Fifth Coalition in Bohemia in 1809, and made his way via Brunswick to the North Sea and then on to Great Britain.
On the Eve of Napoleonic era, in 1807 the Duchy was briefly annexed to the Kingdom of France, to appear again in 1813 as Duchy of Brunswick.
George IV Augustus Frederick George IV 1821 color.jpg 12 August 17621811–183026 June 1830 Electorate of Hanover
(until 1814)
Kingdom of Hanover
(from 1814)
Caroline Amelia Elizabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
8 April 1795
one child
In personal union with the United Kingdom. Named regent of his father due to his illness, succeeding him after his death in 1820. Left no male descendants. The land passed to his brother.
Regency of George IV of the United Kingdom (1815-1823)On the eve of the July Revolution of 1830, Charles was in Paris, and did not manage to keep the duchy for himself; his brother William took over with the agreement of the people and his international neighbours.
Charles II KarlvonBraunschweig.jpg 30 October 18041815–183018 August 1873 Brunswick Unmarried
William Henry William IV crop.jpg 21 August 17651830–183720 June 1837 Kingdom of Hanover Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen
13 July 1818
four children
In personal union with the United Kingdom. Usually numbered IV as King of Hanover and the United Kingdom. As he left only illegitimate descendants, the land passed to his brother.
William WillemBrunswijk.jpg 25 April 18061830–188418 October 1884 Brunswick UnmarriedBrother of Charles II.
Victoria Queen Victoria 1843.jpg 24 May 18191837–1901 22 January 1901 United Kingdom Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
10 February 1840
St James's Palace
nine children
End of personal union with the United Kingdom, as in this country the successor in 1837 was Queen Victoria (in Hanover the Salic Law was still active).
Ernest Augustus Ernest Augustus I of Hanover.PNG 5 June 17711837–185118 November 1851 Kingdom of Hanover Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
29 May 1815
three children
George V Frederick GeorgeVHannover.jpg 27 May 18191851–186612 June 1878 Kingdom of Hanover Marie of Saxe-Altenburg (I)
18 February 1843
three children
He was the last king of Hanover, as his reign ended with the Unification of Germany.
Hanôver annexed to the German Empire
Regencies of Prince Albert of Prussia (1885-1906) and Duke John Albert of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1906-1913)His regency came to an end on 1 November 1913 when Ernest Augustus, Crown Prince of Hanover's son, was permitted to ascend to Duchy following his marriage to Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia. In 1918, with the abolition of the monarchy, all nobles titles were equally abolished.
Ernest Augustus Ernstaugusthannover.jpg 17 November 18871913–191830 January 1953 Brunswick Victoria Louise of Prussia
24 May 1913
five children

Family trees

Welf family tree 12th century

Staufen dynasty.JPG

Welf family tree 18th century to present

Some direct ancestors (fathers and sons) of the present generation are:

See also

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  1. Jones, B. (2013). Dictionary of World Biography. Canberra, Australia: Australian National University. p. 356. ISBN   9781922144492.
  2. Canduci, pg. 294
  3. Riedesel, Friedrich Adolf (1868). von Eelking, Max (ed.). Memoirs, and Letters and Journals, of Major General Riedesel During His Residence in America. Vol. 1. Translated by Stone, William L. Albany: J. Munsell. p. 29. I remain ever, Your affectionate Charles, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg. Brunswick, February 14, 1776. To Colonel Riedesel.
  4. "Sophia von Bayern. In: Genealogie Mittelalter: Mittelalterliche Genealogie im Deutschen Reich bis zum Ende der Staufer" . Retrieved 2016-04-27.