Collimonas pratensis

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Collimonas pratensis
Scientific classification
C. pratensis
Binomial name
Collimonas pratensis
Hoppener-Ogawa et al., 2008 [1]
Type strain
CCUG 54728, CTO 91, de Boer Ter91, LMG 23965, strain P24, Ter91, Vandamme R-22721 [2] [3]

Collimonas pratensis is a bacterium in the Oxalobacteraceae family which was isolated with Collimonas arenae from seminatural grassland soils in the Netherlands. [1] C. pratensis grows in meadow soils. [4]

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  1. 1 2 Höppener-Ogawa, S; De Boer, W; Leveau, J. H; Van Veen, J. A; De Brandt, E; Vanlaere, E; Sutton, H; Dare, D. J; Vandamme, P (Feb 2008). "Collimonas arenae sp. nov. and Collimonas pratensis sp. nov., isolated from (semi-)natural grassland soils". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 58 (2): 414–419. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.65375-0 . PMID   18218941.
  2. "CCUG 54728T - Collimonas pratensis". CCUG type strains. Culture Collections University of Gothenburg (CCUG).
  3. "Collimonas pratensis Taxon Passport - StrainInfo". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2013-01-30.
  4. "Genus: Collimonas" . Retrieved 2013-01-30.