Deadliest Warrior season 1

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Deadliest Warrior
Season 1
Original releaseApril 7 (2009-04-07) 
May 31, 2009 (2009-05-31)
Season chronology
Season 2
List of episodes

Deadliest Warrior premiered on April 7, 2009 at 10 pm ET. [1] Nine one-hour episodes of the show were produced for Season 1. [2] Season 1 was released on DVD and Blu-ray on May 11, 2010. [3]


Episode 1: Apache vs. Gladiator

Apache team: Alan Tafoya (world champion knife fighter), Snake Blocker (U.S. Army combat instructor)
Apache weapons: Tomahawk, knife, bow and arrow, war club
Apache armor: Rawhide shield
Apache statistics: Height: 5 feet 7 inches, Weight: 140 pounds, Armor: None, Gear: 10 pounds

Gladiator team: Chris Torres (ancient weapons specialist), Steven Dietrich (gladiator combat instructor), Chuck Liddell (the Iceman)
Gladiator weapons: Cestus, scissor, trident & net, sling, sica
Gladiator armor: Murmillo helmet, wooden shield
Gladiator statistics: Height: 5 feet 8 inches, Weight: 185 pounds, Armor: Bronze, Gear: 10–38 pounds

Short-range weaponsTomahawk153Cestus




Mid-range weaponsKnife266Trident & net166
Long-range weaponsBow & arrow188Sling1
Special weaponsWar club60Sica116

Reenactment 1

The warriors encounter each other in a grassy field. The Gladiator advances on the Apache, trident raised. The Apache fires an arrow at the Gladiator, hitting his shield, and easily dodges a sling shot riposte from the Gladiator. The Apache's second arrow hits the closing Gladiator in the stomach. He pulls the arrow out, slings another stone at the retreating Apache, but misses. The Apache fires another arrow before further retreating into the trees.

The Gladiator catches up, and attacks with trident and net. The Apache tries to block with his shield, but it is thrown aside by the trident. The Apache swings his tomahawk at the Gladiator. The two fight hand-to-hand, but the Gladiator kicks the Apache to the ground. He advances with his trident while the Apache tries to avoid the weapon. The trident gets stuck in a tree branch, but the Gladiator quickly frees it and continues to attack. With few options left, the Apache tries a run. The Gladiator, however, quickly throws his net, tripping and ensnaring the Apache. The Gladiator throws the trident at the Apache, but he just manages to roll away and escape from the net. He throws a tomahawk, which sails past the Gladiator's helmet.

They now fight with sica and war club. The Gladiator tries to cut the Apache with the sica, but the Apache knocks it out of his hand with the war club. His second swing knocks off the Gladiator's helmet. The Apache charges and tries to strike his opponent's exposed head with his club. However, the Gladiator knocks him to the ground with his shield then punches his face repeatedly with the cestus. The Apache got up with his knife. The Gladiator swings at him, but misses. The Apache then started to knife the Gladiator's limbs. He then cut the Gladiator's neck. The Apache then repeatedly knifes him, licks the blood off the knife, lets out a war cry, and flees.

Winner: Apache

Episode 2: Viking vs. Samurai

Viking team: Casey Hendershot (Viking weapons instructor), Matt Nelson (Viking combat expert)
Viking weapons: Great axe, long sword, spear, shield
Viking armor: Steel helmet, chain mail, wooden shield
Viking statistics: Height: 5 feet 11 inches, Weight: 180 pounds, Gear: 65 pounds, Armor: Chain mail

Samurai team: Tetsuro Shigematsu (Samurai descendant), Brett Chan (Samurai weapons expert)
Samurai weapons: katana, naginata, yumi, kanabō
Samurai armor: Kabuto, Dō-Maru
Samurai statistics: Height: 5 feet 3 inches, Weight: 135 pounds, Gear: 65 pounds, Armor: Steel & Leather

Short-range weaponsGreat axe134katana137
Mid-range weaponsLong sword175naginata171
Long-range weaponsSpear92yumi114
Special WeaponsShield77Kanabo100

Reenactment 2

The Viking walks into a field and puts his great axe on the ground as the Samurai appears, holding a naginata and a yumi bow. The Samurai lets out a battle cry, and then fires an arrow at the Viking, hitting his chain-mailed shoulder. The Viking pulls out the arrow, only to be dazed by a second arrow striking his helmet. The Viking charges at the Samurai, hurling two spears when he gets close enough. The Samurai attempts to dodge them, but is struck by one and falls.

They next fight with great axe and naginata. The Viking swings his axe but is blocked by the naginata. The Samurai twists his naginata and forces the Viking's axe out of his hands. He hits the Viking with the naginata, but the damage is reduced by the Viking's chain mail. The Viking recovers his axe and swings viciously at the Samurai. With a heavy blow, he knocks the naginata out of the Samurai's hands and kicks him. The Viking swings his axe at the Samurai's back, but his armor protects him. The Samurai again knocks the axe out of the Viking's hands, this time with his kanabo club. He tries to swing at the Viking, who crouches and blocks with his shield. The Samurai savagely smashes off part of the shield with the kanabo and injures the Viking's arm. The Viking counter-attacks with his shield. He pushes the Samurai all the way to a bridge and then into a ditch below, where he loses his club.

The two warriors draw their swords and clash, with the Samurai getting in blows. The Viking swings at the Samurai but the long sword just slides off his armor. He tries again, but the Samurai moves out of the way and the Viking crashes into a tree. The Samurai slashes at the Viking's legs, forcing him to his knees. He stabs his katana straight down into the Viking's neck, killing him. He flips the Viking over and readies another stab to his heart, but sees that his opponent is dead. The Samurai sheathes his katana and limps off into the distance.

Winner: Samurai

Episode 3: Spartan vs. Ninja

Spartan team: Jeremy Dunn (Spartan weapons expert), Barry Jacobsen (Spartan Historian)
Spartan weapons: Short sword, spear, javelin, shield
Spartan armor: Bronze cuirass, Corinthian helmet, aspis
Spartan statistics: Height: 5 feet 8 inches, Weight: 165 pounds, Armor: Bronze, Gear: 60 pounds

Ninja team: Lou Klein (Ninjitsu Master), Michael Lehr (Martial Arts Expert)
Ninja weapons: Ninjato, Black Eggs, Shuriken, Blowgun, Kusarigama
Ninja armor: None
Ninja statistics: Height: 5 feet 2 inches, Weight: 135 pounds, Armor: None, Gear: 10 pounds

Short-range weaponsShort sword52Ninjato123
Mid-range weaponsSpear210Black Eggs0
Long-range weaponsJavelin9Shuriken




Special WeaponsShield382Kusarigama220

Reenactment 3

The Spartan stands in a forest, spear and shield in hand. Hidden in the treetops above, the Ninja watches him. He quietly jumps down and sneaks up behind the Spartan. As he approaches, he draws his ninjato. When close enough, he yells and swings his sword. Alerted, the Spartan quickly blocks the sword with his shield. He turns and thrusts his spear, but the Ninja rolls away to hide in the thick grass. The Spartan thrusts his javelin into the ground for later use. He hears the Ninja and turns to see him spinning the ball and chain of his kusarigama. He throws the ball at the Spartan, who blocks with his shield. The Ninja starts to swing his kusarigama again, but the Spartan charges with the spear and misses. The Ninja swings the ball at the Spartan again but, as before, the Spartan blocks with his shield. He swings it around a third time, but at the Spartan's leg. The chain wraps around and trips the Spartan, sending him to the floor. The Spartan sits up and grabs the chain. The Ninja tries to pull the kusarigama away from the Spartan, but the Spartan keeps a firm grip. In a desperate move, the Ninja breaks the kusarigama's chain and rushes at the Spartan with the remaining sickle part. The Spartan knocks him away with his shield and gets back up. The Spartan tries to stab him with his spear, but the Ninja kicks the shield and runs away.

The Spartan chases and catches up to him, trying to thrust his spear again. The Ninja dodges and breaks the spear in half with his sickle. He tries to stab the Spartan with the broken spear, but the Spartan blocks with his shield. This time, the Spartan swings his shield and sends the Ninja flying back. The Spartan unsheathes his short sword and advances towards the Ninja. The Ninja pulls out a black egg and waits for the Spartan to get close. He then jumps in front of the Spartan, kicks the shield, and throws the egg at the Spartan's face. The Spartan blindly swings at the air as the Ninja back-flips off the shield and retreats. When the Spartan regains his vision, he sees the Ninja running away and pursues him.

The Spartan finds himself in a deeper, darker part of the forest. He slowly walks through the trees, javelin in hand, shield up, looking for the Ninja. The Ninja pops out from behind a tree and tries to shoots him with his blowgun. The Spartan blocks the darts and throws his javelin. The javelin lands off-target, allowing the Ninja to run away. He pulls out some shurikens and turns to throw them, only to find that the Spartan has caught up. He quickly throws one, but the shield protects the Spartan as he knocks over the Ninja. The Spartan unsheathes his short sword again and swings at the Ninja, who dodges. The Ninja jumps onto a tree and prepares to leap at the Spartan with his sword, but the Spartan impales the Ninja on his sword and pins him to the tree, stabbing him to death and yelling "Sparta".

Winner: Spartan

Episode 4: Pirate vs. Knight

Pirate team: Michael Triplett (pirate weapons master), David Hernandez (sword fighting instructor)
Pirate weapons: Cutlass, boarding axe, blunderbuss, flintlock pistol, grenado
Pirate armor: None
Pirate statistics: Year: 1715, Height: 5 feet 10 inches, Weight: 170 pounds, Armor: None, Gear: 20 pounds, Loyalty: money

Knight team: David Coretti (Army veteran/sword expert), Josh Paugh (Medieval weapons expert)
Knight weapons: Broadsword, halberd, crossbow, morningstar
Knight armor: Plate armor
Knight statistics: Year: 1423, Height: 5 feet 11 inches, Weight: 180 pounds, Armor: Plate, Gear: 70 pounds, Loyalty: France

Short-range weaponsCutlass

Boarding axe




Plate armor

Mid-range weaponsBlunderbuss352Halberd108
Long-range weaponsFlintlock pistol41Crossbow106
Special weaponsGrenado198Morningstar54

Reenactment 4

The Pirate discovers a dusty treasure chest in the middle of a forest. In the distance, the Knight approaches on horseback and the Pirate hears the hoofbeats as he counts gold doubloons. Thinking the Knight intends to steal his treasure, the Pirate pulls out a flintlock pistol. At this, the Knight swings his morning star and spurs his horse to charge. The Pirate aims and fires, but misses. He fires a second pistol but the bullet bounces off the Knight's armor. The Knight's horse dashes at the Pirate and the Knight misses him with the morning star, merely knocking off his hat.

The Pirate hides behind a tree, desperately fumbling for the grenado in his pocket. The Knight wheels and charges again. The Pirate lights the grenado fuse and throws it; the explosion knocks the Knight off his horse. The Pirate slowly approaches, thinking the Knight is dead but he sits up and fires a crossbow bolt, hitting the Pirate's leg. As the Pirate painfully pulls the bolt out, the Knight gets up and swings at him with the morning star, grazing him and causing him to fall. However, the Pirate uses his blunderbuss to shoot the Knight, sending him flying backward. The Pirate runs off with the treasure chest, once again believing that he has killed the Knight. He reaches the shore and sees his ship in the distance. He groans, "Oh, bloody hell" as he realizes that the injured Knight is still following him. He fires his third flintlock pistol. The Knight's armor protects him and he runs towards the Pirate.

They close and engage with cutlass and broadsword. Both get their swords stuck in the sand, and the Knight seizes the chance to kick the Pirate to the ground. He tries to strike the Pirate, who rolls out of the way and backs towards the bottom of a cliff, while the Knight slowly advances. The Knight attacks, but the Pirate parries with his cutlass and kicks him to the ground. The Knight rises and clumsily swings at the Pirate, who dodges and throws sand in the Knight's face, distracting him long enough to charge at him and throw him to the ground. As the Knight tries to regain his wits, the Pirate quickly crawls to retrieve his fourth flintlock pistol, picks it up, and walks toward the Knight. The Pirate opens the Knight's visor and fires point blank. The Pirate gets up and roars in victory.

Winner: Pirate

Episode 5: Yakuza vs. Mafia

Yakuza team: Zero Kazama (Yakuza weapons expert), David Kono (Yakuza descendant/historian)
Yakuza weapons: Nunchakus, Walther P38, Sten gun, ceramic grenade, sai
Yakuza armor: None
Yakuza statistics: Year: 1947, Height: 5 feet 6 inches, Weight: 150 pounds, Armor: none, Gear: 10 pounds

Mafia team: Joe Ferrante (Mafia weapons expert), Thomas Bonanno (Mafia descendant/historian)
Mafia weapons: Baseball bat, Sawed-off shotgun, Tommy gun, Molotov cocktail, ice pick
Mafia armor: None
Mafia statistics: Year: 1929, Height: 5 feet 10 inches, Weight: 170 pounds, Armor: none, Gear: 10 pounds

Short-range weaponsNunchakus9Baseball bat23
Mid-range weaponsWalther P3810Sawed-off shotgun38
Long-range weaponsSten gun359Tommy gun499
Explosive WeaponsCeramic grenade26Molotov cocktail2
Special weaponsSai10Ice pick24

Reenactment 5

The battle begins with a group of five Yakuza members entering a hotel. A nearby man and his wife checking into the hotel look on nervously as they see five Mafia members turn the corner and run into the Yakuza. Both gangs stare at each other until one Mafia gangster produces a Molotov cocktail and its rag is lit by another gangster. Seeing this, a Yakuza gangster alerts his teammates, one of whom fires his Sten machine gun, killing the onlooker's wife as well as the Mafia gangster with the Molotov. He falls to the floor and drops the Molotov, rendering it useless. The Mafia boss pulls out his double-barreled shotgun and aims at the Yakuza boss, who draws his Walther P38 and grabs the surviving bystander as a shield. The Mafia boss aims instead at the greater threat and shoots the man carrying the Sten. He falls dead behind a couch.

The Mafia and Yakuza members scatter in different directions, with one of the Mafia members jumping behind the check-in counter. Another Mafia thug fires his Tommy gun; a Yakuza member lights a ceramic grenade and throws it. It lands behind the check-in counter and explodes, killing the Mafia gangster hiding there. At this point, the Mafia has already retreated to different parts of the hotel, so the remaining Yakuza members pursue them.

The Yakuza boss finds a Mafia member trying to escape in an elevator. He runs and gets caught in the elevator's doors. The Mafia man inside desperately tries to reload his pistol, but the Yakuza boss manages to get inside the elevator first. He grabs the Mafia man and shoves him into a wall; this causes them both to drop their guns. The Mafia member pulls out a switchblade knife and the Yakuza boss draws his two sai. The Mafia member tries to stab the Yakuza boss but is countered with a swift punch to the side. The Yakuza boss swings his sai and slashes the Mafia member's face. The Mafia member attempts a knife blow but the Yakuza boss stabs him in the stomach. The Mafia thug falls to the floor, allowing the Yakuza boss to fire two bullets into him as the elevator doors open. He steps out, looking for other Mafia members.

Meanwhile, the Mafia boss and his last henchman make their way down a flight of stairs. The henchman tells his boss to continue down and kills one of the oncoming Yakuza members with his Tommy gun. However, another Yakuza gangster follows up, kills the Mafia thug with his P38 and then continues down the stairs.

In the basement, the Mafia boss hides behind a locker door. He attempts to reload his shotgun but is so nervous that he accidentally drops the shells. Just as he is about to pick them up, he hears the Yakuza thug enter the room. As the Yakuza thug is examining the lockers, the Mafia boss finds a baseball bat in the locker in which he is hiding. He jumps out of the locker, knocks the gun out of the Yakuza member's hands and then hits him in the stomach with the bat. The Yakuza henchman pulls out his nunchucks and whirls them around to intimidate his opponent. The boss furiously swings with the bat. The Yakuza thug counters with his Nunchucks but the Mafia boss ducks and strikes him in the leg and head. Helpless, he is beaten to death by the Mafia boss.

After retrieving and reloading his shotgun, the Mafia boss makes his way to the boiler room. As he enters, the Yakuza boss jumps out and tries to shoot him with his P38. The Mafia boss fires back with his shotgun, but neither manages a hit. Eventually, the Mafia boss runs out of ammunition again and tries to reload. The Yakuza boss seizes the chance and puts the P38 to his head. He pulls the trigger but his gun is also empty. The Mafia boss swings his shotgun into the Yakuza's stomach then discards it in favor of his switchblade. The Yakuza boss resorts to his sai once more. The two vigorously swing at each other, avoiding the other's weapon. The Yakuza boss kicks the Mafia boss into a boiler and charges at him, but the Mafia boss kicks back and pushes him away. The two recover and briefly glare at each other before resuming. Eventually, the Mafia boss shoves the Yakuza boss into the boiler and tries to stab him. The Yakuza boss avoids the blow and the Mafia boss inadvertently punctures a pipe. Steam spews out. He accidentally drops his knife, allowing the Yakuza boss to close with him. Just before the Yakuza boss can stab him with one of his sai, the Mafia boss pulls out his ice pick as a last resort and stabs the Yakuza's arm, causing him to drop a sai. He seizes the Yakuza boss by his hair and slams his head into the punctured pipe, burning his face. He pulls the Yakuza boss's head to the side so that his neck is exposed and slowly drives in the ice pick. The Yakuza slumps to the ground. The Mafia boss throws away his ice pick, lights a cigar in celebration and walks away.

Winner: Mafia

Episode 6: Green Berets vs. Spetsnaz

Green Beret team: Matt Anderson (Former Green Beret), Sgt. George Gomez (Former Green Beret)
Green Beret weapons: Beretta pistol, Mossberg shotgun, M4A1 Carbine, M24 Rifle, M67 grenade, E-Tool
Green Beret armor: None
Green Beret statistics: Height: 6 feet 1 inches, Weight: 180 pounds, Gear: 29 pounds, Force Size: 4,500

Spetsnaz team: Sonny Puzikas (Former Spetsnaz Operative), Maxim Franz (Former Spetsnaz Operative)
Spetsnaz weapons: Makarov pistol, Saiga shotgun, AK74 Carbine, Dragunov Rifle, RGD-5 grenade, Ballistic Knife
Spetsnaz armor: None
Spetsnaz statistics: Height: 5 feet 11 inches, Weight: 175 pounds, Gear: 27 pounds, Force Size: 15,000

Green BeretsKillsSpetsnazKills
Short-range weaponsBeretta pistol4Makarov pistol12
Mid-range weaponsMossberg shotgun42Saiga shotgun104
Long-range automatic weaponsM4A1 Carbine311AK74 Carbine288
Long-range sniper weaponsM24 Rifle85Dragunov rifle84
Explosive weaponsM67 grenade36RGD-5 grenade24
Special weaponsE-Tool3Ballistic knife7

Reenactment 6

The battle begins in the remains of a completely abandoned city. The five-man Spetsnaz squad makes its way to a building blocked by a locked gate. One of the Spetsnaz breaks the lock with the butt of his AK74 carbine and opens the gate to let his fellow soldiers in. Meanwhile, the five Green Berets approach from another part of the city and enter by a different gate. The Green Beret leader carefully walks up to a door and throws his M67 grenade through a broken window. It explodes, causing panic and confusion to the Spetsnaz soldiers inside. He quickly enters and kills the first Spetsnaz he sees with his M4A1 carbine. One of his soldiers walks with him into a room, only to be shot by a Spetsnaz's Saiga shotgun. The leader quickly reacts and kills his opponent with his M4A1. Two other Green Berets enter a hallway, unaware that the Spetsnaz commander and two of his soldiers are nearby. A Spetsnaz enters the hallway and gets in a gunfight with one of the Green Berets. The second Green Beret sneaks up to the entrance of the room the Spetsnaz soldier is in and throws a grenade inside, killing him. The two Green Berets make their way to another room, where they hear another Spetsnaz soldier trying to scare them away with gunfire. One jumps in and kills the Spetsnaz with his Mossberg shotgun.

Meanwhile, the Spetsnaz leader, now alone, waits crouched beneath a window while a Green Beret searches, oblivious to his presence. When he passes by, the Spetsnaz commander shoots him with his AK74. He turns around and kills another Green Beret who is attempting to sneak up on him. He gently kicks the dead soldier to check he is dead then leaves the room. He sees his third Green Beret victim entering the hallway and kills him before he can react. The Green Beret leader enters the hallway just in time to see his last comrade being killed. He tries to shoot the Spetsnaz commander, but the commander manages to run into another room. The Green Beret leader enters the room and spots the Spetsnaz leader trying to hide. He shoots out all the lights in the room with his M4A1, leaving the Spetsnaz leader in darkness. The Green Beret leader puts on his night vision goggles and pulls out his Beretta pistol. The Spetsnaz leader readies his AK74, but the Green Beret leader fires wildly at him and shoots the gun out of his hands before running out of ammunition. Without a firearm, the Spetsnaz leader tries to escape into the next room. The Green Beret leader takes several more shots but is unable to hit the Spetsnaz. The Spetsnaz finds himself in a boiler room and a dead end. He turns around to see the Green Beret enter the room with his E-tool held loosely at his side.

Both then close with their melee weapons, the Green Beret his E-tool and the Spetsnaz his ballistic knife. The Green Beret feints frantically and manages to knock the knife out of the Spetsnaz's hands. He charges at the Spetsnaz and slams him into a wall. The Spetsnaz leader tries to push him away, but is continually pushed against walls. He forces the E-tool up to the Green Beret leader's neck and the two get into a final struggle. At first, the Green Beret gets the upper hand and knocks the Spetsnaz leader to the floor. The Spetsnaz kicks the Green Beret away, giving himself enough time to pull out a spare ballistic knife tucked away in his boot. The Green Beret prepares to swing his E-tool, but the Spetsnaz presses a button on the knife. The blade shoots out from the handle and flies into the Green Beret's neck. The Green Beret leader slowly falls to the ground. The Spetsnaz leader gets up and watches the Green Beret leader twitch weakly and die. He yells "Ya Spetsnaz!" (I am Spetsnaz) and boasts "No one will ever defeat us" in Russian before leaving the room.

Winner: Spetsnaz

Episode 7: Shaolin Monk vs. Maori Warrior

Shaolin Monk team: Eric Chen (Kung Fu master/historian), Wang Wei (Wushu national champion), Alfred Hsing (Chinese weapons expert)
Shaolin Monk weapons: Emei piercers, staff, twin hooks, whip chain
Shaolin Monk armor: None
Shaolin Monk statistics: Height: 5 feet 7 inches, Weight: 145 pounds, Armor: None, Gear: 5 pounds

Maori Warrior team: Seamus Fitzgerald (Maori weapons historian), Jared Wihongi (special forces instructor), Sala Baker (Maori weapons specialist)
Maori Warrior weapons: Mere, taiaha, stingray spear, shark tooth club
Maori Warrior armor: None
Maori Warrior statistics: Height: 5 feet 9 inches, Weight: 180 pounds, Armor: None, Gear: 8 pounds

Shaolin MonkKillsMaori WarriorKills
Short-range weaponsEmei piercers31Mere78
Mid-range weaponsStaff

Twin hooks




Stingray spear



Special weaponsWhip chain38Shark tooth club73

Reenactment 7

As the Shaolin Monk trains in a field he hears loud noises nearby and finds the Maori Warrior performing his "Ka Mate" haka. The Maori dances in front of him and sticks out his tongue, meaning that he intends to eat him. The Monk slowly walks up to the Maori and bows; he responds by charging, swinging his stingray spear. The Monk swiftly back-flips to dodge the spear. The Maori sticks his tongue out again, but the Monk calmly produces a meteor hammer. He tries to strike the Maori, but the stingray spear frustrates the attempt, so the Monk swings the meteor hammer and wraps its rope around the spear. The two pull on the rope to gain control of the spear. The Maori then angrily throws the spear, causing the Monk to fall back. The Monk quickly back-flips to keep his balance and remain standing. He makes a run for the trees; the Maori gives chase.

As he runs, the Monk retrieves his twin hooks and staff from behind a tree. He eventually turns to face the Maori, who is now armed with his taiaha. The Monk chooses to fight with his whip chain. He charges and swings fiercely. The Maori jumps out of the way and watches the Monk drop to the floor. He tries to close in with his taiaha, but the Monk keeps the Maori at bay with the whip chain. He bounces his body into the air briefly and swings the chain under him. He wraps it around the Maori's taiaha and pulls at it. The Maori manages to hold on to his weapon, but the distraction allows the Monk to get back up. The Maori thrusts his taiaha, but the Monk easily slides under it and runs to his staff and twin hooks.

The Maori chases the Monk to more open ground, where the Monk takes up a fighting stance with his staff. They fight, continuously blocking each other's moves. Finally, the taiaha breaks the Monk's staff. The Monk slowly backs up, trying to dodge repeated taiaha attacks, but is hit. The Maori tries to sweep the Monk off his feet but he flips into the air and avoids this. The Monk readies his twin hooks as the Maori attacks again. He effortlessly blocks the taiaha then hooks it from the Maori's hands. The Maori tries to come at him, but the Monk links the twin hooks together and swings them, cutting into the Maori's stomach. Infuriated, he charges at the Monk, sending him to the ground. The Monk kicks him away and quickly jumps back up.

Finally, they fight with emei piecers against shark tooth and mere clubs. The Maori attacks the Monk, who grabs his arm and pulls the mere club from his hand. The Maori swings his shark tooth club and hits the Monk. The Monk spins an emei piercer, momentarily distracting the Maori and allowing the Monk to punch him in the gut. The Monk tries to stab the Maori, but is blocked by the shark tooth club. He spins and elbows the Maori, then stabs him in both the neck and temple with his emei piercers. The Maori falls and the Monk bows his head in respect for the dead Maori Warrior.

Winner: Shaolin Monk

Episode 8: William Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu

William Wallace team: Kieron Elliot (highlander weapons expert), Anthony Delongis (blademaster)
William Wallace weapons: War hammer, claymore, ball & chain, targe & dirk
William Wallace armor: Chain mail, targe
William Wallace statistics: c. 1270-1305 Scotland, Gear: 40 pounds, Armor: Chain Mail

Shaka Zulu team: Earl White (Zulu stick fighting master), Jason Bartley (Zulu combat expert)
Shaka Zulu weapons: Zulu axe, iklwa & ishlangu, iwisa, spit of poison
Shaka Zulu armor: Ishlangu
Shaka Zulu statistics: c. 1787-1828 Southeast Africa, Gear: 7-10 pounds, Armor: Ox-hide shield

William WallaceKillsShaka ZuluKills
Short-range weaponsWar hammer65Zulu axe70
Mid-range weaponsClaymore319Iklwa & ishlangu307
Long-range weaponsBall & chain1Iwisa2
Special weaponsTarge & dirk236Spit of poison0

Reenactment 8

Wallace advances along a valley and sees Shaka Zulu running at him. He throws his ball & chain at Shaka, but he rolls right under it. Shaka throws an iwisa (knobkerry) at Wallace, who blocks it with his targe and attacks with his war hammer. Shaka tries to counter with another iwisa. Wallace thrusts the targe and its spike pierces Shaka's leg. He tries to finish him with the war hammer, but Shaka rolls out of the way. Shaka comes at Wallace with the iwisa, but Wallace defends with his targe and knocks the iwisa out of Shaka's hands. Shaka uses his axe; Wallace ducks under the axe and blocks with his targe. He swings his war hammer, but Shaka blocks with his ishlangu shield and kicks Wallace away. He thrusts his iklwa at Wallace, who dodges and swings his war hammer at Shaka's legs. Shaka falls over and rolls out of the way of Wallace's targe, which has become stuck in the ground. Shaka feints to prevent Wallace picking it up. Wallace swings the war hammer, embedding it in Shaka's shield. Wallace wrenches the shield from Shaka's hands, throwing it and his hammer away.

Shaka rolls away and waits with iklwa and axe in hand. Wallace swings at Shaka's legs with his claymore, but Shaka jumps over it and falls to the ground awkwardly. Wallace tries to swing at Shaka, but is blocked by his axe. Shaka slashes Wallace's leg with his iklwa, forcing him back. He tries to hit Shaka with his claymore, but Shaka rolls away and dodges. Shaka turns and tries to run away. Wallace throws his dirk at Shaka, who deflects it with his iklwa.

Shaka starts to climb a hill, but pauses to ready his spit of poison before continuing up the hill. He spits the poison at Wallace's face as he approaches, but Wallace ducks to avoid it. Wallace knocks Shaka's axe it out of his hands with his claymore. Shaka swings his iklwa and slashes across Wallace's stomach. Wallace retaliates by slashing Shaka's back. Shaka manages to stab Wallace's waist, forcing him to stumble back. Shaka charges at Wallace, but he regains his balance at the last second and impales Shaka on his claymore as he jumps in attack. Wallace throws Shaka's dead body aside and yells victoriously.

Winner: William Wallace

Episode 9: I.R.A. vs. Taliban

I.R.A. team: Skoti Collins (I.R.A. descendant/historian), Peter Crowe (I.R.A. weapons expert)
I.R.A. weapons: Slingshot, LPO-50 flamethrower, ArmaLite AR-15, nail bomb
I.R.A. armor: None
I.R.A. statistics: Height: 5 feet 11 inches, Weight: 180 pounds, Armor: None, Gear: 30 pounds

Taliban team: Fahim Fazli (Mujahideen Freedom Fighter), Alex Sami (Counter-Terrorism Specialist)
Taliban weapons: Bayonet, RPG-7 rocket launcher, AK-47 assault rifle, PMN mine
Taliban armor: None
Taliban statistics: Height: 5 feet 9 inches, Weight: 160 pounds, Armor: None, Gear: 20 pounds

Short-range weaponsSlingshot2Bayonet35
Mid-range weaponsLPO-50 flamethrower70RPG-7 rocket launcher162
Long-range weaponsAR-15 Armalite315AK-47 assault rifle245
Special weaponsNail bomb130PMN mine41

Reenactment 9

The battle starts with five Taliban militia climbing over a small hill leading to an abandoned car lot. They survey the area for potential targets. Meanwhile, an I.R.A. squad is sneaking through the lot, using the cars as cover. The I.R.A. leader leads his four men through the lot, but wind up running into the Taliban. Both sides manage to get off one kill with each of their assault rifles, the AK-47 and the AR-15 Armalite. Both teams scramble and run off in different directions. A Taliban member runs from an I.R.A. man in between two cars. As the I.R.A. man begins to catch up, he steps on a PMN mine and is killed by the explosion. The Taliban soldier escapes, but runs into an I.R.A. member wielding an LPO-50 Flamethrower. He is set on fire and desperately tries to shoot in random directions, but dies before he can make a hit. Another Taliban member runs up and shoots the flamethrower's gas tank, causing it to explode and kill the I.R.A. soldier. Another I.R.A. man runs in between the cars, but is spotted by a Taliban member. He pulls out his RPG-7 Rocket Launcher and fires a rocket at the I.R.A. man, killing him. The I.R.A. leader slowly enters a run-down trailer, keeping an eye out for the Taliban. He opens a closet door and sees a hand holding an AK-47. He quickly moves to avoid the gunfire, and then pulls out the Taliban boss from the closet. The two get into a fight, with the Taliban boss throwing the I.R.A. leader against the cupboards. Outside, the Taliban member with the rocket launcher sees the two men and prepares another rocket. The I.R.A. leader pushes the Taliban boss against the wall and knocks him to the floor, then looks out the window just in time to see the Taliban member with the RPG-7 pointed right at the trailer. He quickly runs out of the trailer, leaving the Taliban boss inside. The Taliban member outside fires the rocket, unaware that the I.R.A. leader left without the Taliban boss. The Taliban boss gets up and sees the rocket flying towards the trailer, leaving only enough time to scream in terror before the trailer explodes. The other Taliban member pulls a bayonet off his AK-47 and runs after the I.R.A. leader. The I.R.A. leader turns and fires his slingshot, but misses. The Taliban man catches up and tries to stab him, but the I.R.A. leader swings a car door in his face. The two struggle to gain control of the bayonet and the I.R.A. leader gains the upper hand, stabbing the Taliban man in the throat. A final Taliban member rushes in with his own AK-47 and tries to shoot the I.R.A. leader. He picks up an Armalite from a fallen I.R.A. man and runs from the Taliban member, trying to shoot him as well. The chase leads to a broken-down bus. The I.R.A. leader runs into the bus and pulls out a nail bomb. He sticks it next to the exit in the back and gets out. As the Taliban member enters the bus, the I.R.A. leader blocks the exit with the Armalite. The Taliban member tries to open the door, but is unable to do so. The I.R.A. leader begins taunting him with the remote and then runs away. The Taliban member sees the bomb and tries harder to open the door. The I.R.A. leader runs to a safe spot, then presses a button on the remote. The bomb begins beeping, then explodes and kills the last Taliban member. The I.R.A. leader raises his fist and yells "Éire!" (Ireland) in victory.

Winner: I.R.A.

Back for Blood special

As a transition from season one to season two, a special episode (titled Back for Blood) was aired to pit the winning warriors from season one against one another. It was decided to make a distinction between ancient and modern warriors due to the advent of gunpowder changing the face of warfare.

Ancient match

For the ancient elimination block, the warriors assembled included the Apache, Samurai, Spartan, Shaolin Monk, and William Wallace. The Shaolin Monk was automatically removed from the running due to being passive and for his lack of armor. William Wallace was eliminated due to a lack of a formidable long range weaponry, as well as his easily penetrable chainmail. The Apache was taken out for his lack of armor and armor-penetrating weapons. They decided on the Spartan and Samurai, the team captains of the remaining teams made a return to retest their weapons against different adversaries.

Spartan representative: Barry Jacobsen (Spartan Historian)
Spartan weapons: Short sword, spear, javelin, shield

Samurai representative: Tetsuro Shigematsu (Samurai descendant)
Samurai weapons: katana, naginata, yumi, Kanabo

Ancient Match Results
Short-range weaponsShort sword10katana15
Mid-range weaponsSpear339Naginata141
Long-range weaponsJavelin16Yumi175
Special weaponsShield162Kanabo142

Ancient match reenactment

The battle begins with the Samurai walking through a forest with his naginata and yumi Bow in his hands. As he is walking, the Spartan emerges from behind a giant rock and eyes the Samurai. The Samurai, sensing danger, thrusts his naginata into the ground and watches the Spartan. The Spartan grunts and holds out his Javelin, ready for battle. The Samurai takes an arrow and fires at the Spartan. The Spartan jumps down from the rock and towards the Samurai, knocking the arrow away with his Spartan Shield. He throws the Javelin at the Samurai, but aims too high and misses completely. The Samurai readies another arrow while the Spartan pulls out his Spear and charges at the Samurai. At the last second, the Samurai aims for the Spartan's legs and shoots, but it goes in between them and hits the floor. The Spartan tries to hit the Samurai with his Spear, but the Samurai dodges and picks up his naginata.

The two begin swinging at each other until the Samurai hits his shield. The Spartan uses the Shield as a wall and shoves the Samurai all the way up to a tree. The Samurai tries to stab the Spartan with the naginata, but the Spartan parries with his Spear and breaks the naginata in two with his Shield. The Samurai, undeterred, grabs the Spartan's Spear and flips over the Spartan, causing him to release the Spear. The Samurai throws it away and pulls out his Kanabo club. He starts to viciously swing at the Spartan, but the Spartan uses his shield to cover his body and block the blows. The Samurai stops briefly to regain his strength, but the Spartan draws his short sword and stabs the Samurai's ear. The Samurai shrieks in pain, backs away and checks his ear for blood. Meanwhile, the Spartan, now very angry, gets back up and starts advancing towards the Samurai.

The two stop in the middle of a field while the Samurai grabs a hold of the handle of his katana. The Spartan makes his move first and thrusts the short sword at the Samurai, but the Samurai dodges and swings his katana. The Spartan, however, blocks it with his Shield and shoves the Samurai away. The two stand off again, and the Spartan once again tries to stab the Samurai. The Samurai avoids it and again tries to hit the Spartan, but the Spartan blocks and hits the Samurai with his Shield. The Samurai gets up and readies himself and his katana. The Samurai makes a quick thrust at the Spartan in an attempt to finish him off. The Spartan, however, effortlessly blocks again with the Shield and thrusts his short sword. It cuts into the Samurai's stomach and leaves him frozen in place. The Spartan swings the Shield into the Samurai's face and knocks him to the ground. The Spartan walks up to him and thrusts the short sword into the Samurai's neck, killing him. He pulls out the sword and watches as blood spurts from the Samurai's neck. He raises his short sword in the air and roars in victory.

Ancient winner: Spartan

Modern match

The modern elimination block included the Pirate, Mafia, Spetznaz, and IRA. The Pirate was automatically eliminated due to his weapons being deemed too "primitive" in comparison to his modern counterparts particularly when Geoff compared the Pirate's Flintlock pistol and Blunderbuss to the IRA's AR-15. Even though they had the .45 caliber Thompson submachine gun and the Sawn-off shotgun, the Mafia was eliminated from contention due to the group not being "professionals", as well as much of their weaponry being improvised. Armand also mentioned that while a Baseball bat can cause trauma, it's useless when there's bullets flying around. The Spetsnaz were chosen hands down as the most disciplined warrior of the modern era, while the IRA was deemed the most "unpredictable" of the group, however Geoff pointed out that the IRA only used weapons they had available as opposed to the right tool for the job and Max added that weapons acquired from the black market are sometimes known for being unreliable. Due to the weapon disadvantage, two more IRA weapons were tested to pair up against two existing Spetznaz weapons. Coincidentally the 2 chosen warriors, IRA and Spetsnaz, were also the most modern since the Pirate was during the golden age of piracy (1700s) and the Mafia was during the Prohibition era (1920s).

IRA representative: Skoti Collins (IRA Descendant/Historian)
IRA weapons: Webley Revolver, LPO-50 Flamethrower, AR-15 Armalite, HK G3 Sniper Rifle, Nail Bomb, Slingshot

Spetsnaz representative: Sonny Puzikas (Former Spetsnaz Operative)
Spetsnaz weapons: Makarov pistol, Saiga shotgun, AK74 Carbine, Dragunov Rifle, RGD-5 grenade, Ballistic Knife

Modern match results
Short-range weaponsWebley Revolver8Makarov pistol20
Mid-range weaponsLPO-50 Flamethrower11Saiga shotgun92
Long-range automatic weaponsAR-15 Armalite175AK74 Carbine472
Long-range sniper weaponsHK G3 Sniper Rifle47Dragunov Rifle120
Explosive WeaponsNail Bomb20RGD-5 grenade7
Special WeaponsSlingshot3Ballistic knife6

Modern match reenactment

Five Spetsnaz soldiers infiltrate a warehouse serving as the IRA's headquarters. On top of the building, an IRA sniper spots them and downs one of the Spetsnaz with his HK G3 sniper rifle. Inside, an IRA member constructing a nail bomb hears the gunshot and realizes that there are intruders. The IRA sniper fires at another Spetsnaz soldier, who runs behind a tree and avoids the shot. The four IRA members inside seize weapons and look for cover. The IRA sniper tries to shoot the Spetsnaz man behind the tree, but misses again. A Spetsnaz sniper sets up his Dragunov sniper rifle. He shoots, killing the gunman and knocking him off the rooftop. He signals to the others that it is now clear to enter the building.

One of them opens the door and is met with gunfire from two AR-15 Armalites. He fires back with his AK74 carbine and ducks for cover behind drum barrels inside the door. Another Spetsnaz soldier gives him covering fire from the entrance. The Spetsnaz man on point shoots upward, engaging an IRA man who tries to shoot back, but his Armalite malfunctions. Now without a gun, he calls for the other IRA man with him to make a run for it. The leading Spetsnaz soldier calls for his team to pursue the IRA. As the two IRA men run a Spetsnaz RGD-5 grenade explodes and kills one of them. The other manages to escape. Two Spetsnaz soldiers run after him. They stop to shoot, not realizing there is an armed nail bomb right behind them. The IRA man is hit, but stays on his feet. He detonates the nail bomb with a remote control, killing one of the Spetsnaz soldiers.

The other follows the IRA man's blood trail. He enters another building, AK74 at the ready. As he turns a corner, the IRA man jumps him, knocks the gun out of the Spetsnaz's hands and throws him against a pillar. The IRA man tries to punch him in the face, but the Spetsnaz soldier elbows him in the side and applies a choke hold. He throws the IRA man to the floor and brings out his ballistic knife. The IRA man grabs his arm but is overpowered and stabbed in the face.

The Spetsnaz man gets up, only to see a stream of fire shoot from the corner. He backs away in the face of an IRA member advancing with an LPO-50 flamethrower. The Spetsnaz soldier runs into a nearby a room. It is a dead end. The IRA man sets fire to the entire room from the entrance, burning the Spetsnaz soldier to death. He nods in satisfaction and turns, to find a Saiga shotgun levelled at him. Terrified, the IRA man tries to bring his flamethrower to bear, but the Spetsnaz soldier is quicker and blows off his head.

The Spetsnaz soldier makes his way to a lavatory and cautiously opens the door. He slowly enters with the Spetsnaz leader following behind. Suddenly, the last IRA member jumps out and kills the Spetsnaz leader's last soldier with his Webley revolver. The Spetsnaz leader returns fire with his Makarov pistol, but misses. The IRA member takes cover and fires back but misses as well. He runs over to the toilets, dodging gunfire. He takes aim and tries to fire again. A click – he is out of ammunition. The Spetsnaz leader immediately charges. The IRA member desperately pulls the trigger again, but the Spetsnaz leader closes, shoves the Makarov against his throat and fires. Blood sprays the wall as the IRA member slumps onto the toilet seat. The Spetsnaz leader yells out "Ya Spetsnaz!" ("I am Spetsnaz") in victory.

Modern winner: Spetsnaz

See also

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  1. Sale, Andrew. "BOOB TUBE SCOOP: 'Deadliest Warrior' attacks". Archived from the original on April 11, 2009. Retrieved April 24, 2009.
  2. "Spike TV Green Lights Original Series 'Surviving Disaster' and 'Deadliest Warrior'". Reuters. October 16, 2008. Archived from the original on May 23, 2009. Retrieved April 24, 2009.
  3. "Deadliest Warrior: Season 1: Geoffrey Desmoulin, Armand Dorian, Max Geiger: Movies & TV". Amazon. January 25, 2011. Retrieved November 24, 2015.