Decagrammic prism

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Decagrammic prism
Prism 10-3.png
Type Uniform polyhedron
Faces 2 Decagrams
10 squares
Edges 30
Vertices 20
Vertex configuration 10/3.4.4
Wythoff symbol 2 10/3| 2
Symmetry group D10h, [2,10],(*2.10.10), order 40
Dual polyhedron Decagrammic bipyramid
Properties nonconvex
Vertex figure
Decagrammic prism-3-10 vertfig.png
3D model of a (uniform) decagrammic prism. Decagrammic prism.stl
3D model of a (uniform) decagrammic prism.

In geometry, the decagrammic prism is one of an infinite set of nonconvex prisms formed by squares sides and two regular star polygon caps, in this case two decagrams.

It has 12 faces (10 squares and 2 decagrams), 30 edges, and 20 vertices.

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