In geometry, the Wythoff symbol is a notation representing a Wythoff construction of a uniform polyhedron or plane tiling within a Schwarz triangle. It was first used by Coxeter, Longuet-Higgins and Miller in their enumeration of the uniform polyhedra. Later the Coxeter diagram was developed to mark uniform polytopes and honeycombs in n-dimensional space within a fundamental simplex.
A Wythoff symbol consists of three numbers and a vertical bar. It represents one uniform polyhedron or tiling, although the same tiling/polyhedron can have different Wythoff symbols from different symmetry generators. For example, the regular cube can be represented by 3 | 2 4 with Oh symmetry, and 2 4 | 2 as a square prism with 2 colors and D4h symmetry, as well as 2 2 2 | with 3 colors and D2h symmetry.
With a slight extension, Wythoff's symbol can be applied to all uniform polyhedra. However, the construction methods do not lead to all uniform tilings in Euclidean or hyperbolic space.
The Wythoff construction begins by choosing a generator point on a fundamental triangle. This point must be chosen at equal distance from all edges that it does not lie on, and a perpendicular line is then dropped from it to each such edge.
The three numbers in Wythoff's symbol, p, q, and r, represent the corners of the Schwarz triangle used in the construction, which are π/p, π/q, and π/r radians respectively. The triangle is also represented with the same numbers, written (pqr). The vertical bar in the symbol specifies a categorical position of the generator point within the fundamental triangle according to the following:
In this notation the mirrors are labeled by the reflection-order of the opposite vertex. The p, q, r values are listed before the bar if the corresponding mirror is active.
A special use is the symbol | pqr which is designated for the case where all mirrors are active, but odd-numbered reflected images are ignored. The resulting figure has rotational symmetry only.
The generator point can either be on or off each mirror, activated or not. This distinction creates 8 (23) possible forms, but the one where the generator point is on all the mirrors is impossible. The symbol that would normally refer to that is reused for the snub tilings.
The Wythoff symbol is functionally similar to the more general Coxeter-Dynkin diagram, in which each node represents a mirror and the arcs between them – marked with numbers – the angles between the mirrors. (An arc representing a right angle is omitted.) A node is circled if the generator point is not on the mirror.
The fundamental triangles are drawn in alternating colors as mirror images. The sequence of triangles (p 3 2) change from spherical (p = 3, 4, 5), to Euclidean (p = 6), to hyperbolic (p ≥ 7). Hyperbolic tilings are shown as a Poincaré disk projection.
Wythoff symbol | q|p 2 | 2 q|p | 2 |pq | 2 p|q | p|q 2 | pq| 2 | pq 2 | | |pq 2 |
Coxeter diagram | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vertex figure | pq | q.2p.2p | p.q.p.q | p.2q.2q | qp | p.4.q.4 | 4.2p.2q | 3.3.p.3.q |
Fund. triangles | 7 forms and snub | |||||||
(3 3 2)![]() | 3 | 3 2![]() 33 | 2 3 | 3![]() 3.6.6 | 2 | 3 3![]() | 2 3 | 3![]() 3.6.6 | 3 | 3 2![]() 33 | 3 3 | 2![]() | 3 3 2 |![]() 4.6.6 | | 3 3 2![]() |
(4 3 2)![]() | 3 | 4 2![]() 43 | 2 3 | 4![]() 3.8.8 | 2 | 4 3![]() | 2 4 | 3![]() 4.6.6 | 4 | 3 2![]() 34 | 4 3 | 2![]() | 4 3 2 |![]() 4.6.8 | | 4 3 2![]() |
(5 3 2)![]() | 3 | 5 2![]() 53 | 2 3 | 5![]() 3.10.10 | 2 | 5 3![]() | 2 5 | 3![]() 5.6.6 | 5 | 3 2![]() 35 | 5 3 | 2![]() | 5 3 2 |![]() 4.6.10 | | 5 3 2![]() |
(6 3 2)![]() | 3 | 6 2![]() 63 | 2 3 | 6![]() 3.12.12 | 2 | 6 3![]() | 2 6 | 3![]() 6.6.6 | 6 | 3 2![]() 36 | 6 3 | 2![]() | 6 3 2 |![]() 4.6.12 | | 6 3 2![]() |
(7 3 2)![]() | 3 | 7 2![]() 73 | 2 3 | 7![]() 3.14.14 | 2 | 7 3![]() | 2 7 | 3![]() 7.6.6 | 7 | 3 2![]() 37 | 7 3 | 2![]() | 7 3 2 |![]() 4.6.14 | | 7 3 2![]() |
(8 3 2)![]() | 3 | 8 2![]() 83 | 2 3 | 8![]() 3.16.16 | 2 | 8 3![]() | 2 8 | 3![]() 8.6.6 | 8 | 3 2![]() 38 | 8 3 | 2![]() | 8 3 2 |![]() 4.6.16 | | 8 3 2![]() |
(∞ 3 2)![]() | 3 | ∞ 2![]() ∞3 | 2 3 | ∞![]() 3.∞.∞ | 2 | ∞ 3![]() 3.∞.3.∞ | 2 ∞ | 3![]() ∞.6.6 | ∞ | 3 2![]() 3∞ | ∞ 3 | 2![]() 3.4.∞.4 | ∞ 3 2 |![]() 4.6.∞ | | ∞ 3 2![]()∞ |
In geometry, a uniform polyhedron has regular polygons as faces and is vertex-transitive—there is an isometry mapping any vertex onto any other. It follows that all vertices are congruent. Uniform polyhedra may be regular, quasi-regular, or semi-regular. The faces and vertices don't need to be convex, so many of the uniform polyhedra are also star polyhedra.
In geometry, a Wythoff construction, named after mathematician Willem Abraham Wythoff, is a method for constructing a uniform polyhedron or plane tiling. It is often referred to as Wythoff's kaleidoscopic construction.
In geometry, a Coxeter–Dynkin diagram is a graph with numerically labeled edges representing a Coxeter group or sometimes a uniform polytope or uniform tiling constructed from the group.
In seven-dimensional geometry, a 7-polytope is a polytope contained by 6-polytope facets. Each 5-polytope ridge being shared by exactly two 6-polytope facets.
In six-dimensional geometry, a uniform 6-polytope is a six-dimensional uniform polytope. A uniform polypeton is vertex-transitive, and all facets are uniform 5-polytopes.
In geometry, a uniform polytope of dimension three or higher is a vertex-transitive polytope bounded by uniform facets. Here, "vertex-transitive" means that it has symmetries taking every vertex to every other vertex; the same must also be true within each lower-dimensional face of the polytope. In two dimensions a stronger definition is used: only the regular polygons are considered as uniform, disallowing polygons that alternate between two different lengths of edges.
In geometry, a uniform star polyhedron is a self-intersecting uniform polyhedron. They are also sometimes called nonconvex polyhedra to imply self-intersecting. Each polyhedron can contain either star polygon faces, star polygon vertex figures, or both.
In geometry, a quasiregular polyhedron is a uniform polyhedron that has exactly two kinds of regular faces, which alternate around each vertex. They are vertex-transitive and edge-transitive, hence a step closer to regular polyhedra than the semiregular, which are merely vertex-transitive.
In geometry, the order-7 triangular tiling is a regular tiling of the hyperbolic plane with a Schläfli symbol of {3,7}.
In geometry, a snub is an operation applied to a polyhedron. The term originates from Kepler's names of two Archimedean solids, for the snub cube and snub dodecahedron.
In geometry, a uniform tiling is a tessellation of the plane by regular polygon faces with the restriction of being vertex-transitive.
In hyperbolic geometry, a uniform hyperbolic tiling is an edge-to-edge filling of the hyperbolic plane which has regular polygons as faces and is vertex-transitive. It follows that all vertices are congruent, and the tiling has a high degree of rotational and translational symmetry.
In hyperbolic geometry, a uniform honeycomb in hyperbolic space is a uniform tessellation of uniform polyhedral cells. In 3-dimensional hyperbolic space there are nine Coxeter group families of compact convex uniform honeycombs, generated as Wythoff constructions, and represented by permutations of rings of the Coxeter diagrams for each family.
In geometry, a hemipolyhedron is a uniform star polyhedron some of whose faces pass through its center. These "hemi" faces lie parallel to the faces of some other symmetrical polyhedron, and their count is half the number of faces of that other polyhedron – hence the "hemi" prefix.
In geometry, a Goursat tetrahedron is a tetrahedral fundamental domain of a Wythoff construction. Each tetrahedral face represents a reflection hyperplane on 3-dimensional surfaces: the 3-sphere, Euclidean 3-space, and hyperbolic 3-space. Coxeter named them after Édouard Goursat who first looked into these domains. It is an extension of the theory of Schwarz triangles for Wythoff constructions on the sphere.
In geometry, the order-4 hexagonal tiling is a regular tiling of the hyperbolic plane. It has Schläfli symbol of {6,4}.
In geometry, a regular skew apeirohedron is an infinite regular skew polyhedron. They have either skew regular faces or skew regular vertex figures.
In geometry, many uniform tilings on sphere, euclidean plane, and hyperbolic plane can be made by Wythoff construction within a fundamental triangle,, defined by internal angles as π/p, π/q, and π/r. Special cases are right triangles. Uniform solutions are constructed by a single generator point with 7 positions within the fundamental triangle, the 3 corners, along the 3 edges, and the triangle interior. All vertices exist at the generator, or a reflected copy of it. Edges exist between a generator point and its image across a mirror. Up to 3 face types exist centered on the fundamental triangle corners. Right triangle domains can have as few as 1 face type, making regular forms, while general triangles have at least 2 triangle types, leading at best to a quasiregular tiling.