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In geometry, an octahedron (pl.: octahedra or octahedrons) is a polyhedron with eight faces. One special case is the regular octahedron, a Platonic solid composed of eight equilateral triangles, four of which meet at each vertex. Regular octahedra occur in nature as crystal structures. Many types of irregular octahedra also exist, including both convex and non-convex shapes.


A regular octahedron is the three-dimensional case of the more general concept of a cross-polytope.

Regular octahedron

Dual Cube-Octahedron.svg
The regular octahedron and its dual polyhedron, the cube.

A regular octahedron is an octahedron that is a regular polyhedron. All the faces of a regular octahedron are equilateral triangles of the same size, and exactly four triangles meet at each vertex. A regular octahedron is convex, meaning that for any two points within it, the line segment connecting them lies entirely within it.

It is one of the eight convex deltahedra because all of the faces are equilateral triangles. [1] It is a composite polyhedron made by attaching two equilateral square pyramids. [2] [3] Its dual polyhedron is the cube, and they have the same three-dimensional symmetry groups, the octahedral symmetry . [3]

As a Platonic solid

Kepler Octahedron Air.jpg
Sketch of a regular octahedron by Johannes Kepler
Mysterium Cosmographicum solar system model.jpg
Kepler's Platonic solid model of the Solar System

The regular octahedron is one of the Platonic solids, a set of polyhedrons whose faces are congruent regular polygons and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. [4] This ancient set of polyhedrons was named after Plato who, in his Timaeus dialogue, related these solids to nature. One of them, the regular octahedron, represented the classical element of wind. [5]

Following its attribution with nature by Plato, Johannes Kepler in his Harmonices Mundi sketched each of the Platonic solids. [5] In his Mysterium Cosmographicum , Kepler also proposed the Solar System by using the Platonic solids setting into another one and separating them with six spheres resembling the six planets. The ordered solids started from the innermost to the outermost: regular octahedron, regular icosahedron, regular dodecahedron, regular tetrahedron, and cube. [6]

Like its dual, the regular octahedron has three properties: any two faces, two vertices, and two edges are transformed by rotation and reflection under the symmetry orbit, such that the appearance remains unchanged; these are isohedral, isogonal, and isotoxal respectively. Hence, it is considered a regular polyhedron. Four triangles surround each vertex, so the regular octahedron is by vertex configuration or by Schläfli symbol. [7]

As a square bipyramid

Square bipyramid Square bipyramid.png
Square bipyramid

Many octahedra of interest are square bipyramids. [8] A square bipyramid is a bipyramid constructed by attaching two square pyramids base-to-base. These pyramids cover their square bases, so the resulting polyhedron has eight triangular faces. [1]

A square bipyramid is said to be right if the square pyramids are symmetrically regular and both of their apices are on the line passing through the base's center; otherwise, it is oblique. [9] The resulting bipyramid has three-dimensional point group of dihedral group of sixteen: the appearance is symmetrical by rotating around the axis of symmetry that passing through apices and base's center vertically, and it has mirror symmetry relative to any bisector of the base; it is also symmetrical by reflecting it across a horizontal plane. [10] Therefore, this square bipyramid is face-transitive or isohedral. [11]

If the edges of a square bipyramid are all equal in length, then that square bipyramid is a regular octahedron.

Metric properties and Cartesian coordinates

3D model of regular octahedron Octahedron.stl
3D model of regular octahedron

The surface area of a regular octahedron can be ascertained by summing all of its eight equilateral triangles, whereas its volume is twice the volume of a square pyramid; if the edge length is , [12] The radius of a circumscribed sphere (one that touches the octahedron at all vertices), the radius of an inscribed sphere (one that tangent to each of the octahedron's faces), and the radius of a midsphere (one that touches the middle of each edge), are: [13]

The dihedral angle of a regular octahedron between two adjacent triangular faces is 109.47°. This can be obtained from the dihedral angle of an equilateral square pyramid: its dihedral angle between two adjacent triangular faces is the dihedral angle of an equilateral square pyramid between two adjacent triangular faces, and its dihedral angle between two adjacent triangular faces on the edge in which two equilateral square pyramids are attached is twice the dihedral angle of an equilateral square pyramid between its triangular face and its square base. [14]

An octahedron with edge length can be placed with its center at the origin and its vertices on the coordinate axes; the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices are: [15]


The graph of a regular octahedron Complex tripartite graph octahedron.svg
The graph of a regular octahedron

The skeleton of a regular octahedron can be represented as a graph according to Steinitz's theorem, provided the graph is planar its edges of a graph are connected to every vertex without crossing other edgesand 3-connected graph its edges remain connected whenever two of more three vertices of a graph are removed. [16] [17] Its graph called the octahedral graph, a Platonic graph. [4]

The octahedral graph can be considered as complete tripartite graph , a graph partitioned into three independent sets each consisting of two opposite vertices. [18] More generally, it is a Turán graph .

The octahedral graph is 4-connected, meaning that it takes the removal of four vertices to disconnect the remaining vertices. It is one of only four 4-connected simplicial well-covered polyhedra, meaning that all of the maximal independent sets of its vertices have the same size. The other three polyhedra with this property are the pentagonal dipyramid, the snub disphenoid, and an irregular polyhedron with 12 vertices and 20 triangular faces. [19]

The octahedron represents the central intersection of two tetrahedra Compound of two tetrahedra.png
The octahedron represents the central intersection of two tetrahedra

The interior of the compound of two dual tetrahedra is an octahedron, and this compoundcalled the stella octangula is its first and only stellation. Correspondingly, a regular octahedron is the result of cutting off from a regular tetrahedron, four regular tetrahedra of half the linear size (i.e. rectifying the tetrahedron). The vertices of the octahedron lie at the midpoints of the edges of the tetrahedron, and in this sense it relates to the tetrahedron in the same way that the cuboctahedron and icosidodecahedron relate to the other Platonic solids.

One can also divide the edges of an octahedron in the ratio of the golden mean to define the vertices of a regular icosahedron. This is done by first placing vectors along the octahedron's edges such that each face is bounded by a cycle, then similarly partitioning each edge into the golden mean along the direction of its vector. Five octahedra define any given icosahedron in this fashion, and together they define a regular compound. A regular icosahedron produced this way is called a snub octahedron. [20]

The regular octahedron can be considered as the antiprism, a prism like polyhedron in which lateral faces are replaced by alternating equilateral triangles. It is also called trigonal antiprism. [21] Therefore, it has the property of quasiregular, a polyhedron in which two different polygonal faces are alternating and meet at a vertex. [22]

Octahedra and tetrahedra can be alternated to form a vertex, edge, and face-uniform tessellation of space. This and the regular tessellation of cubes are the only such uniform honeycombs in 3-dimensional space.

The uniform tetrahemihexahedron is a tetrahedral symmetry faceting of the regular octahedron, sharing edge and vertex arrangement. It has four of the triangular faces, and 3 central squares.

A regular octahedron is a 3-ball in the Manhattan (1) metric.

Characteristic orthoscheme

Like all regular convex polytopes, the octahedron can be dissected into an integral number of disjoint orthoschemes, all of the same shape characteristic of the polytope. A polytope's characteristic orthoscheme is a fundamental property because the polytope is generated by reflections in the facets of its orthoscheme. The orthoscheme occurs in two chiral forms which are mirror images of each other. The characteristic orthoscheme of a regular polyhedron is a quadrirectangular irregular tetrahedron.

The faces of the octahedron's characteristic tetrahedron lie in the octahedron's mirror planes of symmetry. The octahedron is unique among the Platonic solids in having an even number of faces meeting at each vertex. Consequently, it is the only member of that group to possess, among its mirror planes, some that do not pass through any of its faces. The octahedron's symmetry group is denoted B3. The octahedron and its dual polytope, the cube, have the same symmetry group but different characteristic tetrahedra.

The characteristic tetrahedron of the regular octahedron can be found by a canonical dissection [23] of the regular octahedron CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png which subdivides it into 48 of these characteristic orthoschemes CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png surrounding the octahedron's center. Three left-handed orthoschemes and three right-handed orthoschemes meet in each of the octahedron's eight faces, the six orthoschemes collectively forming a trirectangular tetrahedron: a triangular pyramid with the octahedron face as its equilateral base, and its cube-cornered apex at the center of the octahedron. [24]

Characteristics of the regular octahedron [25]
𝝉 [a] 45°60°

If the octahedron has edge length 𝒍 = 2, its characteristic tetrahedron's six edges have lengths , , around its exterior right-triangle face (the edges opposite the characteristic angles 𝟀, 𝝉, 𝟁), [a] plus , , (edges that are the characteristic radii of the octahedron). The 3-edge path along orthogonal edges of the orthoscheme is , , , first from an octahedron vertex to an octahedron edge center, then turning 90° to an octahedron face center, then turning 90° to the octahedron center. The orthoscheme has four dissimilar right triangle faces. The exterior face is a 90-60-30 triangle which is one-sixth of an octahedron face. The three faces interior to the octahedron are: a 45-90-45 triangle with edges , , , a right triangle with edges , , , and a right triangle with edges , , .

Uniform colorings and symmetry

There are 3 uniform colorings of the octahedron, named by the triangular face colors going around each vertex: 1212, 1112, 1111.

The octahedron's symmetry group is Oh, of order 48, the three dimensional hyperoctahedral group. This group's subgroups include D3d (order 12), the symmetry group of a triangular antiprism; D4h (order 16), the symmetry group of a square bipyramid; and Td (order 24), the symmetry group of a rectified tetrahedron. These symmetries can be emphasized by different colorings of the faces.

NameOctahedron Rectified tetrahedron
Triangular antiprism Square bipyramid Rhombic fusil
(Face coloring)
Uniform polyhedron-43-t2.png
Uniform polyhedron-33-t1.svg
Trigonal antiprism.png
Square bipyramid.png
Rhombic bipyramid.png
Coxeter diagram CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node h0.png = CDel node 1.pngCDel split1.pngCDel nodes.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.png
CDel node h.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node h.png
CDel node f1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node f1.png
Schläfli symbol {3,4}r{3,3}s{2,6}
{ } + {4}
{ } + { } + { }
Wythoff symbol 4 | 3 22 | 4 32 | 6 2
| 2 3 2
Symmetry Oh, [4,3], (*432)Td, [3,3], (*332)D3d, [2+,6], (2*3)
D3, [2,3]+, (322)
D4h, [2,4], (*422)D2h, [2,2], (*222)
Order 482412

Other types of octahedra

A regular faced convex polyhedron, the gyrobifastigium. Gyrobifastigium.png
A regular faced convex polyhedron, the gyrobifastigium.

An octahedron can be any polyhedron with eight faces. In a previous example, the regular octahedron has 6 vertices and 12 edges, the minimum for an octahedron; irregular octahedra may have as many as 12 vertices and 18 edges. [26] There are 257 topologically distinct convex octahedra, excluding mirror images. More specifically there are 2, 11, 42, 74, 76, 38, 14 for octahedra with 6 to 12 vertices respectively. [27] [28] (Two polyhedra are "topologically distinct" if they have intrinsically different arrangements of faces and vertices, such that it is impossible to distort one into the other simply by changing the lengths of edges or the angles between edges or faces.) Some of the polyhedrons do have eight faces aside from being square bipyramids in the following:

Bricard octahedron with an antiparallelogram as its equator. The axis of symmetry passes through the plane of the antiparallelogram. Br2-anim.gif
Bricard octahedron with an antiparallelogram as its equator. The axis of symmetry passes through the plane of the antiparallelogram.

The following polyhedra are combinatorially equivalent to the regular octahedron. They all have six vertices, eight triangular faces, and twelve edges that correspond one-for-one with the features of it:

Octahedra in the physical world

Octahedra in nature

Fluorite octahedron. Fluorite octahedron.jpg
Fluorite octahedron.

Octahedra in art and culture

Two identically formed Rubik's Snakes can approximate an octahedron. Rubiks snake octahedron.jpg
Two identically formed Rubik's Snakes can approximate an octahedron.

Tetrahedral octet truss

A space frame of alternating tetrahedra and half-octahedra derived from the Tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb was invented by Buckminster Fuller in the 1950s. It is commonly regarded as the strongest building structure for resisting cantilever stresses.

A regular octahedron can be augmented into a tetrahedron by adding 4 tetrahedra on alternated faces. Adding tetrahedra to all 8 faces creates the stellated octahedron.

Triangulated tetrahedron.png Compound of two tetrahedra.png
tetrahedron stellated octahedron

The octahedron is one of a family of uniform polyhedra related to the cube.

Uniform octahedral polyhedra
Symmetry: [4,3], (*432) [4,3]+
[1+,4,3] = [3,3]
{4,3} t{4,3} r{4,3}
tr{4,3} sr{4,3} h{4,3}
CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node h.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
CDel node h0.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
= CDel nodes 11.pngCDel split2.pngCDel node.png
CDel node h0.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
= CDel nodes 11.pngCDel split2.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node h0.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
= CDel nodes.pngCDel split2.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node h.pngCDel node h1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png =
CDel nodes 10ru.pngCDel split2.pngCDel node.png or CDel nodes 01rd.pngCDel split2.pngCDel node.png
CDel node h1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png =
CDel nodes 10ru.pngCDel split2.pngCDel node 1.png or CDel nodes 01rd.pngCDel split2.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node h.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node h0.png =
CDel node h.pngCDel split1.pngCDel nodes hh.png
Uniform polyhedron-43-t0.svg Uniform polyhedron-43-t01.svg Uniform polyhedron-43-t1.svg
Uniform polyhedron-33-t02.svg
Uniform polyhedron-43-t12.svg
Uniform polyhedron-33-t012.png
Uniform polyhedron-43-t2.svg
Uniform polyhedron-33-t1.svg
Uniform polyhedron-43-t02.png
Rhombicuboctahedron uniform edge coloring.png
Uniform polyhedron-43-t012.png Uniform polyhedron-43-s012.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t0.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t2.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t01.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t12.png Uniform polyhedron-43-h01.svg
Uniform polyhedron-33-s012.svg
Duals to uniform polyhedra
V43 V3.82 V(3.4)2 V4.62 V34 V3.43 V4.6.8 V34.4 V33 V3.62 V35
CDel node f1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node.png
CDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 4.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node f1.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node fh.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node fh.png
Octahedron.svg Triakisoctahedron.jpg Rhombicdodecahedron.jpg Tetrakishexahedron.jpg Hexahedron.svg Deltoidalicositetrahedron.jpg Disdyakisdodecahedron.jpg Pentagonalicositetrahedronccw.jpg Tetrahedron.svg Triakistetrahedron.jpg Dodecahedron.svg

It is also one of the simplest examples of a hypersimplex, a polytope formed by certain intersections of a hypercube with a hyperplane.

The octahedron is topologically related as a part of sequence of regular polyhedra with Schläfli symbols {3,n}, continuing into the hyperbolic plane.

*n32 symmetry mutation of regular tilings: {3,n}
SphericalEuclid.Compact hyper.Paraco.Noncompact hyperbolic
Trigonal dihedron.svg Uniform tiling 332-t2.svg Uniform tiling 432-t2.png Uniform tiling 532-t2.png Uniform polyhedron-63-t2.svg Order-7 triangular tiling.svg H2-8-3-primal.svg H2 tiling 23i-4.png H2 tiling 23j12-4.png H2 tiling 23j9-4.png H2 tiling 23j6-4.png H2 tiling 23j3-4.png
3.3 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 312i39i36i33i


The regular octahedron can also be considered a rectified tetrahedron – and can be called a tetratetrahedron. This can be shown by a 2-color face model. With this coloring, the octahedron has tetrahedral symmetry.

Compare this truncation sequence between a tetrahedron and its dual:

Family of uniform tetrahedral polyhedra
Symmetry: [3,3], (*332)[3,3]+, (332)
Uniform polyhedron-33-t0.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t01.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t1.svg Uniform polyhedron-33-t12.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t2.png Uniform polyhedron-33-t02.svg Uniform polyhedron-33-t012.png Uniform polyhedron-33-s012.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node h.png
{3,3} t{3,3} r{3,3} t{3,3} {3,3} rr{3,3} tr{3,3} sr{3,3}
Duals to uniform polyhedra
Tetrahedron.svg Triakistetrahedron.jpg Hexahedron.svg Triakistetrahedron.jpg Tetrahedron.svg Rhombicdodecahedron.jpg Tetrakishexahedron.jpg Dodecahedron.svg
V3.3.3 V3.6.6 V3.3.3.3 V3.6.6 V3.3.3 V3.4.3.4 V4.6.6 V3.

The above shapes may also be realized as slices orthogonal to the long diagonal of a tesseract. If this diagonal is oriented vertically with a height of 1, then the first five slices above occur at heights r, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, and s, where r is any number in the range 0 < r1/4, and s is any number in the range 3/4s < 1.

The octahedron as a tetratetrahedron exists in a sequence of symmetries of quasiregular polyhedra and tilings with vertex configurations (3.n)2, progressing from tilings of the sphere to the Euclidean plane and into the hyperbolic plane. With orbifold notation symmetry of *n32 all of these tilings are Wythoff constructions within a fundamental domain of symmetry, with generator points at the right angle corner of the domain. [31] [32]

*n32 orbifold symmetries of quasiregular tilings: (3.n)2
Quasiregular fundamental domain.png
Spherical EuclideanHyperbolic
Uniform tiling 332-t1-1-.png Uniform tiling 432-t1.png Uniform tiling 532-t1.png Uniform tiling 63-t1.svg Triheptagonal tiling.svg H2-8-3-rectified.svg H2 tiling 23i-2.png
Vertex (3.3)2 (3.4)2 (3.5)2 (3.6)2 (3.7)2 (3.8)2 (3.)2

Trigonal antiprism

As a trigonal antiprism, the octahedron is related to the hexagonal dihedral symmetry family.

Uniform hexagonal dihedral spherical polyhedra
Symmetry: [6,2], (*622)[6,2]+, (622)[6,2+], (2*3)
Hexagonal dihedron.png Dodecagonal dihedron.png Hexagonal dihedron.png Spherical hexagonal prism.svg Spherical hexagonal hosohedron.svg Spherical truncated trigonal prism.png Spherical dodecagonal prism2.png Spherical hexagonal antiprism.svg Spherical trigonal antiprism.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 2.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node h.pngCDel node.pngCDel 6.pngCDel node h.pngCDel 2x.pngCDel node h.png
{6,2} t{6,2} r{6,2} t{2,6} {2,6} rr{6,2} tr{6,2} sr{6,2} s{2,6}
Duals to uniforms
Spherical hexagonal hosohedron.svg Spherical dodecagonal hosohedron.svg Spherical hexagonal hosohedron.svg Spherical hexagonal bipyramid.svg Hexagonal dihedron.png Spherical hexagonal bipyramid.svg Spherical dodecagonal bipyramid.svg Spherical hexagonal trapezohedron.svg Spherical trigonal trapezohedron.svg
V62 V122 V62 V4.4.6 V26 V4.4.6 V4.4.12 V3.3.3.6 V3.3.3.3
Family of uniform n-gonal antiprisms
Antiprism name Digonal antiprism (Trigonal)
Triangular antiprism
Square antiprism
Pentagonal antiprism Hexagonal antiprism Heptagonal antiprism ... Apeirogonal antiprism
Polyhedron image Digonal antiprism.png Trigonal antiprism.png Square antiprism.png Pentagonal antiprism.png Hexagonal antiprism.png Antiprism 7.png ...
Spherical tiling image Spherical digonal antiprism with digonal face.svg Spherical trigonal antiprism.svg Spherical square antiprism.svg Spherical pentagonal antiprism.svg Spherical hexagonal antiprism.svg Spherical heptagonal antiprism.svg Plane tiling image Infinite antiprism.svg
Vertex config.∞.3.3.3

Truncation of two opposite vertices results in a square bifrustum.

The octahedron can be generated as the case of a 3D superellipsoid with all exponent values set to 1.

See also


  1. 1 2 (Coxeter 1973) uses the greek letter 𝝓 (phi) to represent one of the three characteristic angles 𝟀, 𝝓, 𝟁 of a regular polytope. Because 𝝓 is commonly used to represent the golden ratio constant ≈ 1.618, for which Coxeter uses 𝝉 (tau), we reverse Coxeter's conventions, and use 𝝉 to represent the characteristic angle.


  1. 1 2 Trigg, Charles W. (1978). "An Infinite Class of Deltahedra". Mathematics Magazine. 51 (1): 55–57. doi:10.1080/0025570X.1978.11976675. JSTOR   2689647.
  2. Timofeenko, A. V. (2010). "Junction of Non-composite Polyhedra" (PDF). St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal. 21 (3): 483–512. doi:10.1090/S1061-0022-10-01105-2.
  3. 1 2 Erickson, Martin (2011). Beautiful Mathematics. Mathematical Association of America. p. 62. ISBN   978-1-61444-509-8.
  4. 1 2 Herrmann, Diane L.; Sally, Paul J. (2013). Number, Shape, & Symmetry: An Introduction to Number Theory, Geometry, and Group Theory. Taylor & Francis. p. 252. ISBN   978-1-4665-5464-1.
  5. 1 2 Cromwell, Peter R. (1997). Polyhedra. Cambridge University Press. p. 55. ISBN   978-0-521-55432-9.
  6. Livio, Mario (2003) [2002]. The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number (First trade paperback ed.). New York City: Broadway Books. pp. 70–71. ISBN   0-7679-0816-3.
  7. Walter, Steurer; Deloudi, Sofia (2009). Crystallography of Quasicrystals: Concepts, Methods and Structures. Springer Series in Materials Science. Vol. 126. p. 50. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01899-2. ISBN   978-3-642-01898-5.
  8. O'Keeffe, Michael; Hyde, Bruce G. (2020). Crystal Structures: Patterns and Symmetry. Dover Publications. p. 141. ISBN   978-0-486-83654-6.
  9. Polya, G. (1954). Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning: Induction and analogy in mathematics. Princeton University Press. p. 138. ISBN   0-691-02509-6.
  10. Alexander, Daniel C.; Koeberlin, Geralyn M. (2014). Elementary Geometry for College Students (6th ed.). Cengage Learning. p. 403. ISBN   978-1-285-19569-8.
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  23. Coxeter 1973, p. 130, §7.6 The symmetry group of the general regular polytope; "simplicial subdivision".
  24. Coxeter 1973, pp. 70–71, Characteristic tetrahedra; Fig. 4.7A.
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  31. Coxeter, H.S.M. (1973). Regular Polytopes (Third ed.). Dover. Chapter V: The Kaleidoscope, Section: 5.7 Wythoff's construction. ISBN   0-486-61480-8.
  32. Huson, Daniel H. (September 1998), Two Dimensional Symmetry Mutation
Family An Bn I2(p) / Dn E6 / E7 / E8 / F4 / G2 Hn
Regular polygon Triangle Square p-gon Hexagon Pentagon
Uniform polyhedron Tetrahedron OctahedronCube Demicube DodecahedronIcosahedron
Uniform polychoron Pentachoron 16-cellTesseract Demitesseract 24-cell 120-cell600-cell
Uniform 5-polytope 5-simplex 5-orthoplex5-cube 5-demicube
Uniform 6-polytope 6-simplex 6-orthoplex6-cube 6-demicube 122221
Uniform 7-polytope 7-simplex 7-orthoplex7-cube 7-demicube 132231321
Uniform 8-polytope 8-simplex 8-orthoplex8-cube 8-demicube 142241421
Uniform 9-polytope 9-simplex 9-orthoplex9-cube 9-demicube
Uniform 10-polytope 10-simplex 10-orthoplex10-cube 10-demicube
Uniform n-polytope n-simplex n-orthoplexn-cube n-demicube 1k22k1k21 n-pentagonal polytope
Topics: Polytope familiesRegular polytopeList of regular polytopes and compounds