Square orthobicupola

Last updated
Square orthobicupola
Square orthobicupola.png
Type Johnson
Faces 8 triangles
2+8 squares
Edges 32
Vertices 16
Vertex configuration
Symmetry group
Properties convex
Square orthobicupola flat.svg

In geometry, the square orthobicupola is a Johnson solid constructed by two square cupolas base-to-base.



The square orthobicupola is started by attaching two square cupolae onto their bases. [1] The resulting polyhedron consisted of eight equilateral triangles and ten squares, having eighteen faces in total, as well as thirty-two edges and sixteen vertices. A convex polyhedron in which the faces are all regular polygons is a Johnson solid, and the square orthobicupola is one of them, enumerated as twenty-eighth Johnson solid . [2] This construction is similar to the next one, the square gyrobicupola, which is twisted one of the cupolae around 45°. [1]


The square orthobicupola has surface area of a total sum of its area's faces, eight equilateral triangles and two squares. Its volume is twice that of the square cupola's volume. With the edge length , they are: [2]

The square orthobicupola has an axis of symmetry (a line passing through the center of two cupolas at their top) that rotates around one-, two-, and third-fourth of a full turn, and is reflected over the plane so the appearance remains symmetrical. The solid is also symmetrical by reflection over three mutually orthogonal planes. [3]
