Pentagonal bipyramid | |
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Type | Bipyramid, Deltahedra Johnson J12 – J13 – J14 |
Faces | 10 triangles |
Edges | 15 |
Vertices | 7 |
Vertex configuration | |
Symmetry group | |
Dihedral angle (degrees) | As a Johnson solid:
Dual polyhedron | pentagonal prism |
Properties | convex, composite, face-transitive |
The pentagonal bipyramid (or pentagonal dipyramid) is a polyhedron with ten triangular faces. It is constructed by attaching two pentagonal pyramids to each of their bases. If the triangular faces are equilateral, the pentagonal bipyramid is an example of deltahedra, composite polyhedron, and Johnson solid.
The pentagonal bipyramid may be represented as four-connected well-covered graph. This polyhedron may be used in the chemical compound as the description of an atom cluster known as pentagonal bipyramidal molecular geometry, as a solution in Thomson problem, as well as in decahedral nanoparticles.
Like other bipyramids, the pentagonal bipyramid can be constructed by attaching the base of two pentagonal pyramids. [1] These pyramids cover their pentagonal base, such that the resulting polyhedron has ten triangles as its faces, fifteen edges, and seven vertices. [2] The pentagonal bipyramid is said to be right if the pyramids are symmetrically regular and both of their apices are on the line passing through the base's center; otherwise, it is oblique. [3]
Like other right bipyramids, the pentagonal bipyramid has three-dimensional symmetry group of dihedral group of order twenty: the appearance is symmetrical by rotating around the axis of symmetry that passing through apices and base's center vertically, and it has mirror symmetry relative to any bisector of the base; it is also symmetrical by reflecting it across a horizontal plane. [4] Therefore, the pentagonal bipyramid is face-transitive or isohedral. [5]
The pentagonal bipyramid is four-connected, meaning that it takes the removal of four vertices to disconnect the remaining vertices. It is one of only four four-connected simplicial well-covered polyhedra, meaning that all of the maximal independent sets of its vertices have the same size. The other three polyhedra with this property are the regular octahedron, the snub disphenoid, and an irregular polyhedron with 12 vertices and 20 triangular faces. [6]
The dual polyhedron of a pentagonal bipyramid is the pentagonal prism. More generally, the dual polyhedron of every bipyramid is the prism, and the vice versa is true. [7] The pentagonal prism has two pentagonal faces at the base, and the rest are five rectangular. [8]
If the pyramids are regular, all edges of the triangular bipyramid are equal in length, making up the faces equilateral triangles. A polyhedron with only equilateral triangles as faces is called a deltahedron. [9] There are only eight different convex deltahedra, one of which is the pentagonal bipyramid with regular faces. More generally, the convex polyhedron in which all faces are regular is the Johnson solid, and every convex deltahedra is a Johnson solid. The pentagonal bipyramid with the regular faces is among the numbered Johnson solids as , the thirteenth Johnson solid. [10] It is an example of a composite polyhedron because it is constructed by attaching two regular pentagonal pyramids. [11] [2]
A pentagonal bipyramid's surface area is 10 times that of all triangles, and its volume can be ascertained by slicing it into two pentagonal pyramids and adding their volume. In the case of edge length , they are: [2]
The dihedral angle of a pentagonal bipyramid with regular faces can be calculated by adding the angle of pentagonal pyramids: [12]
In the geometry of chemical compounds, the pentagonal bipyramid can be used as the atom cluster surrounding an atom. The pentagonal bipyramidal molecular geometry describes clusters for which this polyhedron is a pentagonal bipyramid. An example of such a cluster is iodine heptafluoride in the gas phase. [13]
The Thomson problem concerns the minimum-energy configuration of charged particles on a sphere. One of them is a pentagonal bipyramid, a known solution for the case of seven electrons, by placing vertices of a pentagonal bipyramid inscribed in a sphere. [14]
Pentagonal bipyramids and related five-fold shapes are found in decahedral nanoparticles, which can also be macroscopic in size when they are also called fiveling cyclic twins in mineralogy. [15] [16]
In geometry, the regular icosahedron is a convex polyhedron that can be constructed from pentagonal antiprism by attaching two pentagonal pyramids with regular faces to each of its pentagonal faces, or by putting points onto the cube. The resulting polyhedron has 20 equilateral triangles as its faces, 30 edges, and 12 vertices. It is an example of a Platonic solid and of a deltahedron. The icosahedral graph represents the skeleton of a regular icosahedron.
In geometry, a Johnson solid, sometimes also known as a Johnson–Zalgaller solid, is a strictly convex polyhedron whose faces are regular polygons. They are sometimes defined to exclude the uniform polyhedrons. There are ninety-two solids with such a property: the first solids are the pyramids, cupolas. and a rotunda; some of the solids may be constructed by attaching with those previous solids, whereas others may not. These solids are named after mathematicians Norman Johnson and Victor Zalgaller.
In geometry, an octahedron is a polyhedron with eight faces. One special case is the regular octahedron, a Platonic solid composed of eight equilateral triangles, four of which meet at each vertex. Regular octahedra occur in nature as crystal structures. Many types of irregular octahedra also exist, including both convex and non-convex shapes.
A deltahedron is a polyhedron whose faces are all equilateral triangles. The deltahedron is named by Martyn Cundy, after the Greek capital letter delta resembling a triangular shape Δ. The deltahedron can be categorized by the property of convexity. There are eight convex deltahedra, which can be used in the applications of chemistry as in the polyhedral skeletal electron pair theory and chemical compounds. Omitting the convex property leaves the results in infinitely many deltahedrons alongside its subclasses recognition.
A triangular bipyramid is a hexahedron with six triangular faces constructed by attaching two tetrahedra face-to-face. The same shape is also known as a triangular dipyramid or trigonal bipyramid. If these tetrahedra are regular, all faces of a triangular bipyramid are equilateral. It is an example of a deltahedron, composite polyhedron, and Johnson solid.
In geometry, the gyroelongated square bipyramid is a polyhedron with 16 triangular faces. it can be constructed from a square antiprism by attaching two equilateral square pyramids to each of its square faces. The same shape is also called hexakaidecadeltahedron, heccaidecadeltahedron, or tetrakis square antiprism; these last names mean a polyhedron with 16 triangular faces. It is an example of deltahedron, and of a Johnson solid.
The triaugmented triangular prism, in geometry, is a convex polyhedron with 14 equilateral triangles as its faces. It can be constructed from a triangular prism by attaching equilateral square pyramids to each of its three square faces. The same shape is also called the tetrakis triangular prism, tricapped trigonal prism, tetracaidecadeltahedron, or tetrakaidecadeltahedron; these last names mean a polyhedron with 14 triangular faces. It is an example of a deltahedron, composite polyhedron, and Johnson solid.
In geometry, the gyroelongated square pyramid is the Johnson solid that can be constructed by attaching an equilateral square pyramid to a square antiprism. It occurs in chemistry; for example, the square antiprismatic molecular geometry.
In geometry, pentagonal pyramid is a pyramid with a pentagon base and five triangular faces, having a total of six faces. It is categorized as a Johnson solid if all of the edges are equal in length, forming equilateral triangular faces and a regular pentagonal base. The pentagonal pyramid can be found in many polyhedrons, including their construction. It also occurs in stereochemistry in pentagonal pyramidal molecular geometry.
In geometry, the snub disphenoid is a convex polyhedron with 12 equilateral triangles as its faces. It is an example of deltahedron and Johnson solid. It can be constructed in different approaches. This shape also has alternative names called Siamese dodecahedron, triangular dodecahedron, trigonal dodecahedron, or dodecadeltahedron.
In geometry, the elongated square pyramid is a convex polyhedron constructed from a cube by attaching an equilateral square pyramid onto one of its faces. It is an example of Johnson solid.
In geometry, the elongated triangular bipyramid or triakis triangular prism a polyhedron constructed from a triangular prism by attaching two tetrahedrons to its bases. It is an example of Johnson solid.
In geometry, the elongated square bipyramid is the polyhedron constructed by attaching two equilateral square pyramids onto a cube's faces that are opposite each other. It can also be seen as 4 lunes linked together with squares to squares and triangles to triangles. It is also been named the pencil cube or 12-faced pencil cube due to its shape.
In geometry, the elongated pentagonal bipyramid is a polyhedron constructed by attaching two pentagonal pyramids onto the base of a pentagonal prism. It is an example of Johnson solid.
In geometry, the augmented triangular prism is a polyhedron constructed by attaching an equilateral square pyramid onto the square face of a triangular prism. As a result, it is an example of Johnson solid. It can be visualized as the chemical compound, known as capped trigonal prismatic molecular geometry.
In geometry, the biaugmented triangular prism is a polyhedron constructed from a triangular prism by attaching two equilateral square pyramids onto two of its square faces. It is an example of Johnson solid. It can be found in stereochemistry in bicapped trigonal prismatic molecular geometry.
In geometry, the augmented pentagonal prism is a polyhedron that can be constructed by attaching an equilateral square pyramid onto the square face of pentagonal prism. It is an example of Johnson solid.
In geometry, the biaugmented pentagonal prism is a polyhedron constructed from a pentagonal prism by attaching two equilateral square pyramids onto each of its square faces. It is an example of Johnson solid.
A hexagonal bipyramid is a polyhedron formed from two hexagonal pyramids joined at their bases. The resulting solid has 12 triangular faces, 8 vertices and 18 edges. The 12 faces are identical isosceles triangles.
In geometry, a triangular prism or trigonal prism is a prism with 2 triangular bases. If the edges pair with each triangle's vertex and if they are perpendicular to the base, it is a right triangular prism. A right triangular prism may be both semiregular and uniform.