
Last updated
Type Johnson
Faces 12 triangles
2 squares
Edges 22
Vertices 10
Vertex configuration 4(33.4)
Symmetry group C2v
Dual polyhedron -
Properties convex
Johnson solid 86 net.png
3D model of a sphenocorona J86 sphenocorona.stl
3D model of a sphenocorona

In geometry, the sphenocorona is a Johnson solid with 12 equilateral triangles and 2 squares as its faces.



The sphenocorona was named by Johnson (1966) in which he used the prefix spheno- referring to a wedge-like complex formed by two adjacent lunes a square with equilateral triangles attached on its opposite sides. The suffix -corona refers to a crownlike complex of 8 equilateral triangles. [1] By joining both complexes together, the resulting polyhedron has 12 equilateral triangles and 2 squares, making 14 faces. [2] A convex polyhedron in which all faces are regular polygons is called a Johnson solid, and the sphenocorona is among them, enumerated as the 86th Johnson solid . [3] It is elementary, meaning it does not arise from "cut-and-paste" manipulations of both Platonic and Archimedean solids. [4]

The surface area of a sphenocorona with edge length can be calculated as: [2]

and its volume as: [2]

Cartesian coordinates

Let be the smallest positive root of the quartic polynomial . Then, Cartesian coordinates of a sphenocorona with edge length 2 are given by the union of the orbits of the points

under the action of the group generated by reflections about the xz-plane and the yz-plane. [5]


The sphenocorona is also the vertex figure of the isogonal n-gonal double antiprismoid where n is an odd number greater than one, including the grand antiprism with pairs of trapezoid rather than square faces.

Grand antiprism verf.png

See also

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  1. Johnson, Norman W. (1966), "Convex polyhedra with regular faces", Canadian Journal of Mathematics , 18: 169–200, doi: 10.4153/cjm-1966-021-8 , MR   0185507, S2CID   122006114, Zbl   0132.14603
  2. 1 2 3 Berman, Martin (1971), "Regular-faced convex polyhedra", Journal of the Franklin Institute, 291 (5): 329–352, doi:10.1016/0016-0032(71)90071-8, MR   0290245
  3. Francis, Darryl (2013), "Johnson solids & their acronyms", Word Ways, 46 (3): 177
  4. Cromwell, P. R. (1997), Polyhedra, Cambridge University Press, p. 87, ISBN   978-0-521-66405-9
  5. Timofeenko, A. V. (2009), "The non-Platonic and non-Archimedean noncomposite polyhedra", Journal of Mathematical Science, 162 (5): 718, doi:10.1007/s10958-009-9655-0, S2CID   120114341