Truncated icosahedron | |
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Type | Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Goldberg polyhedron |
Faces | 32 |
Edges | 90 |
Vertices | 60 |
Symmetry group | Icosahedral symmetry |
Dual polyhedron | Pentakis dodecahedron |
Vertex figure | |
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In geometry, the truncated icosahedron is a polyhedron that can be constructed by truncating all of the regular icosahedron's vertices. Intuitively, it may be regarded as footballs (or soccer balls) that are typically patterned with white hexagons and black pentagons. It can be found in the application of geodesic dome structures such as those whose architecture Buckminster Fuller pioneered are often based on this structure. It is an example of an Archimedean solid, as well as a Goldberg polyhedron.
The truncated icosahedron can be constructed from a regular icosahedron by cutting off all of its vertices, known as truncation. Each of the 12 vertices at the one-third mark of each edge creates 12 pentagonal faces and transforms the original 20 triangle faces into regular hexagons. [1] Therefore, the resulting polyhedron has 32 faces, 90 edges, and 60 vertices. [2] A Goldberg polyhedron is one whose faces are 12 pentagons and some multiple of 10 hexagons. There are three classes of Goldberg polyhedron, one of them is constructed by truncating all vertices repeatedly, and the truncated icosahedron is one of them, denoted as . [3]
The surface area and the volume of the truncated icosahedron of edge length are: [2] The sphericity of a polyhedron describes how closely a polyhedron resembles a sphere. It can be defined as the ratio of the surface area of a sphere with the same volume to the polyhedron's surface area, from which the value is between 0 and 1. In the case of a truncated icosahedron, it is: [2]
The dihedral angle of a truncated icosahedron between adjacent hexagonal faces is approximately 138.18°, and that between pentagon-to-hexagon is approximately 142.6°. [4]
The truncated icosahedron is an Archimedean solid, meaning it is a highly symmetric and semi-regular polyhedron, and two or more different regular polygonal faces meet in a vertex. [5] It has the same symmetry as the regular icosahedron, the icosahedral symmetry, and it also has the property of vertex-transitivity. [6] [7] The polygonal faces that meet for every vertex are one pentagon and two hexagons, and the vertex figure of a truncated icosahedron is . The truncated icosahedron's dual is pentakis dodecahedron, a Catalan solid, [8] shares the same symmetry as the truncated icosahedron. [9]
According to Steinitz's theorem, the skeleton of a truncated icosahedron, like that of any convex polyhedron, can be represented as a polyhedral graph, meaning a planar graph (one that can be drawn without crossing edges) and 3-vertex-connected graph (remaining connected whenever two of its vertices are removed). [10] The graph is known as truncated icosahedral graph, and it has 60 vertices and 90 edges. It is an Archimedean graph because it resembles one of the Archimedean solids. It is a cubic graph, meaning that each vertex is incident to exactly three edges. [11] [12] [13]
The balls used in association football and team handball are perhaps the best-known example of a spherical polyhedron analog to the truncated icosahedron, found in everyday life. [14] The ball comprises the same pattern of regular pentagons and regular hexagons, each of which is painted in black and white respectively; still, its shape is more spherical. It was designed by Adidas Telstar during World Cup in 1970. [15] However, it was superseded in 2006. [16]
Geodesic domes are typically based on triangular facetings of this geometry with example structures found across the world, popularized by Buckminster Fuller. An example can be found in the model of a buckminsterfullerene, a truncated icosahedron-shaped geodesic dome allotrope of elemental carbon discovered in 1985. [17] In other engineering and science applications, its shape was also the configuration of the lenses used for focusing the explosive shock waves of the detonators in both the gadget and Fat Man atomic bombs. [18] Its structure can also be found in the protein of clathrin. [13]
The truncated icosahedron was known to Archimedes, who classified the 13 Archimedean solids in a lost work. All that is now known of his work on these shapes comes from Pappus of Alexandria, who merely lists the numbers of faces for each: 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons, in the case of the truncated icosahedron. The first known image and complete description of a truncated icosahedron are from a rediscovery by Piero della Francesca, in his 15th-century book De quinque corporibus regularibus , which included five of the Archimedean solids (the five truncations of the regular polyhedra). [19] The same shape was depicted by Leonardo da Vinci, in his illustrations for Luca Pacioli's plagiarism of della Francesca's book in 1509. Although Albrecht Dürer omitted this shape from the other Archimedean solids listed in his 1525 book on polyhedra, Underweysung der Messung, a description of it was found in his posthumous papers, published in 1538. Johannes Kepler later rediscovered the complete list of the 13 Archimedean solids, including the truncated icosahedron, and included them in his 1609 book, Harmonices Mundi . [20]
The Archimedean solids are a set of thirteen convex polyhedra whose faces are regular polygons, but not all alike, and whose vertices are all symmetric to each other. The solids were named after Archimedes, although he did not claim credit for them. They belong to the class of uniform polyhedra, the polyhedra with regular faces and symmetric vertices. Some Archimedean solids were portrayed in the works of artists and mathematicians during the Renaissance.
In geometry, a dodecahedron or duodecahedron is any polyhedron with twelve flat faces. The most familiar dodecahedron is the regular dodecahedron with regular pentagons as faces, which is a Platonic solid. There are also three regular star dodecahedra, which are constructed as stellations of the convex form. All of these have icosahedral symmetry, order 120.
In geometry, the regular icosahedron is a convex polyhedron that can be constructed from pentagonal antiprism by attaching two pentagonal pyramids with regular faces to each of its pentagonal faces, or by putting points onto the cube. The resulting polyhedron has 20 equilateral triangles as its faces, 30 edges, and 12 vertices. It is an example of a Platonic solid and of a deltahedron. The icosahedral graph represents the skeleton of a regular icosahedron.
In geometry, an icosidodecahedron or pentagonal gyrobirotunda is a polyhedron with twenty (icosi-) triangular faces and twelve (dodeca-) pentagonal faces. An icosidodecahedron has 30 identical vertices, with two triangles and two pentagons meeting at each, and 60 identical edges, each separating a triangle from a pentagon. As such, it is one of the Archimedean solids and more particularly, a quasiregular polyhedron.
In geometry, an octahedron is a polyhedron with eight faces. One special case is the regular octahedron, a Platonic solid composed of eight equilateral triangles, four of which meet at each vertex. Regular octahedra occur in nature as crystal structures. Many types of irregular octahedra also exist, including both convex and non-convex shapes.
In geometry, a Platonic solid is a convex, regular polyhedron in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Being a regular polyhedron means that the faces are congruent regular polygons, and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. There are only five such polyhedra:
In geometry, the truncated tetrahedron is an Archimedean solid. It has 4 regular hexagonal faces, 4 equilateral triangle faces, 12 vertices and 18 edges. It can be constructed by truncating all 4 vertices of a regular tetrahedron.
In geometry, the truncated octahedron is the Archimedean solid that arises from a regular octahedron by removing six pyramids, one at each of the octahedron's vertices. The truncated octahedron has 14 faces, 36 edges, and 24 vertices. Since each of its faces has point symmetry the truncated octahedron is a 6-zonohedron. It is also the Goldberg polyhedron GIV(1,1), containing square and hexagonal faces. Like the cube, it can tessellate 3-dimensional space, as a permutohedron.
In geometry, the truncated cube, or truncated hexahedron, is an Archimedean solid. It has 14 regular faces, 36 edges, and 24 vertices.
In geometry, the Rhombicosidodecahedron is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex isogonal nonprismatic solids constructed of two or more types of regular polygon faces.
In geometry, the truncated cuboctahedron or great rhombicuboctahedron is an Archimedean solid, named by Kepler as a truncation of a cuboctahedron. It has 12 square faces, 8 regular hexagonal faces, 6 regular octagonal faces, 48 vertices, and 72 edges. Since each of its faces has point symmetry, the truncated cuboctahedron is a 9-zonohedron. The truncated cuboctahedron can tessellate with the octagonal prism.
In geometry, a truncated icosidodecahedron, rhombitruncated icosidodecahedron, great rhombicosidodecahedron, omnitruncated dodecahedron or omnitruncated icosahedron is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex, isogonal, non-prismatic solids constructed by two or more types of regular polygon faces.
In geometry, the snub dodecahedron, or snub icosidodecahedron, is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex isogonal nonprismatic solids constructed by two or more types of regular polygon faces.
In geometry, the truncated dodecahedron is an Archimedean solid. It has 12 regular decagonal faces, 20 regular triangular faces, 60 vertices and 90 edges.
In geometry, the triakis icosahedron is an Archimedean dual solid, or a Catalan solid, with 60 isosceles triangle faces. Its dual is the truncated dodecahedron. It has also been called the kisicosahedron. It was first depicted, in a non-convex form with equilateral triangle faces, by Leonardo da Vinci in Luca Pacioli's Divina proportione, where it was named the icosahedron elevatum. The capsid of the Hepatitis A virus has the shape of a triakis icosahedron.
In geometry, a disdyakis triacontahedron, hexakis icosahedron, decakis dodecahedron, kisrhombic triacontahedron or d120 is a Catalan solid with 120 faces and the dual to the Archimedean truncated icosidodecahedron. As such it is face-uniform but with irregular face polygons. It slightly resembles an inflated rhombic triacontahedron: if one replaces each face of the rhombic triacontahedron with a single vertex and four triangles in a regular fashion, one ends up with a disdyakis triacontahedron. That is, the disdyakis triacontahedron is the Kleetope of the rhombic triacontahedron. It is also the barycentric subdivision of the regular dodecahedron and icosahedron. It has the most faces among the Archimedean and Catalan solids, with the snub dodecahedron, with 92 faces, in second place.
The triaugmented triangular prism, in geometry, is a convex polyhedron with 14 equilateral triangles as its faces. It can be constructed from a triangular prism by attaching equilateral square pyramids to each of its three square faces. The same shape is also called the tetrakis triangular prism, tricapped trigonal prism, tetracaidecadeltahedron, or tetrakaidecadeltahedron; these last names mean a polyhedron with 14 triangular faces. It is an example of a deltahedron, composite polyhedron, and Johnson solid.
In geometry, the chamfered dodecahedron is a convex polyhedron with 80 vertices, 120 edges, and 42 faces: 30 hexagons and 12 pentagons. It is constructed as a chamfer (edge-truncation) of a regular dodecahedron. The pentagons are reduced in size and new hexagonal faces are added in place of all the original edges. Its dual is the pentakis icosidodecahedron.
A regular dodecahedron or pentagonal dodecahedron is a dodecahedron composed of regular pentagonal faces, three meeting at each vertex. It is an example of Platonic solids, described as cosmic stellation by Plato in his dialogues, and it was used as part of Solar System proposed by Johannes Kepler. However, the regular dodecahedron, including the other Platonic solids, has already been described by other philosophers since antiquity.
In geometry, chamfering or edge-truncation is a topological operator that modifies one polyhedron into another. It is similar to expansion: it moves the faces apart (outward), and adds a new face between each two adjacent faces; but contrary to expansion, it maintains the original vertices. For a polyhedron, this operation adds a new hexagonal face in place of each original edge.