Dirichlet beta function

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The Dirichlet beta function

In mathematics, the Dirichlet beta function (also known as the Catalan beta function) is a special function, closely related to the Riemann zeta function. It is a particular Dirichlet L-function, the L-function for the alternating character of period four.



The Dirichlet beta function is defined as

or, equivalently,

In each case, it is assumed that Re(s) > 0.

Alternatively, the following definition, in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function, is valid in the whole complex s-plane: [1]

Another equivalent definition, in terms of the Lerch transcendent, is:

which is once again valid for all complex values of s.

The Dirichlet beta function can also be written in terms of the polylogarithm function:

Also the series representation of Dirichlet beta function can be formed in terms of the polygamma function

but this formula is only valid at positive integer values of .

Euler product formula

It is also the simplest example of a series non-directly related to which can also be factorized as an Euler product, thus leading to the idea of Dirichlet character defining the exact set of Dirichlet series having a factorization over the prime numbers.

At least for Re(s)  1:

where p≡1 mod 4 are the primes of the form 4n+1 (5,13,17,...) and p≡3 mod 4 are the primes of the form 4n+3 (3,7,11,...). This can be written compactly as

Functional equation

The functional equation extends the beta function to the left side of the complex plane Re(s) ≤ 0. It is given by

where Γ(s) is the gamma function. It was conjectured by Euler in 1749 and proved by Malmsten in 1842 (see Blagouchine, 2014).

Specific values

For every positive odd integer , the following equation holds: [2]

where is the n-th Euler Number. This yields:

For negative odd integers, the function is zero:

For every negative even integer it holds [2] :


It further is:


About the values of the Dirichlet beta function at positive even integers not much is known (similarly to the Riemann zeta function at odd integers greater than 3). The number is known as Catalan's constant.

It has been proven that infinitely many numbers of the form and at least one of the numbers are irrational. [3] [4]

The number may be given in terms of the polygamma function:

For every positive integer k:

[ citation needed ]

where is the Euler zigzag number.

Also it was derived by Malmsten in 1842 (see Blagouchine, 2014) that

sapproximate value β(s) OEIS
1/50.5737108471859466493572665 A261624
1/40.5907230564424947318659591 A261623
1/30.6178550888488520660725389 A261622
1/20.6676914571896091766586909 A195103
10.7853981633974483096156608 A003881
20.9159655941772190150546035 A006752
30.9689461462593693804836348 A153071
40.9889445517411053361084226 A175572
50.9961578280770880640063194 A175571
60.9986852222184381354416008 A175570
70.9995545078905399094963465 A258814
80.9998499902468296563380671 A258815
90.9999496841872200898213589 A258816

See also

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  1. Dirichlet Beta – Hurwitz zeta relation, Engineering Mathematics
  2. 1 2 Weisstein, Eric W. "Dirichlet Beta Function". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 2024-08-08.
  3. Zudilin, Wadim (2019-05-31). "Arithmetic of Catalan's constant and its relatives". Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg. 89 (1): 45–53. doi:10.1007/s12188-019-00203-w. ISSN   0025-5858.
  4. Rivoal, T.; Zudilin, W. (2003-08-01). "Diophantine properties of numbers related to Catalan's constant". Mathematische Annalen. 326 (4): 705–721. doi:10.1007/s00208-003-0420-2. ISSN   1432-1807.