Early Telugu epigraphy

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Historians have deciphered writings on the walls of temples describing the names and gotra s (family groupings) of some Telugu rulers and the contributions made by them to the temples and towns.


Ancient inscriptions


This is the only stone inscription of this dynasty so far found and it is damaged and incomplete. Only the name of the family Vishnukundi and that of a ruler Madhava Varma are legible.

Western Chalukya dynasty

States that a Brahmin named Dara son of Kommana who was the head of Kummunuru village and who claimed to be an incarnation of the serpent king Sesha, put up a Naga-stambha in front of the temple of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva built by himself and that Betabhupa of the Haihaya family, a dependent of Bhulo Kamalla Deva (Someshvara III) made a gift of four kharis of land to the said temple.

Eastern Chalukya dynasty

Records the grant of land to god Somanathadeva by Paricheda Chikka Bhimaraju.

Chola dynasty

Records the gift of a perpetual lamp by Kota Gokaraju son of Bhima to the temple of Ramesvara of Velupuru.

Early Cholas of Renadu

Damaged and unintelligible. Mentions Dhananjaya MuttaRasu(Raju) and Renadu.Here in this place these people population is so high

Eastern Ganga

Records the gift of “perumbadi” (?) by the "city twelve" of Visakhapattanamu alias Kulottunga-Chodapattanamu to Matamana of Malamandala. The description of the donor is not quite intelligible.

Records gift of a perpetual lamp by Chodaraju Maha Devi (and another ?) to the temple of Nilisvara for the merit of Chodagangadeva.

Mentions. Ananta Varma


Records the gift by Pratapa-Radra of the village Idvulapadu to the east of Vinikonda, to Madhava-mantrin of the Bharadvaja-gotra and the Yajnyavalkya-saka. Gives a genealogy of the Gajapatis and of the donor.

Damaged. Unintelligible; Mentions some Khan. States that Pratapa-Rudradeva Gajapati was ruling.

Records the consecration of the image of Garutmanta by Bondu Mallayya for the prosperity etc. of Bhupatiraju Vallabha Raju-Mahapatra.

Kakatiya dynasty

Refers to the gift of an oil-mill and land made by Balli Chodaraju presumably to some temple.

Incomplete. The portion which describes the actual grant is missing. The portion available refers to what was probably a gift made to a Siva temple by Paricheda Bhimaraja, Tammu Bhimaraju, Devaraju and Ganapa Deva Raju for the merit of their father Komma Raju and mother Surala Devi. Contains the usual Parichedi titles.

States that a certain Brahmin Chavali Bhaskara consecrated the image of Sagi-Ganapesvara and that king Sagi Manma endowed the temple with land. Describes the Sagi family as of Kshatriya caste (bahujakula) and gives the donor's genealogy.

States that, in the course of his conquest of the South, king Ganapati Deva protected the king of Nelluru have killed his enemies Padihari Bayyana, Tikkana and others, that he vanquished Kulottunga Rajendra Choda of Dravila mandala, that he received presents of elephants from the king of Nelluru, that he saved the Bhringi matha on the Sriparvata and that he consecrated the image of Kumara Ganapesvara-mahadeva after his own name in ... palli. The concluding portion is missing.

Incomplete and somewhat damaged. States that a certain Beta Raju founded the temple of Gopalasvami and endowed it with land, that Queen Ganapama gave it an oil-mill and a garden and that certain merchants assigned to it certain customs duties and taxes. Ganapama was probably the wife of the Kota chief.

Gives a detailed account of the Kakatiya family and of the foundation and pontifical succession of the Golaki-matha of the Saivas and states that king Ganapatideva promised the village of Mandara in the Velanadu-Kandravati country to his guru Visvesvara Sivacharya and that Ganapati's daughter Rudramadevi made a formal gift of that village along with the village of Velangapundi, that Visvesvara Siva established a new village with the name of Visvesvara-Golaki and peopled it with person of different castes brought from various parts of the country, that he also established the temple of Visvesvara, a Sanskrit college, a matha for Saivas, a choultry for feeding people without distinction of caste and creed, a general land a maternity hospital, besides some other things and that he made grants of land for the maintenance of all these institutions. Gives a detailed description of the administration of the trust and of the village affairs. Incidentally, it mentions a large number of other religious and charitable institutions established by Visvesvara Siva in several other places. Kakatiyas are described as belonging to the Solar race of Kshatriyas.

States that Paricheda Vadamani Kota Deva Raju gave 17 cows for a lamp in the temple of Tripurantakadeva.

States that Dadi Somaya-Sahini and Peddaya-Sahini gave lands to the temple of Visvanatha-Mahadeva who were the officers of Rudraraju.

States that, while Sagi Potaraja "was ruling the Nathavadi country with Gudimetla as his capital", his kampu Birama's sons Kassevu-Setti and Kurivi-Setti and the latter's wife Surama got the temple of Narendresvara plastered, consecrated the images of Narayana Deva and Brahma Deva and also got the temples of attendant gods plastered, and gave two tanks for the naivedya and Patrapagudamu in these temples. Also states that Kurri-Setti of the Teliki thousand tribe of Bejevada presented two lamps to the temples.

Vijayanagara dynasty

Krishna Deva Raya

  • No. 45. (A.R. No. 491 of 1906.) Pulivendla, Pulivendla Taluk, Cuddapah District. On a slab set up at the entrance of the Ranganathasvamin temple. Krishnaraya, AD 1509. This is dated Saka 1431, Sukla, Kartika su. 12, Monday, corresponding to AD 1509, 24 October, which was, however, Wednesday and not Monday.
Sri Krishna Devaraya Vijayastambha (Victory Pillar) at Potnuru in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Vijayastambha (Victory Pillar) at Potnuru 03.JPG
Sri Krishna Devaraya Vijayastambha (Victory Pillar) at Potnuru in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh

It records a gift of the village Kunddal Kundu to the god Sri Ranga Raju of Pulivindla by Narasayya Deva Maharaju, brother of Basava Raju, son of Tamma Raju, grandson of Valla Bharaya and great-grandson of Bejawada Madhava Varma of Vasishtha-gotra and Surya-vamsa. The gift village is said to be situated in Pulivindalasthala, a subdivision of Mulkinadu in Gandhi Kotasima of Udayagiri Rajya.

  • No. 52. (A.R. No. 18 of 1915.) Srisailam, Nandikotkur Taluk, Kurnool district. On stones built into the floor of the platform in the eastern porch of the Mallikarjuna temple. Krishnaraya, AD 1515. This is dated Saka 1438 (current), Yuva, Sravana su. 15, Wednesday, lunar eclipse, corresponding regularly to 25 July 1515.

The record is important for the historical information contained in it. The king, it is stated, started out from Vijayanagara on a campaign of conquest towards the east, conquered at a stretch Udayagiri, Addanki, Vinukonda, Bellamkonda, Nagarjunikonda, Tangedu, Ketavaram and other hill-forts and land-forts and captured Tirumala Kataraya Mahapatra. Having taken Kondavidu, he captured alive Virabhadra Raya, Nara Hari Deva, Rachuri Mallukhanu, Uddandakhanu, Jannala Kasavapatra, Pusapati Rachiraju, Srinatha Raju, Lakshmipati Raju, Paschima Balachandra Mahapatra and others. Later he reinstated the captives in their places, visited Amaresvara at Dharanikota and performed the Tulapurusha ceremony in the presence of the god on the banks of the river Krishnaveni. He had the Ratnadhenu and Sapta Sagara Mahadanas performed by his queens Chinna Devi and Tirumala Devi respectively. Finally he visited Sriparvata, where he had the mandapa built in the car street of the temple. The epigraph refers to the gift of the villages Paramanchala and Atukuru formerly made to the god of the place in the year Srimukha. It also mentions the remission of levies on loads (Kanchi-kavadi), pack-horses, bullocks, asses and head-loads.

The details of the date given for the said Srimukha viz., Vaisakha su. 11 and Thursday do not agree for the year. But they work out correctly for the previous year Bhava. Hence assuming the cyclic year to be a mistake for Bhava, the date would correspond to AD 1514, 4 May.

  • No. 57. (A.R. No. 474 of 1919.) Little Kanchipuram, Kanchipuram Taluk, Chingleput District. On the north wall of the rock in the Arulala-perumal temple. Krishnaraya, 1517 AD. This is dated Saka 1438, Dhatri, Pushya ba. 7, Wednesday, corresponding to AD 1517, 14 January.

States that the king, having conquered Udayagiri, captured Ravutaraya-mahapatra, and having taken the hill fortresses of Addanki, Vinikonda, Bellamkonda, Tangeda, Ketavaram, etc., captured alive Vira Bhadra Raya, son of Pratapa Rudra Gajapati Raju. Narahari Deva, son of Kumara Hamvira and others, performed Tulapurusha at Amaresvara in Dharanikota, returned to Vijayanagara and started out again on a campaign of conquest towards Kalinga, reached Bejawada, conquered Kondapalli, captured Praha Raju Siras Chandra Mahapatra, Bodajana Mahapatra, Bujilikhanu and others, took at a stretch all the fortresses of Telangana such as Anantagiri, Udrakonda, Urlugonda, Aruvapalli, Jallipalli, Kandikonda, Kappaluvayi, Nalgonda, Kambhammettu, Kanakagiri, Samkkaragiri, etc., installed the jayastambha at Simhadri Potnuru and performed the mahadana there, returned to Rajamahendra and desiring to have the mahadanas performed by his queens Chinna Devi and Tirumala Devi, returned to Vijayanagara and having visited, on the above date, with his queens, god Varada Raju at Vishnu Kanchi, and paid one thousand varahas as kanika, had the punyakoti-vimana of the god gilded with gold and granted the villages Vershara, Tiruppalukadalu, Govindacheri, Nurappandangal and Peluru yielding altogether annually 1,500 varahas, to meet the expenses for the fort nightly pulukkappu service and daily offerings to the god.

  • No. 73. (A.R. No. 353 of 1915.) Kundurru, Narasarowpet Taluk, Guntur district. On a Naga pillar lying in front of a deserted temple. Krishnaraya, AD 1522. This is dated Saka 1445 (current) Chitrabhanu, Vaisakha ba. 3. Monday, corresponding to AD 1522, 13 May (Tuesday).

The record is incomplete. It registers the grant of a piece of land in the village of Konudortta in Vinukondasima for offerings to god Purushottama of the village by Maha Mandalesvara Sarvayya Deva Chodaraju, son of Alamandala Yarayya Deva Chodaraju of Kasyapa-gotra. Vinikondasima is said to have been given to the donor as nayankara by Maha Pradhana Saluva Timmarasayya.

Sadasiva Raya

  • No. 129. (A.R. No. 690 of 1917.) Kovelakuntla, Koilkuntla Taluk, Kurnool district. On a slab set up in front of the Ankalamma temple. Sadasiva Raya, 1543 AD. This is dated Saka 1465, Sobhakrit, Nija-Sravana ba. 10., corresponding to AD 1543, 25 August (Saturday).

It registers the grant of income derived from svamyatas in his nayankara territory of Kovila Kuntlasima for the Cherapu (Sirappu) and Paruventa festivals of the goddess Ahankal Amma by Maha Mandalesvara Nandyala Avubhalesvara Deva Maharaju, son of Singa Raju Deva Maharaju and the grandson of Narasingayya Deva Maharaju of the lunar race.

  • No. 139. (A.R. No. 498 of 1906.) Mopuru, Pulivendla Taluk, Cuddapah District. On a slab set up in front of the central shrine of the Bhairavesvara temple. Sadasiva, AD 1545. This is dated Saka 1466, Krodhin, Magha su. 7, Rathasaptami, Monday, corresponding to AD 1545, 19 January, '50.

It records the remission of all taxes like Durga Vartana, Danayani Vartana, bedige, kanika and others in favour of the Vidvan mahajanas of the villages belonging to temples and to agraharas in Ghandikota Sakalisima obtained by the donor, Timmaya Deva Maharaju, son of Narasingaya Deva Maharaju and grandson of Maha Mandalesvara Nandyala Avubhala Deva Maharaju as Nayankara from the king. A similar remission of these taxes in the villages granted to the Bhai Ravesvara temple of Mopura is also recorded with the stipulation that the amount accrued was to be utilised for the daily worship and the rathosvava of the god.

  • No. 167. (A.R. No. 377 of 1926.) Tangeda, Palnadu Taluk, Guntur district. On a slab set up in front of the deserted temple of Sita Rama Svamin in the fort. Sadasiva, AD 1548. This is dated Saka 1470, Kilaka, vaisakha su. 15, Sunday, lunar eclipse corresponding to AD 1548, 22 April.

It registers the grant of the village Kachavaram in Tangedasima to the god Lakshmi Narasimha at Tangeda by Deva Chodaraju, son of Mummaya Deva Chodaraju and the grandson of Maha Mandalesvara Apratika Malla Kurucheti Somaya Deva Chodaraju of the solar race and belonging to the Kasyapa-gotra, apastamba-sutra and Yajus-sakha at the command of Rama Raja Vithalaya Deva Maharaju who is said to have conferred the Tangedasima as nayankara the donor.

  • No. 175. (A.R. No. 369 of 1920.) Chitrachedu, Gooty Taluk, Anantapur district. On a slab in the compound of the mosque. Sadasiva, AD 1550. This is dated Saka 1473 (current), Sadharana, Ashadha su. 10 corresponding to AD 1550, 23 June, (Monday).

This fragmentary record mentions the pontiff Santa Bhiksha Vritti Ayyavaru and his three spiritual sons, the Narapati, Asvapati and Gajapati kings who seem to have made some gifts to god Mallikarjuna of Srisaila worshipped by them.

  • No. 191. (A.R. No. 584 of 1909.) Macherla, Palnadu Taluk, Guntur District. On a slab set up in the courtyard of the Virabhadresvara temple. Sadasiva, AD 1554. The record is dated in Chronogram 'rasa-saila-veda..’ and the numerals 76, Ananda, Ashadha, su. 15, Friday, lunar eclipse. The word for the numeral 1 is apparently lost. The details of the date correspond to AD 1554, 15 June 1551, if the month was Adhika Ashadha.

The inscription which is damaged, records a grant of 14 putti and 10 tumu of land constituting it into a village by name Lingapuram, by Ling Amma, wife of Veligoti Komara Timma Nayaka to the gods Ishta Kamesvara and Viresvara of Macherla situated to the north of Macherla and west of the Chandra Bhaga river, in Nagarjuna-konda-sima which Komara Timma Nayaka is said to have obtained as nayankara from Maha Mandalesvara Rama Raju Thirumalaraju Deva Maharaju.

  • No. 201. (A.R. No. 161 of 1905.) Markapur, Markapur Taluk, Kurnool District. On the east wall, left of entrance, of the antarala-mandapa in the Chenna-kesava-svamin temple. Sadasiva, AD 1555.

This is dated Saka 1476, Ananda, Magha su. 7, corresponding to AD 1555, 29 January.

It records a gift of the various toll incomes due from the 18 villages, viz., Marakarapuram, Channavaram, Konddapuram, Yachavaram, Rayavaram, Gonguladinna, Tarnumbadu, Surepalli, Vanalapuram, Chanareddipalle, Gangireddipalle, Korevanipalle, Medisettipalle, Gollapalle, Jammuladinna, Tellambadu, Kamalpuram and Kondapalli to god Chennakesava by Maha Mandalesvara Madiraju Narappadeva Maharaju, son of Aubhalayya Deva Maharaju, grandson of Maha Mandalesvara Madiraju Singa Raju Deva Maharaju, of Kasyapa-gotra and Surya-vamsa, and nephew of Maha Mandalesvara Rama Raju Thirumalaraju. The gift villages are said to be situated in Kochcherla Kotasima which was held by the donor as Nayankara from the king. Records in addition that the lanjasunkham (levy on prostitutes) collected during the festivals at Marakapuram was also made over to the temple and that five out of every six dishes of offerings to the deity, were to be made over to the satra (feeding house) for feeding paradesi Brahmanas of the smartha sect, the sixth dish being the share of the sthanikas, the adhikaris and the karanas.

  • No. 205. (A.R. No. 59 of 1915.) Chinna Ahobalam, Sirvel Taluk, Kurnool District. On the west wall of the Narasimha-svamin shrine in the Narasimha-svamin temple. Sadasiva, AD 1555. This is dated Saka 1478 (current), Rakshasa, Sravana ba. 7 corresponding to 9 August 1555,(Friday).

The record is damaged and fragmentary. It seems to register a gift (of land) to god Ahobala Narasimha by Ganapatiraju who belonged to the Kasyapa-gotra Apastamba-sutra and Yajus-sakha and was the son of Nandi Raju and the grandson of Maha Mandalesvara Krishna Raju of the solar race.

  • No. 228. (A.R. No. 411 of 1911.) Vontimitta, Sidhavatam Taluk, Cuddapah District. On a slab set up near the eastern gopura of the Kodanda Rama Swamy temple. Sadasiva, AD 1558. This is dated Saka 1480, Kalayukt, and Ashadha su. 12, Monday, corresponding to 27 June 1558.

The inscription records a gift of the village Vontimetta with its hamlets in Sidhavatam-sima of Udayagiri Rajya to god Raghu Nayaka of the same village said to have been consecrated by Jambavanta, by Naga Raja Deva Maharaju of Kasyapa-gotra, and Surya-Vamsa and the son-in-law of Rama Raju and Gutti Yara Thirumalaraju Deva Maharaju of Kasyapa-gotra, and Surya-Vamsa and the sons of Sri Ranga Raju and the grandsons of Aravidu Rama Raju of Atreya-gotra and Soma-Vamsa. The gift village was situated in Siddhavatamsima which the donor appears to have held as his nayankara

  • No. 234. (A.R. No. 394 of 1920.) Guntakallu, Gooty Taluk, Anantapur district. On a stone set up in front of the Krishnasvamin temple. Sadasiva, AD 1558. This is dated Saka 14[80], Kalayukti, Kartika su. 12, corresponding to 24 October 1558.

It records a gift of land to the mannevaru, melavaru, Naga svaralavaru and uyyala sevavaru for services in the temple of Kesava Perumal in Guntakallu in Guttisima by Maha-Mandalesvara Madiraju Vallabhai. Guttisima is said to have been held by the donor as nayankara from Maha-mandalesvara Rama Raju Tirumalaraju Deva-Maharaju

  • No. 235. (A.R. No. 79 of 1915.) Pedda Ahobalam, Sirvel Taluk, Kurnool District. On a slab set up near the sixteen-pillared mandapa on the way to upper Ahobalam. Sadasiva, AD 1558. This is dated Saka 14[80], Kalayukt, Margasirsha su. 3, corresponding to 13 November 1558, (Sunday).

It records the grant of a piece of land and some money by Emberumanar-Jiyyamgaru, the mudrakarta of Vam Sathagopa-Jiyyamgaru and others for conducting certain festivals when god Ahobalesvara was seated in the 16 pillared mandapa constructed by Maha-mandalesvara Kurucheti Timmaraju, son of Vobul Raju and grandson of Baichana Deva Chodaraju of the solar race, when the god was taken (in procession) to Diguva Tirupati and back to the temple (nagaru)

  • No. 240. (A.R. No. 311 of 1922.) Vyapulapalle, Hamlet of Mudivedu, Madanapalle Taluk, Chittoor District. On a rock in the village. Sadasiva, AD 1559. This is dated Saka 1481, Siddharthin, Sravana ba. 12 Friday corresponding to 31 July 1559. The weekday, however, was Monday.

It registers a gift of wet and dry lands to god Lakshmi Narasimha at Ramagiridurga by Jillela Vengalayya-Deva-Maharaju, son of Krishnam Raju and grandson of Peda Krishnam Raju of Kasyapa-gotra, Apastamba-sutra and Yajus-sakha. The gift lands are stated to be situated in Vempalapalli in the village of Mudivada in Vailipatisima belonging to Rama-giri-durga of Penugonda Marjavada which the donor is said to have obtained as amara from Rama Raju Tirumalaraju Deva Maharaju.

  • No. 251. (A.R. No. 15 of 1904.) Hampi, Hospet Taluk, Bellary District. On the north wall of the mandapa in front of the deserted shrine to the west of the Vitthalasvamin temple. Sadasiva, 1561 AD. This is dated Saka 1483, Raudri (current), Phalguna, the other details being lost.

It registers an agreement (kaulu) granted by Kurucheti Sri Ranga Raju, son of Obulraju of the solar race and Kasyapa-gotra to a person (name lost) for his having level-led and brought under cultivation a specified piece of land stipulating an annual payment of one ghatti varaha by him into the treasury of god Vitthalesvara and a fourth share of the produce to the donor. The details pertaining to the rest of the produce are lost. Refers to a gift of garden land made to (the shrine of) Tirumangai-Alvar on the occasion of Prathama-ekadasi.

  • No. 269. (A.R. No. 166 of 1905.) Markapur, Markapur Taluk, Kurnool District. On a pillar of the garuda-mandapa in the Chennkesavasvamin temple. Sadasiva, 1569 AD. This is dated Saka 1491, Sukla, Ashadha su. 12 corresponding to 25 June 1569

The record is partly built in. It registers a gift of the income out of the akula mantrayam to the god by Chennapa-nayaka, son of Komara Timma-nayaka and grandson of Veligoti Peda Timma Nayaka of Recherla-gotra. The donor is said to have obtained Kochcherla kotasima as nayankara from Maha Mandalesvara Rama Raju Thirumalaraju.

Ranga Raya

  • 97 (No. 201 of 1967) Chidipiralla (Kamalapuram Taluk) On a stone near the Anjaneya temple. S. 1501; Bhadhanya, (AD 1578)

It records the digging of irrigation canals at Chadupurella as the old ones became out of use, by Mahamandal-eswara Katta Mama Singa Raya Deva Choda Maharaja, who is said to be holding the Nayamkara of Chadupurala n the Ghandikota sima (as a subordinate chief) under his son-in-law Mahamandal-eswara Nandyala Narashim-ayya Deva Maharaja.

  • 131 (No. 2 of 1968) ANnaluru (Proddutur Taluk) On a slab in front of the Chennakesava temple. Araviti(?)

It registers the grant of the village Annaluru to the God Allimenu Mamgga Tiruvemggalanatha-Deva by Bukka Raju Tirumalaraju.

  • 169 (No. 227 of 1968) Gurijala (Pulivendala Taluk) On a slab near the temple of Ganesh. Maha Mandalesvara Tirumalaraja. Paridhavi

The record refers to a lease deed of some land executed by some Rama Raju of Mahamandela-eswara Tirumalaraju, in favour of probably some cultivators of Gurizala, the levy or tax being at the rate of 2 rukas. Details not clear.

Venkatapati Raya

  • 244 Siddhavatam (Siddhavatam Taluk) On the east wall near the entrance of the old fort. Saka 1527; Visvasu

The inscriptions refers itself to the reign of Venkatapati Raya and enumerates the achievements of the Matli Chiefs Ellama Raju and his son Ananta Raju. The latter is stated to have built the radiant and extensive stone wall at Siddhavatam which his father had acquired in the battle of Utukuru. In the Telugu portion, which is a stsamalika, it is stated that while Vira Venkata Raya was ruling the empire from Chandragiri-sima, Anata Raju constructed the tank, Ananta Raju-cheruvu at Siddhavatam which his father had acquired at the point of his sword after defeating Konda Raju Tirupati Raju in battle and built a wall around the town so that it might protect the temple of Siddhavatesvara. His is also said to be the author of Kakutstha-vijayamu and of the Kavyas. (Published in Epigraphia Indica xxxxvii. pp. 103–112, by Dr. N. Venkata Ramanayya)


No. 776. (A. R. No. 56 of 1912.) On a pillar in the temple of Kesavasvami at Chodavaram, Viravalli Taluk, Vizagapatam District. S. 1658. (Akshaya)

Incomplete. Says that Pusapati Vijaya Rama Raju, son of Sita Rama Raju was ruling the land and mentions the god Kesavasvami and the village Chodavaram.

See also

  1. South Indian Inscriptions

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eran</span> Ancient town and archaeological site in the Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh

Eran is an ancient town and archaeological site in the Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh, India. It was one of the ancient mints for Indian dynasties as evidenced by the diverse coins excavated here. The site has 5th and 6th-century Gupta era temples and monuments, particularly the colossal stone boar with sages and scholars depicted on the body of the sculpture. The inscription stones found at Eran are important to reconstructing the chronology of Gupta Empire history. Eran or Erakina was the capital of Erakina (Airikina) Pradesha or Airkina Vishaya, an administrative division of the Gupta empire.

The Bana or Vana was a dynasty based in South India, who claimed descent from king Mahabali. The dynasty takes its name from Bana, the son of Mahabali. The Banas faced opposition from several neighbouring dynasties and served some major dynasties such as the Chalukyas Cholas and Pandyas as feudatories, sometimes after they were subjugated by them. They also served as Samantas to some dynasties. The Banas had their capital at various places at different times, including Kolar and Gudimallam. The Banas were a native Kannada ruling dynasty.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kasivisvesvara Temple, Lakkundi</span>

The Kasivisvesvara temple, also referred to as the Kavatalesvara, Kashivishveshvara or Kashi Vishvanatha temple of Lakkundi is located in the Gadag district of Karnataka state, India. It is about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) from Gadag city, between Hampi and Goa. The Kasivisvesvara temple is one of the best illustrations of fully developed Kalyana Chalukya style of Hindu architecture.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Karkala</span> Town in Karnataka, India

Karkala, also known as Karla in Tulu language, is a town and the headquarters of Karkala taluk in the Udupi district of Karnataka, India. Located about 60 km from Mangalore in the Tulu Nadu region of the state, it lies near the foothills of the Western Ghats. Karkala has a number of natural and historical landmarks, and is a major tourist and transit destination due to its strategic location along the way to Hebri, Sringeri, Kalasa, Horanadu, Udupi, Kollur, Subrahmanya and Dharmasthala.

Chandole is a village in Bapatla district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is located in Pittalavanipalem mandal of Bapatla revenue division.

Rama Krishna Raju Pettai, also known as R K Pet, is a Panchayat in RK Pet taluk, Tiruvallur district, India.

The Venkatagiri estate was an estate in the erstwhile Madras Presidency. It was located in the Nellore district of the present-day Andhra Pradesh. The town of Venkatagiri was the administrative headquarters.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mallikarjuna Temple, Srisailam</span> Hindu temple of Shiva and Parvati in Andhra Pradesh

Sri Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna Temple or Srisailam Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to the deities Shiva and Parvati, located at Srisailam in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ravivarman Kulaśēkhara</span> Kulasekhara Perumal

Ravivarman, styled Maharaja Ravivarman, Kulasekhara was the ruler of Venatu, with capital at port Kolambam (Quilon), southern India between 1299 – 1316/7. He – in all likelihood – was a descendant of the ancient Cheras. and was the son-in-law of the Pandya ruler of Maravarman Kulasekhara. Ravivarman raided large parts of southern India in a short period by skillfully taking advantage of the weakening of the Pandya kingdom and the confusion prevailed after the Khalji raids (1311).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bhoganandishwara Temple</span> Hindi temple complex in India

Bhoganandiswara Temple and Arunachaleswara Temple are a twin Hindu temples complex located in Nandi village in Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka, India. Ornate, beautifully carved and dedicated to Shiva, they have been variously dated between the 9th- to 10th-century CE.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pushpagiri Temple Complex</span> Religious Complex in Andhra Pradesh, India

Pushpagiri Temple Complex is a temple complex located in Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh, India. Founded around 7th Century CE, it houses some of the oldest temple congregations in the region.

Karna was the last Vaghela king of Gujarat region in India. Little is known about his life except his defeat against Alauddin Khalji of the Delhi Sultanate. Alauddin's forces ransacked his kingdom in 1299, forcing him to flee Gujarat. Karna seems to have gained control of at least some part of his territory in the subsequent years. However, a second invasion in 1304 resulted in the end of the Vaghela dynasty.

The Nanjagud Taluk inscription is a record registering the grant of a village called Kavahalli or Kalihalli for services in the Kirtinarayana temple at Talakad on the Kaveri river in T.-Narsipur Taluk, Mysore District. It is located in the village Kahahalli in Hobali of Bilgere, on a stone lying near the village entrance. It belongs to the reign of the Vijayanagar king Krishnaraya and is dated S' 1434 Srimukha sam. Phal. ba. 5. This date corresponds to March 15, A. D. 1514, if we take S' 1434 expired or S' 1435 current Srimukha as the year intended. There are some peculiar features in the historical portion of this record. The king Krishnaraya is here styled Krishnavarma-mahadhiraja (L.8) as is aged the case in two other inscriptions of the same Taluk. He is given some titles of the Western Gangas and Hoysalas.. Another point to notice in this record is the mention of the king's visit to the southern part of his empire on a conquering expedition. Saluva Timmarasa and his brother Saluva Govindaraja were ministers of Krishnaraja and Govindaraja was entrusted with the government of Terakanambi kingdom and his grants are frequently met with in the Nanjangud, Chamarajanagar and Gundlupet Taluks. In some of these records their gotra is given as Kaundinya and not as Khandava. The temple of Kirtinarayana at Talakad is a Hoysala structure and is believed to have been constructed by king Vishnuvardhana. Not only are the revenues of the village stated to have been granted for services in the temple but also the utsava-images of the god and goddesses with ornaments either newly prepared or belonging to some other temple are said to have been sent from Vijayanagar, the capital. Lastly the grant is stated to have been made at the insistence of a Brahman named Upavasi- Achariya. The usual imprecatory stanzas are found at the end of the grant.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Erakeswara Temple, Pillalamarri</span> Hindu temple in India

Erakeswara Temple is a Saivite Hindu temple located in the western side of Pillalamarri village, Suryapet district of Telangana, India. The temple was built on the banks of the Musi river in c. 1208 CE by Erakasani, the wife of Bēti Reddi of the Recherla family who were the feudatories of Kakatiyas. Erakeswara Temple is one among the four prominent and intricately carved stone and granite temples located in Pillalamarri village—the other three are about 250 metres east of the Erakeswara temple. These include the double temples next to each other: Nameswara Temple and Trikuteswara Temple ; and the third being the Chennakesava Temple (Vishnu) in ruins that is a few hundred feet southwest of the double temples. They are all from 12th to early 13th century period.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nameswara Temple, Pillalamarri</span> Hindu Temple in Suryapet district, Telangana

Nameswara Temple, also known as Parvati Mahadeva Nameswara temple, is a Saivite Hindu temple located in Pillalamarri, Suryapet district of Telangana, India. It is a double temple, with the Trikuteswara Temple aligned in parallel to it on the immediate north. The Nameswara temple was constructed on the banks of the Musi river in c. 1202 CE by Namireddi of the Recherla family, who ruled this region and served as the feudatories of Kakatiyas. The genealogy of Namireddi is given in the inscription on the pillar.