Entrance pupil

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The entrance pupil made by a single lens with an aperture (aperture stop) behind it. The entrance pupil is the image of the aperture stop viewed from the front of the optical system and here it is a virtual image. Chief rays and marginal rays determine the location and the size of the entrance pupil, respectively. Entrance pupil - 4, 2024-07-18.png
The entrance pupil made by a single lens with an aperture (aperture stop) behind it. The entrance pupil is the image of the aperture stop viewed from the front of the optical system and here it is a virtual image. Chief rays and marginal rays determine the location and the size of the entrance pupil, respectively.
A camera lens adjusted for large and small aperture. The visible opening is the entrance pupil of the lens. Apertures.jpg
A camera lens adjusted for large and small aperture. The visible opening is the entrance pupil of the lens.
The apparent location of the anatomical pupil of a human eye (black circle) is the eye's entrance pupil location. The outside world appears to be seen from the point at the center of the entrance pupil. The anatomical pupil itself is slightly different from the entrance pupil because the image is magnified by the cornea. 030608 Pupil.jpg
The apparent location of the anatomical pupil of a human eye (black circle) is the eye's entrance pupil location. The outside world appears to be seen from the point at the center of the entrance pupil. The anatomical pupil itself is slightly different from the entrance pupil because the image is magnified by the cornea.

In an optical system, the entrance pupil is the optical image of the physical aperture stop, as 'seen' through the front (the object side) of the lens system. The corresponding image of the aperture as seen through the back of the lens system is called the exit pupil . If there is no lens in front of the aperture (as in a pinhole camera), the entrance pupil's location and size are identical to those of the aperture. Optical elements in front of the aperture will produce a magnified or diminished image of the aperture that is displaced from the aperture location. The entrance pupil is usually a virtual image: it lies behind the first optical surface of the system.


The entrance pupil is a useful concept for determining the size of the cone of rays that an optical system will accept. Once the size and the location of the entrance pupil of an optical system is determined, the maximum cone of rays that the system will accept from a given object plane is determined solely by the size of the entrance pupil and its distance from the object plane, without any need to consider ray refraction by the optics. [1]

In photography, the size of the entrance pupil (rather than the size of the physical aperture stop) is used to calibrate the opening and closing of the diaphragm aperture. The f-number ("relative aperture"), N, is defined by N = f / EN, where f is the focal length and EN is the diameter of the entrance pupil. [2] Increasing the focal length of a lens (i.e., zooming in) will usually cause the f-number to increase, and the entrance pupil location to move further back along the optical axis.

The center of the entrance pupil is the vertex of a camera's angle of view [3] and consequently its center of perspective, perspective point, view point, projection center [4] or no-parallax point. [5] This point is important in panoramic photography without digital image processing, because the camera must be rotated around the center of the entrance pupil to avoid parallax errors in the final, stitched panorama. [6] [7] Panoramic photographers often incorrectly refer to the entrance pupil as a nodal point, which is a different concept. Depending on the lens design, the entrance pupil location on the optical axis may be behind, within or in front of the lens system; and even at infinite distance from the lens in the case of telecentric systems.

The entrance pupil of the human eye, which is not quite the same as the physical pupil, is typically about 4 mm in diameter. It can range from 2 mm ( f/8.3) in a very brightly lit place to 8 mm (f/2.1) in the dark. [8]

Most optical systems are designed with a single aperture stop, and therefore have a single entrance pupil. In some cases, however, different elements serve as the aperture stop for objects at different distances. [1] In such cases, the system will have different entrance pupils for different object planes. Similarly, vignetting can cause different lateral locations at a given object plane to have different aperture stops, and therefore different entrance pupils. [1]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Exit pupil</span>

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