Ethics (Scientology)

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Scientology ethics and justice are a collection of policies and procedures by L. Ron Hubbard and used by the Church of Scientology. Scientology defines ethics as "the actions an individual takes on himself", and justice as "the action taken on the individual by the group when he fails to take these actions himself". [1] :3 The body of writings include techniques and policies of moral choices, and the rules of conduct to be followed by scientologists. [2] :298


When the individual fails to put in his own ethics, the group takes action against him and this is called justice. [3]

L. Ron Hubbard

Structure and purpose

Professor Stephen A. Kent quotes Hubbard as pronouncing that "the purpose of ethics is to remove counter intentions from the environment. And having accomplished that the purpose becomes to remove other intentionedness from the environment" and "(a)ll ethics is for in actual fact is simply that additional tool necessary to make it possible to get [Scientology] technology in. That's the whole purpose of ethics; to get technology in". What this translates to, says Kent, is "a peculiar brand of morality that uniquely benefitted (the Church of Scientology) ... In plain English, the purpose of Scientology ethics is to eliminate opponents, then eliminate people's interests in things other than Scientology. In this 'ethical' environment, Scientology would be able to impose its courses, philosophy, and 'justice system' – its so-called technology – onto society." [4]

Researcher Jon Atack has expressed concern that, in the wrong hands, Scientology ethics can be wielded arbitrarily and absurdly, such as in the 1960s when British Saint Hill Scientologists declared a local pie shop "Suppressive" for not carrying apple pie in sufficient quantities to their liking. [5] :173

Ethics officer (EO)

The ethics officer is a staff member in a Scientology organization whose job is to ensure that staff members and all scientologists are correctly following procedures. The EO works one-on-one with scientologists to help them with ethics issues. In the Sea Org, this is called the Master-at-Arms. The ethics officer works in the Department of Inspection and Reports, handles all ethics and security matters, performs ethics interviews, does investigations, and follows up on ethics orders. [6] :352,359 [7] :180

Ethics reports and files

Every Scientology organization is required to keep ethics files on every person, staff or public. [8] :186,306 Scientologists are required to write reports on other scientologists when they discover a behavior that doesn't follow policy. Even students in scientology-affiliated schools are required to write reports on their fellow students for rule violations, as do employees at companies run by scientologists. [8] :186,306 There are numerous specialty ethics reports, but the most common ethics reports are "knowledge reports" and "Things that Shouldn't Be" reports. [1] :267–274

Justice actions

Chaplain's court

A sort of civil court process where two Scientologists can go to handle civil disputes. [7] :73


There is no arbitration procedure in Scientology. The closest Scientology procedure to what is commonly known as arbitration is the Chaplain's court.

Ethics hearing

An ethics officer may send out a formal request to a person or persons to show up for a hearing. An ethics hearing is a fact-finding hearing, to gather information about whether an ethics violation has occurred. [7] :180

Court of ethics

A court of ethics is a disciplinary hearing based on evidence already collected. [7] :117 A court of ethics is convened by an ethics officer or an executive senior to the staff member being charged. The offenses being accused are of non-serious nature and the sentences are at the discretion of the person who convened the court of ethics. The court is not supposed to engage in investigation, but rather operate only on known evidence. [9]

Non-enturbulation order

An order to a scientologist stating that if one more ethics report is received on them, they will be declared a suppressive person. [7] :348–349

Committee of evidence (Comm ev)

A comm ev is a disciplinary procedure, Scientology's version of a trial or tribunal, which is "rather like a court martial but without lawyers or formal procedural norms." [10] A scientologist is summoned to a committee of evidence to answer for a list of alleged crimes or high crimes. A panel of appointed scientologists in good standing are to "gather and review evidence, determine guilt, and recommend punishment." [2] :297 [6] :347

A Committee of Evidence is considered the most severe form of ethics action.
L. Ron Hubbard,HCO PL 29 Apr 65 III

The process starts at the request of an executive who makes a formal accusation. A convening authority initiates the comm ev by appointing a chairman, a secretary, and two to five other Scientology members, the majority of which should be senior to the accused. The committee will read and hear evidence for and against the accused. The panel has two weeks to complete the comm ev process. The accused may present their own evidence and testimony, as well as bring witnesses to testify, but may not bring any legal representatives. After reviewing evidence, the committee votes guilty or not on each charge, and conviction is determined my majority vote. The committee recommends punishment and the results are published as the findings and recommendations signed by all committee members. The only means of recourse is a review by a higher level committee, which reviews only recordings and documents from the original comm ev — no new evidence to be presented. [11]

Security checking (sec check)

Interrogations done using an E-meter. [2] :303


High crimes

High crimes are serious violations of Scientology ethics policies, including publicly departing Scientology or committing acts that are suppressive of the organization. [7] :258 [1] :307

Suppressive person (SP)

An "SP" is a person designated as an enemy to Scientology. When a person is formally labeled a Suppressive Person by the Church of Scientology, a "Suppressive Person Declare" is printed on goldenrod-colored paper and posted on all public notice boards. A person thus labelled is said to have been "declared". [2] :297,304 [6] :350 To get un-declared involves doing A to E steps. Until then, a declared person may only communicate with the International Justice Chief. [1] :316–318

Potential Trouble Source (PTS)

Someone connected to a suppressive person. [2] :302 According to Malko, "Any person, while active in Scientology or a preclear, [who] remains connected to a suppressive person or group." [12] :160 A PTS person works with the ethics officer to work out a plan to handle or disconnect from the suppressive person in their life. [6] :363 Sickness and injury are considered a sign that someone is PTS. [1] :195 There are several subcategories of potential trouble sources. PTS Type One is a person currently in contact with an SP, Type Two is someone connected to someone who reminds them of an SP in their past, and Type Three is someone who is psychotic. There are ten other types (A–J), including PTS Type B: those with criminal records. [7] :421–422 Persons who have been labelled PTS by the ethics department are not eligible to receive Scientology auditing or training. [1] :202–203


Disconnection is the severing of all ties with someone declared a suppressive person. When someone is declared SP in Scientology, all Scientologists are pressured into disconnecting from the SP, including close family members, employees, clients, and friends. Refusing or failing to disconnect from an SP carries the risk of being declared SP oneself. [2] :298 [13] [14]

Fair game

Fair game is a retaliatory policy against perceived enemies which L. Ron Hubbard established in the 1950s, formalized in 1965, and described further in 1967. Since it caused bad public relations, in 1968 Hubbard prohibited use of the term "fair game" — but not its actions. The practice continues. [15] :108–109

[A bulletin] went out naming [someone] as having been relegated to the condition of "Enemy," to be considered "fair game," defined by Hubbard as somebody who "may be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued, or lied to, or destroyed." [12] :160

George Malko

Fair game is one of the penalties that can be leveled on a person for having committed a high crime against Scientology, or as a penalty after a committee of evidence. [7] :258 In two separate court cases (Armstrong and Wollersheim) the Church of Scientology argued that fair game policies are a "core practice of Scientology" and are therefore protected as "religious expression". [15] :108–109 Hubbard instructed his followers that "fair game" is appropriate treatment for journalists, judges, hostile lawyers, government agencies, psychiatrists and others. [8] :113–114

Cancellation of certificates and awards

A penalty for some high crimes, or punishment imposed by a committee of evidence. [7] :258

International Justice Chief (IJC)

The IJC is the most senior ethics officer within the Church of Scientology network. While a suppressive person is working on an amends project to get back in good graces, they may communicate only with the International Justice Chief, a position at Church of Scientology International. [1] :316–318 As of 2023, the IJC is Mike Ellis, who has held that post since at least 2004. [16] [17]

A to E steps

The program of steps required of a suppressive person in order to get back in good standing. The steps include ceasing committing of any suppressive acts, making a public apology, paying off all debts owed to Scientologists or Scientology organizations, performing an amends project, re-training from the bottom of The Bridge to Total Freedom, and communicating all of these actions to the International Justice Chief [1] :316–317

Sea Org ethics

The Sea Org observes all the ethics policies of Scientology but, in addition, has their own set of punishments that are not for regular Scientologists who are not on staff.

Master-at-Arms (MAA)

The Sea Org equivalent to the ethics officer. See ethics officer.

Fitness Board

Procedure to determine if a new Sea Org recruit is judged to be fit for remaining in the Sea Org, or to have one removed if deemed unfit. [6] :353


Leaving the Sea Org without authorization is called a blow. It usually results in someone being declared a suppressive person. [2] :295 The term is also used for anyone leaving a staff position in a non-Sea Org organization, or a public person leaving Scientology. [6] :345 A blow drill is used at Gold Base: when someone escapes the compound or is missing, staff are deployed to nearby bus stations and hotels, airline flight records are searched, and the person is hunted down and recovered. Those recovered were placed on heavy labor duty and undergo intense interrogation. [6] :345 [8] :324

Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF)

The RPF is a long-term labor camp for Sea Org members who are troublemakers or failures. Though billed as a method of redemption or rehabilitation, assignment to the RPF has often been used as a punishment and individuals have been kept on the RPF for years. RPFers are segregated from other Sea Org members, undergo security checks, and perform manual labor for most of every day. They may not speak to others. [2] :302–303 [6] :364

Deck Project Force

A punishment level less severe than assignment to the RPF. Similar to a new Sea Org recruit's experience on the Estates Project Force (a sort of boot camp), the member performs manual labor for most of the day. It is also called "being on the decks" or "assigned to the decks".[ citation needed ]

The Hole

The Hole is the name of a de facto prison building at Gold Base; an office building of two adjacent double-wide trailers that was turned into a prison by David Miscavige. All but one exterior door was barred shut, windows were fixed to limit opening them only two inches, and a 24-hour guard was posted at the remaining door. Initially, 40 personnel were placed inside until they "confessed their crimes" to Miscavige's satisfaction. The 'prisoners' slept on the floor, were fed cold leftovers or rice and beans, had limited access to washing facilities, and were subjected to daily confession sessions and public humiliation. At one point, the number of prisoners reached 140. Along with sleep deprivation and starvation, there was also physical brutality, and physical and mental torture. Though some people managed to escape the building, their escape from the surrounding premises would be thwarted by guards, cameras, motion sensors, and razor wire. Many 'residents' remained in the Hole for years. [2] :208–217


A punishment by Hubbard in the 1960's while aboard the Apollo whereby a student or staff member's hands were tied and they were thrown over the side of the ship into the ocean. After the Sea Org moved onto land, the practice was resurrected by David Miscavige when he marched his entire staff to the swimming pool at Gold Base and made each person walk the plank (diving board) and jump into the pool fully-clothed. After that first "overboard ceremony", Miscavige changed the venue to a "slimy pond" on the property and such punishments became a frequent practice. [2] :208


In order to make ethical decisions that affect others around them, Scientologists are expected to use statistical measurement to assess the "measurement of survival potential". The Church's official website on ethics explains that "with an understanding of how to compile, graph and compare statistics, the Scientologist is amply equipped to determine exactly what condition an activity is in, and thus exactly what steps he must take in order to better that condition." [18] [19]

Hubbard stated that all Scientology organizations need to keep their statistics of production up, and that Ethics action must be brought against the staff member responsible for the particular statistic should it be continually down.

"Example: a typist gets out 500 letters in one week. That's a statistic. If the next week the typist gets out 600 letters that's an UP statistic. If the typist gets out 300 letters that's a DOWN statistic.... the purpose is to keep production (statistics) up."

— L. Ron Hubbard, HCOPL 1 Sep 1965

According to The Scientology Handbook , the Scientology method of statistics can, and should, be applied to individuals, groups, organizations, and any production activities inside and outside Scientology. Hubbard prescribes a very specific method of plotting statistics on graphs, and then for analysis of these graphs in terms of five levels of "Ethics Conditions". The main categories for these conditions are:

The Scientology Handbook also says, however, that the complete set of conditions is as follows (ranked from highest to lowest): [20]

Ethics protection

In 1965, Hubbard issued the policy letter HCOPL 1 Sep 1965 (reissued 5 Oct 1985) entitled "Ethics Protection". In it, he states that "Ethics actions are often used to handle down individual statistics. A person who is not doing his job becomes an Ethics target" and goes on to detail how a Scientologist can protect himself from Ethics punishment by being more productive and keeping statistics up: "In short, a staff member can get away with murder so long as his statistic is up and can't sneeze without a chop if it's down."

If the staff member's production is sufficiently high (as evidenced by an up statistic), the Scientologist gains an immunity to the Ethics process, even if they have openly committed violations:

When people do start reporting a staff member with a high statistic, what you investigate is the person who turned in the report. In an ancient army a particularly brave deed was recognized by an award of the title of Kha-Khan. It was not a rank. The person remained what he was, BUT he was entitled to be forgiven the death penalty ten times in case in the future he did anything wrong. That was a Kha-Khan. That's what producing, high-statistic staff members are – Kha-Khans. They can get away with murder without a blink from Ethics.... And Ethics must recognize a Kha-Khan when it sees one – and tear up the bad report chits on the person with a yawn. [21]

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L. Ron Hubbard Library (2007). Introduction to Scientology Ethics. Bridge Publications. ISBN   9781403144904. OL   16702654M.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rinder, Mike (2022). A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology. Simon & Schuster. ISBN   9781982185763.
  3. Church of Scientology, The Scientology Handbook, 1994 hardcover edition, pg.361–362.
  4. Kent, Stephen (September 2003). "Scientology and the European Human Rights Debate: A Reply to Leisa Goodman, J. Gordon Melton, and the European Rehabilitation Project Force Study". Marburg Journal of Religion . University of Marburg. 8 (1). doi:10.17192/mjr.2003.8.3725. Archived from the original on June 29, 2006.
  5. Atack, Jon (1990). A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed. Lyle Stuart Books. ISBN   081840499X. OL   9429654M.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Headley, Marc (2009). Blown for Good: Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology. BFG Books. ISBN   9780982502204.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hubbard, L. Ron (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined: Hubbard dictionary of administration and management. Church of Scientology. ISBN   0884040402. OL   8192738M.
  8. 1 2 3 4 Reitman, Janet (2011). Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN   9780618883028. OL   24881847M.
  9. Hubbard Communications Office, HCOPL 26 May 1965, "Courts of Ethics"
  10. Straus, Roger (Spring 1986). "Scientology "Ethics": Deviance, Identity and Social Control in a Cult-Like Social World". Symbolic Interaction . Wiley. 9 (1): 67–82. doi:10.1525/si.1986.9.1.67 via JSTOR.
  11. HCOPL 7 Sep 63 Committees of Evidence - Scientology Jurisprudence, Administration of, Church of Scientology, September 1963
  12. 1 2 Malko, George (1970). Scientology: The Now Religion. Delacorte Press. OL   5444962M.
  13. Ortega, Tony (June 5, 2023). "Danny Masterson Was Convicted of Rape. What Happens to Scientology?". RollingStone . When a Scientologist is declared a Suppressive Person, other Scientologists are instructed to "disconnect" from the "SP" or risk being declared themselves. (This is based on a 1966 policy by founder Hubbard that Scientology claims was rescinded in 1968. But that second order only forbade the use of the term "disconnection," not the policy itself. Former Scientologists say the policy has never been abandoned.)
  14. Farley, Robert (June 24, 2006). "The unperson : Scientologists who cross their religion can be declared suppressive persons, shunned by peers and ostracized by family". St. Petersburg Times. Archived from the original on March 16, 2018.
  15. 1 2 Urban, Hugh B. (2011). The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion. Princeton University Press. ISBN   9780691146089.
  16. Ortega, Tony (March 27, 2023). "She Escaped Scientology in the Trunk of a Car. Her Nightmare Is Far From Over". Rolling Stone.
  17. Maddaus, Gene (October 10, 2022). "Danny Masterson Goes on Trial for Rape as Scientology Looms in the Background". Variety.
    "Letter from IJC Mike Ellis". Church of Scientology International. April 21, 2004 via Variety.
  18. Scientology: Bettering Life with Scientology Ethics Archived 2006-06-16 at the Wayback Machine
  19. Benjamin, Eilliot (October 3, 2013). Modern Religions: An experiential analysis and exposé. ISBN   9781257082612. OL   38576378M.
  20. "The Conditions: States of Operation". The Scientology Handbook.
  21. Hubbard Communications Office, HCOPL 1 Sep 1965, "Ethics Protection".