Evaporative light scattering detector

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An evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) is a destructive chromatography detector, used in conjunction with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), [1] ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), [2] purification liquid chromatography such as flash or preparative chromatography (using a splitter), countercurrent or centrifugal partition chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). It is commonly used for analysis of compounds that do not absorb UV-VIS radiation significantly, such as sugars, antiviral drugs, antibiotics, fatty acids, lipids, oils, phospholipids, polymers, surfactants, terpenoids and triglycerides. [3] [4]

ELSDs works by nebulizing the column's effluents into a fine aerosol mist, which then passes through a heated drift tube, where the solvent evaporates. Thus, it can be easily used in gradient method of LC and SFC. [5] The remaining non-volatile analyte particles are carried further by a carrier gas to a light scattering cell, where a beam of light illuminates them and they scatter it. The scattered light proceeds to a photodiode which converts it to a signal, which is proportional to the mass of the analyte particles. This is why it is considered as a sort of "universal detector" [6] as it is able to detect all compound which are less volatile than the mobile phase, i.e. non volatile and semi-volatile compounds.

ELSD is related to the charged aerosol detector (CAD), in which the aerosol is charged. Like the CAD, it falls under the category of destructive detectors.

Principles of operation

ELSDs analyze solutes eluting out of the chromatographic column, both in LC and SFC. As the eluent exits the column's outlet into the detector inlet, it is mixed with an inert carrier gas (usually nitrogen) and forced through a nebulizer, which separates the liquid into fine aerosolized droplets. These droplets then pass into a heated drift tube, where the mobile phase solvent is evaporated off. As the mobile phase evaporates, the droplets become smaller and smaller until all that is left is minute particles of dried analyte. These particles are pushed through the drift tube by the carrier gas to the detection region. In this region, a beam of light crosses the column of analyte and the scattering of light is measured by a photodiode or photomultiplier tube. The detector's output is non-linear across more than one order of magnitude and proper calibration is required for quantitative analysis. [7]

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A chromatography detector is a device that detects and quantifies separated compounds as they elute from the chromatographic column. These detectors are integral to various chromatographic techniques, such as gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, and high-performance liquid chromatography, and supercritical fluid chromatography among others. The main function of a chromatography detector is to translate the physical or chemical properties of the analyte molecules into measurable signal, typically electrical signal, that can be displayed as a function of time in a graphical presentation, called a chromatograms. Chromatograms can provide valuable information about the composition and concentration of the components in the sample.

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Ion suppression in LC-MS and LC-MS/MS refers to reduced detector response, or signal:noise as a manifested effect of competition for ionisation efficiency in the ionisation source, between the analyte(s) of interest and other endogenous or exogenous species which have not been removed from the sample matrix during sample preparation. Ion suppression is not strictly a problem unless interfering compounds elute at the same time as the analyte of interest. In cases where ion suppressing species do co-elute with an analyte, the effects on the important analytical parameters including precision, accuracy and limit of detection can be extensive, severely limiting the validity of an assay's results.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Atmospheric-pressure photoionization</span> Soft ionization method

Atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) is a soft ionization method used in mass spectrometry (MS) usually coupled to liquid chromatography (LC). Molecules are ionized using a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light source operating at atmospheric pressure, either by direct absorption followed by electron ejection or through ionization of a dopant molecule that leads to chemical ionization of target molecules. The sample is usually a solvent spray that is vaporized by nebulization and heat. The benefit of APPI is that it ionizes molecules across a broad range of polarity and is particularly useful for ionization of low polarity molecules for which other popular ionization methods such as electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) are less suitable. It is also less prone to ion suppression and matrix effects compared to ESI and APCI and typically has a wide linear dynamic range. The application of APPI with LC/MS is commonly used for analysis of petroleum compounds, pesticides, steroids, and drug metabolites lacking polar functional groups and is being extensively deployed for ambient ionization particularly for explosives detection in security applications.

The charged aerosol detector (CAD) is a detector used in conjunction with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) to measure the amount of chemicals in a sample by creating charged aerosol particles which are detected using an electrometer. It is commonly used for the analysis of compounds that cannot be detected using traditional UV/Vis approaches due to their lack of a chromophore. The CAD can measure all non-volatile and many semi-volatile analytes including, but not limited to, antibiotics, excipients, ions, lipids, natural products, biofuels, sugars and surfactants. The CAD, like other aerosol detectors, falls under the category of destructive general-purpose detectors.


  1. Dreux, M.; Lafosse, M. (1995-01-01), El Rassi, Ziad (ed.), "Chapter 13 Evaporative Light Scattering Detection of Carbohydrates in HPLC", Journal of Chromatography Library, Carbohydrate Analysis, vol. 58, Elsevier, pp. 515–540, doi:10.1016/s0301-4770(08)60518-7, ISBN   978-0-444-89981-1 , retrieved 2023-10-21
  2. Varache, Mathieu; Ciancone, Mathieu; Couffin, Anne-Claude (2019). "Development and validation of a novel UPLC-ELSD method for the assessment of lipid composition of nanomedicine formulation". International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 566: 11–23. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.05.038 . PMID   31112794.
  3. "2424 Evaporative Light Scattering Guide" (PDF). Waters Corporation.
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  5. Rashan, Joseph; Chen, Raymond (2007-05-09). "Developing a versatile gradient elution LC/ELSD method for analyzing cellulose derivatives in pharmaceutical formulations". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 44 (1): 23–28. doi:10.1016/j.jpba.2007.01.015. ISSN   0731-7085. PMID   17293075.
  6. Bailey, Bruce; Plante, Marc; Crafts, Christopher; Acworth, Ian. "Advances in Universal Detection" (PDF) via CromLab S. L.
  7. Mourey, Thomas H.; Oppenheimer, Larry E. (1984-11-01). "Principles of operation of an evaporative light-scattering detector for liquid chromatography". Analytical Chemistry. 56 (13): 2427–2434. doi:10.1021/ac00277a039. ISSN   0003-2700.