Factorization algebra

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In mathematics and mathematical physics, a factorization algebra is an algebraic structure first introduced by Beilinson and Drinfel'd in an algebro-geometric setting as a reformulation of chiral algebras, [1] and also studied in a more general setting by Costello to study quantum field theory. [2]



Prefactorization algebras

A factorization algebra is a prefactorization algebra satisfying some properties, similar to sheafs being a presheaf with extra conditions.

If is a topological space, a prefactorization algebra of vector spaces on is an assignment of vector spaces to open sets of , along with the following conditions on the assignment:

So resembles a precosheaf, except the vector spaces are tensored rather than (direct-)summed.

The category of vector spaces can be replaced with any symmetric monoidal category.

Factorization algebras

To define factorization algebras, it is necessary to define a Weiss cover. For an open set, a collection of opens is a Weiss cover of if for any finite collection of points in , there is an open set such that .

Then a factorization algebra of vector spaces on is a prefactorization algebra of vector spaces on so that for every open and every Weiss cover of , the sequence

is exact. That is, is a factorization algebra if it is a cosheaf with respect to the Weiss topology.

A factorization algebra is multiplicative if, in addition, for each pair of disjoint opens , the structure map

is an isomorphism.

Algebro-geometric formulation

While this formulation is related to the one given above, the relation is not immediate.

Let be a smooth complex curve. A factorization algebra on consists of

over .


Associative algebra

Any associative algebra can be realized as a prefactorization algebra on . To each open interval , assign . An arbitrary open is a disjoint union of countably many open intervals, , and then set . The structure maps simply come from the multiplication map on . Some care is needed for infinite tensor products, but for finitely many open intervals the picture is straightforward.

See also

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  1. Beilinson, Alexander; Drinfeld, Vladimir (2004). Chiral algebras. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. ISBN   978-0-8218-3528-9 . Retrieved 21 February 2023.
  2. Costello, Kevin; Gwilliam, Owen (2017). Factorization algebras in quantum field theory, Volume 1. Cambridge. ISBN   9781316678626.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)