Fowler is an English and/or Scots surname. Its origin is the Old English fugelere, an occupational name for a bird-catcher or hunter of wild birds. [1] [2] [3] Old English fugel or fugol means "bird" and has evolved into the modern word fowl.
The "Fowler" surname evolved from an original use of "Fugelere" in the early 13th Century. [3] The surname is uncommon in the United States, appearing with a rank of 250 in the 1990 Census and a rank of 267 in the 2000 Census, 27½% of the American population being accounted for surnames in the ranks of 1 to 250. [4] In 19th Century England, "Fowler" was widespread, appearing in 35 of the 39 historic counties, with higher density in the north of England, in the 1891 Census of England and Wales. [5] Meanwhile, in 19th Century United States, "Fowler" appears in every surveyed state in both the 1880 US Census and 1840 US Census, showing a higher concentration in New York state in each case. [6] [7]
NAME (last):FOWLER; %FREQ:0.042; CUMM FREQ:27.535%; RANK:250