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Image of Furcas from Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal Ill dict infernal p0296-280 forcas demon.jpg
Image of Furcas from Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal

In demonology, Furcas (also spelled Forcas) is a Knight of Hell (the rank of Knight is unique to him), and rules 20 legions of demons. [1] [2] He teaches Philosophy, Astronomy (Astrology to some authors), Rhetoric, Logic, Chiromancy and Pyromancy.

Furcas (also known as Ren Vacca) is depicted as a strong old man with white hair and a long white beard, who rides a horse while holding a sharp weapon (pitch fork).

Furcas is a knight and commeth foorth in the similitude of a cruell man, with a long beard and a hoarie head, he sitteth on a pale horse, carrieng in his hand a sharpe weapon, he perfectlie teacheth practike philosophie, rhetorike, logike, astronomie, chiromancie, pyromancie, and their parts: there obeie him twentie legions.

Johann Weyer (1583) [3]

Notably, the 1563 edition says Forcas is an alias of the demon Foras, but in the 1583 edition of Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Forcas is established as a unique demon separate from Foras. According to a translation by Joseph H. Peterson:

Foras [*Forras], alias Forcas is a great president, and is seene in the forme of a strong man, and in humane shape, he understandeth the vertue of hearbs and pretious stones: he teacheth fullie logicke, ethicke, and their parts: he maketh a man invisible, wittie, eloquent, and to live long; he recovereth things lost, and discovereth [discloses] treasures, and is lord over nine and twentie legions.

Johann Weyer (1563) [4] [5]

The etymology of his name may be derived from the Latin word furca, meaning fork, [6] or from Greco-Roman also meaning a sepulchre (tomb). [7]

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  1. Collin de Plancy. Dictionnaire Infernal. Paris, 1863, p. 280.
  2. Furcas Esoteric Archives
  3. Article view @ DileriumRealm.com
  4. § 29. Furcas Esoteric Archives
  5. Weyer, Johann. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum p. 8, ISBN   9780557050598
  6. Furca (Latin); fork
  7. Furca from the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities AncientLibrary.com
