GRB 070125

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GRB 070125
Artist's impression of a gamma-ray burst.jpg
Event type Gamma-ray burst
Datec. 9.5 billion years ago
(detected 25 January 2007)
Durationc. 1 minute and 10 seconds
Instrument InterPlanetary Network
Constellation Gemini
Distancec. 9.5 billion ly
Redshift 1.55
Other designationsGRB 070125

GRB 070125 is a gamma-ray burst (GRB) that was observed on January 25, 2007, by the InterPlanetary Network, [1] which lasted for around 1 minute and 10 seconds. [2] It is unique in that it did not occur in a galaxy, but in intergalactic space. This is unusual, since they are caused by the hypernovae of young massive stars, which usually means having to reside in a galaxy, as almost all stars are formed in galaxies, particularly high mass ones. It has a redshift of 1.55, which equals to a light travel distance of 9.5 billion years. [3]

It is theorized that the star formed in the tidal tail resulting from the interaction of two nearby galaxies, deep in intergalactic space.

A month after it was detected, the Large Binocular Telescope observed a 26th magnitude optical afterglow from the gamma ray burst. [4]

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  1. "Gamma Ray Explosion GRB 070125 Is A Cosmic Mystery". December 18, 2007. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  2. Chandra, P.; Cenko, S. B.; Frail, D. A.; Chevalier, R. A.; Macquart, J. P.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Bock, D. C. J.; Bertoldi, F.; Kasliwal, M.; Fox, D. B.; Price, P. A.; Berger, E.; Soderberg, A. M.; Harrison, F. A.; Gal-Yam, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Rau, A.; Schmidt, B. P.; Cameron, P. B.; Cowie, L. L.; Cowie, A.; Roth, K. C.; Dopita, M.; Peterson, B.; Penprase, B. E. (2008). "A Comprehensive Study of GRB 070125, A Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Burst". The Astrophysical Journal. 683 (1): 924–942. arXiv: 0802.2748 . Bibcode:2008ApJ...683..924C. doi:10.1086/589807. hdl: 1885/35159 . S2CID   40178169.
  3. "A Gamma-Ray Burst Out of Nowhere". Sky and Telescope. 18 December 2007. Archived from the original on 2012-02-14. Retrieved 2019-08-22.
  4. William G. Gilroy. "First science from the Large Binocular Telescope: Notre Dame astrophysicist reports gamma ray finding". Archived from the original on 2009-05-02. Retrieved 2009-08-09.