GntR-like bacterial transcription factors

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Bacterial regulatory proteins, gntR family
PDB 1v4r EBI.jpg
solution structure of streptmycal repressor trar
Pfam PF00392
Pfam clan CL0123
InterPro IPR000524
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In molecular biology, the GntR-like bacterial transcription factors are a family of transcription factors.


Many bacterial transcription regulation proteins bind DNA through a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif, which can be classified into subfamilies on the basis of sequence similarities. The HTH GntR family has many members distributed among diverse bacterial groups that regulate various biological processes. It was named GntR after the Bacillus subtilis repressor of the gluconate operon. [1] Family members include GntR, HutC, KorA, NtaR, FadR, ExuR, FarR, DgoR, PhnF and PlmA. [2]

The crystal structure of the FadR protein has been determined. [3] In general, these proteins contain a DNA-binding HTH domain at the N-terminus, and an effector-binding or oligomerisation domain at the C-terminus. The DNA-binding domain is well conserved in structure for the whole of the GntR family, consisting of a 3-helical bundle core with a small beta-sheet (wing); the GntR winged helix structure is similar to that found in several other transcriptional regulator families. The regions outside the DNA-binding domain are more variable and are consequently used to define GntR subfamilies. [4]

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  2. Lee, Martin H.; Scherer, Michael; Rigali, Sébastien; Golden, James W. (2003-08-01). "PlmA, a new member of the GntR family, has plasmid maintenance functions in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120". Journal of Bacteriology. 185 (15): 4315–4325. doi:10.1128/jb.185.15.4315-4325.2003. ISSN   0021-9193. PMC   165748 . PMID   12867439.
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  4. Rigali S, Derouaux A, Giannotta F, Dusart J (April 2002). "Subdivision of the helix-turn-helix GntR family of bacterial regulators in the FadR, HutC, MocR, and YtrA subfamilies". J. Biol. Chem. 277 (15): 12507–12515. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110968200 . PMID   11756427.
This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR000524