Haemolysin expression modulating protein family

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PDB 1jw2 EBI.jpg
solution structure of hemolysin expression modulating protein hha from escherichia coli. ontario centre for structural proteomics target ec0308_1_72; northeast structural genomics target et88
Pfam PF05321
InterPro IPR007985
Available protein structures:
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In molecular biology, the haemolysin expression modulating protein family is a family of proteins. This family consists of haemolysin expression modulating protein (Hha) from Escherichia coli and its enterobacterial homologues, such as YmoA from Yersinia enterocolitica , and RmoA encoded on the R100 plasmid. These proteins act as modulators of bacterial gene expression. Members of this family act in conjunction with members of the H-NS family, participating in the thermoregulation of different virulence factors and in plasmid transfer. [1] Hha, along with the chromatin-associated protein H-NS, is involved in the regulation of expression of the toxin alpha-haemolysin in response to osmolarity and temperature. [2] YmoA modulates the expression of various virulence factors, such as Yop proteins and YadA adhesin, in response to temperature. RmoA is a plasmid R100 modulator involved in plasmid transfer. [3] The HHA family of proteins display striking similarity to the oligomerisation domain of the H-NS proteins.


  1. Madrid C, Nieto JM, Juarez A (February 2002). "Role of the Hha/YmoA family of proteins in the thermoregulation of the expression of virulence factors". Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 291 (6–7): 425–32. doi:10.1078/1438-4221-00149. PMID   11890540.
  2. Nieto JM, Madrid C, Miquelay E, Parra JL, Rodriguez S, Juarez A (February 2002). "Evidence for direct protein-protein interaction between members of the enterobacterial Hha/YmoA and H-NS families of proteins". J. Bacteriol. 184 (3): 629–35. doi:10.1128/jb.184.3.629-635.2002. PMC   139531 . PMID   11790731.
  3. Nieto JM, Prenafeta A, Miquelay E, Torrades S, Juarez A (December 1998). "Sequence, identification and effect on conjugation of the rmoA gene of plasmid R100-1". FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 169 (1): 59–66. doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6968.1998.tb13299.x . PMID   9851035.
This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR007985