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Haqq–Muhammad–Ali is a mystical communion doctrine in Alevism that involves Haqq (‘Truth’ referring to the divine nature of Allah), Muhammad ('Yol' or Sunnah referring to the Jem (Alevism)) and Ali (‘Nūr’ referring to the Awliya).


The concept of Ittihad in Alevism

In Alevi thought there are three creative principles: the latent breath called Haqq or Allah; the prototypal human which is made up of active and passive principles called Yol, Sunnah or Muhammad (the Jem); and the divine light called Nur expressed as Ali. Communion (ittihad) in Alevism is not comparable with the Christian trinity, whose three personas are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit nor with the tritheistic conceptions of Hinduism, with Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu (known as the Trimurti), and certainly not with polytheistic ancient Egypt in Osiris, Isis and Horus, [1] [2] one cannot accurately depict such examples as being representative of the Haqq–Muhammad–Ali communion (ittihad), since according to Alevi or Bektashi beliefs ( wahdat al-mawjud ), only Allah is a real entity, Muhammad and Ali being simple manifestations of the way (Yol) and the light (Noor) of Allah (Haqq) and not of Allah himself, hence they are neither equal to it nor separate independent entities. [3] [4] [5]

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  1. The Mythological Trinity or Triad Osiris, Horus and Isis, Wikicommons
  2. [Manfred Lurker, Lexikon der Götter und Symbole der alten Ägypter, Scherz 1998, p. 214f
  3. Imaginal worlds, William Chiittick(1994), pg.53
  4. Souad Hakim – Unity of Being in Ibn 'Arabî
  5. Ibn al-'Arabi, Muhyi al-Din (1164–1240)