Healthcare in Malawi and its limited resources are inadequate to fully address factors plaguing the population, including infant mortality and the very high burden of diseases, especially HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
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Malawi has a three-tier healthcare system in which each level is connected by a patient referral system. However the health system structure exist in publications only where it mirrors national health systems in the West and just whilst just like other systems in Malawi, it does not function. This is largely due to lack of manpower, lack of basic/expert skills set, overpopulation, lack of equipment/technology, corruption, lack of political commitment, lack of sufficient funds, poor prioritisation in budgeting and low motivation among personnel.
According to World Health Organization Report, Malawi health system ranks number 185 out of 190. The figurative picture of the health system can be created by understanding the indicators of a failing system or the mere non-existence of the system. There is no emergency systems in place for medical services, fire service or crime response (no ambulated paramedic response system, as in a 112 or 999 service). Where there's need to obtain such services, affected people are required to meet the cost. Only the very few privately run hospitals in the two major cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe have very limited non purposely built vehicles serving as basic ambulances used to transport their paying patients mostly without life-saving equipment on board or an on-board paramedic.
In April 2012, the then State President had a cardiac arrest which resulted to his death due to lack of medication both within the presidential medical team and at the main referral hospital where he was attended to. As of 2016, Malawi has only one qualified cardiologist consultant who is based at a private hospital. Recent survey indicate that, unlike in cases of HIV, Malaria, or TB, patients with diseases which require expert clinical skills and equipment, e.g. cardiac or neural related problems, are likely to receive wrong diagnosis and incorrect treatment or medication resulting to in unnecessarily high mortality rates. There is no provider of aeromedical service within Malawi.
Malawi has the lowest ranking on health system among countries which are not affected by civil wars, however the medical services delivered still rank lower than some war torn countries. There is no national record information system for patients records. Most common medication found in hospital pharmacies in the west are not available locally i.e. treatment for the heart diseases or cancer are unavailable. There is an uncontrolled circulation of internationally banned drugs or out-of-date drugs in flea markets.
Below is an outline of how the health system is meant to work as published by the Malawi's government department responsible for health.
Health services in Malawi are provided by the public, private for profit (PFP), and private not for profit (PNFP) sectors. [1] The Ministry of Health (MOH) is responsible for overseeing healthcare in Malawi.
63% of health services are provided by the government, 37% are provided by the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM), and a small fraction of the population receive health services through the private sector. Private doctors and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) offer services and medicines for a nominal fee. [2]
Public sector provision of health care is free and organised into three tiers- primary, secondary and tertiary. [1] A system of referrals links these three tiers.
Government departments that provide public services are the Ministry of Health (MOH), district, town and city councils, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Security (Police and Prisons). [1] These departments work in collaboration with the MOH; however respective funding is planned and disbursed individually.
Patients enter into the system at the first tier (primary) and flow to higher tier facilities (secondary, tertiary) as needed. [3] Medical supplies and human resources, however, flow in the opposite direction. The already limited resources are first allocated to the top tier facilities, leaving the second and third tier facilities with little to no resources. [4]
Primary care is "where the bulk of health care actually happens in Malawi". [5] This consists of community-based outreach, staffed and unstaffed health posts, dispensaries, urban health centres, and primary health centres (including rural/community hospitals). [3] [6] At the primary level (third tier), hospitals have holding beds, post-natal beds, holding wards, and are able to provide outpatient, maternity, and antenatal services. [6]
If the patient's condition is considered to be too critical for primary care facilities to handle, they will be referred to the next level of the healthcare system.
Secondary level care is provided by one of 26 district hospitals that are located in each of Malawi's districts. These hospitals are equipped to provide the same basic services as the primary care facilities (mentioned above) in addition to a few more, such as: x-ray, ambulance, operating theatre, and a laboratory.
The top tier of care is provided by one of four central hospitals located in the major urban areas. These hospitals differ from the secondary care hospitals in the existence of various specialized services. [7]
According to the World Health Organization's statistics on Malawi, there has been a sharp increase in health expenditures. From 2002 to 2011, the per capital total expenditure on health (PPP int.) increased from $27.2 to $77.0 and per capita government expenditure on health (PPP int.) increased from $16.4 to $56.5. [8] These statistics indicate that the healthcare in Malawi is receiving greater attention and resource allocation. They also reflect the increased health focus of the government of Malawi. From 2002 to 2011, the percentage of total government expenditures allocated to health increased from 13% to 18.5%. [8]
Malawi's increased government expenditure on healthcare has coincided with a decrease in the country's dependence on external healthcare resources, such as international and non-governmental aid. In 2009 external resources were responsible for 97.4% of total health expenditures, in 2011 they were responsible for 52.4%. [8] In 2017 89% of Malawian healthcare was provided through donors. [9]
Year | Prepaid Private Spending | Out-of-Pocket Spending | Government Spending | Development Assistance for Health | Total |
1995 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 13 |
2005 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 12 | 19 |
2015 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 25 | 41 |
2025 | 3 | 5 | 11 | 26 | 45 |
2035 | 4 | 6 | 15 | 25 | 50 |
2045 | 5 | 7 | 19 | 26 | 57 |
In Malawi's health profile, last updated in May 2013, the World Health Organization reported that there were only 0.2 physicians per 10,000 population and 3.4 nurses and midwives per 10,000 population. [12] Malawi's shortage of healthcare personnel is the most severe in the region. Additionally, the minimal body of health workers are not evenly distributed in the healthcare system. Challenges that lead to this shortage are low outputs of medical training institutions, health worker retention, and disease. [3]
In the 1990s, Malawi stopped training auxiliary nurses and medical assistants. In 2001, this training was resumed in an effort to increase human resources for health care.
In 2005, Malawi began to implement its emergency human resource program which concentrates on increasing output of trained medical personnel, improving health worker compensation and retention. [3]
In 2017, there were around 200 pharmacists in the country, of which fewer than 10 are in the country's hospitals. Most hospitals don't have a pharmacist, and they use up their annual drug allocation in six months. [9]
Limited access to health services in Malawi affect a large number of Malawians. Only 46% of citizens live within a 5-km radius of any kind of health facility. [3] Despite most public health services being free for the patients, there are often costs associated with transportation to and from a facility. [3] These costs deter many individuals that may be in dire need of care but cannot afford to assume the costs of transportation. Additional transportation needs complicate matters when an individual is referred from either a rural hospital to a district hospital or a district hospital to a central hospital. [3] Medobal healthcare recently launched programs which gives direct access to healthcare specialists in overseas. [13]
The Ministry of Health explicitly states the goals of healthcare improvement efforts in Malawi. [14]
These objectives have been addressed in a variety of ways. In 2002, Malawi published the Poverty Reduction Strategy which included the Essential Health Package (EHP). [7] The EHP was derived from estimates of the most significant burdens of disease in Malawi provided in 2002 by the World Health Organization. [15] Its central focus is to combat 11 health issues that most greatly affect the poor. [3]
In 2004, the government of Malawi, in collaboration with partners, developed a six-year program of work (POW) that revolved around the EHP and guided the implementation of a health sector-wide approach (SWAp). In 2007, POW transitioned to become the Health Sector Strategic Plan, effective from 2007 to 2011. [3]
Measuring the outcomes of interventions, such as those facilitated by the SWAp, is very difficult due to the absence of a vital registration system and surveys to track changes in mortality. [15]
In 2019, The Ministry of Health Chief Director, Bestone Chisamile, said: “Investing in healthy people is the bedrock of economic and social development. I therefore appreciate the interest of Medobal family to assist governments in this network in building capabilities for quality improvement in coordinated ways”. [13] Chisamile explained the launch of the company in Malawi signifies that quality healthcare service is everyone's responsibility saying the launch of Medobal in Malawi will enable countries to accelerate actions through well-coordinated and harmonised efforts to keep improving using evidence- based standards and implementation interventions. [13]
The shortage of health workers in Malawi is an obstacle to utilizing Global Health Initiatives (GHI) funds effectively. [16] Increasing health services such as HIV/AIDs treatment commonly prompt an increase in the number of minimally trained health care workers and a modest increase in clinical staff members. [16] According to an extensive study published in 2010, when Malawi received a large amount of GHI funding from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, there was an increase in faculty and staff across all levels of the health system. This increase in paid health workers was supported by task-shifting to less trained staff. [16]
A public hospital, or government hospital, is a hospital which is government owned and is fully funded by the government and operates solely off the money that is collected from taxpayers to fund healthcare initiatives. In almost all the developed countries but the United States of America, and in most of the developing countries, this type of hospital provides medical care free of charge to patients, covering expenses and wages by government reimbursement.
Uganda's health system is composed of health services delivered to the public sector, by private providers, and by traditional and complementary health practitioners. It also includes community-based health care and health promotion activities.
Argentina's health care system is composed of a universal health care system and a private system. The government maintains a system of public medical facilities that are universally accessible to everyone in the country, but formal sector workers are also obligated to participate in one of about 300 labor union-run health insurance schemes, which offer differing levels of coverage. Private medical facilities and health insurance also exist in the country. The Ministry of Health (MSAL), oversees all three subsectors of the health care system and is responsible for setting of regulation, evaluation and collecting statistics.
Healthcare in Malaysia is under the purview of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Malaysia. Malaysia generally has an efficient and widespread system of health care, operating a two-tier health care system consisting of both a government-run public universal healthcare system along with private healthcare providers. Within the chronically underfunded public universal healthcare system, specialist services are either free or have low user fees for procedures ; as such the public healthcare system suffers from high demand, routine congestion, long wait lists, chronic widespread delays along with persistent shortages in healthcare personnel, medical equipment and healthcare supplies. Therefore, private healthcare providers play a pivotal role in providing specialist consultants and general practitioner (GP) services to the Malaysian population; the private healthcare providers complements or supplants the public healthcare system in terms of availability, types of treatments provided and types of materials used.
Healthcare in Algeria consists of an established network of hospitals, clinics, and dispensaries. The government provides universal health care.
Healthcare in Singapore is under the purview of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Singapore. It mainly consists of a government-run publicly funded universal healthcare system as well as a significant private healthcare sector. Financing of healthcare costs is done through a mixture of direct government subsidies, compulsory comprehensive savings, national healthcare insurance, and cost-sharing.
Despite the significant progress Yemen has made to expand and improve its health care system over the past decade, the system remains severely underdeveloped. Total expenditures on health care in 2002 constituted 3.7 percent of gross domestic product.
The Healthcare in Kazakhstan is a post-Soviet healthcare system under reform. The World Health Organization (WHO), in 2000, ranked the Kazakhstan's healthcare system as the 64th in overall performance, and 135th by overall level of health.
The United Arab Emirates has enacted federal legislation to require universal healthcare, but this has not yet been implemented by all seven emirates. Healthcare is provided for all nationals. While health insurance is set to be mandated for citizens of other countries. Employers are to be required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers. In the UAE employers must also provide health insurance for up to one spouse and three dependents, while in Dubai expats are required to provide insurance for their dependents.
As literacy and socioeconomic status improves in Ethiopia, the demand for quality service is also increasing. Besides, changes in the demographic trends, epidemiology and mushrooming urbanization require more comprehensive services covering a wide range and quality of curative, promotive and preventive services.
Healthcare in Finland consists of a highly decentralized three-level publicly funded healthcare system and a much smaller private sector. Although the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has the highest decision-making authority, specific healthcare precincts are responsible for providing healthcare to their residents as of 2023.
Kenya's health care system is structured in a step-wise manner so that complicated cases are referred to a higher level. Gaps in the system are filled by private and church run units.
Healthcare in Georgia is provided by a universal health care system under which the state funds medical treatment in a mainly privatized system of medical facilities. In 2013, the enactment of a universal health care program triggered universal coverage of government-sponsored medical care of the population and improving access to health care services. Responsibility for purchasing publicly financed health services lies with the Social Service Agency (SSA).
A landlocked sub-Saharan country, Burkina Faso is among the poorest countries in the world—44 percent of its population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per day —and it ranks 185th out of 188 countries on UNDP's 2016 Human Development Index. Rapid population growth, gender inequality, and low levels of educational attainment contribute to food insecurity and poverty in Burkina Faso. The total population is just over 20 million with the estimated population growth rate is 3.1 percent per year and seven out of 10 Burkinabe are younger than 30. Total health care expenditures were an estimated 5% of GDP. Total expenditure on health per capita is 82 in 2014.
Examples of health care systems of the world, sorted by continent, are as follows.
Compared with other neighbouring countries, Guyana ranks poorly in regard to basic health indicators. Basic health services in the interior are primitive to non-existent, and some procedures are not available at all. Although Guyana's health profile falls short in comparison with many of its Caribbean neighbours, there has been remarkable progress since 1988, and the Ministry of Health is working to upgrade conditions, procedures, and facilities. Many Guyanese seek medical care in the United States, Trinidad and Tobago or Cuba.
Government-guaranteed health care for all citizens of a country, often called universal health care, is a broad concept that has been implemented in several ways. The common denominator for all such programs is some form of government action aimed at broadly extending access to health care and setting minimum standards. Most implement universal health care through legislation, regulation, and taxation. Legislation and regulation direct what care must be provided, to whom, and on what basis.
Healthcare in the State of Palestine refers to the governmental and private healthcare providers to which residents in the claimed territory have access. Since 1967, there have been improvements in the access to healthcare and the overall general health conditions for residents. Advances in training, increased access to state-of-the-art medical technology, and various governmental provisions have allowed per-capita funding to increase, and therefore the overall health of residents in the region to increase. Additionally, the enhanced access to and funding from international organizations like the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the Palestinian Ministry of Health, and the World Bank Education and Health Rehabilitation Project have contributed to the current state of affairs within the healthcare segment of the Palestinian territories.
India has a multi-payer universal health care model that is paid for by a combination of public and government regulated private health insurances along with the element of almost entirely tax-funded public hospitals. The public hospital system is essentially free for all Indian residents except for small, often symbolic co-payments in some services. Economic Survey 2022-23 highlighted that the Central and State Governments’ budgeted expenditure on the health sector reached 2.1% of GDP in FY23 and 2.2% in FY22, against 1.6% in FY21. India ranks 78th and has one of the lowest healthcare spending as a percent of GDP. It also ranks 77th on the list of countries by total health expenditure per capita.
The Egyptian healthcare system is pluralistic, comprising a variety of healthcare providers from the public as well as the private sector. The government ensures basic universal health coverage, although private services are also available for those with the ability to pay. Due to social and economic pressures, Egypt's healthcare system is subject to many challenges. However, several recent efforts have been directed towards enhancing the system.
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