Hemant Goswami

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Hemant Goswami
Hemant Goswami (Chandigarh).jpg
Hemant Goswami
Organisation(s)Burning Brain Society
Citizens' Voice
Tobacco Free World Foundation
Resurgence India
Servants of the People Society
Movement Child Rights
Right to Information
Public Health & Tobacco Control
Civil Rights
Right to Education
Agriculture Reforms
Judicial Reforms
Awards Global Smoke-Free Partnership Award
Young Leadership Award
WHO Award for Public Health and Tobacco Control
Youth Health Champion Award

Hemant Goswami (born 1981) is an Indian social activist working on social issues like public health, environmental activism, child rights, child labour and many other civil right issues. He is also well known as a voice against tobacco. [1] [2] [3] [4] He is credited with creating the first smoke-free city [5] in any Third World country [6] with the effective use of the Right to Information Act. He was awarded the "Global Smoke-Free Partnership Award" in 2008 [7] [8] and also THE "Extraordinary Activist Award" [9] [10] for the innovative use of legal action and activism resulting in the smoke-free Chandigarh initiative. [11] [12] Hemant Goswami is the great-grandson of Swami Rama Tirtha the 19th-century spiritual leader and social reformer. [13] Hemant is the founder of many NGO's including Burning Brain Society, [13] Tobacco Free India Coalition and Citizens' Voice which were till recently managed by him from Chandigarh. [14] Hemant has also been closely associated with Servants of the People Society too and till 2013 also worked as the Chief Executive officer (CEO) of The Samaja , one of the largest-selling Oriya daily newspaper founded by Gopabandhu Das in 1919. [15]



Hemant Goswami was born in Delhi on 30 June 1971 [16] to an Indian Air Force officer and a teacher. With initial formal education in electronic sciences, [13] Hemant subsequently moved to management. He holds multiple post-graduation qualifications in diverse streams, including; Business Management, Journalism and Mass Communication, Health Sociology, Intellectual Property Laws, Information Technology and Industrial Psychology. Though Hemant started his career as a marketing professional but later-on got professionally engaged as an IT professional, management consultant and a trainer. [17] After working for a few years on the board of directors of many companies/organisations, Hemant left his other professional assignments in 2001 to work full-time as a social activist [18] with major focus on fighting corruption, judicial reforms [19] [20] [21] and ensuring transparency. [22] He strongly believes that problems and anomalies in these areas of governance is the main reason for the abuse of civil rights of the people. Tobacco control [23] and countering substance use disorders are other major areas of his work in public health. [18] During his college days (in the early 1990s), he founded the Society for Prevention of Crime and Corruption, an NGO to work on corruption issues. In 2001, he founded the Burning Brain Society [24] and in 2004 formed Citizens' Voice. [25] A documentary film entitled Change Catalyst was released in 2011 to document the work done by Hemant Goswami in creating Chandigarh as India's first smoke-free city. [26]

Anti-corruption crusade

Hemant Goswami is known for being an independent voice in challenging corruption [27] and ensuring accountability [28] [29] in public service [30] and governance at the highest echelons. [31] [32] The infamous Red Cross Scam, [33] the 83 Crores Agro-diversification scam, [34] [35] the relief fund misutilization, and many other such like expose against corruption have been brought to light by his group as a part of 'Mission Zero Tolerance' initiative of Resurgence India. Hemant also exposed the infamous sports equipment purchase scam, [27] the Chandigarh theme-park and film-city scams. Based on his independent investigations and complaint the CBI subsequently registered a criminal case. [36] Hemant also exposed the 'Teacher Recruitment Scam' in Chandigarh [37] and recently (In 2012) the High Court of Punjab and Haryana has ordered the CBI-Delhi to directly investigate the scam. [38] Hemant Goswami also effectively uses judicial activism for getting results in matters of public importance through the use of Public Interest Litigation. [39] [40] While his work on tobacco control and right to information has been widely recognised [41] and won him numerous awards, [8] [9] his fearless fight against narcotics and drug mafia and their nexus with the police [40] has won him much public appreciation. In one of his daring acts, while arguing a public interest petition himself, in-person, Hemant produced packs of drugs in the open High Court before the Chief Justice to expose the easy availability of Drugs. [42] [43]

Action against tobacco

Hemant's fight against tobacco has continued since his school days. Continuing his strong actions against tobacco has produced encouraging results. [18] Remarkable among the results is churning the city-state of Chandigarh as the first city-state in the emerging world to be smoke-free. [1] [44] The success of smoke-free Chandigarh has been made into a documentary film entitled Change Catalyst – Creating Smoke-Free Cities. [45] The innovative strategies used by Hemant and the success story of 'Smoke-Free Chandigarh' has also been used by WHO to develop an international best practice guidebook on making cities smokefree. [46] Hemant was also the lead author and investigator of the WHO and Ministry of Health (India) research study on 'Tobacco in Movies and its Impact on Youngsters.' [47] This study by Hemant Goswami is used by the Government of India to justify the 2005 enacted delegated legislation prohibiting the use of tobacco in movies. Fighting numerous legal battles on tobacco control has also produced good results for Hemant. Such legal initiative includes; filing of hundreds of complaint cases against street vending of tobacco, [48] legal action against the Government for inaction on 'Steering Committee' formed to take care of tobacco advertisements, and even challenging one of the major tobacco companies in India to force them to discontinue the use of trade-name of their cigarette brand from (surrogate) promotion activities by wrongly associating it with bravery awards. Bollywood stars like Sanjay Dutt, [49] Salman Khan and Ajay Devgan have also suffered the wrath of Goswami for smoking in public-places and had to face prosecution and fine on the complaints of Goswami. [50] Besides regular monitoring and reporting about the violations of law [51] by the tobacco industry, Hemant has also exposed the nexus between the tobacco corporates [52] and political parties. [53] He exposed and proved about tobacco company donations to almost each and every political party in the parliament of India. [54] The expose made the political parties sensitive to the issue and resulted in discontinuation of overt funding by the tobacco industry to political parties. Legal fight against the illegal Hookah/Shisha Bars has resulted in closure of illegal tobacco and nicotine supply in the northern region of India. [55] [56] Hemant also sat on a sit-in hunger protest outside the White House, USA in May 2007 against non-ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) by the US government. [57] Hemant has created an absolutely new style of result-oriented 360-degree activism on tobacco control which has been recognised globally. [58]

Action against Nicotine & E-cigarettes

Hemant Goswami led a 12 years long battle to ban Nicotine containing articles, including E-Cigarettes. As a result of his efforts the Union government’s enacted a legislation on E-Cigarette in 2019. [59] In 2007, a social activist from Chandigarh, Hemant Goswami filed a Public Interest Writ Petition (CWP 14597 of 2007) in Punjab and Haryana High Court demanding banning all forms of chemical Nicotine, as it was a deadly poison and its various forms like Sheesha/ Hookah, e-cigarettes, etc. were a grave danger to the public. After five years of legal fight, in 2012, the High Court finally passed its judgement admitting that Nicotine and all Nicotine delivery devices were poisons and the State must regulate the same. Thereafter, the States of Punjab, Haryana & Chandigarh added Nicotine in the list of Poison under the Poisons Act of 1919. The High Court also asked the States to constitute a permanent task force for monitoring the use of nicotine. The high court kept the writ alive, to date, for monitoring purposes. [60] Subsequent to the High Court order, in 2013 the Ministry of Health formed an expert committee with the petitioner Hemant Goswami and WHO officials as expert members. After deliberations for five years, in 2017, the legal group of the expert committee recommended that "it is necessary and expedient in public interest to completely, without any exception, prohibit the import, manufacturing, distribution and sale of Nicotine as an extract and/or chemical, and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Devices.." The Union government finally enacted a legislation Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Act in December 2019. [61]

Activism on Right to Information

As a hardcore activist advocating free speech and fighting for undiluted Right to Information (RTI), Hemant's activism has resulted in many tangible results. [18] The smoke-free Chandigarh initiative itself largely succeeded due to innovative use of RTI [1] wherein Hemant filed nearly 300 RTI petition just to bring in accountability in action and to set the ball rolling for the implementation of the smoke-free laws. Besides taking tough stands against any proposed amendment to the RTI Act, Goswami has boldly taken senior bureaucrats and Governors to task too for lack of transparency and accountability in their offices. When the Governor-Administrator of Chandigarh refused to follow the Right to Information Act, Hemant fought a long and bitter battle to ensure transparency in the office of the Governor-Administrator of Chandigarh. After a long legal battle, favourable orders were secured in July 2008 from the Central Information Commission (CIC) and thereafter the office of the Governor-Administrator was forced to open its public records for the public and operate in a transparent manner. [28] [31] Subsequent to this, the Administrator-Governor of UT of Chandigarh increased the fee for obtaining information by five folds. [62] Once again Hemant fought the decision tooth and nail [63] and after many public interactions and Writ Petitions in the High Court [64] the decision to increase the fee had to be reversed. [65] Another remarkable initiative of Hemant Goswami, as a part of "Mission Zero Tolerance" against corruption, resulted in a consolidated order by the CIC (deciding 52 complaints by "Society for Prevention of Crime and Corruption" in one single order), wherein all Central Government and Chandigarh Administration offices were directed to ensure proper implementation of the Right to Information Act 2005 and thereby for the first time directions were issued to the Government to proactively publish all the public documents online on the internet. [29] [66] [67] [68]

Creation of first RTI library

In June 2012, Hemant Goswami founded Asia's first RTI library which is housed at Dwarka Das Library, Chandigarh. [69] Hemant also developed a new innovative library classification system called "Indian Official Documents Classification System" for indexing and cataloguing government documents. [70]

Work on Senior Citizen rights

Hemant Goswami also works on Senior Citizen issues and for Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act. In 2017 Goswami filed a civil writ petition 11260/2017 in Delhi High Court against Arvind Kejriwal Delhi government for not implementing the senior citizen legislation. [71] The High court in an order dated 2018 directed the Kejriwal government to widely publicise the legislation and ensure that the senior citizen tribunals function properly and dispose off the cases filed by senior citizens in time. [72]

Work on education reforms

Hemant actively works on Right to Education (RTE) issues and empowerment of economically deprived children. [73] [74] His firm stand against exploitation of children by the private educational institutions has been criticised by the private schools. [75]

Child labour and exploitation

Hemant has also moved the courts against the Government for violation of child rights and to stop widespread child labour, [76] his efforts against exploitation of children has forced the government to constitute 'Commission for protection of child rights' in the State of Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh. [77] On 9 April 2013, the Punjab and Haryana High Court gave landmark order on the writ-petition (PIL CWP 2693 of 2010) moved by Hemant Goswami. The court, accepted all the contentions and suggestions put forward by Hemant (who argued the case in-person) and directed that;

The order is considered a landmark in "Child Rights," as the court declared many existing provisions of the 1986 child labour legislation as illegal and against the Constitution of India.

Reforms in Judiciary

The method followed for appointment of Judges in the higher judiciary in India has been openly criticised by Hemant, who consider it to be a source of corruption and inefficiency in the higher judiciary. [79] Hemant has also been raising his voice against the unethical conduct of lawyers. In March 2013, lawyers in Chandigarh clashed with some police officials. The High Court decided to take suo-motu notice of the incidence with an objective to absolve the lawyers of any criminal action against them. Hemant opposed the action of the High Court and filed an intervention in the court opposing the quashing of the First Information Report, asserting that law does not bestow special privileges on advocates and that equality before law should prevail. Criticising the action of the High Court, Hemant wrote to the High Court that collective might and power of a group of people who are collectively registered as a separate juristic person should not be allowed to browbeat the system by putting extraneous pressure and by forceful imposition of their collective bargaining power. [80] The issue was further escalated by Hemant taking the matter to public domain wherein he raised questions about neutrality of the High Court in the whole episode. [81]

Revival of Sanskrit

Hemant Goswami is also working on protecting the cultural roots of India and its languages. In October 2012 Hemant filed a writ petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court for declaring Sanskrit as a 'Minority' language, so that it could enjoy special protection as available to minorities under the Constitution of India. [82] [83] The High Court directed the Government to consider the contentions of Hemant and decide the matter within two months. [84] [85]

Green activism

Hemant is also associated with work on Genetically Modified Food and Agriculture reforms and is closely connected with Kheti Virasat Mission. [86] [87] [88] Hemant has been advocating against the grant of patents and intellectual property rights on seeds and any kind of living organisms. He is also actively engaged in fight against unjustified subsidy and concession to big fertilizer and pesticide companies at the cost of poor farmers. Goswami has been working on for policy shift to promote natural and ecologically viable alternatives instead of unnatural farming. [89] [90]

Awards and recognitions

Hemant Goswami after receiving the Global Smoke-Free Partnership Award at Bangkok Hemant goswami-srnt.jpg
Hemant Goswami after receiving the Global Smoke-Free Partnership Award at Bangkok

A few of the recognitions accorded to Hemant Goswami for his work are;

Affiliations and assignments

Hemant is affiliated and associated with the following organisations; [18] [97]


Hemant has written four books and many short articles on varied subjects. Not only that it shows his mastery over many subjects and domains but it also reflects the different phases of his life. He authored his first book, "Towards a Perfect Democracy," on his political thoughts and philosophy at the age of 28 years. This book is also credited as the first full-length online book by an Indian author to be launched on the internet. [105] His published books are;

While working as the CEO of Samaja, Hemant penned the first ever internal "code of Ethics" in India for journalists and developed an internal procedure for newspapers to deal with aberrations while reporting. [109]

Creative Pursuits

The creative talent of Hemant reflected in his paintings during his early days. He won many prizes and recognitions in various regional, national and international awards during his student days. [18] Later on he shifted to digital forms and more recently to amateur film making. Hemant is pursuing film-making mainly to aid his social activism and as a tool of mass communication for social change. Hemant has produced and directed a few documentaries and short films, some of them are;

Papers and Scientific Presentations

Besides numerous writings, presentations and lectures by Hemant Goswami, here are some of the most recent papers and presentations by him at prominent international forums and conferences;

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tobacco</span> Agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus nicotiana

Tobacco is the common name of several plants in the genus Nicotiana of the family Solanaceae, and the general term for any product prepared from the cured leaves of these plants. More than 70 species of tobacco are known, but the chief commercial crop is N. tabacum. The more potent variant N. rustica is also used in some countries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cigarette</span> Small roll of cut tobacco designed to be smoked

A cigarette is a narrow cylinder containing a combustible material, typically tobacco, that is rolled into thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end, causing it to smolder; the resulting smoke is orally inhaled via the opposite end. Cigarette smoking is the most common method of tobacco consumption. The term cigarette, as commonly used, refers to a tobacco cigarette, but the word is sometimes used to refer to other substances, such as a cannabis cigarette or an herbal cigarette. A cigarette is distinguished from a cigar by its usually smaller size, use of processed leaf, and paper wrapping, which is typically white.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gutka</span> Tobacco preparation chewed in South Asia

Gutka, ghutka, guṭkha or betel quid is a chewing tobacco preparation made of crushed areca nut, tobacco, catechu, paraffin wax, slaked lime and sweet or savory flavourings, in India, Pakistan, other Asian countries, and North America.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tobacco smoking</span> Practice of burning tobacco and breathing the resulting smoke

Tobacco smoking is the practice of burning tobacco and ingesting the resulting smoke. The smoke may be inhaled, as is done with cigarettes, or simply released from the mouth, as is generally done with pipes and cigars. The practice is believed to have begun as early as 5000–3000 BC in Mesoamerica and South America. Tobacco was introduced to Eurasia in the late 17th century by European colonists, where it followed common trade routes. The practice encountered criticism from its first import into the Western world onwards but embedded itself in certain strata of a number of societies before becoming widespread upon the introduction of automated cigarette-rolling apparatus.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hookah</span> Type of water pipe

A hookah, shisha, or waterpipe is a single- or multi-stemmed instrument for heating or vaporizing and then smoking either tobacco, flavored tobacco, or sometimes cannabis, hashish and opium. The smoke is passed through a water basin—often glass-based—before inhalation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Central Bureau of Investigation</span> Crime investigating agency of India

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the domestic crime investigating agency of India. It operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. Originally set up to investigate bribery and governmental corruption, in 1965 it received expanded jurisdiction to investigate breaches of central laws enforceable by the Government of India, multi-state organised crime, multi-agency or international cases. The agency has been known to investigate several economic crimes, special crimes, cases of corruption and other cases. CBI is exempted from the provisions of the Right to Information Act. CBI is India's officially designated single point of contact for liaison with the Interpol.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Smoking ban</span> Law prohibiting tobacco smoking in a given space

Smoking bans, or smoke-free laws, are public policies, including criminal laws and occupational safety and health regulations, that prohibit tobacco smoking in certain spaces. The spaces most commonly affected by smoking bans are indoor workplaces and buildings open to the public such as restaurants, bars, office buildings, schools, retail stores, hospitals, libraries, transport facilities, and government buildings, in addition to public transport vehicles such as aircraft, buses, watercraft, and trains. However, laws may also prohibit smoking in outdoor areas such as parks, beaches, pedestrian plazas, college and hospital campuses, and within a certain distance from the entrance to a building, and in some cases, private vehicles and multi-unit residences.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Passive smoking</span> Inhalation of tobacco smoke by persons other than the intended active smoker

Passive smoking is the inhalation of tobacco smoke, called passive smoke, secondhand smoke (SHS) or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), by individuals other than the active smoker. It occurs when tobacco smoke diffuses into the surrounding atmosphere as an aerosol pollutant, which leads to its inhalation by nearby bystanders within the same environment. Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke causes many of the same diseases caused by active smoking, although to a lower prevalence due to the reduced concentration of smoke that enters the airway.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">World No Tobacco Day</span> International observance on 31 May

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed around the world every year on 31 May. The annual observance informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization (WHO) is doing to fight against the use of tobacco, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Health effects of tobacco</span> Circumstances, mechanisms, and factors of tobacco consumption on human health

Tobacco products, especially when smoked or used orally, have negative effects on human health. Researchers have addressed concerns about these effects for a long time. They have focused primarily on cigarette smoking.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Arvind Kejriwal</span> 7th Chief Minister of Delhi (2013–14 and 2015–present)

Arvind Kejriwal is an Indian politician, activist and former bureaucrat, who is serving as the 7th and current Chief Minister of Delhi since 2015, after his first term in the post from 2013 to 2014. He is also the national convener of the Aam Aadmi Party since 2012. He has represented the New Delhi constituency in the Delhi Legislative Assembly since 2015 and from 2013 to 2014.

Chitra Subramaniam Duella is an Indian journalist. She is recognized in India for her investigation of the Bofors-India Howitzer deal which is widely believed to have contributed to the electoral defeat of former prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1989. She founded CSDconsulting, a Geneva based specialised consultancy working in the area of public health, trade policy, development directions and media. She is also the co-founder and Managing Editor of The News Minute – an online news website. She was an Editorial Adviser for Republic TV of Arnab Goswami. In 1989, she was honoured with the Chameli Devi Jain Award for Outstanding Women Mediaperson.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Muʽassel</span> Syrupy tobacco mixture used in hookahs

Muʽassel, or maassel, is a syrupy tobacco mix containing molasses, vegetable glycerol and various flavourings which is smoked in a hookah, a type of waterpipe. It is also known as "shisha".

Satish Shetty, popularly known as "Satish", was an Indian social activist, noted for exposing many land scams in Maharashtra. He had used the Right to Information Act to expose irregularities in Government offices in the last five years. He was killed on 13 January 2010, by unknown attackers in Talegaon.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Animals and tobacco smoke</span> Exposure of animals to tobacco smoke

Animals are exposed to tobacco smoke and other cigarette by-products through their use as experimental subjects and through contact with smokers, as in the case of pets in houses where smoking takes place.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Smoking in India</span> History, culture, legality and prevalence of smoking in India

Smoking in India is one of the oldest industries and provides employment to more than five million people directly and indirectly. India is the second-largest producer of tobacco in the world. Smoking has been known since at least 2000 BC when cannabis was smoked and is first mentioned in the Atharvaveda. Fumigation (dhupa) and fire offerings (homa) are prescribed in the Ayurveda for medical purposes and have been practiced for at least 3,000 years while smoking, dhumrapana has been practiced for at least 2,000 years. Tobacco was introduced to India in the 17th century. It later merged with existing practices of smoking.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hemant Batra</span> Indian commercial lawyer

Hemant Batra is an Indian business, public policy, corporate and commercial senior practicing lawyer, newspaper – columnist writer author, TV anchor/Host, public speaker, commentator, mentor, and legal counsel. He was the co-founder and counsel at Kaden Boriss Global, an alliance and forum of independent and autonomous law firms and legal enterprises. Hemant holds a position as the Secretary General of SAARCLAW. SAARCLAW is a regional Apex body of SAARC. He has also authored several books on law and policy. He was engaged by the Lok Sabha as a Guest Anchor and Guide for a fresh series of Sansad TV called `75 Years: Laws That Shaped India' The other Guest Anchors engaged by the Parliament for Sansad TV being Bibek Debroy, Dr Karan Singh, Amitabh Kant, Shashi Tharoor, Maroof Raza and Sanjeev Sanyal. The global TV channel Sansad TV was launched by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, Vice President of India Venkaiah Naidu and Speaker of Lok Sabha Om Birla on 15 September 2021.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anil Goswami</span>

Anil Goswami is an Indian Administrative Service officer of Jammu and Kashmir cadre and held the post of Union Home Secretary of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs till February 2015. He succeeded Raj Kumar Singh. He is the first civil servant from the state to hold this position. His son is the popular television actor Bhanu Uday.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Regulation of electronic cigarettes</span> International regulations

Regulation of electronic cigarettes varies across countries and states, ranging from no regulation to banning them entirely. As of 2015, around two thirds of major nations have regulated e-cigarettes in some way.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ranbir Chander Sobti</span>

Ranbir Chander Sobti is an Indian educationist, cell biologist. He is a former vice chancellor of the Panjab University, Chandigarh and Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. He is known to have involved in advanced research in plant genetic studies and has written over 240 articles, and 22 books including Essentials of Biotechnology and Emerging Trends in Biomedical Science and Health. He is an elected Fellow of several major science academies such as Indian National Science Academy, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Academy of Medical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, India, and Punjab Academy of Sciences. The Government of India awarded him the fourth highest civilian honour of the Padma Shri, in 2009, for his contributions to Literature and Education.


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