High school ice hockey in New York

Last updated

Boys' ice hockey is a popular and growing sport in the state of New York. Culturally, ice hockey is a fairly well known sport throughout the state, especially Upstate New York - due in part to its cultural connections with Canada and Southern Ontario.


New York State Public High School Athletic Association

151 high schools field sanctioned varsity teams competing in the New York State Public High School Athletic Association.

The sanctioned teams compete from end of November till mid-March with a maximum number of practices and games. These teams are divided into two divisions, I and II, based on school enrollment (Division I being larger schools). The sanctioned Varsity teams are divided into sections used by every sport under NYSPHSAA; Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, and X.

There are only a small handful of teams which participate from Sections IV and XI, and no teams participate from Sections VIII and XI. The majority of high school hockey teams in these regions compete in the USA Hockey-sanctioned New York State Amateur Hockey Association club leagues.

Each section has different sets of rules for eligibility of Catholic teams to participate in the State Tournament. Sections I and VI do not allow Catholic schools to compete for the Public State Tournament; these sections determine the state title with a 1-game championship game between the downstate CHSAA (comprising teams located in Sections I, VIII, and XI) and upstate Monsignor Martin (comprising teams located in Section VI) leagues.

New York State Amateur Hockey Association

76 club and non-sanctioned New York High School Hockey teams compete in New York State Amateur Hockey Association.

NYSAHA is the New York state affiliate of USA Hockey. The "club" teams are divided into two divisions, large school and small school. Each section is divided into four regions East, West, Central, and North who all follow the NYSAHA Guidebook for state bound eligibility. The majority of the teams come from Long Island, Broome County, Hudson Valley, and Western New York. The non-sanctioned Club teams are divided into sections used by all amateur hockey teams under the NYSAHA umbrella. NYSAHA has set guidelines on the state bound teams and depending on the number of teams' from each section that are state bound determine how many teams' from each section will attend the three-day state tournament for large and small school tournament. Eight teams participate in three-day state tournament at host-city in a point system to determine the top four teams to compete in semi-finals and then eventually the State championship.

The non-sanctioned teams have no official start and stop date and no limit on the minimum and maximum of games. West Section begins league play around the end of November and end the season in March. East, Central, and North sections compete from September till the end of March.

NYSAHA club teams retain their "club" label, though many are branded as high school hockey similar to a traditional varsity team. Due to this, the skill level varies from club to club despite all being "high school hockey". NYSAHA clubs vary a lot, with some being more advanced or higher level, while others are played more on the basis of having fun or winning a local championship instead of a state championship.

State tournament

NYSPHSAA, each section has different sets of rules for eligibility of Catholic teams to participate in the State Tournament. Section I and VI do not allow Catholic schools to compete for the Public State Tournament. The Catholic schools from Section I and VI meet in Catholic High School State Athletic Association one game championship. NYSPHSAA has pre-determined state tournament brackets with each section sending one team per section and at-large teams in one-game elimination. The Final Four for Divisions I, and II were played in Utica, New York's Memorial Auditorium for many years until recently when they have been held at the LECOM Harborcenter in Buffalo, New York.


Though high school hockey in New York can be dated back to the mid-1940s, the first league—called the Northern New York Scholastic Hockey League—was formed in 1948 and comprised teams from Massena, Norfolk, Potsdam and Saranac Lake. One of the League's founders, Don Spotswood, was a 1934 Clarkson College graduate who taught high school mathematics in the then Norfolk School District (today Norwood-Norfolk). Clarkson College, along with St. Lawrence University, were significant influences in the birth of high school hockey in this region.

Buffalo Explorer High School Club Hockey League was the first club hockey league in Western New York, starting in 1972. Southtowns High School Club Hockey League began in 1974 and Western New York High School Club Hockey League in 1976.

NYSPHSAA recognized high school hockey starting in 1980 with official state tournament being held. Not every section started at the same time and not every team that was sanctioned was allowed to participate in the sanctioned State tournament. Section VI (Western New York) did not allow its champion to participate until 2001. NYSAHA recognized high school hockey in 1982 but league championship were being held as early as 1972 in Buffalo. NYSAHA divided into two divisions in 2002 as prior to that year, only one championship was awarded.

In 2008-09, there was no club state championship. For the 2009-10 season, WNYHSCHL will join AAU.

Notable alumni

Historical timeline

NYSPHSAA Boys' Teams (former teams = No Longer Exists/Merged)

SchoolNicknameColorsEst.SectionDivisionNYSPHSAA Championships
AdirondackRivermenBlue, Black2013IIOne
Albion (NLE)1994VTwo
Alexandria Bay (NLE/Merged)Purple GhostsPurple, White1948XTwo
AmherstTigersOrange, Black1990VITwo
AquinasIrishMaroon, White1968VOne1998, 1999^
AuburnMaroonsMaroon, WhiteIIITwo
BaldwinsvilleBeesRed, WhiteIIIOne
Batavia (NLE/Merged)1979VTwo
Batavia / Notre DameBlue DevilsBlue, WhiteVTwo
Beekmantown/ChazyEaglesRed, Gray1989VIITwo
Bethlehem EaglesOrange, BlackIIOne
Bishop KearneyLight Blue, White1970VTwo
Bishop Timon/Saint Jude TigersGreen, GoldVIPrivate
BrightonBaronsNavy, White1968VOne
Brockport (Merged)Blue DevilsBlue, White1984VOne2003
Bronxville (NLE/Merged)BroncosBlue, GrayITwo
Burke Catholic (NLE/Merged)EaglesNavy, WhiteIXTwo
Burnt Hills/ Scotia SpartansMaroon, WhiteIIOne
BYSNSBisonBlack, Silver, White, RedIOne
Byram HillsBobcatsScarlet, NavyITwo
CanandaiguaGrey WolvesRed, Gray, White1997VTwo
Canisius CrusadersBlue, GoldVIPrivate
Capital DistrictJetsNavy, Royal, GrayIIOne
CantonGolden BearsGold, Brown1954XOne1993, 1994, 1997, 1998
Cardinal Mooney (NLE)Cardinals1986VTwo
CarmelRamsRed, White, Blue2001ITwo
CazenoviaLakersRoyal, GoldIIIOne2011
CBA Albany BrothersPurple, GoldIITwo
CBA Syracuse/Jamesville-Dewitt BrothersPurple, GoldIIITwo2013
Churchville-ChiliSaintsOrange, White1997VTwo
Cicero-North Syracuse North StarsGreen, BlueIIIOne
ClarenceRed DevilsRed, BlackVIOne
ClarkstownBlack, GoldIOne
Clinton CometsMaroon, WhiteIIITwo1995, 1996, 2005, 2006
Cortland-HomerGolden EaglesRoyal, GoldIIITwo
East Ramapo (NLE/Merged)TitansBlack, Gold, WhiteITwo
Eastchester/Tuckahoe/BronxvilleEaglesBlue, RedITwo
Eastridge (NLE - Folded 1979)1971V
FairportRed RaidersRed, White1968VOne
Fayetteville-Manlius HornetsGreen, WhiteIIIOne
Fox Lane FoxesRed, WhiteIOne
Franklin Academy (Malone)HuskiesGreen, White1978XTwo
FrontierFalconsRoyal, White2001VIOne
FultonRed RaidersRed, White, Green1982IIIOne
Gates-ChiliSpartansBlue, White1980VOne1999, 2005
Geneseo/LivoniaLakersBlue, White1984VTwo
GenevaPanthersBlack, GoldVOne
Glens Falls (NLE/Merged)IndiansRed, Black1985IITwo1990, 1991
GMSVSStormBlack, BlueIIOne
Grand IslandVikingsBlue and White1974VITwo
Greece Arcadia/OlympiaLightningBlack, Silver1986VOne1996*
Greece Athena/OdysseyThunderPurple, Gold1986VOne2009
HamburgBulldogsPurple, White2008VITwo
HiltonCadetsRed, Black1988VOne
Horace Greeley QuakersRoyal, OrangeITwo
Indian River (NLE/Merged)WarriorsColumbia, Navy, White1988XTwo
IrondequoitEaglesGold, Blue1968VOne
Ithaca Little RedCrimson, GoldIVOne1984, 1987, 1994, 2000, 2007
James I. O'Neill (NLE/Merged)RaidersMaroon, WhiteIXTwo
John JayWolvesPurple, WhiteITwo
Kenmore EastBulldogsNavy, Gold2001VITwo2012, 2016
Kenmore WestBlue DevilsBlue, White2001VITwo
Lake PlacidBlue BombersBlue, GoldVIITwo1980
Lancaster LegendsRed, Black2004VIOne
LaSalle Senior High SchoolExplorers2000VI
LaSalle InstituteCadetsBlue, BlackIIOne2000
Lewiston-PorterLancersGreen, Black2009VITwo
Liverpool WarriorsNavy, OrangeIIIOne1985
MahopacIndiansBlue, GoldIOne
MamaroneckTigersWhite, Black, OrangeIOne2016
MassenaRed RaidersRed, Blue, White1937XOne1981, 1982, 1993, 1995, 2008, 2014
McQuaid JesuitKnightsBlack, Gold1968VOne2005, 2015
Monroe WoodburyCrusadersPurple, Black, WhiteIXOne2007
MohawksRed, White BlueIIOne
Mohawk ValleyJugglersNavy, GoldIIIOne
Monroe (NLE 1969)1968V§
New HartfordSpartansRed, White, BlueIIITwo1997, 2009, 2010
New RochelleHuguenotsPurple, WhiteIOne
Newburgh Free AcademyGoldbacksBlue, GoldIXOne
Niagara Falls/LockportWolverines/LionsNavy, Gold2007VIOne
Niagara WheatfieldFalconsRed, Black2008VIOne
Nichols SchoolVikingsGreen, White1919VIPrivate
North RocklandRed RaidersRed, WhiteIOne
North TonawandaLumberjacksNavy, Red2009VIOne
Northeastern ClintonCougarsMaroon, WhiteVIITwo
Norwood-NorfolkFlyersGreen, Gold1947XTwo
NyackIndiansRed, BlackITwo
OgdensburgBlue DevilsBlue, White1941XTwo
Ontario BayStormBlack, Gold, RedIIIOne
Orchard ParkQuakersMaroon, White2006VIOne
OswegoBuccaneersRoyal, WhiteIIITwo
PawlingTigersBlack, OrangeITwo
Pearl RiverPiratesRoyal, WhiteITwo
PelhamPelicansNavy, GoldITwo2017, 2022
PenfieldPatriotsRed, WhiteVOne
PittsfordPanthersBlue, White1969*VOne
PlattsburghHornetsOrange, BlackVIITwo
Pleasantville/Westlake/KennedyIce CatsITwo
Portside (Combined Brockport and Spencerport)RoyalsBlue, Gold2022VTwo
PotsdamSandstonersBlue, Orange1941XOne
QueensburySpartansBlue, GoldIITwo
RivertownLegendsGreen, Black, RedIOne
Rome Free AcademyBlack KnightsOrange, BlackIIIOne1986, 1988
Rush-HenriettaCometsGreen, Gold1970VOne
RyeGarnetsGarnet, Black, WhiteITwo
Rye Town/HarrisonTitansBlue, WhiteIOne
Saint FrancisRed RaidersRed, WhiteVIPrivate
Saint Joes MaraudersMaroon, WhiteVIPrivate
Saint LawrenceLarriesNavy, White1957XTwo1982
Saint JohnsIrishGreen, WhiteVIITwo1986, 1988, 1989
Saint Mary'sGaelsNavy and Columbia BlueVIPrivate
Salmon RiverShamrocksGreen, Black1951XTwo1980, 1981, 1982, 1989, 1992, 2001, 2002
Saranac LakeRed StormRed, YellowVIITwo
SaranacChiefsRed, White1999VIITwo
Saratoga SpringsBlue StreaksBlue, WhiteIIOne1999, 2013
Scarsdale RaidersMaroon, WhiteIOne
ShenendehowaPlainsmenGreen, WhiteIIOne
SkaneatelesLakersNavy, GoldIIITwo1983, 1989, 2015, 2019, 2023, 2024, 2025
Sleepy Hollow/Edgemont/ValhallaITwo
South Glens FallsBulldogsRed, BlueIITwo
Spencerport (Merged)RangersBlue, Gold1990VOne
StarpointSpartansRed, Black1998VITwo
SuffernMountiesNavy, Carolina Blue, WhiteIOne1992, 2012, 2022, 2024, 2025
Sweet Home / DepewPanthNavy2018One
SyracuseCougarsMaroon, WhiteIIIOne2019
Tappan ZeeDutchmenRed, Silver, WhiteITwo
Thousand IslandsVikingsNavy, Gold1986XTwo
Tupper LakeLumberjacksRed, BlackXTwo
VictorBlue DevilsBlue, Gold2001VOne2018
Watertown IHCCavaliersRoyal, WhiteIIIOne
Webster (Later split into 2 programs)Ridgemen1971V§
Webster SchroederWarriorsBlue, GoldVTwo2014
Webster ThomasTitansNavy, Gold, WhiteVTwo2008
West GeneseeWildcatsNavy, GoldIIIOne1990, 2001, 2002, 2010, 2023
West Seneca EastTrojansGreen, Gold2008VITwo
West Seneca WestIndiansBlue, Gold2008VIOne
WFL Combined Panthers2021VTwo
White PlainsTigersOrange, BlackIOne
WhitesboroWarriorsRoyal, WhiteIIITwo2003
Williamsville East FlamesRed, Yellow1990VITwo2004
Williamsville North SpartansGreen, Gold1990VIOne2002, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2017
Williamsville South BilliesBlue, Red1990VITwo

^ Two championships were when Aquinas was a Division II team

§ Monroe, and Webster as a unified district, did not play under a NYSPHSAA classification.

Rush Henrietta competed as two high schools (Sperry and Roth) starting in 1979 and then merged back into a single entity in 1983.

Pittsford Mendon and Pittsford Sutherland high schools competed as separate entities until their merger in 1986-87 season.

WFL Combined is a merger of NINE school districts in the Western Finger Lakes area: Geneva, Palmyra-Macedon, Midlakes, Penn Yan, Mynderse, Marcus Whitman, Red Jacket, Romulus and Bloomfield.

NYSAHA Club teams

SchoolNicknameColorsEst.LeagueState Championships
ArlingtonAdmiralsMaroon, Vegas GoldHVHSHA
Bellmore-Merrick BulldogsMaroon and NavyHSHLNC
BethpageGolden EaglesGold and BlueHSHLNC
BinghamtonPatriotsRed, White, BlueBCHSHA
Canisius ClubCrusadersBlue and GoldWNYHSCHL2013
Centereach/SeldenCougarsRed, White, Blue1973SCHSCHL
Cheektowaga UnifiedWarriorsMaroon and Gold1973WNYHSCHL2005, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014
Chenango ForksBlue DevilsBlue, Red, WhiteBCHSHA
Chenango Valley + WindsorWarriors, Golden KnightsRed, White, Black or GoldBCHSHA
City Honors/Cardinal O'HaraGold and CardinalWNYHSCHL2013
Cold Spring HarborSeahawksScarlet and NavyHSHLNC
Comsewogue/Point JeffersonWarriorsBlack and Gold1973SCHSHSL
Connetquot/SayvilleThunderbirdsRed and Gold1973SCHSCHL
CornwallDragonsGreen and WhiteHVHSHA
East Aurora / HollandBlue DevilsBlue and Gray2004WNYHSCHL
East IslipChiefsRed and BlackSCHSCHL
ElmiraExpressRed, black, and whiteBCHSHA
Fredonia/DunkirkSteelersNavy and Columbia Blue1988WNYHSCHL2016
Garden CityWingsRed and WhiteHSHLNC
Half Hollow HillsHornetsRed and BlackSCHSCHL
Hendrick HudsonSailorsBlue and WhiteHVHSHA
Jamestown AreaRed and WhiteWNYHSCHL
JerichoJayhawksNavy and GoldHSHLNC
John JayPatriotsWhite and BlueHVHSHA
Kings Park/CommackSCHSCHL
KingstonTigersMaroon and WhiteHVHSHA
Lancaster ClubRedskinsRed and Black1973WNYHSCHL
LevittownFalconsBlue and OrangeHSHLNC
Locust ValleyFalconsGreen and BlackHSHLNC
Long Beach MarinesBlue and BlackHSHLNC2005, 2011, 2012
LongwoodLionsGreen and GoldSCHSHL
Maine-EndwellSpartansBlue, Gold1979BCHSHA
MassapequaChiefsNavy and Gold1969HSHLNC2012
Nichols SchoolVikingsGreen and WhiteWNYHSCHL1919
Northport/HuntingtonTigersNavy and GoldSCHSCHL2015
Oceanside SailorsNavy and Columbia BlueHSHLNC
Olean AreaGreen, White, BlackWNYHSCHL
Orchard Park ClubQuakersMaroon and White1973WNYHSCHL
Patchogue-MedfordRaidersBlack and RedSCHSCHL
RooseveltPresidentsGreen and GoldHVHSHA
Royhart/Barker/MedinaKnightsBlack and WhiteWNYHSCHL
SachemArrowsBlack and GoldSCHSCHL1991,1993,1994
Saint Francis ClubRed RaidersRed and WhiteWNYHSCHL
Saint Joes ClubMaraudersMaroon and WhiteWNYHSCHL2014, 2017
Saint John the BaptistCougarsRed and WhiteSCHSCHL2014
Saint Mary'sGaelsNavy and Columbia BlueWNYHSCHL1994-1998, 2000-2007
Saint Mary's BGaelsNavy and Columbia BlueWNYHSCHL
SewanhakaIndiansPurple and GoldHSHLNC
SmithtownBullsBlue and RedSCHSCHL2016
SyossetBravesBlack And RedHSHLNC
Union-EndicottTigersBlack, OrangeBCHSHA
Valley CentralVikingsBlue and WhiteHVHSHA
VestalGolden BearsGreen, GoldBCHSHA
Wantagh/SeafordBaymenBlack and GoldHSHLNC
WarwickWildcatsPurple and GoldHVHSHA
WashingtonvilleWizardsBlue and GoldHVHSHA
Ward Melville PatriotsGreen and GoldSCHSCHL
West IslipLionsBlue and GoldSCHSCHL
West Seneca UnifiedTrojans/IndiansBlue, Green and GoldWNYHSCHL1985 1992

NYSPHSAA Championship Games

YearDiv. I Champion (Section)Div. I Runner-Up (Section)ScoreDiv. II Champion (Section)Div. II Runner-Up (Section)Score
1980Lake Placid (X)Ithaca (IV)4-1Salmon River (X)CBA Syracuse (III)4-3
1981Massena (X)Ithaca (IV)4-1Salmon River (X)CBA Syracuse (III)8-1
1982Massena (X)Rye (I)7-0St. Lawrence (X)Nyack (IX)9-0
1983Skaneateles (III)Massena (X)4-2Albany Academy (II)Salmon River (X)2-1
1984Ithaca (IV)Rome Free Academy (III)7-3Rome Catholic (III)LaSalle Institute (II)5-4 (OT)
1985Liverpool (II)Ogdensburg (X)5-4Rome Catholic (III)Albany Academy (II)3-2 (OT)
1986Rome Free Academy (III)Skaneateles (III)6-4St. John's (VII)Albany Academy (II)6-3
1987Ithaca (IV)Massena (X)5-3Albany Academy (II)St John's (VII)3-2
1988Rome Free Academy (III)Albany Academy (II)6-2St. John's (VII)Suffern (I)6-1
1989St. John's (VII)Rome Free Academy (II)5-3Skaneateles (III)Salmon River (X)2-2*
1990West Genesee (III)Albany Academy (II)1-0 (OT)Glens Falls (II)Skaneateles (III)2-1
1991Albany Academy (II)Oswego (III)3-1Glens Falls (II)Malone (X)4-3
1992Suffern (I)Massena (X)4-3 (OT)Salmon River (X)Pittsford (V)8-6
1993Massena (X)Saratoga Springs (II)10-0Canton (X)LaSalle Institute (II)4-2
1994Ithaca (IV)Niskayuna (II)3-2Canton (X)Williamsville South (VI)8-2
1995Massena (X)Pittsford (V)6-3Clinton (III)Batavia (V)5-0
1996Greece (V)Oswego (III)4-3Clinton (III)LaSalle Institute (II)6-5
1997Canton (X)Oswego (III)3-2New Hartford (III)Ogdensburg Free Academy (X)6-2
1998Canton (X)Greece (V)6-2Aquinas (V)Plattsburgh (VII)5-2
1999Saratoga Springs (II)Ithaca (IV)3-0Aquinas (V)Cortland-Homer (III)6-4
2000Ithaca (IV)Saratoga Springs (II)4-0LaSalle Institute (II)Glens Falls (II)4-3
2001West Genesee (III)Williamsville North (VI)4-1Salmon River (X)Aquinas (V)3-1
2002Williamsville North (VI)West Genesee (III)5-3Salmon River (X)Clarkstown North (I)10-0
2003Brockport (V)Williamsville North (VI)5-4 (OT)Whitesboro (III)Batavia (V)2-1
2004Williamsville North (VI)Seton Catholic (VII)5-2Williamsville East (VI)Salmon River (X)3-2 (OT)
2005McQuaid (V)Baldwinsville (III)7-3Clinton (III)Salmon River (X)4-3
2006Williamsville North (VI)Aquinas (V)1-0Clinton (III)Monroe-Woodbury (IX)4-1
2007Ithaca (IV)Williamsville North (VI)2-1 (OT)Monroe-Woodbury (IX)Canandaigua (V)4-2
2008Massena (X)West Genesee (III)3-2 (OT)Webster Thomas (V)Thousand Islands (X)5-2
2009Greece Athena/Odyssey (V)Mamaroneck (I)3-2New Hartford (III)Pelham (I)6-1
2010West Genesee (III)Saratoga Springs (II)3-0New Hartford (III)Queensbury (II)5-2
2011Williamsville North (VI)Saratoga Springs (II)3-2Cazenovia (III)Williamsville East (VI)6-2
2012Suffern (I)Pittsford (V)3-2Kenmore East (VI)Oswego (III)6-3
2013Saratoga Springs (II)McQuaid (V)5-0Syracuse CBA/J-D (III)John Jay (I)4-2
2014Massena (X)Ithaca (IV)4-1Webster Schroeder (V)Beekmantown (VII)2-0
2015McQuaid (V)Baldwinsville (III)6-2Skaneateles (III)Williamsville East (VI)5-2
2016Mamaroneck (I)West Genesee (III)1-0Kenmore East (VI)Skaneateles (III)3-2 (OT)
2017Williamsville North (VI)Pittsford (V)3-2Pelham (I)St. Lawrence (X)7-1
2018Victor (V)Niagara Wheatfield (VI)5-1Sweet Home (VI)West Seneca West (VI)7-5
2019Syracuse (III)Suffern (I)4-2Skaneateles (III)Queensbury (II)6-1
2022Suffern (I)West Genesee (III)5-2Pelham (I)Starpoint (VI)7-6 (OT)
2023West Genesee (III)Suffern (I)6-0Skaneateles (III)Pelham (I)4-1
2024Suffern (I)Orchard Park (VI)6-2Skaneateles (III)Queensbury (II)5-1
2025Suffern (I)West Genesee (III)3-1Skaneateles (III)Ogdensburg Free Academy (X)3-0

CHSAA Championships

YearCatholic ChampionCatholic Runner-UpScore
2002Bishop Timon/Saint JudeMsgr. Farrell6-1
2003St. JoesIona Prep6-5 (OT)
2004St. JoesIona Prep5-1
2005St. JoesChaminade5-1
2006St. JoesFordham Prep3-0
2007St. JoesFordham Prep3-2
2008St. JoesIona Prep5-1
2009CanisiusMsgr. Farrell5-1
2010CanisiusSt. Anthony's2-1
2011St. JoesSt. Anthony's3-2
2012St. Anthony'sSt. Francis4-3
2013St. JoesSt. Anthony's3-0
2014St. JoesSt. Anthony's2-1
2016St. JoesSt. Anthony's2-1 (OT)
2017St. JoesSt. Anthony's5-2
2018St. Anthony'sSt. Mary's4-1
2019St. JoesFordham Prep9-1
2020St. Mary'sChaminade4-1
2021Game not held (COVID-19)
2022NicholsChaminade5-4 (OT)
2024St. JoesMsgr. Farrell3-2 (OT)

NYSAHA Championships

YearLarge School ChampionLarge School Runner-UpScoreSmall School ChampionSmall School Runner-UpScore
2003St. MarysNorth Tonawanda9-0Southwestern/Maple GroveMaryvale10-1
2004St. MarysLancasterCheektowagaSouthwestern/Maple Grove4-1
2005St. MarysOrchard Park5-3Long BeachCheektowaga5-3
2006St. MarysOrchard Park5-3CheektowagaStarpoint11-2
2007St. MarysSt. Anthony's5-1Lew-PortCheektowaga3-1
2008St. Anthony'sNiagara Wheatfield6-3Comsewogue/Pt JeffDepew7-4


  1. "Courier-Journal 20 December 1968 — the NYS Historic Newspapers".
