Holy Week in Guatemala is celebrated with street expressions of faith, called processions, usually organized by a "hermandad". Each procession of Holy Week has processional floats and steps, which are often religious images of the Passion of Christ, or Marian images, although there are exceptions, like the allegorical steps of saints.
Guatemala is particularly known for alfombras , or temporary carpets made of colored sawdust and flowers, along the processional routes. [1] [2] [3]
The Catholic fervor that currently exists in Guatemala has almost magical and mystical dyes due to the syncretism between the Mayan religion and the Catholic doctrine; it combines elements dating from the old American cultures and from Catholicism imposed by the Spanish in the Colonial era.
Syncretism appears in subtle factors such as figure drawing of a butterfly on the sawdust carpet for a Christ procession, because the butterfly was more than a mere insect for the Maya. It symbolized the Sun -one of their most important deities- and also represented life and the afterlife. That image does not appear anywhere in Holy Week activities held in Spain.
To understand the current Guatemalan Holy Week one must go back to the religion of the Maya, where there were amazing coincidences that perhaps helped the Catholic religion fit more with the beliefs of Native Americans. One of these similarities is that indigenous Guatemalans used a palanquin to transport wealthy citizens and rulers. [4] [a]
The cross is not exclusive of Judeo-Christian; even in Chiapas and parts of Huehuetenango it is still used to keep out evil spirits in some villages. Also as symbolic of purification, the Mayas fasted in the final five days of your calendar as well as for special holidays.
For the natives it was not difficult to understand or accept the existence of the Holy Trinity because for them, the creators of this world were three, known by Mayan scholars as "G1", "G2" and "G3"; neither was to assimilate Virgin Mary, because they associated her with Ixchel -the moon, creative life- mother. [4]
Holy Week was created in the Council of Nicea -set up by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in the year 325 A.D.- because in that council it was decided when to celebrate Passover and how to calculate the date for the celebration. Subsequently, the Order of the Knights Templar promoted the praise for the Passion of Christ. After the disappearance of that order, -close order fourteenth century - the Franciscans were dedicated to preserve the traditions that had been acquired over time; they were the ones who developed the Via Crucis, one of the most representative aspects of the Holy Week festivities. [4]
The first liturgies were celebrated only among religious enclosed in churches, and sinners were not admitted. Later they evolved into processions where people took to the streets to express their guilt. [4]
In 1765 the Bourbon reforms were published by the Spanish Crown, which sought to recover the real power over the colonies and increase tax collection. [5] With these reforms, specific trade regulators were created to control the production of alcoholic beverages, snuff, gunpowder, playing cards and cock fights. The Royal Treasury auctioned annually some trade regulators and then bought them, thus becoming the owner of the monopoly of a certain product. That same year, four sub-delegations of the Royal Treasury were created in San Salvador, Ciudad Real, Comayagua and León and the political and administrative structure of the Captaincy General of Guatemala changed to 15 provinces. [6]
In addition to this administrative redistribution, the Spanish crown established a policy to diminish the power of the Catholic Church, [6] power that until then was virtually all over the Spanish vassals. The policy of reducing power of the church was based on the Enlightenment and had six main points:
After the overthrow and expulsion of members of Aycinena Clan in 1829, the Liberals ousted the regular orders and just left the secular clergy in the country, although without the fixed income from mandatory tithing. [8] This greatly weakened the Catholic Church in Guatemala, but after the failure of liberal governor Mariano Gálvez to combat an epidema of cholera morbus, parish priests incited the peasant population against him, and under the leadership of Rafael Carrera, drove Gálvez and liberal out of power. After a decade of government, Carrera allowed the return of the regular orders and conservative elite Catholics and authorized compulsory tithing again, reinforcing the church in the country and the manifestations of faith such as Holy Week flourished. Indeed, in 1852, Guatemala and the Holy See signed a concordat in which the latter was entrusted with the education of the Guatemalan population and church-state union in the country was reinforced. [9]
After the fall of the Conservative regime and the Liberal victory in 1871, the Catholic Church suffered renewed attacks on its economic and political influence, as happened in 1829 when it was attacked by the Liberal government of Francisco Morazán. In 1873, the regular orders were again evicted, their property confiscated -including convents, haciendas and doctrines of Indians throughout the country- and mandatory tithing was abolished, leaving the secular clergy relegated to their parishes without stable income. [10]
Article 32: It guarantees the right of association for the various purposes of life, according to law. The establishment of monastic congregations and all kind of monastic institutions or associations, as well as the formation and operation of political organizations, either of international or foreign character is prohibited. Are not included in this prohibition, organizations that advocate the Central American Union and the Pan-American or continental solidarity doctrines.
In May 1891, Pope Leo XIII issued his Rerum Novarum encyclical -The situation of workers- key document that helped Catholic Church parishes gradually transform to fit in liberal states; in Guatemala this reorganization was reinforced by a new form of reproduction of ideas expressed in the press whose images and speeches were sent to the faithful for an efficient postal service developed by the Liberal State. The progress of Catholicism in the United States began to serve as an example in the reconquest of ideological power in totally liberal states. [12]
There was a strengthening of Catholicism during the government of General José María Reyna Barrios (1892–1898), thanks to the political opening of his government to secular clergy and his concern for the dissemination of art and the defense of local culture, which led him to subscribe to the Berne Convention, respecting the popular manifestations of faith, expressed primarily in the processions of the Passion of christ. [12] And this was accomplished even though Reyna Barrios was a high degree Freemason. However, the official entry of the regular orders was not allowed because the Guatemalan constitution forbid their presence in its soil at the time. [11]
After the fall of Jacobo Arbenz regime, the Catholic Church regained some of the power he had had during the Conservative government of Rafael Carrera in the nineteenth century, [13] and as part of it, private religious education boomed from 1955 on, with the founding of several elite schools for boys which absorbed the elite students who had previously attended classes in secular government institutions.
Even though the Archbishop of Guatemala, Mariano Rossell y Arellano, published a letter explaining that the Catholic Church was not seeking privileges in its fight against Arbenz, [14] he managed to get that the government of Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas incorporated in the Constitution of 1956 these:
Rossell y Arellano started an aggressive campaign to get Catholicism back in Guatemala: he restored the Archbishop's Palace and the residence of Bishop Francisco Marroquín in San Juan del Obispo, Sacatepequez; [18] on July 22, 1953 he received fathers Antonio Rodríguez Pedrazuela and José María Báscones who began the work of Opus Dei in Guatemala; [19] and in 1959 held the First Central American Eucharistic Congress. Gradually he managed the get regular orders back to Guatemala and participated in several sessions of the Second Vatican Council, organized by Pope John XXIII. [20]
Over the years, and with advances in transportation and communication, the number of pilgrims and devotion to the Lord of Esquipulas made the city "Latin American Capital of Faith". In 1956 Pope Pius XII erected the Prelature Nullius Cristi of Esquipulas, which is formed by the Municipality of Esquipulas and its cathedral Sanctuary. The Pope also appointed as Prime Esquipulas Prelate Archbishop Rossell y Arellano. One of the first concerns of Rossell was seeking a religious community to take over the pastoral care of the temple; after many failed initiatives, he managed to find support from the Benedictine Abbey of San José in Louisiana, United States. On Palm Sunday of 1959, the first three Benedictine monks arrived at Esquipulas and founded the Benedictine Monastery. [b] Considering many religious, cultural and historical aspects Pope John XXIII agreed to the request made by Bishop Rossell Arellano and raised the Sanctuary of Esquipulas to the rank of Minor Basilica in 1961. [20]
Some older traditions have declined, such as the tall, cone-shaped capirote hats, formerly worn by the penitents, who are called cucuruchos ("cones", after the shape of the hat). [21] [22] Echoes of this may still be seen in ceremonial parades, in which purple-robed Catholics carry a statue down the street over a temporary, handmade alfombra ("rug") made of colored sawdust, sand, and other materials. [23] Each alfombra is an artwork that takes hours to make and is destroyed as people walk across it. [22]
Day | Church | Original religious order since 1829 | Current religious order since 1956 | Sculpture | Hours | Film |
Saturday before Palm Sunday | Iglesia de La Recolección | Jesús Nazareno del Consuelo | 10:00 am – 2:00 am | 1989 procession | ||
Palm Sunday | Iglesia de Capuchinas | There was no procession. | Secular clergy | Jesús de las Palmas | 5:00 am – 12:00 pm | |
Palm Sunday | Iglesia de San José | Secular clergy | Secular clergy | Jesús Nazareno de los Milagros | 9:00 am – 1:00 am | 2014 procession |
Holy Monday | Iglesia de La Parroquia | Clero secular | Jesús Nazareno de las Tres Potencias [c] | 3:00 pm – 12:00 am | 2011 procession | |
Holy Tuesday | Iglesia de La Merced | Jesús Nazareno del Perdón | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm | |||
Holy Tuesday | Iglesia de Beatas de Belén | Jesús Nazareno de la Indulgencia | 2:00 pm – 12:00 am | |||
Holy Wednesday | Iglesia de Santa Teresa | Secular clergy | Jesús Nazareno del Rescate | 3:00 pm – 12:00 am | 1969 procession | |
Holy Thursday | Iglesia de La Candelaria | Secular clergy | Secular clergy | Jesús Nazareno «Cristo Rey» | 7:00 am – 2:00 am | 2014 procession |
Good Friday | Iglesia de La Merced | Jesús Nazareno del Perdón | 7:00 am – 3:00 pm | 1991 procession | ||
Good Friday | Iglesia de La Recolección | Señor Sepultado de La Recolección | 4:00 pm – 2:00 am | 2014 procession | ||
Good Friday | Iglesia de El Calvario | Secular clergy | Secular clergy | Señor Sepultado de El Calvario4:00 pm – 3:00 am | 2011 crucifixion | |
Good Friday | Iglesia de Santo Domingo | Cristo del Amor | 4:00 pm – 2:00 am | 2014 procession |
Day | Sculpture | Church | Hours |
Fifth Sunday of Lent | Jesús de la Caída | San Bartolomé Becerra | 7:00 am – 10:00 pm |
Friday before Holy Week | Hermano Pedro Viacrucis (male only) | San Francisco el Grande | 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm |
Palm Sunday | Palm procession | Iglesia de Jocotenango Sacatepéquez | 6:30 am – 12:00 pm |
Palm Sunday | Palm procession (live) | Iglesia de La Merced, Iglesia de Santa Ana, Iglesia Escuela de Cristo, Iglesia de San Felipe de Jesús | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm |
Palm Sunday | Jesús Nazareno de la Reseña | La Merced | 11:00 am – 11:00 pm |
Holy Monday | Jesús Nazareno | Santa Inés del Monte Pulciano | N/A |
Holy Tuesday | Jesús Nazareno del Silencio | El Calvario | 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm |
Holy Wednesday | Jesús Nazareno del Milagro | San Felipe de Jesús | 2:50 pm – 10:00 pm |
Holy Wednesday | Jesús Nazareno | San Mateo Milpas Altas | 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm |
Holy Thursday | Jesús Nazareno de la Humildad | San Cristóbal el Bajo | 11:00 am – 10:00 pm |
Holy Thursday | Jesús Nazareno del Perdón | San Francisco el Grande | 1:00 pm 12:00 am |
Good Friday | Jesús Nazareno de la Penitencia | La Merced | 4:00 am – 3:00 pm |
Good Friday | Acto de Crucifixión | Parroquia de San José Catedral, Escuela de Cristo | 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm |
Good Friday | Señor Sepultado y Virgen de Soledad | Parroquia de San José Catedral | 3:00 pm – 1:00 am |
Good Friday | Señor Sepultado | San Felipe de Jesús | 3:00 pm – 1:00 am |
Good Friday | Señor Sepultado | Escuela de Cristo | 4:00 pm – 1:00 am |
The history of Guatemala traces back to the Maya civilization, with the country's modern history beginning with the Spanish conquest of Guatemala in 1524. By 1000 AD, most of the major Classic-era Maya cities in the Petén Basin, located in the northern lowlands, had been abandoned. The Maya states in the Belize central highlands continued to thrive until the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado—called "The Invader" by the Maya—arrived in 1525 and began to subdue the indigenous populations.
Antigua Guatemala, commonly known as Antigua or La Antigua, is a city in the central highlands of Guatemala. The city was the capital of the Captaincy General of Guatemala from 1543 through 1773, with much of its Baroque-influenced architecture and layout dating from that period. These characteristics had it designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. Antigua Guatemala serves as the capital of the homonymous municipality and the Sacatepéquez Department.
Esquipulas, officially Municipality of Esquipulas, whose original name was Yzquipulas, is a town, with a population of 18,667, and a municipality located in the department of Chiquimula, in eastern Guatemala. Esquipulas' main attraction is the beautiful Black Christ located in the Basilica of Esquipulas, making the town an important place of Catholic pilgrimage for Central America. It is also one of the most important towns of the country and one that has had the most economic and cultural growth.
Pedro de Aycinena y Piñol was a Guatemalan conservative politician and member of the Aycinena clan that worked closely with the conservative regime of Rafael Carrera. He was interim president of Guatemala in 1865 after Carrera's death.
Rodolfo Ignacio Quezada Toruño was a Guatemalan cardinal of the Catholic Church. He was Archbishop of Guatemala City, having previously served as Bishop of Zacapa y Santo Cristo de Esquipulas from 1980 to 2001. He was elevated to the cardinalate in 2003.
Santa Cruz El Chol is a municipality in the Baja Verapaz department of Guatemala. It is situated at 1008 m above sea level and contains about 8817 people. It covers a terrain of 140 km² and its annual festival is held from December 6-December 8.
Mataquescuintla is a town and municipality in the Jalapa department of south-east Guatemala. It covers 262 square kilometres (101 sq mi).
The Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala is the largest and oldest university of Guatemala; it is also the fourth founded in the Americas. Established in the Kingdom of Guatemala during the Spanish colony, it was the only university in Guatemala until 1954, although it continues to hold distinction as the only public university in the entire country.
The Spanish Catholic Church, or Catholic Church in Spain, is part of the Catholic Church under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Rome, and the Spanish Episcopal Conference.
The Archdiocese of Santiago de Guatemala is a Latin Church ecclesiastical territory or archdiocese of the Catholic Church in Guatemala. It is a primatial metropolitan see with six suffragan dioceses in its ecclesiastical province.
José Felipe Mariano Gálvez was a jurist and Liberal politician in Guatemala. For two consecutive terms from August 28, 1831, to March 3, 1838, he was chief of state of the State of Guatemala, within the Federal Republic of Central America. In 1836, he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society.
The Territorial Prelature of Santo Cristo de Esquípulas is a Roman Catholic territorial prelature located in the city of Esquipulas, Chiquimula in Guatemala.
The Holy Church Cathedral Metropolitan Basilica of Santiago de Guatemala also Metropolitan Cathedral, officially Catedral Primada Metropolitana de Santiago, is the main church of Guatemala City and of the Archdiocese of Guatemala. It is located at the Parque Central in the center of the city. Its massive structure incorporates baroque and classical elements and has withstood numerous earthquakes. Damage by the devastating earthquakes of 1917 and 1976 has been repaired. The inside of the cathedral is relatively sparsely decorated but impresses by its size and its structural strength. The altars are ornate and decorative. In front of the cathedral stand a series of 12 pillars, solemnly remembering the names of thousands of people forcibly disappeared or murdered during the counterinsurgency violence of Guatemala's internal armed conflict, which began in 1960 and lasted until the final peace accord was signed in 1996.
Juan José de Aycinena y Piñol was an ecclesiastical and intellectual conservative in Central America. He was President of the Pontifical University of San Carlos Borromeo from 1825 to 1829 and then of the Universidad Nacional from 1840 to 1865. He was a thinker criticized by liberal historians for his strong relationship with the conservative government of General Rafael Carrera and for eliminating the possibility of getting the Central American Union which the Liberals wanted. His participation in the government has been assessed more objectively in research conducted between 1980 and 2010. He was heir in 1814 to the noble title of III Marquess of Aycinena, and bishop in partibus of Trajanopolis from 1859. He had a taste for law, oratorical talent and wrote over twenty works.
Sawdust carpets are one or more layers of colored sawdust, and sometimes other additional materials, laid on the ground as decoration. Sawdust carpets are traditionally created to greet a religious procession that walks over them. The tradition of decorating streets in this fashion began in Europe and was brought to the Americas by the Spanish. The tradition is still found in Mexico, Central America, parts of South America and parts of the United States, but it is strongest in Mexico and Central America.
The Concordat between the Holy See and the President of the Republic of Guatemala, referred to colloquially as the Concordat of 1854, was a concordat between Rafael Carrera, President of Guatemala, and the Holy See, which was signed in 1852 and ratified by both parties in 1854.
Mariano de Aycinena y Piñol was wealthy and influential Guatemalan merchant family and an important conservative politician. A younger son of the first marquis of Aycinena, peninsular-born Juan Fermín de Aycinena (1729–1796), Mariano was a leader of Guatemalan independence from Spain. He served governor of the State of Guatemala in the Central American Federation from 1 March 1827 to 12 April 1829 and patriarch of the Aycinena family. The family had the commercial monopoly in Central American during the Spanish colonial era later year thanks to the Consulado de Comercio. He was one of the signatories of Central American independence and lobbied heavily for the annexation of Central America to the Mexican Empire of Agustín de Iturbide. This arrangement would keep the family's economic position and privileges following independence. After being expelled along with the Aycinena family in 1829 after being defeated by Francisco Morazán, went into exile in the United States and then to Mexico. He came back to Guatemala after the conservatives had allied with general Rafael Carrera; but then he retired from public life and hand the Aycinena family leadership to Juan José de Aycinena y Piñol.
The Church and convent of the Society of Jesus in Antigua Guatemala is a religious complex that was built between 1690 and 1698. It was built on a block that is only 325 yards (300 m) away from the Cathedral of Saint James on a lot that once belonged to the family of famous chronicler Bernal Díaz del Castillo and had three monastery wings and a church. There were only a maximum of 13 Jesuit priest at any given time in the building, but they also hosted Jesuit brothers and secular students. In the building was the San Lucas School of the Society of Jesus, until the Jesuits were expelled from the Spanish colonies in 1767.
The Basilica of Esquipulas or Cathedral Basilica of the Black Christ of Esquipulas is a Baroque church in the city of Esquipulas, Guatemala, named after the image of the Black Christ of Esquipulas which it houses. It is the largest Roman Catholic church in Central America and southern Mexico and the only one in America with four bell-towers. It has the status of cathedral, minor basilica and Catholic sanctuary.
Mariano Rossell y Arellano was a Guatemalan Roman Catholic clergyman. He was the fifteenth archbishop of Guatemala from 1939 to 1964 and the first Prelate Nullius of Esquipulas. He played a decisive role during the rule of colonel Jacobo Arbenz (1951–1954), accusing it of communism and atheism in sermons and services. After Arbenz's overthrow, he managed to retain the church's right to own property and to run schools, as well as setting up the Jesuit-run Rafael Landivar University and gaining the promotion of the prelature's main church to minor basilica status.
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