Homeomorphism group

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In mathematics, particularly topology, the homeomorphism group of a topological space is the group consisting of all homeomorphisms from the space to itself with function composition as the group operation. They are important to the theory of topological spaces, generally exemplary of automorphism groups and topologically invariant in the group isomorphism sense.


Properties and examples

There is a natural group action of the homeomorphism group of a space on that space. Let be a topological space and denote the homeomorphism group of by . The action is defined as follows:

This is a group action since for all ,

where denotes the group action, and the identity element of (which is the identity function on ) sends points to themselves. If this action is transitive, then the space is said to be homogeneous.


As with other sets of maps between topological spaces, the homeomorphism group can be given a topology, such as the compact-open topology. In the case of regular, locally compact spaces the group multiplication is then continuous.

If the space is compact and Hausdorff, the inversion is continuous as well and becomes a topological group. If is Hausdorff, locally compact and locally connected this holds as well. [1] tSome locally compact separable metric spaces exhibit an inversion map that is not continuous, resulting in not forming a topological group. [1]

Mapping class group

In geometric topology especially, one considers the quotient group obtained by quotienting out by isotopy, called the mapping class group:

The MCG can also be interpreted as the 0th homotopy group, . This yields the short exact sequence:

In some applications, particularly surfaces, the homeomorphism group is studied via this short exact sequence, and by first studying the mapping class group and group of isotopically trivial homeomorphisms, and then (at times) the extension.

See also

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  1. 1 2 Dijkstra, Jan J. (2005), "On homeomorphism groups and the compact-open topology" (PDF), American Mathematical Monthly, 112 (10): 910–912, doi:10.2307/30037630, MR   2186833