Independentist Students Estudantes Independentistas | |
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Founded | 1995 |
Headquarters | Santiago de Compostela, Galicia |
Ideology | Galician independence Socialism Feminism Marxism |
Mother party | None, although linked to AMI and the FPG. |
Independentist Students (EI, Estudantes Independentistas in Galician language) was a Galician independentist and socialist student union, formed by university students. [1] FER was founded in December 1995. [2] In 1996 EI gained several representatives in the University of Santiago de Compostela Council and in the Faculty Councils. [3] In 1996, the student union grew significantly, although in 1997 and early 1998, the organization stopped growing. Despite their early success in the student elections, EI always focused in the struggle in the street; demonstrations and strikes were the main means of struggle. Between 1998 and 2000, the organization grew again, gaining presence in all the universities of Galiza and getting seats in the faculty and university councils. Between 1998 and 2000 EI also staged group actions, demonstrations and strikes with the Comités Abertos de Faculdade and the Movemento Estudantil Universitario. In 2001, the group focused more in unity with other independentist and leftist collectives, like the Revolutionary Students Federation or the Galician Antifascist Students Assembly. [1]
In 2001 EI merged with other galician independentist and anticapitalist student unions to form AGIR (student organization). [4] A sector of EI didn't want to merge and split from the organization. [2]
The Galician Nationalist Bloc is a political alliance of left-wing Galician nationalist parties. It is self-defined as a "patriotic front".
The Galician People's Union is a Galician nationalist and communist political party, and is one of the registered political parties of Spain. The party publishes the magazine Terra e Tempo, and the secretary general is Néstor Rego.
The Galician People's Front is a Galician political organization with a socialist and independentist ideology.
Galician nationalism is a form of nationalism found mostly in Galicia, which asserts that Galicians are a nation and that promotes the cultural unity of Galicians. The political movement referred to as modern Galician nationalism was born at the beginning of the twentieth century from the idea of Galicianism.
Renewal–Nationalist Brotherhood is a political party in Galicia. Formed in 2012, under the guidance of historical leader Xosé Manuel Beiras, Anova was formed by Encontro Irmandiño, the FPG, Movemento pola Base, the Galician Workers Front and independent militants. Anova defines itself as a Galician nationalist, socialist, feminist, Galician independentist, ecologist, internationalist organization. Its internal organization is run by assemblies.
Galiza Ceibe-OLN was an independentist and socialist political party in Galicia, Spain. Galiza Ceibe was founded on 1980 by the Galician Party of the Proletariat as a political and electoral front, originally to present a list in Vigo and in other galician municipalities under the name Agrupación Electoral Galicia Ceibe in the 1979 local elections.
Galiza Nova is the youth organisation of the Galician Nationalist Bloc, founded in 1988.
The Assembly of the Independentist Youth is a Galician independentist and socialist and feminist political organization formed and formally established by young people in Bueu in 1996, although it have been working in coordination since 1993. AMI dissolved itself in 2014, citing the repression, changing political cycle and the decline of militancy as the main reasons.
The Galician Party of the Proletariat (PGP) was a party galician independentist and Marxist-Leninist party formed in March 1978, as a continuation of Galician People's Union-Proletarian Line, a split of the original Galician People's Union. The Central Committee was clandestine, and even the party militants didn't know the members of it. Tha party supported armed struggle, which considered as anti-imperialist and anti-oligarchic. Its official magazine was called Sempre en Galiza.
Isca! is the name of a Galician youth organization that promotes Galician independence, combined with anti-capitalist and feminist ideology. They are linked to the Galician Movement for Socialism, a socialist and pro-independence party that forms part of the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG).
AGIR is an organization of students with a Galician independentist and anticapitalist ideology. It's an organization that has presence in different comarcas of Galiza and is made up only of active students.
The Galician Student League is a student union that advocates for a public education, in galician language, democratic, of quality and not patriarchal. It is an open organization, which is governed by internal democracy and horizontal assemblies. In the LEG can participate any high school, vocational training or university student.
Comités is a student organization of Galiza. Formed from the union of the CAF-CAF and the CAE. Comités defends public, democratic and quality education in galician language. It is an assembly-based organization. The Comités are considered the heirs of the CAF, CAE and of the ERGA.
Comités Abertos de Faculdade was a student organization of Galiza. Formed from the union of different faculty assemblies. The main goals of the CAF were defending quality and the Galician language public education. It was an assembly-based organization. The CAF were considered the heirs of the ERGA.
Revolutionary Students Federation was a Galician independentist and socialist student union, formed by university students. FER was founded in October 1999. Despite its small membership the organization participated in several student strikes and protests.
Movemento Estudantil Universitario was a student union representative of college students with presence in the universities of Galicia. Born in December 2010, its main goal was a single, public, Galician, international and democratic university in Galicia.
Galician Antifascist Students Assembly was a Galician student union with its main base in the University of Vigo. AEGA had an antifascist, anticapitalist and Galician independentist ideology. The organization was one of the 4 student groups that created AGIR in 2000, dissolving itself in the process. A sector of AEGA that didn't agree with the self-dissolution formed Assembleia Azrael, that disappeared in 2001. One of the main goals of the organization was to fight fascism in the University of Vigo, specially the Syndicalist Students Front, a student group linked with the Falange.
Movemento pola Base is a Galician pro-independence and left-wing political organization. The MpB was born in the summer of 2006 from a group of militants of the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG), critical with the political line of the organization at the time.
The Socialist Party of National Liberation is an independentist and communist party active in Catalonia. The PSAN was created in 1968 following a split in the more leftist sector of the National Front of Catalonia. Initially it was only present the Catalonia, but later also gained presence in the french region of Roussillon, the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands. The party was illegal and clandestine until 1978, when all parties were fully legalised, after the Franco Dictadorship.
Erguer. Estudantes da Galiza is a Galician student union that advocates for a public, democratic, galician language, quality and antipatriarchal education. Any high school, vocational training or university student can join Erguer. Erguer also advocates for Galician independence and a Republic of Galicia.