In probability theory and information theory, the interaction information is a generalization of the mutual information for more than two variables.
There are many names for interaction information, including amount of information, [1] information correlation, [2] co-information, [3] and simply mutual information. [4] Interaction information expresses the amount of information (redundancy or synergy) bound up in a set of variables, beyond that which is present in any subset of those variables. Unlike the mutual information, the interaction information can be either positive or negative. These functions, their negativity and minima have a direct interpretation in algebraic topology. [5]
The conditional mutual information can be used to inductively define the interaction information for any finite number of variables as follows:
Some authors [6] define the interaction information differently, by swapping the two terms being subtracted in the preceding equation. This has the effect of reversing the sign for an odd number of variables.
For three variables , the interaction information is given by
where is the mutual information between variables and , and is the conditional mutual information between variables and given . The interaction information is symmetric, so it does not matter which variable is conditioned on. This is easy to see when the interaction information is written in terms of entropy and joint entropy, as follows:
In general, for the set of variables , the interaction information can be written in the following form (compare with Kirkwood approximation):
For three variables, the interaction information measures the influence of a variable on the amount of information shared between and . Because the term can be larger than , the interaction information can be negative as well as positive. This will happen, for example, when and are independent but not conditionally independent given . Positive interaction information indicates that variable inhibits (i.e., accounts for or explains some of) the correlation between and , whereas negative interaction information indicates that variable facilitates or enhances the correlation.
Interaction information is bounded. In the three variable case, it is bounded by [4]
If three variables form a Markov chain , then , but . Therefore
Positive interaction information seems much more natural than negative interaction information in the sense that such explanatory effects are typical of common-cause structures. For example, clouds cause rain and also block the sun; therefore, the correlation between rain and darkness is partly accounted for by the presence of clouds, . The result is positive interaction information .
A car's engine can fail to start due to either a dead battery or a blocked fuel pump. Ordinarily, we assume that battery death and fuel pump blockage are independent events, . But knowing that the car fails to start, if an inspection shows the battery to be in good health, we can conclude that the fuel pump must be blocked. Therefore , and the result is negative interaction information.
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The possible negativity of interaction information can be the source of some confusion. [3] Many authors have taken zero interaction information as a sign that three or more random variables do not interact, but this interpretation is wrong. [7]
To see how difficult interpretation can be, consider a set of eight independent binary variables . Agglomerate these variables as follows:
Because the 's overlap each other (are redundant) on the three binary variables , we would expect the interaction information to equal bits, which it does. However, consider now the agglomerated variables
These are the same variables as before with the addition of . However, in this case is actually equal to bit, indicating less redundancy. This is correct in the sense that
but it remains difficult to interpret.
In information theory, the entropy of a random variable quantifies the average level of uncertainty or information associated with the variable's potential states or possible outcomes. This measures the expected amount of information needed to describe the state of the variable, considering the distribution of probabilities across all potential states. Given a discrete random variable , which takes values in the set and is distributed according to , the entropy is where denotes the sum over the variable's possible values. The choice of base for , the logarithm, varies for different applications. Base 2 gives the unit of bits, while base e gives "natural units" nat, and base 10 gives units of "dits", "bans", or "hartleys". An equivalent definition of entropy is the expected value of the self-information of a variable.
Independence is a fundamental notion in probability theory, as in statistics and the theory of stochastic processes. Two events are independent, statistically independent, or stochastically independent if, informally speaking, the occurrence of one does not affect the probability of occurrence of the other or, equivalently, does not affect the odds. Similarly, two random variables are independent if the realization of one does not affect the probability distribution of the other.
In probability theory and statistics, the multivariate normal distribution, multivariate Gaussian distribution, or joint normal distribution is a generalization of the one-dimensional (univariate) normal distribution to higher dimensions. One definition is that a random vector is said to be k-variate normally distributed if every linear combination of its k components has a univariate normal distribution. Its importance derives mainly from the multivariate central limit theorem. The multivariate normal distribution is often used to describe, at least approximately, any set of (possibly) correlated real-valued random variables, each of which clusters around a mean value.
In statistics, correlation or dependence is any statistical relationship, whether causal or not, between two random variables or bivariate data. Although in the broadest sense, "correlation" may indicate any type of association, in statistics it usually refers to the degree to which a pair of variables are linearly related. Familiar examples of dependent phenomena include the correlation between the height of parents and their offspring, and the correlation between the price of a good and the quantity the consumers are willing to purchase, as it is depicted in the demand curve.
In probability theory and statistics, a Gaussian process is a stochastic process, such that every finite collection of those random variables has a multivariate normal distribution. The distribution of a Gaussian process is the joint distribution of all those random variables, and as such, it is a distribution over functions with a continuous domain, e.g. time or space.
In mathematics, a measure-preserving dynamical system is an object of study in the abstract formulation of dynamical systems, and ergodic theory in particular. Measure-preserving systems obey the Poincaré recurrence theorem, and are a special case of conservative systems. They provide the formal, mathematical basis for a broad range of physical systems, and, in particular, many systems from classical mechanics as well as systems in thermodynamic equilibrium.
In probability theory and information theory, the mutual information (MI) of two random variables is a measure of the mutual dependence between the two variables. More specifically, it quantifies the "amount of information" obtained about one random variable by observing the other random variable. The concept of mutual information is intimately linked to that of entropy of a random variable, a fundamental notion in information theory that quantifies the expected "amount of information" held in a random variable.
In information theory, the conditional entropy quantifies the amount of information needed to describe the outcome of a random variable given that the value of another random variable is known. Here, information is measured in shannons, nats, or hartleys. The entropy of conditioned on is written as .
In information theory, joint entropy is a measure of the uncertainty associated with a set of variables.
In mathematical statistics, the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence, denoted , is a type of statistical distance: a measure of how much a model probability distribution Q is different from a true probability distribution P. Mathematically, it is defined as
In information theory, redundancy measures the fractional difference between the entropy H(X) of an ensemble X, and its maximum possible value . Informally, it is the amount of wasted "space" used to transmit certain data. Data compression is a way to reduce or eliminate unwanted redundancy, while forward error correction is a way of adding desired redundancy for purposes of error detection and correction when communicating over a noisy channel of limited capacity.
In mathematics, the Bernoulli scheme or Bernoulli shift is a generalization of the Bernoulli process to more than two possible outcomes. Bernoulli schemes appear naturally in symbolic dynamics, and are thus important in the study of dynamical systems. Many important dynamical systems exhibit a repellor that is the product of the Cantor set and a smooth manifold, and the dynamics on the Cantor set are isomorphic to that of the Bernoulli shift. This is essentially the Markov partition. The term shift is in reference to the shift operator, which may be used to study Bernoulli schemes. The Ornstein isomorphism theorem shows that Bernoulli shifts are isomorphic when their entropy is equal.
This article discusses how information theory is related to measure theory.
In probability theory and in particular in information theory, total correlation is one of several generalizations of the mutual information. It is also known as the multivariate constraint or multiinformation. It quantifies the redundancy or dependency among a set of n random variables.
The Kirkwood superposition approximation was introduced in 1935 by John G. Kirkwood as a means of representing a discrete probability distribution. The Kirkwood approximation for a discrete probability density function is given by
The entropic vector or entropic function is a concept arising in information theory. It represents the possible values of Shannon's information entropy that subsets of one set of random variables may take. Understanding which vectors are entropic is a way to represent all possible inequalities between entropies of various subsets. For example, for any two random variables , their joint entropy is at most the sum of the entropies of and of :
In probability theory, particularly information theory, the conditional mutual information is, in its most basic form, the expected value of the mutual information of two random variables given the value of a third.
In information theory, dual total correlation, information rate, excess entropy, or binding information is one of several known non-negative generalizations of mutual information. While total correlation is bounded by the sum entropies of the n elements, the dual total correlation is bounded by the joint-entropy of the n elements. Although well behaved, dual total correlation has received much less attention than the total correlation. A measure known as "TSE-complexity" defines a continuum between the total correlation and dual total correlation.
In mathematics, specifically in the theory of Markovian stochastic processes in probability theory, the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation (CKE) is an identity relating the joint probability distributions of different sets of coordinates on a stochastic process. The equation was derived independently by both the British mathematician Sydney Chapman and the Russian mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov. The CKE is prominently used in recent Variational Bayesian methods.
Transfer entropy is a non-parametric statistic measuring the amount of directed (time-asymmetric) transfer of information between two random processes. Transfer entropy from a process X to another process Y is the amount of uncertainty reduced in future values of Y by knowing the past values of X given past values of Y. More specifically, if and for denote two random processes and the amount of information is measured using Shannon's entropy, the transfer entropy can be written as: