International Journal of Sexual Health

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eli Coleman</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Michael C. Seto</span>

Michael Chikong Seto is a Canadian forensic psychologist, sexologist, and author. He is director of Forensic Rehabilitation Research at the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, where his research focuses on pedophilia, sexual offenses committed against children, child pornography, risk assessment, offenders with mental disorders, psychopathy, and program evaluation.

Violence against men is a term for violent acts that are disproportionately or exclusively committed against men or boys. Men are over-represented as both victims and perpetrators of violence.

Culley Clyde Carson III is an American retired urologist who specializes in Peyronie's disease, penile implants and erectile dysfunction. After serving two years as a flight surgeon with the United States Air Force, he took on a urology residency at the Mayo Clinic and then taught at the Duke University Medical Center as an assistant professor, subsequently gaining full professorship.

Marisa Paterson is an Australian anthropologist, academic and politician. She was elected to the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly in 2020, representing the Australian Labor Party.


  1. "International Journal of Sexual Health - Editorial Board". Taylor & Francis . Retrieved 2012-06-13.
  2. "International Journal of Sexual Health - Journal Details". Taylor & Francis. Retrieved 2012-06-13.