Jakarta EE

Last updated
Jakarta EE
Jakarta ee logo schooner color stacked default.svg
Player software Java
Programming language(s) Java
Application(s) Application server
License Eclipse Public License or GNU General Public License w/Classpath exception
Website jakarta.ee

Jakarta EE, formerly Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), is a set of specifications, extending Java SE [1] with specifications for enterprise features such as distributed computing and web services. [2] Jakarta EE applications are run on reference runtimes, which can be microservices or application servers, which handle transactions, security, scalability, concurrency and management of the components they are deploying.


Jakarta EE is defined by its specification. The specification defines APIs (application programming interface) and their interactions. As with other Java Community Process specifications, providers must meet certain conformance requirements in order to declare their products as Jakarta EE compliant.

Examples of contexts in which Jakarta EE referencing runtimes are used are: e-commerce, accounting, banking information systems.


The platform created by Sun Microsystems was known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE from version 1.2, until the name was changed to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE in version 1.5.

After Sun was acquired in 2009, Java EE was maintained by Oracle under the Java Community Process. On September 12, 2017, Oracle Corporation announced that it would submit Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation. [3] The Eclipse top-level project has been named Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J). [4] The Eclipse Foundation could not agree with Oracle over the use of javax and Java trademarks. [5] Oracle owns the trademark for the name "Java" and the platform was renamed from Java EE to Jakarta EE. [6] [7] The name refers to the largest city on the island of Java and also the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. [8] The name should not be confused with the former Jakarta Project which fostered a number of current and former Java projects at the Apache Software Foundation.

Java enterprise platform history
Platform versionRelease [9] SpecificationJava SE SupportImportant Changes
Jakarta EE 11Planned for June/July 2024 11 Java SE 21Data
Jakarta EE 102022-09-22 [10] 10
  • Java SE 17
  • Java SE 11
Removal of deprecated items in Servlet, Faces, CDI and EJB (Entity Beans and Embeddable Container). CDI-Build Time.
Jakarta EE 9.12021-05-25 [11] 9.1
  • Java SE 11
  • Java SE 8
JDK 11 support
Jakarta EE 92020-12-08 [12] 9 Java SE 8API namespace move from javax to jakarta
Jakarta EE 82019-09-10 [13] 8 Java SE 8Full compatibility with Java EE 8
Java EE 82017-08-31 JSR 366 Java SE 8 HTTP/2 and CDI based Security
Java EE 72013-05-28 JSR 342 Java SE 7 WebSocket, JSON and HTML5 support
Java EE 62009-12-10 JSR 316 Java SE 6 CDI managed Beans and REST
Java EE 52006-05-11 JSR 244 Java SE 5 Java annotations and Generics in Java
J2EE 1.42003-11-11 JSR 151 J2SE 1.4 WS-I interoperable web services [14]
J2EE 1.32001-09-24 JSR 58 J2SE 1.3Java connector architecture [15]
J2EE 1.21999-12-17 1.2 J2SE 1.2Initial specification release


Jakarta EE includes several specifications that serve different purposes, like generating web pages, reading and writing from a database in a transactional way, managing distributed queues.

The Jakarta EE APIs include several technologies that extend the functionality of the base Java SE APIs, such as Jakarta Enterprise Beans, connectors, servlets, Jakarta Server Pages and several web service technologies.

Web specifications

Web service specifications

Enterprise specifications

Other specifications

Web profile

In an attempt to limit the footprint of web containers, both in physical and in conceptual terms, the web profile was created, a subset of the Jakarta EE specifications. The Jakarta EE web profile comprises the following:

SpecificationJava EE 6 [16] Java EE 7 [17] Java EE 8 [18]
Jakarta EE 8 [19]
Jakarta EE 9 [20]
Jakarta EE 9.1 [21]
Jakarta EE 10 [22]
Jakarta Servlet
Jakarta Server Pages (JSP)
Jakarta Expression Language (EL)
Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages (JSR-45)
Jakarta Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
Jakarta Faces
Jakarta RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
Jakarta WebSocket (WebSocket)
Jakarta JSON Processing (JSON-P)
Jakarta JSON Binding (JSON-B)
Jakarta Annotations (CA)
Jakarta Enterprise Beans (EJB)3.1 Lite3.2 Lite3.2 Lite4.0 Lite4.0 Lite
Jakarta Transactions (JTA)
Jakarta Persistence (JPA)
Jakarta Bean Validation
Jakarta Managed Beans
Jakarta Interceptors
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)
Jakarta Dependency Injection
Jakarta Security
Jakarta Authentication
Jakarta Concurrency 3.0

Certified referencing runtimes

Although by definition all Jakarta EE implementations provide the same base level of technologies (namely, the Jakarta EE spec and the associated APIs), they can differ considerably with respect to extra features (like connectors, clustering, fault tolerance, high availability, security, etc.), installed size, memory footprint, startup time, etc.

Jakarta EE

Referencing runtime [23] [24] [25] DeveloperJakarta EE 10 PlatformJakarta EE 9/9.1 Platform Compatible ProductsJakarta EE 9/9.1 Web Profile Compatible ProductsJakarta EE 8 Platform Compatible ProductsJakarta EE 8 Web Profile Compatible ProductsLicensing
GlassFish Eclipse Yes 7.0.0Yes 6.0.0/ 6.1.0Yes 6.0.0/ 6.1.0Yes 5.1.0Yes 5.1.0 Free software
Open Liberty IBM Yes, [26] [27] Yes,, Free software
WebSphere Liberty IBM Yes [27] Yes Proprietary software
WildFly Red Hat Yes 27.0.0.Alpha5Yes 23.0.1-Preview/25.0.0-PreviewYes 23.0.1-Preview/25.0.0-PreviewYes 18.0.0Yes 18.0.0 Free software
JBoss EAP Red Hat NoNoNoYes 7.3.0Yes 7.3.0 Free software
TomEE Apache NoNoYes 9.0.0-M7 [28] NoYes 8.0.x Free software
Payara Server Payara Services LimitedYes 6.2022.1 Alpha 4Yes 6.2021.1 Alpha 1NoYes 5.22.0, 5.23.0Yes 5.23.0 Free software
Thunisoft Application Server Beijing Thunisoft Information Technology NoYes 3.0NoYes 2.8No Proprietary software
JEUS TmaxSoft NoNoNoYes 8.5No Proprietary software
InforSuite Application Server Shandong Cvicse Middleware NoYes 11NoYes 10No Proprietary software

Java EE

Referencing runtimeDeveloperJava EE 8 certified – FullJava EE 8 certified – WebJava EE 7 certified – FullJava EE 7 certified – WebJava EE 6 certified – Full
Official Oracle page for Java EE Compatibility.
Java EE 6 certified – WebJava EE 5 certifiedJ2EE 1.4 certifiedLicensing
GlassFish server Open Source Edition Oracle Yes v5.0 [29] Yes v5.0 [29] Yes v4.x [30] Yes v4.x [30] Yes v3.x and upward [31] Yes v3.x Web ProfileYes v2.1.x [31] Free software
Oracle GlassFish ServerOracleYes v3 [32] based on the open source GlassFish application serverYes Sun Java System Application Server v9.0Yes Sun Java System Application Server v8.2 Proprietary software
Oracle WebLogic Server OracleYes 14.1.1 [33] Yes 12.2.1 [34] Yes v12c [35] Yes v10.3.5.0Yes v9 Proprietary software
WildFly Red Hat Yes v14.x [29] Yes v14.x [29] Yes v8.1 [36] Yes v8.0.0.FinalYes v7.1 [37] Yes v6.0 [38] and v7.0 [39] Yes v5.1 [40] [41] Yes v4.x Free software
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Red Hat Yes v7.2 [42] Yes v7.0 [30] Yes v7.0 [30] Yes v6.0 [43] Yes v5Proprietary software
IBM WebSphere Application Server IBM Yes v9.x [29] Yes v9.x [30] Yes v8 [44] Yes v7YesProprietary software
IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty IBM Yes v18.0.0.2 [45] Yes v18.0.0.2 [45] Yes v8.5.5.6 [46] [47] Yes v8.5.5.6 [30] Yes v8.5.5 [48] Proprietary software
Open Liberty IBMYes v18.0.0.2Yes v18.0.0.2Free software
IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition IBM Yes v3.0Yes v2.1Proprietary software
Apache Geronimo Apache Yes v3.0-beta-1 [49] [50] Yes v2.0Yes v1.0Free software
JEUS TmaxSoft Yes v8Yes v7 [51] [52] Yes v6Yes v5Proprietary software
Cosminexus Application Server Hitachi Yes v10.0 [29] Yes v9 [53] Proprietary software
Fujitsu Interstage Application Server [54] Fujitsu Yes v12.0 [29] Yes v1 Azure/v10.1 [55] [56] YesProprietary software
WebOTX NEC Yes [57] YesProprietary software
BES Application ServerBaolandeYes v9.5 [30]
Apache TomEE [58] [59] Apache No 7 (Java EE 7 like, but not certified [60] )YesFree software
Resin Server Caucho Yes v4.0 [61] YesProprietary software
Siwpas OW2 Yes v6.0 [62] Free software
JOnAS OW2 Yes v5.3 rc1 [63] YesYesFree software
SAP NetWeaver SAP Yes v2.x [64] YesYesProprietary software
Oracle Containers for Java EE OracleYesProprietary software
Oracle iPlanet Web Server OracleYes Sun Java System Web ServerProprietary software
Oracle Application Server 10g OracleYesProprietary software
Pramati ServerPramati TechnologiesYes v5.0Proprietary software
Trifork T4 Trifork YesProprietary software
Sybase Enterprise Application Server [65] Sybase YesProprietary software

Code sample

The code sample shown below demonstrates how various technologies in Java EE 7 are used together to build a web form for editing a user.

In Jakarta EE a (web) UI can be built using Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), or Jakarta Faces (JSF) with Facelets. The example below uses Faces and Facelets. Not explicitly shown is that the input components use the Jakarta EE Bean Validation API under the covers to validate constraints.

<htmlxmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"xmlns:h="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/html"xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core"><f:metadata><f:viewParamname="user_id"value="#{userEdit.user}"converter="#{userConvertor}"/></f:metadata><h:body><h:messages/><h:form><h:panelGridcolumns="2"><h:outputLabelfor="firstName"value="First name"/><h:inputTextid="firstName"value="#{userEdit.user.firstName}"label="First name"/><h:outputLabelfor="lastName"value="Last name"/><h:inputTextid="lastName"value="#{userEdit.user.lastName}"label="Last name"/><h:commandButtonaction="#{userEdit.saveUser}"value="Save"/></h:panelGrid></h:form></h:body></html>

Example Backing Bean class

To assist the view, Jakarta EE uses a concept called a "Backing Bean". The example below uses Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) and Jakarta Enterprise Beans (EJB).

@Named@ViewScopedpublicclassUserEdit{privateUseruser;@InjectprivateUserDAOuserDAO;publicStringsaveUser(){userDAO.save(this.user);addFlashMessage("User "+this.user.getId()+" saved");return"users.xhtml?faces-redirect=true";}publicvoidsetUser(Useruser){this.user=user;}publicUsergetUser(){returnuser;}}

Example Data Access Object class

To implement business logic, Jakarta Enterprise Beans (EJB) is the dedicated technology in Jakarta EE. For the actual persistence, JDBC or Jakarta Persistence (JPA) can be used. The example below uses EJB and JPA. Not explicitly shown is that JTA is used under the covers by EJB to control transactional behavior.


Example Entity class

For defining entity/model classes Jakarta EE provides the Jakarta Persistence (JPA), and for expressing constraints on those entities it provides the Bean Validation API. The example below uses both these technologies.

@EntitypublicclassUser{@Id@GeneratedValue(strategy=IDENTITY)privateIntegerid;@Size(min=2,message="First name too short")privateStringfirstName;@Size(min=2,message="Last name too short")privateStringlastName;publicIntegergetId(){returnid;}publicvoidsetId(Integerid){this.id=id;}publicStringgetFirstName(){returnfirstName;}publicvoidsetFirstName(StringfirstName){this.firstName=firstName;}publicStringgetLastName(){returnlastName;}publicvoidsetLastName(StringlastName){this.lastName=lastName;}}

See also


  1. "Differences between Java EE and Java SE - Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform". Docs.oracle.com. 2012-04-01. Retrieved 2012-07-18.
  2. "Java EE Overview". Oracle Corporation . Retrieved February 26, 2017.
  3. Waters, John K. (September 12, 2017). "Java EE Is Moving to the Eclipse Foundation". ADTmag. Retrieved 2017-09-13.
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