The Jerilderie Letter is a handwritten document that was dictated by Australian bushranger and outlaw Ned Kelly to fellow gang member Joe Byrne in 1879. It is named after the town of Jerilderie, New South Wales, where the Kelly gang carried out an armed robbery in February 1879, during which Kelly tried to have his document published as a pamphlet. It is one of only two original Kelly letters known to have survived. [1]
Described as a manifesto, the letter is a 56-page document of approximately 8,000 words. In it, Kelly aims to justify his actions, including the murder of three policemen in October 1878 at Stringybark Creek. He describes cases of alleged police corruption and calls for justice for poor rural families. It is a longer and more detailed version of the Cameron Letter which Kelly sent to a member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly and the police in December 1878.
Two copies were made of Ned Kelly's letter, one by publican John Hanlon and one by a government clerk. Only summaries of its contents were published in the press during Kelly's lifetime; it was not published in full until 1930. The original and both handwritten copies have survived.
Edward (Ned) Kelly was born in Victoria, Australia, around 1855. As a teenager he was frequently in trouble with the police, was arrested several times, and served time in prison. [2]
In mid-1878, following his mother's imprisonment on perjured police evidence and feeling that the police were harassing him, Kelly took to bushranging with his brother, Dan, Joe Byrne, and Steve Hart. They became known as the Kelly Gang. [3] [4]
After the Kelly Gang shot dead three policemen at Stringybark Creek in Victoria in October 1878 they were declared outlaws. [5] Reacting to the killings, the Victorian Government enacted the Felons' Apprehension Act 1878 which authorised any citizen to shoot a declared outlaw on sight. [6] A substantial reward was offered for each member of the Kelly Gang, 'dead or alive'. [7]
On 14 November 1878, the day before the members of the Kelly Gang were outlawed, a Victorian parliamentarian criticised the progress of the police hunt for the gang. In response to Donald Cameron’s criticism, Victorian Premier Graham Berry promised a 'searching enquiry' if sufficient evidence was provided. Kelly and Byrne read about this exchange in the newspapers and may have mistaken it as an opportunity to tell their side of the story. Kelly dictated a long letter to Byrne with the intention of sending it to Cameron. [8]
On 9 December 1878, the Kelly Gang robbed the National Bank in Euroa, Victoria, after taking hostages at Younghusband's station nearby. Joe Byrne kept watch over the hostages at the station while the rest of the gang carried out the robbery, and some of the hostages recalled seeing Byrne working on a long letter. [9]
Shortly after the Euroa robbery, Donald Cameron and Police Superintendent John Sadleir each received a copy of Kelly’s letter which he had signed 'Edward Kelly, enforced outlaw' and in which he attempted to tell his side of the events leading up to the killing of three policemen at Stringybark Creek in October 1878. The police advised against releasing the letter to the press for publication but reporters were permitted to read it. [9] Newspaper accounts of the contents of Kelly's letter ranged from dismissive to sympathetic. [10]
Kelly dictated his letter to fellow Kelly Gang member Joe Byrne sometime before the Gang's raid on the town of Jerilderie in southern New South Wales from 8 to 10 February 1879. Byrne then rewrote it in neater handwriting. [11] The Jerilderie Letter appears to be a final version of the Cameron/Euroa letter that was circulated in December 1878. [12]
Kelly took his document to Jerilderie where he intended to have it published as a pamphlet for public distribution. During the raid on the town, Kelly tried to find the town's newspaper editor and printer, Samuel Gill, aiming to have him print the letter. When he couldn’t find Gill, Kelly gave the letter to bank accountant Edwin Living demanding that he give it to Gill and warning "Mind you get it printed, or you'll have me to reckon with next time we meet". [1]
Living ignored Kelly's demands and set off on horseback with the document towards Deniliquin, New South Wales, 50 miles away, from where he planned to catch a train to Melbourne. J.W. Tarleton, the bank's manager, followed Living to Deniliquin. [13]
When Living stopped to rest at John Hanlon's hotel eight miles from Deniliquin he gave an account of what had happened in Jerilderie. He allowed Hanlon to read Kelly's document and make a copy of the pages. The heading Hanlon gave to his copy of the letter is "Ned Kelly's Confession". The following morning Living and Tarleton took the train to Melbourne where they delivered Kelly's letter to the office of the Bank of New South Wales. [14]
As with the Cameron/Euroa letter, the police advised against making Kelly's letter available to the public and it was not published in full until 1930. [15] [16] However, shortly after the Kelly Gang's raid on Jerilderie a summary of the contents of the letter was being published and commented on in Australian newspapers. [17] [18] [19] [20]
In July 1880 a government clerk made another copy of Kelly’s document when the prosecution case was being prepared for Kelly’s trial for murder in October 1880. [21] The original was returned to Edwin Living after Kelly's trial and execution. [1]
The Jerilderie Letter is 56 pages long and contains approximately 8,000 words. It is written in the first person on notepaper 20.3 x 12.5 cm in size. [22] There is little punctuation and it is not grammatically correct, however it contains very few spelling mistakes. [23] [24]
The original letter includes an undated note written by Edwin Living stating that "This is the document given to me by Ned Kelly when the Bank at Jerilderie was stuck up in Feby. 1879". [25] [26]
In the letter Kelly defends his bushranging actions, condemns those he believed had wronged him and warns the public not to defy him. He begins with the words "Dear Sir, I wish to acquaint you with some of the occurrences of the present past and future ..." [27] and ends with a threat:
neglect this and abide by the consequences, which shall be worse than the rust in the wheat in Victoria or the druth of a dry season to the grasshoppers in New South Wales I do not wish to give the order full force without giving timely warning but I am a widows son outlawed and my orders must be obeyed. [28]
The letter has been described as both Kelly's "manifesto" and his "confession". [29] [23] In it, Kelly admits to crimes but claims he was forced into becoming a criminal due to police persecution of himself and his family. He also gives his version of the killing of three police officers at Stringybark Creek in October 1878, arguing that he shot the men in self-defence: "... this cannot be called wilful murder for I was compelled to shoot them, or lie down and let them shoot me". [30]
Kelly's hatred of the police is evident throughout letter. He outlines cases of alleged police corruption and calls on corrupt policemen to resign. At one point he calls the Victorian police "a parcel of big ugly fat-necked wombat headed big bellied magpie legged narrow hipped splaw-footed sons of Irish Bailiffs or English landlords". [31]
Kelly demands justice for his and other poor Irish families in the north-east of Victoria. [7] He also calls for squatters to share their property and wealth with the poor of their district. [29] Kelly condemns the British monarchy and, in "an escalating promise of revenge and retribution", invokes "a mythical tradition of Irish rebellion" against what he calls "the tyrannism of the English yoke": [25] [32]
It will pay Government to give those people who are suffering innocence, justice and liberty. If not I will be compelled to show some colonial strategm which will open the eyes of not only the Victoria Police and inhabitants but also the whole British army and no doubt they will acknowledge their hounds were barking at the wrong stump and that Fitzpatrick will be the cause of greater slaughter to the Union Jack than Saint Patrick was to the snakes and toads in Ireland.
In describing the brutalisation of Irish convicts in Australia, Kelly paraphrases lines from "A Convict's Tour of Hell" and "The Convict's Lament on the Death of Captain Logan", poems attributed to Frank the Poet (Francis MacNamara), a convict who was imprisoned in Port Arthur, Van Diemen's Land (modern-day Tasmania) at the same time as John "Red" Kelly, Ned's father. It is speculated that "Red" Kelly passed on MacNamara's poetry to his son.[ citation needed ] An eyewitness to the Jerilderie raid noticed in the letter signs of Kelly's revolutionary fervor:
The Victorian Government ... came in for its share of vituperation and abuse ... Kelly called upon all and sundry to be up and resist, and hound down the scoundrels and wipe them off the face of the earth, ... Kelly was undoubtedly ambitious, and would seemingly have liked to have been at the head of a hundred followers or so to upset the existing government or bring them to terms. With his ambition there must also have been a lot of the Don Quixote about him. [33]
Two copies were made of Ned Kelly’s letter, one by publican John Hanlon and one by a government clerk. The original and both handwritten copies have survived.
During the Kelly Gang's raid on Jerilderie, Kelly gave his document to bank accountant Edwin Living demanding that it be given to the town's newspaper editor for printing. Living ignored Kelly's threats and he and the bank's manager rode to nearby Deniliquin where they took a train to Melbourne to deliver the letter to the office of the Bank of New South Wales. [1] [13] After Kelly’s trial in October 1880 and execution on 11 November 1880 the letter was returned to Living and it remained in private hands until it was donated to the State Library of Victoria in 2000. [1] [2]
On his way to Deniliquin to catch a train to Melbourne with Kelly's document, Edwin Living stopped to rest at John Hanlon's hotel eight miles from Deniliquin. It is believed that Living allowed Hanlon to read the document and make a copy of it before Living left the hotel taking the original with him. [14] A report at the time said Living had forgotten the document when he left Hanlon's hotel and Hanlon had made a copy before sending the original to the Bank of New South Wales in Melbourne. [34]
When Living called at Hanlon's hotel on his way back from Melbourne, he asked for the copy. Hanlon gave it to him after Living promised he would subsequently return it. The copy was not returned and Hanlon never saw his transcription again. [35] The National Museum of Australia acquired Hanlon's copy in 2001. [36]
The original document was temporarily made available to the Victorian Government in July 1880 so that a copy could be made for the Crown prosecution case against Kelly during his trial for murder later that year. [21] However, Kelly's defence counsel objected to the copy of the letter being tendered as evidence. [23] The government copy, now held by the Public Record Office Victoria, was the basis for all published versions of the Jerilderie Letter until November 2000 when the original was donated to the State Library of Victoria. [21]
Summaries of the contents of the Jerilderie Letter were published during Ned Kelly's lifetime. The first synopsis was published in newspapers within weeks of the Jerilderie raid, but it was not published in full until 1930.
Jerilderie schoolteacher William Elliott read Kelly's document soon after Edwin Living returned to Jerilderie from taking it to the Bank of New South Wales in Melbourne. Elliott gave a synopsis of the document to Jerilderie newspaper editor Samuel Gill and Gill wired the synopsis to Melbourne. The Melbourne Age published the synopsis on 18 February 1879. [17] [18]
On 22 February, Gill also published the synopsis in his Jerilderie Herald and Urana Gazette. [37] Other newspapers also published summaries of Kelly's document soon after the Jerilderie raid. [19] [38] At the end of its synopsis published on Friday 21 February 1879, the Burra Record (South Australia) concluded:
There is a boastful intemperate tone throughout the letter ... There is much in Kelly's letter unsuitable for publication, and it will consequently be withheld. [20]
The full text of Kelly's document (with some corrections) was first published in The Register News-Pictorial (Adelaide, SA) in 1930 as part of a serialised account of the Kelly Gang by J.M.S. Davies called "The Kellys Are Out!". [15] [16] Between 1 November and 16 December 1930, "The Kellys are Out!" was also published in the Melbourne Herald with the Jerilderie Letter appearing in the 27 November to 2 December instalments. [39] Teacher and activist J. J. Kenneally sued Davies claiming the serials were plagiarisations of his book Inner History of the Kelly Gang, published in 1929, and Davies' solicitors were forced to pay Kenneally compensation. [40]
Kelly's document was first called the "Jerilderie Letter" by author Max Brown in his 1948 biography of Kelly called Australian Son. Brown included the letter in full in his book and introduced it as an "8,300 word statement I have called The Jerilderie Letter". He continued: [41] [42]
This is the document Kelly handed to Living. The text is from a copy of the original letter made in 1879 or 1880 by a government clerk, and is printed here with such spelling, punctuation, etc, as the clerk or Kelly and Byrne, or all three possessed. [43]
The original and both copies of the Jerilderie Letter have been digitised and are available online. [21] [44] [45]
Australian artist Sidney Nolan painted numerous Ned Kelly works, beginning with his now-iconic 1946–47 series, which Nolan later said was inspired by "Kelly's own words, and Rousseau, and sunlight". The Jerilderie Letter in particular "fascinated [Nolan] with their blend of poetry and political engagement". [46]
In the early 1960s, British film director Karel Reisz worked on a Ned Kelly film that was ultimately abandoned. While Reisz found most books about Kelly to be of poor quality, he considered the Jerilderie Letter the work of a "tormented visionary" and a "wonderful psychopathic poet". [47]
Australian author Peter Carey has said the main lnfluences on his Booker Prize-winning novel True History of the Kelly Gang (2001) were the Jerilderie Letter, Nolan's Ned Kelly paintings, and James Joyce. [48] Carey described Kelly's voice in the Jerilderie Letter as that of an "avant-garde artist with hardly a comma to his name", and in writing True History of the Kelly Gang, he aimed to recreate it. Of his first reading of the Jerilderie Letter, Carey said:
Somewhere in the middle Sixties, I first came upon the 56-page letter which Kelly attempted to have printed when the gang robbed the bank in Jerilderie in 1879. It is an extraordinary document, the passionate voice of a man who is writing to explain his life, save his life, his reputation … And all the time there is this original voice - uneducated but intelligent, funny and then angry, and with a line of Irish invective that would have made Paul Keating envious. His language came in a great, furious rush that could not but remind you of far more literary Irish writers. [49]
The Story of the Kelly Gang is a 1906 Australian bushranger film directed by Charles Tait. It traces the exploits of the 19th-century Kelly gang of bushrangers and outlaws, led by Ned Kelly. The silent film was shot in and around Melbourne and originally ran for more than an hour with a reel length of about 1,200 metres (4,000 ft), making it the longest narrative film yet seen in the world.
Edward Kelly was an Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader and convicted police-murderer. One of the last bushrangers, he is known for wearing a suit of bulletproof armour during his final shootout with the police.
Jerilderie is a small, rural town in the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia. It is part of the Murrumbidgee Council Local Government Area. At the 2021 census, Jerilderie had a population of 922 people.
Ned Kelly is a 1970 British-Australian biographical bushranger film. It was the seventh Australian feature film version of the story of 19th-century Australian bushranger Ned Kelly, and is notable for being the first Kelly film to be shot in colour.
True History of the Kelly Gang is a novel by Australian writer Peter Carey, based loosely on the history of the Kelly Gang. It was first published in Brisbane by the University of Queensland Press in 2000. It won the 2001 Booker Prize and the Commonwealth Writers Prize in the same year. Despite its title, the book is fiction and a variation on the Ned Kelly story.
Joseph Byrne was an Australian bushranger, outlaw and member of the Kelly gang, referred to as leader Ned Kelly's second in command.
Aaron Sherritt was an associate of the gang of outlaws led by Ned Kelly in Victoria, Australia.
Daniel Kelly was an Australian bushranger and outlaw. The son of an Irish convict, he was the younger brother of the bushranger Ned Kelly. In 1878, Dan and Ned killed three policemen at Stringybark Creek in northeast Victoria, near the present-day town of Tolmie, Victoria. With two friends, Joe Byrne and Steve Hart, the brothers formed the Kelly Gang, which robbed banks, took over whole towns, and terrorized the people of Victoria and New South Wales for two years. The Victorian police searched for them, locked up their friends and families, but could not find them. Dan Kelly died during the infamous siege of Glenrowan in June 1880.
Stephen Hart was an Australian bushranger, a member of the Kelly Gang.
The following lists events that happened during 1879 in Australia.
When the Kellys Were Out is a 1923 Australian feature-length film directed by Harry Southwell about Ned Kelly. Only part of the film survives today.
Ned Kelly was a 19th-century Australian bushranger and outlaw whose life has inspired numerous works in the arts and popular culture, especially in his home country, where he is viewed by some as a Robin Hood-like figure.
J. J. Kenneally was an Australian journalist and trade unionist. An early populariser of Australian bushranger Ned Kelly and his gang via his book The Inner History of the Kelly Gang and Their Pursuers (1929), he was also one of the original members of the country's Labor Party and later formed his own party.
The Jerilderie Herald and Urana Advertiser, later published as the Jerilderie-Coleambally Herald and Urana Advertiser, was a weekly newspaper published in Jerilderie, New South Wales, Australia.
Stringybark Creek is a small creek in the Wombat Ranges, Victoria, Australia. It is famous for the place where three policemen were murdered on the 26th of October 1878. The policemen, Sergeant Michael Kennedy, Constable Thomas Lonigan, and Constable Michael Scanlan were searching the forest for the Kelly brothers, Ned and Dan Kelly. They were wanted for the attempted murder of another policeman, Constable Fitzpatrick.
True History of the Kelly Gang is a 2019 bushranger film directed by Justin Kurzel, written by Shaun Grant, and based upon the 2000 novel of the same name by Peter Carey. A fictionalised account of the life of bushranger and outlaw Ned Kelly, the film stars George MacKay, Essie Davis, Nicholas Hoult, Charlie Hunnam and Russell Crowe.
In 1879, Australian bushranger and outlaw Ned Kelly devised a plan to create bulletproof armour and wear it during shootouts with the police. He and other members of the Kelly gang—Joe Byrne, Steve Hart, and brother Dan Kelly—had their own armour suits and helmets crafted from plough mouldboards, either donated by sympathisers or stolen from farms. The boards were heated and then beaten into shape over the course of four to five months, most likely in a crude bush forge and possibly with the assistance of blacksmiths. While the suits successfully repelled bullets, their heavy weight made them cumbersome to wear, and the gang debated their utility.
The Last Outlaw is a 1963 British radio serial by Rex Rienits about Ned Kelly. It is not to be confused with the 1980 Australian mini series about Kelly, which has the same name.
The Last Outlaw is a 1963 British radio serial by Rex Rienits about Ned Kelly. It is not to be confused with the 1980 Australian mini series about Kelly, which has the same name.
Hands Up, or Ned Kelly and His Gang is a 1900 Australian play by Edward Irham Cole about Ned Kelly.