Intellectual history is the study of the history of human thought and of intellectuals, people who conceptualize, discuss, write about, and concern themselves with ideas. The investigative premise of intellectual history is that ideas do not develop in isolation from the thinkers who conceptualize and apply those ideas; thus the intellectual historian studies ideas in two contexts: (i) as abstract propositions for critical application; and (ii) in concrete terms of culture, life, and history.
Philosophy of history is the philosophical study of history and its discipline. The term was coined by the French philosopher Voltaire.
Robin George Collingwood was an English philosopher, historian and archaeologist. He is best known for his philosophical works, including The Principles of Art (1938) and the posthumously published The Idea of History (1946).
Science & Society: A Journal of Marxist Thought and Analysis is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal of Marxist scholarship. It covers economics, philosophy of science, historiography, women's studies, literature, the arts, and other social science disciplines from a Marxist point of view. As well as covering social and political theory, it includes first-order historical research. The journal was established in 1936 and is published by Guilford Publications. The editor-in-chief is Julio Huato.
In logic, anti-psychologism is a theory about the nature of logical truth, that it does not depend upon the contents of human ideas but exists independent of human ideas.
Philosophy is a systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language. It is a rational and critical inquiry that reflects on its own methods and assumptions.
The American Philosophical Quarterly (APQ) is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering philosophy. It was established in 1964 by Nicholas Rescher and is published quarterly by University of Illinois Press under license with North American Philosophical Publications.
The philosophy of computer science is concerned with the philosophical questions that arise within the study of computer science. There is still no common understanding of the content, aims, focus, or topics of the philosophy of computer science, despite some attempts to develop a philosophy of computer science like the philosophy of physics or the philosophy of mathematics. Due to the abstract nature of computer programs and the technological ambitions of computer science, many of the conceptual questions of the philosophy of computer science are also comparable to the philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, and the philosophy of technology.
Thomas Samuel Kuhn was an American historian and philosopher of science whose 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was influential in both academic and popular circles, introducing the term paradigm shift, which has since become an English-language idiom.
This is a list of articles in continental philosophy.
Environmental Ethics is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering environmental philosophy. It was established in 1979 by the philosopher and an environmentalist Eugene Hargrove, and is published by the Philosophy Documentation Center on behalf of the Center for Environmental Philosophy. The editor-in-chief is Allan A. Thompson. In establishing the journal, Hargrove stated that "the journal will not have a specific point of view nor will it advocate anything".
Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal about the history of philosophy and its essential role in contemporary philosophical discussion. The journal is open to different ideas and approaches, but it is particularly interested in articles from the continental or hermeneutic traditions. The journal is edited by Sara Brill at Fairfield University. It is published twice yearly on a non-profit by the Philosophy Documentation Center.
Ancient Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the study of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and science. Since 1980 it has published over 1,300 articles and reviews in this field. This journal has a Level 2 classification from the Publication Forum of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. and a SHERPA/RoMEO "green" self-archiving policy. It is edited by Ron Polansky in the Department of Philosophy at Duquesne University. It is published on behalf of Mathesis Publications by the Philosophy Documentation Center.
David DeGrazia is an American moral philosopher specializing in bioethics, animal ethics, and the study of moral status. He is Professor of Philosophy at George Washington University, where he has taught since 1989, and the author or editor of several books on ethics, including Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life and Moral Status (1996), Human Identity and Bioethics (2005), and Creation Ethics: Reproduction, Genetics, and Quality of Life (2012).
Philobiblon is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Central University Library of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in collaboration with Cluj University Press. It was established in 1996 as a continuation of an irregular publication entitled Biblioteca și Învățămîntul.
Philosophy Today is an international peer-reviewed journal that reflects the current questions, topics and debates of contemporary philosophy, with a particular focus on continental philosophy.
Constantine Sandis is a Greek and British philosopher and entrepreneur. Having worked on philosophy of action, moral psychology, David Hume, and Ludwig Wittgenstein, in 2013 he became Professor of Philosophy at Oxford Brookes University. He is currently Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire and a Founding Director of author services firm Lex Academic.
Kenneth Megill is an American philosopher, trade unionist, political activist, and records and knowledge manager.
Joseph Tanke is an American philosopher and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His work focuses on Continental philosophy, the history of philosophy, aesthetics, art theory, and historical ontology. Tanke is known for his analysis of major figures in the French philosophical tradition, such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Rancière. His book Foucault's Philosophy of Art: A Genealogy of Modernity is one of the first systematic presentations of Michel Foucault's writings on visual art. Tanke is the first scholar to publish a comprehensive critical introduction to the thought of Jacques Rancière.
The International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography (ICHTH) is a non-profit organization affiliated with the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS). Established in 1980, the Commission is composed of historians, historical theorists and other specialists in related fields, who work together to promote research and the exchange of ideas on the history, theory and/or philosophy of historiography throughout the world. Among other activities, it regularly organizes congresses, conferences and workshops, as well as promoting publications and awarding prizes for books and doctoral theses.