Kalipada Pahan

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Kalipada Pahan
Born (1964-02-19) 19 February 1964 (age 60)
Occupation(s)Professor, Neuroscientist
Known forResearch on statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) and cinnamon

Kalipada Pahan (born 19 February 1964; Midnapore) is a professor of Neurological Sciences, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, and the Floyd A. Davis, M.D., Endowed Chair in Neurology at the Rush University Medical Center. He is also a research career scientist at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center. [1] [ citation needed ] He is an eminent Indian American neuroscientist involved in translational research on multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and Batten disease. [2] He is well known for his research on statins, cholesterol-lowering drugs. He first explored the application of statins in suppressing the inflammatory events in microglia, astroglia and macrophages. [3] This finding has revolutionized the research on statin drugs. Later, his lab has shown that statins may be beneficial in protecting neurons and improving locomotor activities in Parkinson's disease by suppressing the activation of p21/Ras. [4] His lab is also famous for research on cinnamon where they have described that this commonly-used natural spice may be beneficial for different brain disorders including improving memory and learning of poor learners. Recently his lab has delineated a unique crosstalk between fat and memory in which the lipid-lowering transcription factor PPARalpha controls the formation of hippocampal memory via transcriptional regulation of CREB (Roy et al., 2013, Cell Reports 4: 724–737), suggesting a possible reason for the connection between excess belly fat and memory loss. [5]

He has written many book chapters and published more than 200 articles in many peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Immunology, Journal of Neuroscience, Cell Death and Differentiation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Science Signaling, Cell Reports, Cell Metabolism, Nature Communications, and Nature Chemical Biology. His research on aspirin was featured in Society for Neuroscience 2019 Hot Topic. He is the recipient of "D. H. Reinhardt Scholar" award from the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Dentistry, the "Silver U" award from the UNMC Chancellor's council, and the outstanding teaching award from the UNMC College of Dentistry. He also received the Joseph Wybran, M.D., Award from the Society on Neuroimmune Pharmacology and the Zenith Fellows Award from the Alzheimer's Association. [6]

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  1. "Cinnamon may be fragrant medicine for the brain". www.research.va.gov.
  2. "Home". Pahanlab.com. Retrieved 3 February 2014.
  3. K Pahan (1 December 1997). "Lovastatin and phenylacetate inhibit the induction of nitric oxide synthase and cytokines in rat primary astrocytes, microglia, and macrophages". Journal of Clinical Investigation. 100 (11). F G Sheikh, A M Namboodiri and I Singh. J Clin Invest: 2671–2679. doi:10.1172/JCI119812. PMC   508470 . PMID   9389730.
  4. Ghosh A; Roy A; Matras J; Brahmachari S; Gendelman HE; Pahan K. (28 October 2009). "Simvastatin inhibits the activation of p21ras and prevents the loss of dopaminergic neurons in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease". J. Neurosci. 29 (43): 13543–56. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4144-09.2009. PMC   2862566 . PMID   19864567.
  5. "Neurological researchers find fat may be linked to memory loss". ScienceDaily . 9 October 2019. Retrieved 22 August 2019.
  6. "Alzheimer's Association - Greater Illinois Chapter". www.alzheimers-illinois.org.