Krafft (crater)

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Krafft crater 4174 h2.jpg
Coordinates 16°36′N72°36′W / 16.6°N 72.6°W / 16.6; -72.6
Diameter 51 km
Depth 2.0 km
Colongitude 73° at sunrise
Eponym Wolfgang L. Krafft
Seleucus-centered area in selenochromatic Image (Si) . More infos here : Seleucus Si - Ferruggia Zetta.jpg
Seleucus-centered area in selenochromatic Image (Si) . More infos here :
Krafft (left) and Cardanus (center) near the terminator, as viewed from Earth. Also visible is the Rima Cardanus between them and the crater Galilaei beyond. Krafft Cardanus.jpg
Krafft (left) and Cardanus (center) near the terminator, as viewed from Earth. Also visible is the Rima Cardanus between them and the crater Galilaei beyond.

Krafft is a prominent lunar impact crater located near the western edge of the Oceanus Procellarum. To the north is the lava-flooded walled plain Eddington. Almost due south is the crater Cardanus, and the two are connected by a 60-kilometer-long chain of craters known as the Catena Krafft.

Krafft has a sharp, circular rim with a rampart on the exterior, and no central peak. There are several associated craters near the southern rim that are notable for their size in relation to the dimensions of Krafft.

Krafft is a crater of Upper (Late) Imbrian age. [1]

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Krafft.

C16.4° N72.3° W13 km
D15.1° N73.3° W12 km
E15.9° N71.7° W10 km
H17.0° N77.8° W15 km
K16.5° N74.5° W11 km
L16.0° N76.3° W20 km
M17.8° N75.5° W10 km
U17.2° N64.7° W3 km

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  1. The geologic history of the Moon. USGS Professional Paper 1348. By Don E. Wilhelms, John F. McCauley, and Newell J. Trask. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 1987. Table 11.2.