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Kyabandara is a parish in Kamwenge Subcounty, Kamwenge District in western Uganda. It is predominantly a rural parish with Nfashumwana and Kyabandara as the main trading centres. It neighbors Nkongoro to the South West and Ganyenda to the South. [1] [2] [3]

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  1. "Kyabandara Parish, Kagango Subcounty, Kibingo District, Uganda". Retrieved 2020-03-29.
  2. "Kyabandara, Kamwenge, Kibale County, Kamwenge District, Western Region, Uganda". Retrieved 2020-03-29.
  3. "Tenders in Kyabandara Parish, Kamwenge Subcounty, Kamwenge District, Uganda". Retrieved 2020-03-29.