Lactarius alachuanus

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Lactarius alachuanus
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Russulales
Family: Russulaceae
Genus: Lactarius
L. alachuanus
Binomial name
Lactarius alachuanus
Murrill, 1938

Lactarius alachuanus is a member of the large genus Lactarius (order Russulales), known as milk-caps. Found in North America, the species was first described in 1938 by American mycologist William Alphonso Murrill. [1] It is associated with oaks (Quercus spp.). [2]

See also

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<i>Lactarius rufulus</i> Species of fungus

Lactarius rufulus, commonly known as the rufous candy cap, is a species of fungus in the family Russulaceae. The fruit bodies have fleshy brownish-red caps up to 10 cm (3.9 in) wide, and closely spaced pinkish-yellow gills. The stem is up to 12 cm (4.7 in) long and 3 cm (1.2 in) thick and colored similarly to the cap. The species, known only from California, Arizona, and Mexico, grows on the ground in leaf litter near oak trees. The fruit bodies resembles those of L. rufus, but L. rufulus tends to grow in clusters at a common base, rather than solitarily or in groups. A distinguishing microscopic characteristic is the near absence of large, spherical cells called sphaerocysts that are otherwise common in Lactarius species. Lactarius rufulus mushrooms are edible, and have an odor resembling maple syrup. They have been used to flavor confections and desserts.

<i>Lactifluus</i> Genus of fungi

Lactifluus is one of three genera of mushroom-forming fungi containing species commonly named "milk-caps", the others being Lactarius and Multifurca. It has been separated from Lactarius based on molecular phylogenetic evidence but is very similar to that genus. There are roughly 150 known Lactifluus species, which have a mainly tropical distribution but are also found in the north temperate zone and Australasia. Some of them are edible mushrooms.


  1. "Lactarius alachuanus". Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  2. Lactarius alachuanus in Index Fungorum