Lagalla (crater)

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Lagalla crater 4136 h2.jpg
Coordinates 44°36′S22°30′W / 44.6°S 22.5°W / -44.6; -22.5 Coordinates: 44°36′S22°30′W / 44.6°S 22.5°W / -44.6; -22.5
Diameter 85 km
Depth 1.3 km
Colongitude 23° at sunrise
Eponym Giulio C. Lagalla

Lagalla is the remnant of a lunar impact crater. Wilhelm partly overlies the northeastern rim, and Montanari is attached to the southeast. The remainder of the rim is heavily eroded, with small craters overlaying sections along most of the sides. The rim is nearly nonexistent to the south, and the most intact portion is along the northwest. Lagalla F, an irregular satellite crater, is attached to the western rim. The interior floor is uneven and relatively featureless.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Lagalla.

F44.6° S25.3° W29 km
H44.4° S27.0° W5 km
J46.0° S25.1° W22 km
K43.7° S24.3° W10 km
M46.6° S25.7° W6 km
N44.9° S26.1° W12 km
P45.2° S24.4° W11 km
T47.3° S26.5° W7 km
V47.0° S24.3° W5 km

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