List of British champions in 3000 metres walk

Last updated

The British 3,000 metres walk athletics champions covers the AAA Championships from 1901-1986. [1] [2]

Where an international athlete won the AAA Championships the highest ranking UK athlete is considered the National Champion in this list.

Past winners

AAA Championships
2 miles walk, men's event only
YearMen's champion
1901 H. T. Simpson
1902 William Sturgess
1903 Edward Negus
1904 George Larner
1905 George Larner
1906 Alfred Yeoumans
1907 Richard Harrison
1908 George Larner
1909 Ernest Webb
1910 Ernest Webb
1911 Harold Ross
1912 Bobby Bridge
1913 Bobby Bridge
1914 Bobby Bridge
1919 Bobby Bridge
1920 Charles Dowson
1921 John Evans
1922 J. W. Dowse
AAA Championships & WAAA Championships
YearMen's championYearWomen's champion
2 miles walk880 yards walk
1923 Gordon Watts 1923 Edith Trickey
1924 Reg Goodwin 1924 Edith Trickey
1925 Reg Goodwin 1925 Florence Faulkner
1926 Wilf Cowley 1926 Daisy Crossley
1927 Alf Pope 1927 Marjorie Hegarty
2 miles walk1 mile walk
1928 Alf Pope 1928 Lucy Howes
1929 Alf Pope 1929 Lucy Howes
1930 Cecil Hyde 1930 Constance Mason
1931 Alf Pope 1931 Constance Mason
1932 Bert Cooper 1932 Constance Mason
2 miles walk1,600 metres walk
1933 Bert Cooper 1933 Jeanne Probekk
1934 Bert Cooper 1934 Jeanne Probekk
1935 Bert Cooper 1935 Jessie Howes
1936 Bert Cooper 1936 Jessie Howes
1937 Bert Cooper 1937 Florence Pengelly
1938 Bert Cooper 1938 Evelyn Webb
1939 Harry Churcher 1939 Florence Pengelly
1945nc 1945 Joan Riddington
1946 Harry Churcher 1946 Doris Hart
1947 Harry Churcher 1947 Joan Riddington
1948 Harry Churcher 1948 Joyce Heath
1949 Harry Churcher 1949 Joyce Heath
1950 nc 1950 Joyce Heath
1951 Roland Hardy 1951 Joyce Heath
2 miles walk1 mile walk
1952 Roland Hardy 1952 Beryl Day
1953 George Coleman 1953 Beryl Randle
1954 George Coleman 1954 Beryl Randle
1955 George Coleman 1955 Beryl Randle
1956 Bob Goodall 1956 Dilys Williams
1957 Stan Vickers 1957 Dilys Williams
1958 Stan Vickers 1958 Dilys Williams
2 miles walk1.5 mile walk
1959 Ken Matthews 1959 Betty Franklin
1960 Stan Vickers 1960 Judy Woodsford
1961 Ken Matthews 1961 Sheila Jennings
1962 Ken Matthews 1962 Judy Farr
1963 Ken Matthews 1963 Judy Farr
1964 Ken Matthews 1964 Judy Farr
1965 Paul Nihill 1965 Judy Farr
1966 Ron Wallwork 1966 Judy Farr
1967 Ron Wallwork 1967 Judy Farr
1968 Arthur Jones 1968 Judy Farr
3,000 metres walk2,500 metres walk
1969 Roger Mills 1969 Judy Farr
1970 Paul Nihill 1970 Judy Farr
1971 Paul Nihill 1971 Brenda Cook
1972 Roger Mills 1972 Betty Jenkins
3,000 metres walk3,000 metres walk
1973 Roger Mills 1973 Betty Jenkins
1974 Roger Mills 1974 Marion Fawkes
3,000m walk, men's event only
YearMen's champion
1975 Paul Nihill
1976 Roger Mills
1977 Roger Mills
1978 Roger Mills
1979 Roger Mills
1980 Steve Barry
1981 Roger Mills
1982 Roger Mills
1983 Phil Vesty
1984 Phil Vesty
1985 Ian McCombie
1986 Chris Smith


nc = not contested


  1. "WAAA and National Championships Medallists". GBR Athletics.
  2. "WAAA and National Championships Medallists". NUTS.