List of FIS Cross-Country World Cup women's race winners

Last updated

This is a list of individual female winners in FIS Cross-Country World Cup from 1982 season to present.



As of 16 February 2025
TotalWorld CupStage World Cup
DistanceSprintStage Event OverallDistanceSprint
Tie winners431
Total winners9534882084115759


As of 16 February 2025
  Athletes who have “Active” status on the FIS official biography, while they have competed in the current season's World Cup competitions.
  Athletes who have “Active” status on the FIS official biography, while they haven't competed in the current season's World Cup competitions.
  Athletes who have “Active” status on the FIS official biography, while they have also “injured” status.
Rk.NameBioNationWorld Cup SeasonsVictoriesWorld CupStage World Cup
DistanceSprintStage Event OverallDistanceSprint
1 Marit Bjørgen [1] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2000–2018114413112219
2 Therese Johaug [2] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2007–2025873711381
3 Justyna Kowalczyk-Tekieli [3] Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 2002–2018501975163
4 Yelena Välbe [4] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1987–199845441
5 Bente Skari [5] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1992–2003422517
6 Jessie Diggins [6] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2011–202527131292
6 Virpi Sarasvuo [7] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1997–201027117261
8 Petra Majdič [8] Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 1999–20112411535
9 Stefania Belmondo [9] Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1989–20022323
9 Stina Nilsson [10] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2012–20202311147
11 Maiken Caspersen Falla [11] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2009–202222166
12 Larisa Lazutina [12] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1984–20022121
13 Kateřina Neumannová [13] Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 1991–2007191621
14 Yuliya Chepalova [14] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1996–200918171
15 Ingvild Flugstad Østberg [15] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2008–202317221111
16 Kristina Šmigun-Vähi [16] Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 1994–201016142
16 Linn Svahn [17] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2019–2025161825
18 Manuela Di Centa [18] Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1982–19981515
19 Frida Karlsson [19] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2019–2025131012
19 Kikkan Randall [20] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2001–2018131111
19 Heidi Weng [21] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2010–2025132371
19 Lyubov Yegorova [22] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1984–20031313
23 Charlotte Kalla [23] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2006–2022125241
23 Jonna Sundling [24] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2015–2025121101
25 Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi [25] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1982–19941111
25 Kristine Stavås Skistad [26] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2018–20251111
27 Brit Pettersen [27] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1982–19881010
28 Anette Bøe [28] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1982–198899
29 Ebba Andersson [29] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2015–2025871
29 Arianna Follis [30] Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1996–20118323
29 Květa Jeriová [31] Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia 1982–198488
29 Marjo Matikainen-Kallström [32] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1985–198988
29 Kerttu Niskanen [33] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 2008–2025844
34 Trude Dybendahl [34] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1986–1998761
35 Maja Dahlqvist [35] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2015–202566
35 Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen [36] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2005–2020642
35 Krista Pärmäkoski [37] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 2009–2025633
35 Kristin Størmer Steira [38] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2002–2015633
35 Natalya Terentyeva [39] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2014–202261131
40 Nadine Fähndrich [40] Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 2016–2025532
40 Nina Gavrylyuk [41] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1987–2003541
40 Pirjo Muranen [42] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1998–201155
40 Valentyna Shevchenko [43] Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 1995–2017541
44 Berit Aunli [44] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1982–198744
44 Marianne Dahlmo [45] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1985–199444
44 Olga Danilova [46] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1991–200244
44 Hanna Falk [47] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2007–2021431
44 Inger Helene Nybråten [48] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1982–199544
44 Claudia Nystad [49] Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 1998–2015422
44 Gabriella Paruzzi [50] Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1991–2006431
44 Emma Ribom [51] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2019–202544
44 Aino-Kaisa Saarinen [52] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1998–2018431
44 Beckie Scott [53] Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 1994–2006431
44 Astrid Øyre Slind [54] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2008–2025422
55 Anamarija Lampič [55] Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 2014–2022312
55 Anita Moen [56] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1987–2003312
55 Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle [57] Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 1999–2014321
55 Raisa Smetanina [58] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 1982–199233
55 Yuliya Stupak [59] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2014–20223111
60 Lina Andersson [60] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 1999–201122
60 Rosie Brennan [61] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2009–2025211
60 Sophie Caldwell Hamilton [62] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2013–2021211
60 Chandra Crawford [63] Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 2005–201422
60 Vesna Fabjan [64] Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 2005–202022
60 Ragnhild Gløersen Haga [65] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2010–2023211
60 Alžbeta Havrančíková [66] Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 1984–200022
60 Ida Ingemarsdotter [67] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2004–201922
60 Anne Jahren [68] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1982–199022
60 Natalya Matveyeva [69] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2006–202022
60 Marit Mikkelsplass [70] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1985–199822
60 Grete Ingeborg Nykkelmo [71] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1982–199122
60 Anna Olsson [72] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 1997–2010211
60 Marie-Helene Östlund [73] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 1986–199522
60 Blanka Paulů [74] Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia 1982–198522
60 Riitta-Liisa Roponen [75] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1999–2024211
60 Jaana Savolainen [76] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1984–199322
60 Tamara Tikhonova [77] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 1984–199222
60 Laurien van der Graaff [78] Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 2008–2022211
60 Kaisa Varis [79] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1996–200622
80 Ella Gjømle Berg [80] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2000–201111
80 Victoria Carl [81] Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 2013–202511
80 Delphine Claudel [82] Flag of France.svg  France 2017–202511
80 Hanna Erikson [83] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2009–201411
80 Simone Greiner-Petter-Memm [84] Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany 1987–198811
80 Martine Ek Hagen [85] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2011–201811
80 Johanna Hagström [86] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2017–202511
80 Katharina Hennig [87] Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 2017–202511
80 Moa Ilar [88] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2019–202511
80 Anna Jönsson Haag [89] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2007–201811
80 Anne Kjersti Kalvå [90] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2013–202511
80 Irina Khazova [91] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2004–201411
80 Natalya Korostelyova [92] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2003–201511
80 Evi Kratzer [93] Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 1982–198911
80 Sophia Laukli [94] Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 2021–202511
80 Marianna Longa [95] Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2000–201111
80 Yevgeniya Medvedeva [96] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1997–201011
80 Svetlana Nageykina [97] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1986–200711
80 Gaby Nestler [98] Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany 1984–198711
80 Mona-Liisa Nousiainen [99] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 2002–201811
80 Jennie Öberg [100] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2011–202011
80 Simone Opitz [101] Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 1985–199211
80 Hilde Gjermundshaug Pedersen [102] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1984–200811
80 Alena Procházková [103] Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 2005–202211
80 Marie Risby [104] Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 1983–198511
80 Marjut Rolig [105] Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1991–199411
80 Yuliya Shamshurina [106] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 1982–198911
80 Yevgeniya Shapovalova [107] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2007–202011
80 Alyona Sidko [108] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2000–201011
80 Sabina Valbusa [109] Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1993–201011
80 Vida Vencienė [110] Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 1986–199411
80 Lotta Udnes Weng [111] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2015–202511
80 Tiril Udnes Weng [112] Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2015–202511
80 Olga Zavyalova [113] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1993–201111

FIS biographies

  1. Marit BJOERGEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  2. Therese JOHAUG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  3. Justyna KOWALCZYK at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  4. Elena VAELBE TRUBITSINA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  5. Bente SKARI MARTINSEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  6. Jessie DIGGINS at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  7. Virpi KUITUNEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  8. Petra MAJDIC at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  9. Stefania BELMONDO at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  10. Stina NILSSON at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  11. Maiken Caspersen FALLA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  12. Larissa LAZUTINA PTITSYNA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  13. Katerina NEUMANNOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  14. Julija TCHEPALOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  15. Ingvild Flugstad OESTBERG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  16. Kristina SMIGUN-VAEHI at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  17. Linn SVAHN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  18. Manuela DI CENTA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  19. Frida KARLSSON at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  20. Kikkan RANDALL at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  21. Heidi WENG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  22. Ljubov EGOROVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  23. Charlotte KALLA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  24. Jonna SUNDLING at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  25. Marja-Liisa KIRVESNIEMI HAEMAELAEINEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  26. Kristine Stavaas SKISTAD at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  27. Britt PETTERSEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  28. Anette BOE at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  29. Ebba ANDERSSON at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  30. Arianna FOLLIS at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  31. Kveta JERIOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  32. Marjo MATIKANEN KALLSTROEM at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  33. Kerttu NISKANEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  34. Trude HARTZ DYBENDAHL at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  35. Maja DAHLQVIST at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  36. Astrid Uhrenholdt JACOBSEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  37. Krista PARMAKOSKI at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  38. Kristin Stoermer STEIRA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  39. Natalia TERENTEVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  40. Nadine FAEHNDRICH at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  41. Nina GAVRILJUK at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  42. Pirjo MURANEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  43. Valentyna SHEVCHENKO at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  44. Berit AUNLI KVELLO at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  45. Marianne DAHLMO at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  46. Olga DANILOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  47. Hanna FALK at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  48. Inger NYBRAATEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  49. Claudia NYSTAD at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  50. Gabriella PARUZZI at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  51. Emma RIBOM at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  52. Aino-Kaisa SAARINEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  53. Beckie SCOTT at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  54. Astrid Oeyre SLIND at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  55. Anamarija LAMPIC at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  56. Anita MOEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  57. Evi SACHENBACHER-STEHLE at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  58. Raissa SMETANINA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  59. Yulia STUPAK at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  60. Lina ANDERSSON at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  61. Rosie BRENNAN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  62. Sophie CALDWELL HAMILTON at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  63. Chandra CRAWFORD at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  64. Vesna FABJAN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  65. Ragnhild Gloeersen HAGA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  66. Alzbeta HAVRANCIKOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  67. Ida INGEMARSDOTTER at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  68. Anne JAHREN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  69. Natalia MATVEEVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  70. Marit MIKKELSPLASS WOLD at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  71. Grete Ingeborg NYKKELMO at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  72. Anna OLSSON at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  73. Marie Helene OESTLUND WESTIN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  74. Blanca PAULU at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  75. Riitta-Liisa ROPONEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  76. Jaana SAVOLAINEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  77. Tamara TICHONOVA VOLKOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  78. Laurien VAN DER GRAAFF at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  79. Kaisa VARIS at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  80. Ella Gjoemle BERG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  81. Victoria CARL at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  82. Delphine CLAUDEL at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  83. Hanna ERIKSON at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  84. Simone GREINER PETTER at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  85. Martine Ek HAGEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  86. Johanna HAGSTROEM at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  87. Katharina HENNIG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  88. Moa ILAR at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  89. Anna JOENSSON HAAG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  90. Anne Kjersti KALVAA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  91. Irina KHAZOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  92. Natalia KOROSTELEVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  93. Evi KRATZER at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  94. Sophia LAUKLI at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  95. Marianna LONGA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  96. Evgenia MEDVEDEVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  97. Svetlana NAGEJKINA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  98. Gaby NESTLER at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  99. Mona-Liisa NOUSIAINEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  100. Jennie OEBERG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  101. Simone OPITZ at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  102. Hilde Gjermundshaug PEDERSEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  103. Alena PROCHAZKOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  104. Marie RISBY at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  105. Marjut ROLIG LUKKARINEN at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  106. Julia SHAMSHURINA STEPANOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  107. Evgenia SHAPOVALOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  108. Alena SIDKO at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  109. Sabina VALBUSA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  110. Vida VENZENE at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  111. Lotta Udnes WENG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  112. Tiril Udnes WENG at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation
  113. Olga SAVIALOVA at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation