Notable dictionaries of the Hebrew language include:
Hebrew grammar is the grammar of the Hebrew language.
Johann Albert Fabricius was a German classical scholar and bibliographer.
Louis Cappel was a French Protestant churchman and scholar. A Huguenot, he was born at St Elier, near Sedan. He studied theology at the Academy of Sedan and the Academy of Saumur, and Arabic at the University of Oxford, where he spent two years. At the age of twenty-eight, he accepted the chair of Hebrew at Saumur and, twenty years later, was appointed professor of theology. Amongst his fellow lecturers were Moses Amyraut and Josué de la Place.
Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius was a German orientalist, lexicographer, Christian Hebraist, Lutheran theologian, Biblical scholar and critic.
Biblical Aramaic is the form of Aramaic that is used in the books of Daniel and Ezra in the Hebrew Bible. It should not be confused with the Targums – Aramaic paraphrases, explanations and expansions of the Hebrew scriptures.
A Greek–English Lexicon, often referred to as Liddell & Scott or Liddell–Scott–Jones (LSJ), is a standard lexicographical work of the Ancient Greek language originally edited by Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones, and Roderick McKenzie and published in 1843 by the Oxford University Press.
Johann Heinrich Hottinger was a Swiss philologist and theologian.
Edward Robinson was an American biblical scholar known for his magnum opus, Biblical Researches in Palestine, the first major work in Biblical Geography and Biblical Archaeology, which earned him the epithets "Father of Biblical Geography" and "Founder of Modern Palestinology."
Frans van Ravelingen Latinized Franciscus Raphelengius, was a Flemish-born scholar, printer and publisher, working in Antwerp and later in Leiden. During the last decade of his life he was professor of Hebrew at Leiden University. He produced an Arabic-Latin dictionary, of about 550 pages, which was published posthumously in 1613 in Leiden. This was the first publication by printing press of a book-length dictionary for the Arabic language in Latin.
SantesPagnino (1470–1541), also called Sante Pagnini or Santi Pagnini, was an Italian Dominican friar, and one of the leading philologists and Biblical scholars of his day.
Johannes Buxtorf the Younger, was the son of the scholar Johannes Buxtorf, and a Protestant Christian Hebraist.
A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, more commonly known as Brown–Driver–Briggs or BDB is a standard reference for Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic, first published in 1906. It is organized by (Hebrew) alphabetical order of three letter roots. It was based on the Hebrew-German lexicon of Wilhelm Gesenius, translated by Edward Robinson. The chief editor was Francis Brown, with the co-operation of Samuel Rolles Driver and Charles Augustus Briggs, hence the name Brown–Driver–Briggs. Some modern printings have added the Strong's reference numbers for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic words.
A Bible concordance is a concordance, or verbal index, to the Bible. A simple form lists Biblical words alphabetically, with indications to enable the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible where the words occur.
Critici sacri was a compilation of Latin biblical commentaries published in London from 1660, edited by John Pearson. The publisher was Cornelius Bee. The work appeared in nine volumes, and collected numerous authors, both Protestant and Catholic, of early modern critical work on the Bible. It was intended to complement Brian Walton's Polyglot Bible, and set off a series of subsequent related publications.
William Robertson was a Scottish Hebraist. He was educated at Edinburgh University, taught Hebrew in London from 1653–1680, then in 1680 was appointed lecturer in Hebrew at Cambridge University.
Elias Hutter was a German Hebraist.
Otto Walper was a German theologian and philosopher.
Julius Heinrich Petermann was a German Orientalist.
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament ("HALOT") is a scholarly dictionary of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, which has partially supplanted Brown–Driver–Briggs.