List of IIHF World Rankings

Last updated

This is a list of IIHF World Rankings from its inception in 2003. The IIHF World Ranking is a ranking of the performance of the national ice hockey teams of member countries of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF). It is based on a formula giving points for each team's placings at IIHF-sanctioned tournaments over the previous four years. The ranking is used to determine seedings and qualification requirements for future IIHF tournaments.


The system was approved at the IIHF congress of September 2003. [1] According to IIHF President René Fasel, the system was designed to be simple to understand and "reflect the long-term quality of all national hockey programs and their commitment to international hockey". [2]


Graph of the evolution of the top ten men's nations (2003-2023) IIHF World Ice Hockey Ranking graph from 2003.png
Graph of the evolution of the top ten men's nations (2003–2023)

Seven nations have achieved a top ten ranking every time (including Olympic rankings) between 2003–2023, they are (in order of average ranking): Canada, Sweden, Russia, Finland, Czech Republic, the United States, and Switzerland. An additional six nations, Slovakia (twenty-five times), Germany (nineteen times), Latvia (fifteen times), Belarus (nine times), Norway (eight times), and Denmark (twice) have been in the top ten at least once.

As of the 2023 IIHF World Championships, four countries have accomplished a first-place ranking: Canada fourteen times, Sweden six times, Russia four times, and Finland twice. Canada holds the record for highest cumulative point total in one ranking (4150 points in 2023), has the most consecutive first-place rankings (eight times between 2015 and 2021), and is the only nation to have achieved a top-five ranking every time.



2003200420052006 O20062007200820092010 O2010
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 24045420454204558045390452004870487048049
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 108036112535119534119534121534126033130033138531138534135034
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 297012275511243013304512293016269517244516228516295514293514
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 29551325901324301230351332301030259284592660834009336010
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 124033134533125532125533120035120035123034125533125536124036
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 20047150471504710048
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 155030137532123533165530171530150031130532116035154031156031
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 36851348513220139402389033670234101316024105139702
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 180528163028151528198027197028186027165028141029126035112037
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 154531142531139030197028200027185028179026167526215027212526
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 35603322543065339303398523595432655291563655637855
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 266514257514240014299015300514285512266013244513308513318513
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 213524199524186024232024232524216523193025163527215526210027
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 35254319552865737655383043640333854305043880338054
Flag of France.svg  France 257518240018215017275519272019252519241018232514286016290015
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 324082990825801032701031101229251127401024601231451233609
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 223023199025178025161031158031160529164529169525233524235023
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 24046440464404659545
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 225522206022192022246022243022232021222020213020267520265520
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 93038875398753987539840409203796538103037103039109538
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 260444554445544585447104377540720427204275041
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 11103510353611403511403512753312603411903510703610703897039
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 258517231519210019282017291517281513258014229015286015286016
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 260515244015209020262521254021230522212022196521256521257521
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 248021241017233515310011311511274016240519216518274519279017
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 68041950371105361105361105366604464544705437054373043
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 142032145530136031136032132032132032136531139530139533148533
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 306010290010267593335933109299510274011261010328510326512
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 188527172027162027208526227025210525197023181023235523230024
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 63542755427854278542705437104269543700447004466544
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 820397704177543775438453991538101037102538152532152032
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 2604641545515455154554046
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 213525201523188523240023236023215524193524175524218525221025
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 80040870409103891038925389003989039850398504092540
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 253520226521210518276018293515278014273512254511327011330511
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 255019229520208521263520258020239520217521194022241522240522
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 196526184526168526219525213526197026177027160528200028194528
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 34806310572905537256372553535534002320013965239801
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 168529156529142029181529174529155530142530136532181029193529
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 34805323532965438054368563390629558263593470734058
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 259516242016229516290016287018264018246015219017275518273019
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 99037930388454084540830417704175542790407904173542
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 123034117034109037109037104037109036112036116534170530179030
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 36102340023095240301409513740134003309533855438453
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 31359292092715835258350083250830207272573465835407
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 6254369043795417954177542830407654175041123037126535
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 301011272012249011301514300513274015243517213519280517276018
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 22047
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 33307314562865635757358073375731056291553825536506


Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 135034138532133032133034130034123036116036122533122538128036
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 273015246515226515298516295016274516244017220516275017282017
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 3025112705132410143030153170113075928209253510320011308514
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 118035113536121034121036121536128034130032128032128036125037
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 50482004741045295472954736048
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 1405321270331070379403987039890398703982540124537121038
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 35954325552940538403385043690134951322514045139901
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 10603910403810003810003898038102038107537110037154033161033
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 189027166530151029189530201028193027182526167526216025211527
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 35705333032975437605374553495632106290063740536906
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 296513271012248012305013300515277515270013249514310014313012
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 194026176026161028200028198529187029175528165027211027215526
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 36302334523065239052395523575433553306043820437655
Flag of France.svg  France 276514266014245013306512316512293012265514250513314512311513
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 1804818048355474954533547455458554199040
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 31908288510265010326011312513292013281510266083610735758
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 225021211021194022254020245022222524202024185024232024246522
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 6404462544610446104436046180496049
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 260484554656544635446354560045
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 246020226519207519259519256019241519232519209519262020259520
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 112536118535124033124035129535127035124035121534169532166032
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 7854173542705427054241044195486548
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 885408754096039144033153032137533125034111535145535145034
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 260517244016221018283018286018256518234518218018273519272519
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 224522210522196021240522247021234520214021190523246522241023
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 261516244017222516290017291017268017247016220017280016276018
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 48545540456004560045675437704282540885398854092541
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 160531166528174025240023241523223023209023200021273518283516
Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait 14050
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 29851227651125201132951033009301510273012252012313013322511
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 212524190525170026214526217026203526190025175525216026220025
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 65043665436804368043695427004370043740427404379042
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 138533123034111036150532153033140032129033111036148034144035
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 3154637546415464154626049155505050
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 208025192524176524235524230525206525182527162528208028206028
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 106538112537112035112037107037104537100038101538101539103039
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 31759296082685933509326510299011276511253593310932709
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 221523202023183523235025235524227522217520203020260021256521
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 180028172527163527207527207527189528173529156529200029203029
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 36501342513040338404391533675233802310524040239303
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 175530156531137531173031174031164530152031141030182530183030
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 313010310062840834858344583160828708253011322010324510
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 256518237518221517304514304014279514253015230515301015291515
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 74042780417904179041845408554081541725437254465544
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 178529166529144530191029181030164531155030137531174531170031
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 36303328043105140001399013630332755308033850339452
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 32407291092845735557347073235729107270573405835907
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei 220482204842546
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 1110371015399454082540840418154180542815418154277043
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan 20049
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 249519223520197020247521250020231021210522192522242523234024
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 16547110472754727547405455104434046370463704636547
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 33406306572895637056374063540532904298053725637654


Team2019202020212022 O20222023
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 130535131535126533126536131036171035
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 263515242017218518279017290015313516
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 273514254513232014294014296514317514
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 120037115036110036110039109040147040
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 3404933549380496404968550104048
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 10953810154093540121037130537165536
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 375013470132351399523990241501
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 152032142032133532212527223526253526
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei 545456054460545104540110039145541
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 189529169529151530190031191031217031
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 346553200528956358073650637358
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 292512268512247012329010333510350011
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 201026186027170526213526215028240028
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 361533345331252406514130140802
Flag of France.svg  France 284013254014229515294513300013324013
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 1060391095381035389354310304163053
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 335573090729055355593555938355
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 248020238019228016277518275518294520
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5354649048460487404677047107047
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 237021216021198021258521264020295019
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 148533132533120035156033160534192534
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 42058
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran 1405662554
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 138534132034124034154534162533195033
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 262016248015228017283016284017297018
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 218023197524175825228525232025258025
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 257019242016236513286015288516317015
Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait 225502805130551545515005277050
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan 1005217552225526255071049109546
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 302510281010256010326511325511361010
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 211024198523185023231024238523263024
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 7454370543690439904198544128043
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 805314053140532005363552
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 129036115037106537130035133035160037
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 46057
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 191028174028159028199029200029228529
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 1020401015399653996542101042139042
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 905418604182541825458454551056
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 300511276511249011312012310512327012
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 605410554105541755460055
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 230022206022188522246022248022279022
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 199027194025182024231523237524264523
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 364023400230503391033935340503
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 174030166030154029190530197030224530
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 405540551505565051
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 304092835926709356083590836909
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 262018234520208520266519273019299017
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 5954454546540465405256051102049
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 262017238518214019263520260021280521
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 158531147031138531177532182532214032
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 361543325428807371553675538006
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 332583060828158358063590737757
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 1605128050340506804778546119044
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 760427504274542120538125038158538
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan 4304759045660446604872548114045
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 209525187526167527212528218027247027
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 4204850047505478254499043150539
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 343063140629454375043775439404


Graph of the evolution of the top ten women's nations (2003-2022) IIHF Women's World Ice Hockey Ranking.png
Graph of the evolution of the top ten women's nations (2003-2022)

Only six nations have achieved a top ten ranking every time between 2003–2022. These nations are (in order of average ranking): Canada, the United States, Finland, Sweden, Russia, and Switzerland. An additional ten nations, Germany (twenty-two times), Japan (twenty-one times), Czech Republic (thirteen times), Kazakhstan (ten times), China (nine times), Slovakia (five times), France (three times), Denmark (three times), Norway (twice), Austria (twice), and Hungary (twice) have been in the top ten at least once.

As of 2022, only two countries have accomplished a first-place ranking: Canada thirteen times and the United States ten times. Canada, Finland and the United States are the only nations to have achieved a top-four ranking every time, with Canada and the United States never falling below a top-two ranking.

In December 2017, six Russian women hockey players were found to have committed doping violations at the 2014 Winter Olympics. The IOC disqualified the Russian team from the 2014 hockey tournament and the IIHF was requested to modify the results accordingly. [3] The information in this historical section does not reflect any changes that the IIHF may make in the record.



Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 53022127021137522850231205231405228902353525
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 7002612852592021131520158019187517204016
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 53521117522133523830241160241305248102448526
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 72024
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 1800130001296012970129801295012930229501
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 1545725657257572485725208251082485725157
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 5803110953078525123520
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 67011159011184011201012219513220512218012219013
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 63516145516170014107017148517165018176019116522
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 52032910326503239033
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1655327753276532760427554277032785327953
Flag of France.svg  France 66012154013178012199514223012222011217013215514
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 156562605626255263552585525257242010235011
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 5602012802014252088522121022138523164520192518
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 50524116523132024825251135251265257852647027
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 5403040530770301090316852941529
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 58518138517161017201511216014206515198016195017
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 142510240510238010235010234510242092465924359
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 14908243092475824459244592410102475824558
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 65013149015163516100518138019156020177518118521
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 60027105027750261070261215267602745528
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 64515154512175013199513225011219513213514210515
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5701913301915051993520130021148021164521109523
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 5802943529830291110276902841530
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 65014151014169515190015214515215014219511222512
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 320259402511852673027995271100296853041031
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 1620526805260562585625656257562610626106
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 5951713751815851899019141518173517204015237010
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 3102699024138521170016186516181016107522126019
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 50523505287902846528910281105286753140032
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 1625427254276042830328253276042745427354
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 1435924358243092480825557264552630526405
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 48033840336003336034
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 1740229002294022890228902293022960129502


2011201220132014 O20142015201620172018 O2018
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 88024120524154023102527164528149529147028148527148530153530
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 213015218515222012219013307013290512271011253010318010318011
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 78026985271220318053113253112803176536840378403791038
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 1000237053387033460349003498034107034105535105534101035
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 29302296012940229601416013840135202321024070240602
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 23859223513209015211514293515268516241516218017271519266520
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 1375201480221535241510252110251990251850251090339353593036
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 2155142245122360924008336093140929709274083460934709
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 137021162519197017226512318511297510274010249011313513311012
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 13037
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 28003278032765327154377543535332753303533890339103
Flag of France.svg  France 210516205516206516205516295514283014270012245513317011320510
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 235510243082535725657358573315729958283073515734758
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 194018195517191018191519261519237521213021191023237523236523
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 4203777536101535108034166029162529
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 83525121023158522178021258021245519236517228015292014299514
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 705299602912253081530135530135030137030136530136532134032
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 42036315366503543535435362203711038
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 195017191518184519189020261020243520228520210519274518281017
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 23201122851123151023959339583230830057272093510835557
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 2475723509214514211015285017251518233018218018270520269519
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 595329203113402696029172027189027179526171525171528167028
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 7302899526131028151524219524211023202023191522275517286016
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 217013219514219013205517289516269515247015224016283516278518
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 4803594035121532141529205526210526
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 126522148021175020193518271518257517233019205020258021252021
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 7402711102514552597528161529159528147029142028142031137531
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 228012232010228011228511322510295011269013248512315512311013
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 5003497528134027160523226522215022205522195021247522250022
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 6753040534270361353613538480378603686036109533
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 26705265062710426755371563480632654297043810438304
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 247082500724308232510318512285513259014234014292015291015
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 138519150520161521163022221023201524187524173524218524219024
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 645318903211353275532121532116032112533110532110533108034
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 4803594030125529150526206526191026175527160026211525212525
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 27004268052620626606376053485532105291553660536156
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 26206268542665527203384033520431806286563645636555
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei 480384803892037
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 5603333035700344703397033109533123031126031186027186027
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 29701294022960129402410023830235601328014190142001


Team2019202020212022 O2022
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 153529148029143529143533140533
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 291012264014238514307013305014
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 99537108036104037104039107539
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 300423004252542
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 975389553892539146532151032
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 3730234502321024120141601
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 246020225019204520281517289016
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei 123533141030140029202026209526
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 99536108035120033120035122036
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 3270830307279573575736756
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 291011275011255511327510329011
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 320413204158041
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 3675333903310033940338503
Flag of France.svg  France 301510276010253512318512317512
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 32509300082740833659332510
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 219023200523182524238023241023
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 144530122533115534157030153030
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 28751427201225601032751133409
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 135032134531132531192527197027
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 28044
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 265517244517225016284016280017
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 3290630706284063620636507
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 247019222521200021247521250021
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 3604061040113036139534
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 249018219522195522176029172029
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 200026186526171026219025219025
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 241521231518215518271519277518
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 135531133532129532129534131035
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 160528155528152027152031152031
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 289513266013242513304014306013
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 239022223520207019265520270020
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 120534112034109535109537106540
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 3560432904298543770537805
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 32043
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 272015251015230515292515296015
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 210524200024186023238522243022
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 106035107037106036106038115537
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 268016245516223017276018270519
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 203525190525176025229024232024
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 3275729209264093385834408
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 3415531705295553790438204
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 172527156527148528191528193028
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 44039790399453894540108538
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 3900136001326014120240902

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Jan-Åke Edvinsson was a Swedish ice hockey administrator. He served as the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) general secretary from 1986 to 2006, and held the same position with the Swedish Ice Hockey Association from 1976 to 1986. During this time with the IIHF, it grew from 34 to 64 competing nations at 29 international tournaments. He later worked as a technical delegate for the Winter Olympic Games. He was inducted into the builder category of the IIHF Hall of Fame, and was also inducted into the Swedish Hockey Hall of Fame, the German Ice Hockey Hall of Fame, and the Slovenian Hockey Hall of Fame.

This article lists the performances of each of the 70 national teams which have made at least one appearance in the Ice Hockey World Championships, an annual international men's ice hockey tournament organized by the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), including the Olympic ice hockey tournament was also considered the World Championship for that year, and was held before the first Ice Hockey World Championship as an individual event in 1930. With the exception between 1940 and 1946, when no championships were held during World War II, nor were held during the Olympic years 1980, 1984, and 1988. In 2020, the IIHF announced that all World Championship tournaments have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions-related issues.



  1. Hockey Canada (30 September 2003). "IIHF Introduces World Ranking and Ranks Canada First in Men's and Women's Hockey" . Retrieved 27 May 2019.
  2. Edvinsson, Jan-Ake, ed. (November 2003). "News release–Hockey fans are the best in the world" (PDF). Ice Times. International Ice Hockey Federation. 7 (5): 7. Retrieved 27 May 2019.
  3. "IOC sanctions six Russian athletes and closes one case as part of the Oswald Commission findings". 12 December 2017. Retrieved 13 December 2017.
