↑ Apart from working as a poet, dance critic, and painter, Kim Youngtae also actively worked as a music and theatre critic. He first began his career as a critic as a music critic. He was enormously interested in classical music and had a collection of over 1,400 LPs. In 1967, he established a music fan club organization and actively participated in addition to writing his own collection of music criticism. In 1966, he participated in the Jayu geukjang (Freedom Theatre) collective and was active as a theatre critic for around ten years. See the Naver Encyclopedia of Korean Culture’s entry on Kim Youngtae. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2459866&cid=46666&categoryId=46666 Lee, Junsam, and Juyeong Lee. “Kim Youngtae: A ‘Full Range Artist’ That Encompasses Diverse Genres.” Yonhap News, 12 July 2007. https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=001&aid=0001694234
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